11 Posterior antebrachial muscles
12 Anterior antebrachial muscles
16 Muscles of facial expression
The muscles that insert on the scapula and anchor
it to the trunk form an extensive muscular sling.
During development the upper limb annexes these
Muscles of right brachium, shoulder, and chest
muscles from the head and trunk wall. They share the common functional goal of moving the scapula,
upper limb, yet produce visibly minor movements of the skeleton. Realize, however, that their major
minor, the nerves that supply these muscles arise from the roots of the brachial plexus.
26 Extensor carpi radialis longus
29 External oblique aponeurosis
32 Greater tubercle of humerus
Muscles of neck, shoulder, and back
Shoulder Muscles - Rotator Cuff
Deep dissection of the right shoulder muscles
The rotator cuff muscles are an important muscle group that play a critical role in stabilizing the
shoulder joint. The four muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis)
have thick, fl at tendons of insertion that form a strong musculotendinous cuff around all but the
inferior aspect of the glenohumeral joint. These tendons are intimately applied to the fi brous
membrane of the joint capsule. Individually each muscle contributes little to the total range of
the rotator cuff muscles are compromised by injury, the shoulder joint loses stability and
becomes highly susceptible to dislocation.
14 Greater tubercle of humerus
Deep dissection of the right shoulder muscles
Deep dissection of the right shoulder muscles
Shoulder Muscles - Prime Movers
The prime movers of the shoulder joint are the muscles that share a common attachment on the
intertubercular groove (pectoralis major, teres major, and latissimus dorsi) and the deltoid muscle.
muscles of the rotator cuff, they have a better mechanical advantage and produce the major
movements of the shoulder joint. The intertubercular groove muscles also form the anterior and
the sheet-like latissimus dorsi and thick, round teres major form the posterior axillary wall.
Muscles of neck, shoulder, brachium, and back
Muscles of neck, shoulder, brachium, and chest
three muscles — the coracobrachialis, brachialis, and biceps brachii. The coracobrachialis and
brachialis each cross a single joint, the shoulder joint and elbow joint respectively. The biceps
brachii crosses three joints, the shoulder, and the humero-ulnar and radio-ulnar joints of the
elbow. The muscles share in common the actions of fl exion of the shoulder and elbow. All three
muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve.
Muscles of the right brachium and scapula
Deep muscles of the right brachium
Muscles of the right brachium and scapula
1 Triceps brachii - medial head
2 Triceps brachii - lateral head
Transverse section of right midbrachim
anterior antebrachium form three
both of which are supplied by the ulnar nerve.
Superfi cial muscles of the right antebrachium
5 Flexor digitorum superficialis
14 Anterior interosseous artery
20 Flexor digiti minimi brevis
24 Superficial transverse metacarpal ligament
Deep muscles of the right antebrachium
Anterior view, superficial muscles removed and hand pronated
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