3 Nerve to the subclavius muscle
The brachial plexus arises from the last four cervical ventral rami and the fi rst thoracic ventral
ramus. The four cervical ventral rami pass laterBrachial Plexus
ally between the middle and internal layers of the lateral cervical body wall, the middle and
ramus. This is the beginning of the nerve plexus that will innervate almost all the muscles and
associated skin of the upper limb.
5 Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
6 Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
7 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
13 Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
14 Nerve to the obturator internus muscle
16 Perforating cutaneous nerve
19 Upper bands of sacral plexus
Pelvic dissection exposing lumbar and sacral plexus
Abdominal dissection of lumbar plexus
The lumbar plexus arises from the ventral rami of the fi rst four
lumbar spinal nerves. The plexus emerges laterally through the
intervertebral foramina to pass anterolateral between the two
27 Tensor fasciae latae muscle
Dissection of sacral plexus nerves
Dissection of pudendal nerves and vessels
The sacral plexus forms from the ventral rami of the last two
lumbar and the fi rst four sacral spinal nerves. The fourth and
fi fth lumbar spinal nerves form a descending communication,
of the sacrum. On the anterior surface of the sacrum the large roots of the plexus are noticeable
the lumbar plexus, is the nerve supply for the lower limb.
Dissection of intercostal nerves
Dissection of intercostal space
Unlike the ventral rami in the cervical, lumbar, and sacral regions, which
form plexuses, most of the thoracic ventral rami remain segmental like
their dorsal counterparts. These thoracic ventral rami, called the interIntercostal Nerves
6 Posterior intercostal artery
7 Innermost intercostal muscle
8 Transversus abdominis muscle
4 Medial cutaneous branches (dorsal rami)
5 Lateral cutaneous branches (dorsal rami)
6 Anterior cutaneous branches (ventral rami)
7 Lateral cutaneous branches (ventral rami)
Dissections exposing cutaneous nerves
Anterior view to left, Posterior view to right
Many small nerves, named cutaneous nerves, branch from the spinal
and cranial nerves and course through and between muscles to emerge
into the integumentary covering of the body. These detailed dissections
reveal all the cutaneous nerves of the body.
8 Superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerves
9 Posterior brachial cutaneous nerves
10 Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous nerves
11 Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve
12 Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
13 Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
14 Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
15 Lateral cutaneous branch of subcostal nerve
16 Anterior cutaneous branch of femoral nerve
17 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
20 Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
22 Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
In contrast to the somatic branches of the
spinal nerve, the visceral branches leave
the body wall to form nerve pathways that
8 Superior mesenteric ganglion
18 Posterior intercostal artery
20 Right superior intercostal vein
33 Innermost intercostal muscle
35 Transversus abdominis muscle
Deep dissection of sympathetic nerves, callout of communicating rami
enter the body cavities. Within the cavities these nerves form the autonomic nerve pathways,
sympathetic and parasympathetic, to the viscera. The autonomic nerves relay input signals from
the wall of the tubular gut and other viscera, while carrying output signals to smooth muscle,
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