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 thus CSF is produced at a rate of approximately 700 mL per day.

The spinal cord contains afferent and efferent fibres arranged

in discrete bundles (pathways running to and from the brain),

which are responsible for the transmission of motor and sensory

information. Peripheral nerves have myelinated and unmyelinated

axons. The sensory cell bodies of peripheral nerves are situated in

the dorsal root ganglia. The motor cell bodies are in the anterior

horns of the spinal cord (Fig. 7.1).

7.1 Clinical characteristics of headache syndromes

Onset Duration/periodicity Pain location Associated features

Primary syndromes

Migraine Evolves over

30–120 mins

Usually last <24 h, recurrent

with weeks/months


Classically unilateral but

may be anywhere

including face/neck

Aura (usually visual), nausea/vomiting,

photophobia and phonophobia

Cluster headache Rapid onset, often

waking patient from


30–120 mins, 1–4 attacks

within 24 h, clusters usually

last weeks to months, with

months to years of remission


always same side during

cluster, may switch

sides between clusters

Autonomic features, including

conjunctival injection, tearing, nasal

stuffiness, ptosis, miosis, agitation

Stabbing headache Abrupt, rarely from sleep Very brief, seconds or less Anywhere over head Common in migraineurs

Secondary syndromes

Meningitis Usually evolves over a

day or two, can be


Depends on cause and

treatment, usually days to


Global, including neck


Fever, meningism, rash, false localising

signs, signs of raised intracranial




Abrupt, immediately

maximal, rare from sleep

May be fatal at onset,

usually days to weeks

Anywhere, poor

localising value

20% isolated headache only; nausea/

vomiting, reduced consciousness, false

localising signs, III nerve palsies

Temporal arteritis Gradual onset of temple

pain and scalp


Continuous Temple and scalp Usually in those >55 years; unwell, jaw

pain on chewing, visual symptoms, tender

temporal arteries, elevated erythrocyte

sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein

The history • 121



Medulla oblongata



Postcentral gyrus

(sensory area)

Precentral gyrus

(motor area)

Sensory speech area

 (Wernicke's area)

Central sulcus

Occipital lobe

Parietal lobe

Motor speech area

 (Broca's area)

Lateral sulcus (fissure)

Frontal lobe

Temporal lobe

Posterior median septum

Dorsal column

Dorsal root entry zone

Central canal

Ventral grey horn


Mixed spinal nerve

Anterior median





Spinal ganglion

Ventral column

Lateral column

Dorsal grey horn

Dorsal intermediate septum

Pia mater

Arachnoid mater

Dura mater

Dural root


Position sense

Vibration sense

1/2 touch





Anterior (direct)

corticospinal tract C

Lateral (indirect)

corticospinal tract

Fasciculus gracilis

Fasciculus cuneatus

Anterior spinothalamic tract

Lateral spinothalamic tract

Anterior spinocerebellar tract

Posterior spinocerebellar tract

Areas of






1/2 touch


nerve fibres



Cell body



Node of



motor neurone




Fig. 7.1 Anatomy of the central nervous system. A Lateral surface of the brain. B Spinal cord, nerve roots and meninges. C Cross-section of the

spinal cord. D Spinal motor neurone. The terminals of presynaptic neurones form synapses with the cell body and dendrites of the motor neurones.

122 • The nervous system


An epileptic seizure is caused by paroxysmal electrical discharges

from either the whole brain (generalised seizure) or part of the

brain (focal seizure). A tonic–clonic seizure (convulsion) is the

most common form of generalised seizure, and typically follows a

stereotyped pattern with early loss of consciousness associated

with body stiffening (tonic phase) succeeded by rhythmical jerking

crescendoing and subsiding over 30–120 seconds (clonic phase);

this is followed by a period of unresponsiveness (often with

heavy breathing, the patient appearing to be deeply asleep) and

finally confusion as the patient reorientates (postictal phase).

The history from the patient and witnesses can help distinguish

syncope from epilepsy (Box 7.2). Focal seizures may or may not

involve loss of awareness (complete loss of consciousness is less

typical) and are characterised by whichever part of the brain is

involved: for example, a focal motor seizure arising from the motor

cortex, or temporal lobe seizures characterised by autonomic

and/or psychic symptoms, often associated with automatisms

such as lip smacking or swallowing. Functional dissociative

attacks (also known as non-epileptic or psychogenic attacks, or

pseudoseizures) are common, and may be difficult to distinguish

from epileptic seizures. These attacks are often more frequent

than epilepsy, sometimes occurring multiple times in a day, and

may last considerably longer, with symptoms waxing and waning.

Other features may include asynchronous movements, pelvic

thrusts, side-to-side rather than flexion/extension movements

and absence of postictal confusion. The widespread availability

of videophones allows witnesses to capture such events and

may prove invaluable.

If intermittent, how long do they last, and how long does

the patient remain symptom-free in between episodes?

Was the onset sudden or gradual/evolving?

Precipitating, exacerbating or

relieving factors

What was the patient doing when the symptoms


Does anything make the symptoms better or worse,

such as time of day, menstrual cycle, posture or


Associated symptoms

Associated symptoms can aid diagnosis. For example, headache

may be associated with nausea, vomiting, photophobia (aversion

to light) and/or phonophobia (aversion to sound) in migraine;

headache with neck stiffness, fever and rash may be associated

with meningitis (Box 7.1).

Common presenting symptoms


Headache is the most common neurological symptom and

may be either primary or secondary to other pathology. Primary

(idiopathic) causes include:


tension-type headache

trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (including cluster


primary stabbing, cough, exertional or sex headache

primary thunderclap headache

new daily persistent headache.

Secondary (or symptomatic) headaches are less common,

but include potentially life-threatening or disabling causes such

as subarachnoid haemorrhage or temporal arteritis. One of the

key history aspects is rapidity of onset; isolated headache with

a truly abrupt onset may represent a potentially serious cause

such as subarachnoid haemorrhage or cerebral vein thrombosis,

whereas recurrent headache is much more likely to be migraine,

particularly if associated with other migrainous features like aura,

nausea and/or vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia (Box

7.1). Asking patents what they do when they have a headache

can be instructive. For example, abandoning normal tasks and

seeking a bed in a dark, quiet room suggest migraine, whereas

pacing around the room in an agitated state, or even head

banging, suggests cluster headache.

Transient loss of consciousness

Syncope is loss of consciousness due to inadequate cerebral

perfusion and is the most common cause of transient loss of

consciousness (TLOC). Vasovagal (or reflex) syncope (fainting)

is the most common type and precipitated by stimulation of the

parasympathetic nervous system, as with pain or intercurrent

illness. Exercise-related syncope, or syncope with no warning or

trigger, suggests a possible cardiac cause. TLOC on standing

is suggestive of orthostatic (postural) hypotension and may be

caused by drugs (antihypertensives or levodopa) or associated

with autonomic neuropathies, which may complicate conditions

such as diabetes.

7.2 Features that help discriminate vasovagal syncope

from epileptic seizure

Feature Vasovagal syncope Seizure

Triggers Typically pain, illness,


Often none (sleep

deprivation, alcohol,


Prodrome Feeling faint/

lightheaded, nausea,

tinnitus, vision


Focal onset (not always


Duration of


<60 s 1–2 mins

Convulsion May occur but usually

brief myoclonic jerks

Usual, tonic–clonic

1–2 mins

Colour Pale/grey Flushed/cyanosed, may

be pale

Injuries Uncommon,

sometimes biting of

tip of tongue

Lateral tongue biting,

headache, generalised

myalgia, back pain

(sometimes vertebral

compression fractures),

shoulder fracture/

dislocation (rare)

Recovery Rapid, no confusion Gradual, over 30 mins;

patient is often confused,

sometimes agitated/

aggressive, amnesic

The history • 123


than ischaemia include use of anticoagulation, headache, vomiting,

seizures and early reduced consciousness. Haemorrhagic stroke

is much more frequent in Asian populations. Spinal strokes are

very rare; patients typically present with abrupt bilateral paralysis,

depending on the level of spinal cord affected. The anterior

spinal artery syndrome is most common and causes loss of

motor function and pain/temperature sensation, with relative

sparing of joint position and vibration sensation below the level

of the lesion.

Dizziness and vertigo

Patients use ‘dizziness’ to describe many sensations. Recurrent

‘dizzy spells’ affect approximately 30% of those over 65 years

and can be due to postural hypotension, cerebrovascular disease,

cardiac arrhythmia or hyperventilation induced by anxiety and

panic. Vertigo (the illusion of movement) specifically indicates a

problem in the vestibular apparatus (peripheral) or, much less

commonly, the brain (central) (see Box 9.3 and p. 174). TIAs

do not cause isolated vertigo. Identifying a specific cause of

dizziness is often challenging but may be rewarding in some

cases, including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV),

which is eminently treatable. As a guide, recurrent episodes of

vertigo lasting a few seconds are most likely to be due to BPPV;

vertigo lasting minutes or hours may be caused by Ménière’s

disease (with associated symptoms including hearing loss, tinnitus,

nausea and vomiting) or migrainous vertigo (with or without


Functional neurological symptoms

Many neurological symptoms are not due to disease. These

symptoms are often called ‘functional’ but other (less useful

and more pejorative) terms include psychogenic, hysterical,

somatisation or conversion disorders. Presentations include

blindness, tremor, weakness and collapsing attacks, and patients

will often describe numerous other symptoms, with fatigue,

lethargy, pain, anxiety and other mood disorders commonly

associated. Diagnosing functional symptoms requires experience

and patience (p. 363). Clues include symptoms not compatible

with disease (such as retained awareness of convulsing during

non-epileptic attacks, or being able to walk normally backwards

but not forwards), considerable variability in symptoms (such

as intermittent recovery of a hemiparesis), multiple symptoms

(often with numerous previous assessments by other specialties,

particularly gynaecology, gastroenterology, ear, nose and throat

and cardiorespiratory) and multiple unremarkable investigations,

leading to numerous different diagnoses. The size of a patient’s

case notes can sometimes be a clue in itself! Beware of labelling

symptoms as functional simply because they appear odd or

inexplicable. Like disease, most functional neurological disorders

follow recognisable patterns, so be cautious when the pattern

is atypical.

Past medical history

Symptoms that the patient has forgotten about or overlooked may

be important; for example, a history of previous visual loss (optic

neuritis) in someone presenting with numbness suggests multiple

sclerosis. Birth history and development may be significant, as

in epilepsy. Contact parents or family doctors to obtain such

information. If considering a vascular cause of neurological

symptoms, ask about important risk factors, such as other

vascular disease, hypertension, family history and smoking.

Stroke and transient ischaemic attack

A stroke is a focal neurological deficit of rapid onset that is

due to a vascular cause. A transient ischaemic attack (TIA) is

the same but symptoms resolve within 24 hours. TIAs are an

important risk factor for impending stroke and demand urgent

assessment and treatment. Hemiplegia following middle cerebral

artery occlusion is a typical example but symptoms are dictated by

the vascular territory involved. Much of the cerebral hemispheres

are supplied by the anterior circulation (the anterior and middle

cerebral arteries are derived from the internal carotid artery), while

the occipital lobes and brainstem are supplied by the posterior

(vertebrobasilar) circulation (Fig. 7.2).

A useful and simple clinical system for classifying stroke is

shown in Box 7.3.

Isolated vertigo, amnesia or TLOC are rarely, if ever, due

to stroke. In industrialised countries about 80% of strokes are

ischaemic, the remainder haemorrhagic. Factors in the history or

examination that increase the likelihood of haemorrhage rather

Anterior cerebral artery

Anterior communicating artery

Middle cerebral artery

Internal carotid artery

Posterior cerebral artery

Basilar artery


communicating artery

Vertebral artery

Circle of Willis

Fig. 7.2 The arterial blood supply of the brain (circle of Willis).

7.3 Clinical classification of stroke

Total anterior circulation syndrome (TACS)

• Hemiparesis, hemianopia and higher cortical deficit (e.g. dysphasia

or visuospatial loss)

Partial anterior circulation syndrome (PACS)

• Two of the three components of a TACS

• OR isolated higher cortical deficit

• OR motor/sensory deficit more restricted than LACS (see below)

Posterior circulation syndrome (POCS)

• Ipsilateral cranial nerve palsy with contralateral motor and/or

sensory deficit

• OR bilateral motor and/or sensory deficit

• OR disorder of conjugate eye movement

• OR cerebellar dysfunction without ipsilateral long-tract deficits

• OR isolated homonymous visual field defect

Lacunar syndrome (LACS)

• Pure motor > 2 out of 3 of face, arm, leg

• OR pure sensory > 2 out of 3 of face, arm, leg

• OR pure sensorimotor > 2 out of 3 of face, arm, leg

• OR ataxic hemiparesis

124 • The nervous system

The physical examination

Neurological assessment begins with your first contact with the

patient and continues during the history. Note facial expression,

demeanour, dress, posture, gait and speech. Mental state

examination (p. 320) and general examination (p. 20) are integral

parts of the neurological examination.

Assessment of conscious level

Consciousness has two main components:

The state of consciousness depends largely on integrity of

the ascending reticular activating system, which extends

from the brainstem to the thalamus.

The content of consciousness refers to how aware the

person is and depends on the cerebral cortex, the

thalamus and their connections.

Do not use ill-defined terms such as stuporose or obtunded.

Use the Glasgow Coma Scale (see Box 18.5), a reliable and

reproducible tool, to record conscious level.

Meningeal irritation

Meningism (inflammation or irritation of the meninges) can lead

to increased resistance to passive flexion of the neck (neck

stiffness) or the extended leg (Kernig’s sign). Patients may lie with

flexed hips to ease their symptoms. Meningism suggests infection

(meningitis) or blood within the subarachnoid space (subarachnoid

haemorrhage) but can occur with non-neurological infections, such

as urinary tract infection or pneumonia. Conversely, absence of

meningism does not exclude pathology within the subarachnoid

space. In meningitis, neck stiffness has relatively low sensitivity

but higher specificity. The absence of all three signs of fever,

neck stiffness and altered mental state virtually eliminates the

diagnosis of meningitis in immunocompetent individuals.

Examination sequence

• Position the patient supine with no pillow.

• Expose and fully extend both of the patient’s legs.

Neck stiffness

• Place your hands on either side of the patient’s head,

supporting the occiput.

• Flex the patient’s head gently until their chin touches their


Ask the patient to hold that position for 10 seconds. If

neck stiffness is present, the neck cannot be passively

flexed and you may feel spasm in the neck muscles.

• Flexion of the hips and knees in response to neck flexion

is Brudzinski’s sign.

Kernig’s sign

• Flex one of the patient’s legs to 90 degrees at both the

hip and the knee, with your left hand placed over the

medial hamstrings (Fig. 7.3).

• Extend the knee while the hip is maintained in flexion.

Look at the other leg for any reflex flexion. Kernig’s sign is

positive when extension is resisted by spasm in the

hamstrings. Kernig’s sign is absent with local causes of

neck stiffness, such as cervical spine disease or raised

intracranial pressure.

Drug history

Always enquire about drugs, including prescribed, over-thecounter, complementary and recreational/illegal ones, as they

can give rise to many neurological symptoms (for example,

phenytoin toxicity causing ataxia; excessive intake of simple

analgesia causing medication overuse headache; use of cocaine

provoking convulsions).

Family history

Obtain a family history for at least first-degree relatives:

parents, siblings and children. In some communities, parental

consanguinity is common, increasing the risk of autosomal

recessive conditions, so you may need to enquire sensitively about

this. Many neurological disorders are caused by single-gene

defects, such as myotonic dystrophy or Huntington’s disease.

Others have important polygenic influences, as in multiple

sclerosis or migraine. Some conditions have a variety of

inheritance patterns; for example, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease

may be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked.

Mitochondria uniquely have their own DNA, and abnormalities in

this DNA can cause a range of disorders that manifest in many

different systems (such as diabetes, short stature and deafness),

and may cause common neurological syndromes such as migraine

or epilepsy. Some diseases, such as Parkinson’s or motor

neurone disease, may be either due to single-gene disorders

or sporadic.

Social history

Social circumstances are relevant. How are patients coping with

their symptoms? Are they able to work and drive? What are their

support circumstances, and are these adequate?

Alcohol is the most common neurological toxin and damages

both the CNS (ataxia, seizures, dementia) and the PNS

(neuropathy). Poor diet with vitamin deficiency may compound

these problems and is relevant in areas affected by famine and

alcoholism or dietary exclusion. Vegetarians may be susceptible

to vitamin B12 deficiency. Recreational drugs may affect the

nervous system; for example, nitrous oxide inhalation causes

subacute combined degeneration of the cord due to dysfunction

of the vitamin B12 pathway, and smoking contributes to vascular

and malignant disease. Always consider sexually transmitted

or blood-borne infection, such as human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV) or syphilis, as both can cause a wide range of

neurological symptoms and are treatable. A travel history may

give clues to the underlying diagnosis, such as Lyme disease

(facial palsy), neurocysticercosis (brain lesions and epilepsy) or

malaria (coma).

Occupational history

Occupational factors are relevant to several neurological disorders.

For example, toxic peripheral neuropathy, due to exposure to

heavy or organic metals like lead, causes a motor neuropathy;

manganese causes Parkinsonism. Some neurological diagnoses

may adversely affect occupation, such as epilepsy in anyone who

needs to drive or operate dangerous machinery. For patients with

cognitive disorders, particularly dementias, it may be necessary

to advise on whether to stop working.

The physical examination • 125


Dysphonia usually results from either vocal cord pathology,

as in laryngitis, or damage to the vagal (X) nerve supply to

the vocal cords (recurrent laryngeal nerve). Inability to abduct

one of the vocal cords leads to a ‘bovine’ (and ineffective)



Dysphasia is a disturbance of language resulting in abnormalities

of speech production and/or understanding. It may involve other

language symptoms, such as writing and/or reading problems,

unlike dysarthria and dysphonia.


The language areas are located in the dominant cerebral

hemisphere, which is the left in almost all right-handed people

and most left-handed people.

Broca’s area (inferior frontal region) is concerned with word

production and language expression.

Wernicke’s area (superior posterior temporal lobe) is the

principal area for comprehension of spoken language. Adjacent

regions of the parietal lobe are involved in understanding written

language and numbers.

The arcuate fasciculus connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas.

Examination sequence

During spontaneous speech, listen to the fluency and

appropriateness of the content, particularly paraphasias

(incorrect words) and neologisms (nonsense or

meaningless new words).

• Show the patient a common object, such as a coin or

pen, and ask them to name it.

• Give a simple three-stage command, such as ‘Pick up this

piece of paper, fold it in half and place it under the book.’

• Ask the patient to repeat a simple sentence, such as

‘Today is Tuesday.’

• Ask the patient to read a passage from a newspaper.

• Ask the patient to write a sentence; examine the


Expressive (motor) dysphasia results from damage to Broca’s

area. It is characterised by reduced verbal output with non-fluent

speech and errors of grammar and syntax. Comprehension is


Receptive (sensory) dysphasia occurs due to dysfunction in

Wernicke’s area. There is poor comprehension, and although

speech is fluent, it may be meaningless and contain paraphasias

and neologisms.

Global dysphasia is a combination of expressive and receptive

difficulties caused by involvement of both areas.

Dysphasia (a focal sign) is frequently misdiagnosed as

confusion (non-focal). Always consider dysphasia before assuming

confusion, as this fundamentally alters the differential diagnosis

and management.

Dominant parietal lobe lesions affecting the supramarginal gyrus

may cause dyslexia (difficulty comprehending written language),

dyscalculia (problems with simple addition and subtraction) and

dysgraphia (impairment of writing). Gerstmann’s syndrome is the

combination of dysgraphia, dyscalculia, finger agnosia (inability

to recognise the fingers) and inability to distinguish left from

right. It localises to the left parietal lobe in the region of the

angular gyrus.


Dysarthria refers to slurred or ‘strangulated’ speech caused by

articulation problems due to a motor deficit.

Dysphonia describes loss of volume caused by laryngeal


Examination sequence

• Listen to the patient’s spontaneous speech, noting

volume, rhythm and clarity.

• Ask the patient to repeat phrases such as ‘yellow lorry’ to

test lingual (tongue) sounds and ‘baby hippopotamus’ for

labial (lip) sounds, then a tongue twister such as ‘The Leith

police dismisseth us.’

• Ask the patient to count to 30 to assess fatigue.

• Ask the patient to cough and to say ‘Ah’; observe the soft

palate rising bilaterally.

Disturbed articulation (dysarthria) may result from localised

lesions of the tongue, lips or mouth, ill-fitting dentures or

neurological dysfunction. This may be due to pathology anywhere

in the upper and lower motor neurones, cerebellum, extrapyramidal

system, or nerve, muscle or neuromuscular junction.

Bilateral upper motor neurone lesions of the corticobulbar tracts

cause a pseudobulbar dysarthria, characterised by a slow, harsh,

strangulated speech with difficulty pronouncing consonants, and

may be accompanied by a brisk jaw jerk and emotional lability.

The tongue is contracted and stiff.

Bulbar palsy (see Box 7.5 later) results from bilateral lower motor

neurone lesions affecting the same group of cranial nerves (IX, X,

XI, XII). The nature of the speech disturbance is determined by the

specific nerves and muscles involved. Weakness of the tongue

results in difficulty with lingual sounds, while palatal weakness

gives a nasal quality to the speech.

Cerebellar dysarthria may be slow and slurred, similar to alcohol

intoxication. Myasthenia gravis causes fatiguing speech, becoming

increasing nasal, and may disappear altogether. Parkinsonism may

cause dysarthria and dysphonia, with a low-volume, monotonous

voice, words running into each other (festination of speech), and

marked stuttering/hesitation.

Fig. 7.3 Testing for meningeal irritation: Kernig’s sign.

126 • The nervous system

cortical function can be difficult and time-consuming but is essential

in patients with cognitive symptoms. There are various tools, all

primarily developed as screening and assessment tools for dementia.

For the bedside the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) are quick to administer,

while the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination is more detailed

but takes longer. None of these bedside tests is a substitute for

detailed neuropsychological assessment. The assessment of

cognitive function is covered in more detail on page 323.

Cortical function

Thinking, emotions, language, behaviour, planning and initiation of

movements, and perception of sensory information are functions of

the cerebral cortex and are central to awareness of, and interaction

with, the environment. Certain cortical areas are associated with

specific functions, so particular patterns of dysfunction can help

localise the site of pathology (Fig. 7.4A). Assessment of higher

2 Parietal lobe

Dominant side




Planned movement

Appreciation of size,

shape, weight

and texture







Homonymous hemianopia

Non-dominant side


Spatial orientation

Constructional skills


Neglect of non-dominant side

Spatial disorientation

Constructional apraxia

Dressing apraxia

Homonymous hemianopia

4 Temporal lobe

Dominant side


Auditory perception

Speech, language

Verbal memory





Poor memory

Complex hallucinations

(smell, sound, vision)

Homonymous hemianopia

Non-dominant side


Auditory perception

Music, tone sequences

Non-verbal memory

(faces, shapes, music)



Poor non-verbal memory

Loss of musical skills

Complex hallucinations

Homonymous hemianopia

1 Frontal lobe



Emotional response

Social behaviour

3 Occipital lobe


Analysis of vision



Lack of initiative

Antisocial behaviour

Impaired memory


Grasp reflexes


1 2

4 3


Homonymous hemianopia

Hemianopic scotomas

Visual agnosia

Impaired face recognition


Visual hallucinations

(lights, lines and zigzags)




Knee Hip



















M a s t i c a t i o n S a l i v a t i o n V o c a l i s a t i o n

B Fig. 7.4 Cortical function. A Features of localised cerebral

lesions. B Somatotopic homunculus.

Cranial nerves • 127


Cranial nerves

The 12 pairs of cranial nerves (with the exception of the olfactory

(I) pair) arise from the brainstem (Fig. 7.5 and Box 7.4). Cranial

nerves II, III, IV and VI relate to the eye (Ch. 8) and the VIII nerve

to hearing and balance (Ch. 9).

Olfactory (I) nerve

The olfactory nerve conveys the sense of smell.


Bipolar cells in the olfactory bulb form olfactory filaments with small

receptors projecting through the cribriform plate high in the nasal

cavity. These cells synapse with second-order neurones, which

project centrally via the olfactory tract to the medial temporal

lobe and amygdala.

Examination sequence

Bedside testing of smell is of limited clinical value, and rarely

performed, although objective ‘scratch and sniff’ test cards,

such as the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification

Test (UPSIT), are available. You can ask patients if they think

their sense of smell is normal, although self-reporting can be

surprisingly inaccurate.

Frontal lobe

The posterior part of the frontal lobe is the motor strip (precentral

gyrus), which controls voluntary movement. The motor strip

is organised somatotopically (Fig. 7.4B). The area anterior

to the precentral gyrus is concerned with personality, social

behaviour, emotions, cognition and expressive language, and

contains the frontal eye fields and cortical centre for micturition

(Fig. 7.4A).

Frontal lobe damage may cause:

personality and behaviour changes, such as apathy or


loss of emotional responsiveness, or emotional lability

cognitive impairments, such as memory, attention and


dysphasia (dominant hemisphere)

conjugate gaze deviation to the side of the lesion

urinary incontinence

primitive reflexes, such as grasp

focal motor seizures (motor strip).

Temporal lobe

The temporal lobe contains the primary auditory cortex, Wernicke’s

area and parts of the limbic system. The latter is crucially important

in memory, emotion and smell appreciation. The temporal lobe

also contains the lower fibres of the optic radiation and the area

of auditory perception.

Temporal lobe dysfunction may cause:

memory impairment

focal seizures with psychic symptoms

contralateral upper quadrantanopia (see Fig. 8.5(4))

receptive dysphasia (dominant hemisphere).

Parietal lobe

The postcentral gyrus (sensory strip) is the most anterior part

of the parietal lobe and is the principal destination of conscious

sensations. The upper fibres of the optic radiation pass through

it. The dominant hemisphere contains aspects of language

function and the non-dominant lobe is concerned with spatial


Features of parietal lobe dysfunction include:

cortical sensory impairments

contralateral lower quadrantanopia (see Fig. 8.5(5))

dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia

apraxia (an inability to carry out complex tasks despite

having an intact sensory and motor system)

focal sensory seizures (postcentral gyrus)

visuospatial disturbance (non-dominant parietal lobe).

Occipital lobe

The occipital lobe blends with the temporal and parietal lobes

and forms the posterior part of the cerebral cortex. Its main

function is analysis of visual information.

Occipital lobe damage may cause:

visual field defects: hemianopia (loss of part of a visual

field) or scotoma (blind spot) (see Fig. 8.5(6)).

visual agnosia: the inability to recognise visual stimuli

disturbances of visual perception, such as macropsia

(seeing things larger) or micropsia (seeing things smaller)

visual hallucinations.

7.4 Summary of the 12 cranial nerves

Nerve Examination Abnormalities/symptoms

I Sense of smell, each



II Visual acuity

Visual fields

Pupil size and shape

Pupil light reflex


Partial sight/blindness

Scotoma; hemianopia


Impairment or loss

Optic disc and retinal changes

III Light and

accommodation reflex

Impairment or loss


and VI

Eye position and


Strabismus, diplopia, nystagmus

V Facial sensation

Corneal reflex

Muscles of mastication

Jaw jerk

Impairment, distortion or loss

Impairment or loss

Weakness of chewing movements

Increase in upper motor neurone


VII Muscles of facial


Taste over anterior

two-thirds of tongue

Facial weakness

Ageusia (loss of taste)

VIII Whisper and tuning

fork tests

Vestibular tests

Impaired hearing/deafness

Nystagmus and vertigo

IX Pharyngeal sensation Not routinely tested

X Palate movements Unilateral or bilateral impairment

XI Trapezius and


Weakness of scapular and neck


XII Tongue appearance

and movement

Dysarthria and chewing/

swallowing difficulties

128 • The nervous system

ganglion, the V nerve passes to the pons. From here, pain and

temperature pathways descend to the C2 segment of the spinal

cord, so ipsilateral facial numbness may occur with cervical cord


There are three major branches of V (Fig. 7.6):

ophthalmic (V1): sensory

maxillary (V2): sensory

mandibular (V3): sensory and motor.






Fig. 7.6 The sensory distribution of the three divisions of the

trigeminal nerve. 1, Ophthalmic division. 2, Maxillary division.

3, Mandibular division.

Olfactory nerves

(cribriform plate)

Ophthalmic division of

trigeminal nerve

(superior orbital fissure)

Maxillary division of

trigeminal nerve

(foramen rotundum)

Trigeminal ganglion in

Meckel's cave

Trigeminal nerve (motor root)



Vagus nerve

Spinal accessory




Hypoglossal nerve (hypoglossal canal)

Optic nerve (optic canal)

Oculomotor nerve

Trochlear nerve




Mandibular division of trigeminal

nerve (foramen ovale)

Facial and

vestibulocochlear nerves

(internal acoustic meatus)

Abducens nerve (inferior petrosal sinus)

Anterior cranial fossa

Middle cranial fossa

Posterior cranial fossa

Fig. 7.5 Base of the cranial cavity. The dura mater, with the cranial nerves and their exits from the skull. On the right side, part of the tentorium

cerebelli and the roof of the trigeminal cave have been removed.

Hyposmia or anosmia (reduction or loss of the sense of

smell) may result from upper respiratory infection, sinus

disease, damage to the olfactory filaments after head injury or

infection, local compression (by olfactory groove meningioma,

for example; see Fig. 7.29C) or invasion by basal skull

tumours. Disturbance of smell may also occur very early in

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Patients often note

hypogeusia/ageusia (altered taste) with anosmia too, as taste

is crucially influenced by the sense of smell.

Parosmia is the perception of pleasant odours as

unpleasant; it may occur with head trauma or sinus

infection, or be an adverse effect of drugs. Olfactory

hallucinations may occur in Alzheimer’s disease and focal


Optic (II), oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV)

and abducens (VI) nerves

See Chapter 8.

Trigeminal (V) nerve

The V nerve conveys sensation from the face, mouth and part of

the dura, and provides motor supply to the muscles of mastication.


The cell bodies of the sensory fibres are located in the trigeminal

(Gasserian) ganglion, which lies in a cavity (Meckel’s cave) in

the petrous temporal dura (see Fig. 7.5). From the trigeminal

Cranial nerves • 129


Jaw jerk

• Ask the patient to let their mouth hang loosely open.

• Place your forefinger in the midline between lower lip and


• Percuss your finger gently with the tendon hammer in a

downward direction (Fig. 7.8), noting any reflex closing of

the jaw.

• An absent, or just present, reflex is normal. A brisk jaw

jerk occurs in pseudobulbar palsy (Box 7.5).

The ophthalmic branch leaves the ganglion and passes forward

to the superior orbital fissure via the wall of the cavernous sinus

(see Fig. 8.3). In addition to the skin of the upper nose, upper

eyelid, forehead and scalp, V1 supplies sensation to the eye

(cornea and conjunctiva) and the mucous membranes of the

sphenoidal and ethmoid sinuses and upper nasal cavity.

The maxillary branch (V2) passes from the ganglion via the

cavernous sinus to leave the skull by the foramen rotundum.

It contains sensory fibres from the mucous membranes of

the upper mouth, roof of pharynx, gums, teeth and palate

of the upper jaw and the maxillary, sphenoidal and ethmoid


The mandibular branch (V3) exits the skull via the foramen ovale

and supplies the floor of the mouth, sensation (but not taste)

to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, the gums and teeth of

the lower jaw, mucosa of the cheek and the temporomandibular

joint, in addition to the skin of the lower lips and jaw area, but

not the angle of the jaw (see Fig. 7.6).

The motor fibres of V run in the mandibular branch (V3) and

innervate the muscles of mastication: temporalis, masseter and

medial and lateral pterygoids.

Examination sequence

Four aspects need to be assessed: sensory, motor and two



• Ask the patient to close their eyes and say ‘yes’ each time

they feel a light touch (you use a cotton-wool tip for this

test). Do this in the areas of V1, V2 and V3.

• Repeat using a fresh neurological pin, such as a Neurotip,

to test superficial pain.

Compare both sides. If you identify an area of reduced

sensation, map it out. Does it conform to the distribution

of the trigeminal nerve or branches? Remember the angle

of the jaw is served by C2 and not the trigeminal nerve,

but V1 extends towards the vertex (see Fig. 7.6).

• ‘Nasal tickle’ test: use a wisp of cotton wool to ‘tickle’ the

inside of each nostril and ask the patient to compare. The

normal result is an unpleasant sensation easily appreciated

by the patient.

Motor (signs rare)

Inspect for wasting of the muscles of mastication (most

apparent in temporalis).

• Ask the patient to clench their teeth; feel the masseters,

estimating their bulk.

• Ask the patient to open their jaw and note any deviation;

the jaw may deviate to the paralysed side due to

contraction of the intact contralateral pterygoid muscle.

Corneal reflex

Routine testing of the corneal reflex is unnecessary, but may

be relevant when the history suggests a lesion localising to

the brainstem or cranial nerves V, VII or VIII. The afferent limb

is via the trigeminal nerve, the efferent limb via the facial


• Explain to the patient what you are going to do and ask

them to remove their contact lenses, if relevant.

• Gently depress the lower eyelid while the patient looks up.

• Lightly touch the lateral edge of the cornea with a wisp of

damp cotton wool (Fig. 7.7).

• Look for both direct and consensual blinking.

Fig. 7.7 Testing the corneal reflex. The cotton-wool wisp should touch

the cornea overlying the iris, not the conjunctiva, and avoid visual stimulus.

Fig. 7.8 Eliciting the jaw jerk.

7.5 Comparison of bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy

Bulbar palsy Pseudobulbar palsy

Level of motor lesion Lower motor


Upper motor neurone

Speech Dysarthria Dysarthria and dysphonia

Swallowing Dysphagia Dysphagia

Tongue Weak, wasted

and fasciculating

Spastic, slow-moving

Jaw jerk Absent Present/brisk

Emotional lability Absent May be present

Causes Motor neurone


Cerebrovascular disease,

motor neurone disease,

multiple sclerosis

130 • The nervous system

from the lateral pontomedullary junction in close association with

the VIII nerve (Fig. 7.11); together they enter the internal acoustic

meatus (see Fig. 7.5). At the lateral end of the meatus the VII

nerve continues in the facial canal within the temporal bone,

exiting the skull via the stylomastoid foramen. Passing through

the parotid gland, it gives off its terminal branches. In its course

in the facial canal it gives off branches to the stapedius muscle

and its parasympathetic fibres, as well as being joined by the

taste fibres of the chorda tympani (see Fig. 7.10).

Examination sequence

Examination is usually confined to motor function; taste is

rarely tested.

Motor function

Inspect the face for asymmetry or differences in blinking or

eye closure on one side. Note that minor facial asymmetry

is common and rarely pathological.

• Watch for spontaneous or involuntary movement.

• For the following actions it is often easiest to demonstrate

the actions yourself and ask the patient to copy you,

observing for any asymmetry.

• Ask the patient to raise their eyebrows and observe for

symmetrical wrinkling of the forehead (frontalis muscle).

• Ask the patient to screw their eyes tightly shut and resist

you opening them (orbicularis oculi).

• Ask the patient to bare their teeth (orbicularis oris).

• Ask the patient to blow out their cheeks with their mouth

closed (buccinators and orbicularis oris).

Sensory symptoms include facial numbness and pain. Unilateral

loss of sensation in one or more branches of the V nerve may

result from direct injury in association with facial fractures

(particularly V2), local invasion by cancer or Sjögren’s syndrome.

Lesions in the cavernous sinus often cause loss of the corneal

reflex and V1 or V2 cutaneous sensory loss. Cranial nerves III, IV

and VI may also be involved (see Fig. 8.3). Trigeminal neuralgia

causes severe, lancinating pain, typically in the distribution of V2

or V3. Reactivation of herpes varicella zoster virus (chickenpox)

can affect any sensory nerve, but typically either V1 or a thoracic

dermatome (Fig. 7.9). In herpes zoster ophthalmicus (affecting V1)

there is a risk of sight-threatening complications. Hutchinson’s

sign, vesicles on the side or tip of the nose, may be present.

Clinically significant weakness of the muscles of mastication

is unusual but may occur in myasthenia gravis, with fatigable


Facial (VII) nerve

The facial nerve supplies the muscles of facial expression (frontalis,

orbicularis oculi, buccinators, orbicularis oris and platysma) and

carries parasympathetic fibres to the lacrimal, submandibular and

sublingual salivary glands (via nervus intermedius). It receives

taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (via

the chorda tympani; Fig. 7.10).


From its motor nucleus in the lower pons, fibres of the VII nerve

pass back to loop around the VI nerve nucleus before emerging



Fig. 7.9 Herpes zoster. A The ophthalmic division of the left trigeminal (V) nerve is involved. B The maxillary division of the left V nerve. C Cervical

spinal root left C5. D Thoracic spinal root right T8.

Cranial nerves • 131


angle tumours (including acoustic neuroma), trauma and

parotid tumours. Synkinesis (involuntary muscle contraction

accompanying a voluntary movement: most commonly, twitching

of the corner of the mouth with ipsilateral blinking) is a sign of

aberrant reinnervation and may be seen in recovering lower

motor neurone VII lesions.

In unilateral VII nerve upper motor neurone lesions, weakness

is marked in the lower facial muscles with relative sparing of the

upper face. This is because there is bilateral cortical innervation

of the upper facial muscles. The nasolabial fold may be flattened

and the corner of the mouth drooped, but eye closure is

usually preserved (Fig. 7.12B). Hemifacial spasm presents with

synchronised twitching of the ipsilateral eye and mouth.

Bilateral facial palsies are less common, but occasionally occur,

as in Guillain–Barré syndrome, sarcoidosis, or infection such as

Lyme disease, HIV or leprosy. Facial weakness, especially with

respect to eye closure, can also be found in some congenital

myopathies (facioscapulohumeral or myotonic dystrophies).

Distinct from VII nerve palsies, Parkinson’s disease can cause loss

of spontaneous facial movements, including a slowed blink rate,

and involuntary facial movements (levodopa-induced dyskinesias)

may complicate advanced disease.

Involuntary emotional movements, such as spontaneous

smiling, have different pathways and may be preserved in the

presence of paresis.

Vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve

See page 173.

Glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagus (X) nerves

The IX and X nerves have an intimate anatomical relationship.

Both contain sensory, motor and autonomic components. The

glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve mainly carries sensation from the

pharynx and tonsils, and sensation and taste from the posterior

one-third of the tongue. The IX nerve also supplies the carotid

chemoreceptors. The vagus (X) nerve carries important sensory

In a unilateral lower motor neurone VII nerve lesion, there is

weakness of both upper and lower facial muscles. Bell’s palsy

is the term used to describe an idiopathic acute lower motor

neurone VII nerve paralysis, often preceded by mastoid pain. It

may be associated with impairment of taste and hyperacusis

(high-pitched sounds appearing unpleasantly louder than normal).

Bell’s phenomenon occurs when a patient closes their eyes:

as eye closure is incomplete the globe can be seen to roll

upwards, to avoid corneal exposure (Fig. 7.12A). Ramsay Hunt

syndrome occurs in herpes zoster infection of the geniculate (facial)

ganglion. This produces a severe lower motor neurone facial

palsy, ipsilateral loss of taste and buccal ulceration, and a painful

vesicular eruption in the external auditory meatus. Other causes

of a lower motor neurone VII lesion include cerebellopontine

Submandibular ganglion

Stylomastoid foramen

Nucleus solitarius

Abducens nucleus

Superior salivatory




Geniculate ganglion



To facial muscles

To stapedius



Lacrimal gland

Anterior two-thirds

of the tongue





Mucous mambranes

of nasal and oral


Fourth ventricle

Facial nucleus

= Motor fibres

= Sensory

= Parasympathetic

Fig. 7.10 Component fibres of the facial nerve and their peripheral distribution.

Fig. 7.11 Lesions of the pons. Lesions at (1) may result in ipsilateral VI

and VII nerve palsies and contralateral hemiplegia. At (2) ipsilateral

cerebellar signs and impaired sensation on the ipsilateral side of the face

and on the contralateral side of the body may occur.

132 • The nervous system

Isolated unilateral IX nerve lesions are rare. Unilateral X nerve

damage leads to ipsilateral reduced elevation of the soft palate,

which may cause deviation of the uvula (away from the side of

the lesion) when the patient says ‘Ah’. Unilateral lesions of IX and

X are most commonly caused by strokes, skull-base fractures or

tumours. Damage to the recurrent laryngeal branch of the X nerve

due to lung cancer, thyroid surgery, mediastinal tumours and

aortic arch aneurysms causes dysphonia and a ‘bovine’ cough.

Bilateral X nerve lesions cause dysphagia and dysarthria, and may

be due to lesions at the upper motor neurone level (pseudobulbar

palsy) or lower motor neurone level (bulbar palsy; see Box 7.5).

Less severe cases can result in nasal regurgitation of fluids and

nasal air escape when the cheeks are puffed out (dysarthria and

nasal escape are often evident during history taking). Always

consider myasthenia gravis in patients with symptoms of bulbar

dysfunction, even if the examination seems normal.

information but also innervates upper pharyngeal and laryngeal

muscles. The main functions of IX and X that can be tested

clinically are swallowing, phonation/articulation and sensation

from the pharynx/larynx. In the thorax and abdomen, the vagus

(X) nerve receives sensory fibres from the lungs and carries

parasympathetic fibres to the lungs, heart and abdominal viscera.


Both nerves arise as several roots from the lateral medulla and

leave the skull together via the jugular foramen (see Fig. 7.5). The

IX nerve passes down and forwards to supply the stylopharyngeus

muscle, the mucosa of the pharynx, the tonsils and the posterior

one-third of the tongue, and sends parasympathetic fibres to the

parotid gland. The X nerve courses down in the carotid sheath

into the thorax, giving off several branches, including pharyngeal

and recurrent laryngeal branches, which provide motor supply

to the pharyngeal, soft palate and laryngeal muscles. The main

nuclei of these nerves in the medulla are the nucleus ambiguus

(motor), the dorsal motor vagal nucleus (parasympathetic) and

the solitary nucleus (visceral sensation; Fig. 7.13).

Examination sequence

• Assess the patient’s speech for dysarthria or dysphonia

(p. 125).

• Ask them to say ‘Ah’. Look at the movements of the

palate and uvula using a torch. Normally, both sides of the

palate elevate symmetrically and the uvula remains in the


• Ask the patient to puff out their cheeks with their lips

tightly closed. Listen for air escaping from the nose. For

the cheeks to puff out, the palate must elevate and

occlude the nasopharynx. If palatal movement is weak, air

will escape audibly through the nose.

• Ask the patient to cough; assess the strength of the


• Testing pharyngeal sensation and the gag reflex is

unpleasant and has poor predictive value for aspiration.

Instead, and in fully conscious patients only, use the

swallow test. Administer 3 teaspoons of water and

observe for absent swallow, cough or delayed cough, or

change in voice quality after each teaspoon. If there are no

problems, observe again while the patient swallows a

glass of water.

Preserved function

in upper face

Loss of

nasolabial fold

Mouth deviates

to normal side


Loss of frontal


Loss of

nasolabial fold

Mouth deviates

to normal side

Bell’s phenomenon

Fig. 7.12 Types of facial weakness. A Right-sided lower motor neurone lesion (within facial nerve or nucleus); Bell’s phenomenon is also shown.

B Right-sided upper motor neurone lesion.


Sensory to pharynx

Motor to stylopharyngeus

Taste from posterior one-third

of tongue

Pharyngeal nerve

Elevators of palate and

closure of nasopharynx

Peristaltic movement of

constrictor muscles

(superior middle

and inferior)

Recurrent laryngeal


Motor to all the

intrinsic muscles

of the larynx

Spinal part of

accessory nerve

Motor to sternomastoid and

trapezius muscles






Superior laryngeal






Fig. 7.13 The lower cranial nerves: glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X)

and accessory (XI).

Motor system • 133


• Ask the patient to put out their tongue. Look for deviation

or involuntary movement.

• Ask the patient to move their tongue quickly from side to


• Test power by asking the patient to press their tongue

against the inside of each cheek in turn while you press

from the outside with your finger.

• Assess speech by asking the patient to say ‘yellow lorry’.

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