78. Describe the role of pre-extraction guides in teeth selection.
79. Differentiate between natural and artificial occlusion.
80. Differentiate between acrylic resin teeth and porcelain teeth.
81. Write in detail about the importance of medical history.
82. Write a short note on the effect of natural tooth loss.
83. Write a short note on palatal throat form.
84. Describe briefly about vestibuloplasty.
85. Write a short note on peripheral sealing.
86. How will you assess your complete denture at the time of
87. Write a short note on retromolar pad.
88. Describe briefly about biological width.
89. Write a short note on buccal shelf area.
90. Write note on border moulding.
91. Describe briefly Valsalva manoeuvre.
92. Describe briefly index areas.
93. Write a short note on mandibular movements.
94. Describe briefly Silverman’s closest speaking space.
95. Write a short note on freeway space.
96. Write a short note on problems related to increased vertical
dimension in complete denture.
97. Describe briefly graphic method for recording centric relation.
98. What is an articulator? Classify them and discuss in detail mean
99. Write a short note on zero degree posterior teeth.
100. Write a short note on squint test.
101. Write a short note on neutrocentric concept of occlusion.
102. Write a short note on realeff.
103. Describe arcon articulators.
104. Discuss lingualized occlusion.
105. Write a short note on laboratory remount procedure.
106. Discuss stepwise the procedure to be followed at the try-in
107. Write a short note on compression moulding technique.
108. Describe briefly denture sore mouth.
109. Describe briefly gagging and management.
110. Write a short note on complete denture hygiene.
111. Write a short note on postinsertion instructions for complete
112. Give brief description of sequelae of ill-fitting dentures.
Section II: Removable partial dentures
1. ‘Surveying is the most essential but a neglected aspect in removable
partial denture prosthodontics by dental surveyor’. Discuss. Also,
discuss ‘survey line’ influencing clasp design.
2. Discuss mouth preparation in removable prosthodontics.
3. Write a short note on ‘swing-lock’ removable partial denture.
4. Discuss the rationale of impression techniques in removable partial
5. Give a critical review of classification related to the removable
6. Discuss the various types of clasps along with their merits and
demerits used in removable cast partial dentures.
7. What do you understand by the term ‘support’? Discuss the
problems encountered in providing support in partial dentures.
8. Discuss the role of ‘stress distribution’, ‘stress equalization’ and
‘stress breaking’ in successful removable partial dentures.
9. What are precision attachments? Describe some of the commonly
10. Discuss the principles of removable partial designs.
11. Discuss the application of the principles of stress breaking in
designing a Kennedy class I type of partial dentures. Also, discuss the
control of various movements in designing class I cases.
12. Discuss the biomechanical problems associated with extension
base removable partial dentures (RPD) and their remedies.
13. Describe indirect retention in removable partial dentures.
14. Write a short note on fluid wax functional impression method in
distal extension partial dentures.
15. Write a short note on the merits and demerits of Kennedy’s
16. Write a short note on the fabrication of splints in the treatment of
edentulous and dentulous alveolar ridges.
17. Describe the laboratory procedure for fabricating a cast partial
denture from the stage of wax pattern onward.
18. Describe the procedure of occlusal records for removable partial
19. Explain about the merits and demerits of various types of existing
classifications for removable partial dentures.
20. Give an account of stress distribution in planning various
components of partial dentures.
21. State the importance of determining a path of placement of
removable partial dentures. Explain its methodical determination.
22. Describe retention in different types of removable partial dentures.
23. Write a short note on management of stresses in removable partial
24. Discuss role of occlusal rest in removable partial denture (RPD).
25. Discuss the concepts of surveying and undercut blocking.
26. Discuss the rationale of functional impression procedure in
removable partial denture (RPD).
27. Briefly describe the use of enameloplasty for mouth preparation.
28. Briefly describe the methods of duplication of casts.
29. Mention and justify the use of various metals in removable partial
30. Write a short note on the role of surveyor and milling machine in
31. Write a short note on maxillary major connectors.
32. Explain about achieving retention, stability and support in rest,
33. Describe clasp design and explain how it helps in achieving
34. Discuss the stresses induced by removable partial denture (RPD)
and suggest the measures for their control.
35. Discuss the role of modern implants in removable partial denture
36. Discuss periodontal considerations in removable partial denture
37. Discuss the various types of mouth preparation required during
fabrication of removable partial denture (RPD).
38. Describe the problems associated with distal extension removable
partial dentures, while mentioning the management techniques to be
39. Describe the importance of tripodal stabilization.
40. Discuss the postinsertion problems and their management in
relation to removable partial denture (RPD).
41. Discuss your procedure of management in a case of partial
dentition having reduced vertical dimension due to mutilation of the
42. Enumerate the steps involved in the fabrication of cast partial
43. Write a short note on the block out of master cast.
44. Write a short note on relief in relation to fabrication of cast partial
45. Write a short note on waxing of the cast partial framework.
46. Give a step-by-step explanation of cast partial denture preparation
and insertion in the patient’s mouth.
47. What are diagnostic casts? Write about its importance in diagnosis
48. Rationalize the importance of radiographs in removable
49. What are the objectives of prosthodontic treatment for partially
50. Define surveyor. Write briefly about its parts.
51. Describe briefly about the factors that determine the path of
placement or removal of the prosthesis.
52. Write a short note on tripoding.
53. Write a short note on survey line.
54. Differentiate between shaped block out, arbitrary block out and
55. Write a short note on relief of master casts.
56. Enumerate the objectives of mouth preparation. Describe briefly
about mouth preparation in partially edentulous patients.
57. Discuss the statement ‘to date no ideal classification of the partially
edentulous condition has been devised’.
58. Describe the different methods of obtaining the impression for
59. Write short note on functional relining method?
60. Critically analyse various impression techniques used in
61. Briefly describe lug rest/lug seat preparation in RPD.
62. Briefly describe Kennedy’s classification.
63. Briefly describe the parts of cast removable partial denture.
65. Differentiate between Akers’ clasp and bar clasp.
66. List the various components of a removable partial denture and
write in detail about rests and rest seats.
67. Describe class II Kennedy removable partial denture (RPD).
68. Briefly describe duplicating flask.
69. Write a short note on split cast technique.
70. Write a short note on Applegate’s modification in RPD.
71. Write a short note on guide plane.
72. What is circumferential clasp? Describe indication,
contraindications, advantages and disadvantages and its parts along
73. Define direct retainer. What are the requirements of clasp design?
74. Write a short note on three-arm clasp.
75. Write a short note on intracoronal retainers.
76. Write a short note on roach clasp.
77. Write a short note on indirect retainers. What measures do you
employ to achieve indirect retainer in distal extension partial denture
78. What is gingival approaching clasp? Describe indication,
contraindications, advantages, disadvantages and types of gingival
79. Describe briefly stress breakers in RPD.
80. Write a short note on metal denture bases.
81. What is the concept of fulcrum lines? Discuss different types of
movements possible in distal extension RPD and the components and
methods to limit these movements.
Section III: Fixed partial dentures
1. ‘Selection of abutment plays a vital role in the success of crown and
2. Write about cementation in fixed prosthodontics in detail.
3. Write a note on different investment materials in fixed
4. Discuss the various forms of retainers and the choices of selection in
fixed partial denture (FPD) prosthodontics.
5. Discuss the tissue management in crown and bridge
6. Discuss the intricacies involved in the soldering a 5-unit FPD. Is
7. Discuss the principles of tooth preparation.
8. Discuss the precision attachments in crown and bridge
9. Discuss the biocompatibility of various dental cements used in fixed
10. Describe the laboratory procedure of fabricating a porcelain jacket
11. Describe the validity of the cantilever principle in FPD design.
12. What is your concept of retention and resistance form, as applied
in fixed partial prosthodontics?
13. Write a note on the role of high-speed rotary instruments and their
application in restorative dentistry.
14. Discuss the rationale of restoration and reuse of endodontically
treated teeth for crown and bridge work.
15. Discuss the impression material and technique applicable to crown
16. Classify bridge retainers with examples. Outline the basis of your
17. Discuss the measures of temporary tooth protection during crown
and bridge therapy. Discuss significance and methods of preparation
18. Write a short note on adhesive bridges.
19. Discuss the various types of casting failures and the measures to
20. Write a short note on porcelain laminates.
21. Discuss the rationale of using shoulder porcelain.
22. Discuss the connectors in FPD.
23. Discuss the indications and contraindications of partial veneer
24. Write a short note on mesial half crown.
25. Write a short note on pathological occlusion.
26. Write a short note on electroplated dies.
27. Discuss the importance and methods of crown lengthening.
28. Write pros and cons of semi-adjustable articulators in FPD.
29. Write a short note on structural durability.
30. Compare precious and nonprecious alloys in FPD.
31. Write a short note on Ante’s law.
32. Write advantages, disadvantages, indications, contraindications
and the sequential steps in tooth preparation for all-ceramic
restorations and porcelain laminate veneers.
33. A patient is coming to you with missing upper incisor. Discuss the
key factors for reaching correct diagnosis and treatment planning.
34. Write briefly about spring-retained FPD.
35. Write a short note on hybrid bridge.
36. Discuss the various treatment modalities in a patient with severe
attrition, some broken down and missing teeth.
37. Write a short note on the limitations of endodontically treated
38. Briefly describe Maryland bridge.
39. Write a short note on resin cements.
40. Elaborate the advances in metal-free ceramics. Write briefly about
its advantages and disadvantages.
41. Write a short note on critical evaluation of resin-bonded bridges.
42. Write a short note on casting techniques for casting of base metal
43. Write a short note on casting defects and their remedies.
44. Discuss fully adjustable articulators and their utilities in FPDs with
45. Dentist–technician inter-relationship is the key to success in FPD.
46. How will you manage a case with various levels of furcation
involvement to be treated with FPD?
47. How will you select a shade for a patient requiring FPD?
48. Describe role of occlusion in FPDs.
49. Write a short note on precision attachments in FPD.
50. Write a short note on finishing and polishing materials.
51. Write short notes on computer-aided design and computer-aided
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) assistance in FPD.
52. Write a short note on consideration of occlusion in FPD with
53. Write a short note on importance of X-ray in fixed partial denture.
54. Write in detail on examination, diagnosis and treatment planning
55. Pontic is the key component in FPD. Explain the statement in
detail. Write briefly about types of pontics.
56. Write a short note on nonrigid connectors.
57. Write a short note on metal–ceramic bond.
58. Metal–ceramic or all-ceramic. Which is better? Describe.
59. Write a short note on pier abutment.
60. Write a short note on canine-guided occlusion.
61. Describe various types of finish lines in FPD.
62. Describe in detail the entire procedure of preparing an anterior
tooth to receive jacket crown prosthesis. What precaution would you
63. Write a short note on three-quarter crown.
64. Write a short note on retraction cords.
65. Discuss in detail about impression techniques in fixed partial
66. Write importance of temporization in fixed partial denture.
Describe various techniques of fabrication of provisional restoration.
67. Write a short note on individual dies in fixed partial denture.
68. Write a short note on soft liners.
1. Write a short note on ear prosthesis.
2. Write a short note on fabrication of eye prosthesis.
3. Classify cleft lip and palate? Write briefly about prosthetic
4. Discuss fabrication of splints in fractured edentulous and dentulous
5. Write a short note on nasal prosthesis.
6. Write a short note on surgical requirements of obturators.
7. Add a note on role of magnets in different types of prosthesis.
8. Enumerate the congenital anomalies of palate and their prosthetic
9. Discuss the problems faced in prosthetic rehabilitation of cleft
10. Discuss the rationale and procedure for rehabilitation of cleft
11. Describe management of a case of hemimandibulectomy—a
12. Write a short note the scope of maxillofacial prosthesis in current
13. Write about the psychological evaluation of maxillofacial patient.
14. Write briefly about silastics.
15. Write briefly about hollow obturators.
16. Write briefly about prosthesis for hearing aids.
17. Write the materials used for fabrication of maxillofacial prosthesis.
18. Write briefly about retention of maxillofacial prosthesis.
19. Write briefly about prosthetic management of hemimaxillectomy.
20. Classify and discuss acquired mandibular defects and their
21. Write a short note on retention of extraoral prosthesis.
22. Discuss the prosthetic management and rehabilitation of patient
having undergone complete maxillectomy.
23. Define obturator. Describe the fabrication procedure of obturator
24. Describe briefly about material used in obturator fabrication.
25. Write a short note on types of intraoral maxillofacial prosthesis.
26. Classify and give uses of obturator.
1. Discuss the composition and physical properties of currently used
2. Enumerate the classification systems of classifying the implant
systems and various options being employed in implant dentistry.
3. Give the different types of implant materials discovered so far.
Discuss the material of your choice and give reasons in support of
4. What are the general bone considerations that aid in predicting
5. Write a short note on biomechanics in implants.
7. Write a short note on immediate loading of implants.
8. Discuss the scope and limitations of implant-supported prosthesis.
9. Write about osseointegration.
10. Discuss occlusion for osseointegrated implant-supported
11. Discuss the success and failures of implant dentures.
12. Discuss the prosthetic phase of implant denture construction.
13. Discuss the radiographic planning for dental implants.
14. Discuss the role of modern implants in removable partial denture
15. Write a short note on diagnosis and treatment planning in implant
16. Write a short note on principles of occlusion in implant
17. Write a short note on implant loading.
18. Write a short note on evidence-based dentistry.
19. Discuss aesthetics in dental implants.
20. Bone density is a key determinant for treatment planning. Discuss.
21. Write a short note on peri-implantitis.
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