maxillary second premolar, 141
Maxillofacial prosthesis, 422, 424–425
Maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication,
chlorinated polyethylene., 428
Maxillofacial prosthodontics, 422
Maxillomandibular relationship,
physiological rest position, 104–105
vertical jaw relation, 105–109
Maximum hinge opening (MHO), 80
McLean–Hindel’s physiological method, 298–299
Mental attitude, of patient, 15
Metallic denture base, 4–5, 4f
Monoplane occlusal scheme, 154–155
Mounted diagnostic casts, 198, 234–235, 234f, 480
Mouth preparation, for complete dentures,
tissue conditioners, role of, 44–45
Mouth preparation, in removable partial dentures, 289
abused tissues, conditioning of, 290–292
height of contour, modification of, 294
preprosthetic phase of, 289–292
rest seat preparation, 293. See also Rest seat
retentive undercuts, creation of, 294
Mucocompressive impression technique, 57
Mucostatic Impression technique, 56
Multiple circlet clasp, 258f, 258
Mylohyoid ridge reduction, 38–39
Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, 400
Needle–House method, 118, 118f
Nelson’s chopping blocks, 151f
Neuromuscular examination, 18–19
neuromuscular coordination, 19
Neutrocentric occlusion, 154–155
Nickel–chromium anatomic crowns, 392, 392f
Nonanatomic teeth, 150, 164–166, 165t
Nutrition, of edentulous patients, 32–34
Occlusal disharmony correction, 181–188
Occlusal reduction, 362, 369, 372
Occlusal rims, 54, 101–104, 109
clinical guidelines for, 102–103
fabrication techniques, 103–104
factors affecting fabrication of, 102–104
made with plaster and pumice mix in Patterson
relationship to residual alveolar ridge, 102
tracing devices attached to, 116f
Open mouth relining technique, 190–191
Carl O. Boucher’s reline method, 190–191
attachment fixation, 214–215, 214f
retaining teeth for, rationale of, 210–211
Overextended denture base, 313
Palatal lift prosthesis, 444–445, 444f
Partial veneer crown, 370–374, 370t
Applegate’s modifications, 228
commonly used classification for, 228–230
medical condition before oral examination, 233
periodontal evaluation of, 236–237
prosthodontic treatment for, objectives of, 233
Partially edentulous patients,
mouth preparation in, preprosthetic phase of, 289–292
Pavlovian conditioned reflex, 29–30
acupuncture technique in, 30, 30f
psychological intervention, 30
anteroposterior position of incisors, 145
prosthetic considerations and, 146
role in complete denture, 144–146
Phosphate-bonded investment, 412
Physiological rest position, 10, 104–105
Niswonger’s method of recording, 105
Plane of orientation, 161, 161f
Polishing, of complete dentures, 174
Polycarbonate crowns, 391, 391f
Porcelain jacket crown (PJC), 367
attached to acrylic resin by pins/diatoric holes, 130f
vs. acrylic resin teeth, 130, 130t
Posterior palatal seal area (PPS), 34, 60, 61f
Posterior reference point, 86–87
buccolingual positioning of, 140
buccolingual width of, 134, 134f
horizontal positioning of, 139
mesiodistal length of mandibular ridge, 134–135, 135f
occlusogingival height of, 135, 135f
vertical positioning of, 139–140
Pre-extraction records, 31, 31t, 107–108, 124
Prefabricated anatomical metal crown, 391
excision of redundant soft tissues/papillary
hyperplasia/epulis fissuratum, 37
maxillary tuberosity reduction, 37
mylohyoid ridge reduction, 38–39
Pressure-indicating paste, 312
Preventive prosthodontics, 210–215
Processing of denture, 172–173
Prosthetic restoration, 425–431
aesthetic requirements for, 387
biological requirements for, 386–387
indirect–direct technique for, 390
indirect technique for, 389–390
mechanical requirements for, 387
resin-based materials used for fabrication, 387–389,
techniques used for fabrication of, 389–390
materials used for, 100–101t, 100–101
closed mouth technique, 191–194
complete dentures, rationale for, 190
selective grinding, rules for, 173–174
Removable partial dentures (RPDs), 224, 241, 304, 312, 315
mouth preparation in. See Mouth preparation, in
radiographic examination, 235–237
Residual alveolar ridge, 20–23, 64
Atwood’s classification of, 6, 6f
relationship of occlusal rims to, 102
Residual ridge defects, 340–341
Residual ridge resorption (RRR), 6–7
treatment and prevention of, 7
role in edentulous patient, 43
Retentive undercuts, creation of, 294
interpositional bone grafts, 39–40
Rothermann attachment, 217, 218f
Sears anthropometric cephalic index, 126
Segmental impression technique, 385
Selective pressure technique, 57
Semi-adjustable articulators, 398
Shanahan swallowing method, 120, 120f
Silverman’s closest speaking space, 108, 110, 110f
Single complete denture, types of, 203–204
Single impression technique, 199
Soft palate obturators, 442–444
Soft tissue changes, in denture patients, 11–12t, 11–13
permanent, classification of, 239b
Stock tray/putty wash impression technique, 382–383
Supragingival finish lines, 366
Tapered smooth-sided post, 350
on basis of facial profile, 129f
Telescopic overdenture, 213, 213f
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), 7–8
role in prosthetic rehabilitation, 8–9
Tilted molar abutment, 338–339
applied over impression surface of denture, 193f
Treatment planning, edentulous patients,
Transverse horizontal axis (THA), 87
Unilateral balanced occlusion, 394–395, 394f
Valderrama’s molar tooth basis, 125
Vertical jaw relation, 105–109
facial measurements, 107, 107f
former dentures, measurements of, 107
pre-extraction records, 107–108
Vestibuloplasty, in ridge augmentation, 40–42
secondary epithelialization, 41, 41f
procedure for maxillary trial denture, 168
procedure for mandibular trial denture, 168–169
Wright’s photometric method, 125
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