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maxillary first premolar, 141

maxillary second molar, 142

maxillary second premolar, 141

Maxillary tori, 45

Maxillofacial prosthesis, 422, 424–425

Maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication,

acrylic resins, 426–427

acrylic copolymers, 427

PVC and copolymers, 427–428

chlorinated polyethylene., 428

Maxillofacial prosthodontics, 422

Maxillomandibular relationship,

occlusal rims, 101–104

overview, 99

physiological rest position, 104–105

record bases, 100–101

vertical jaw relation, 105–109

Maximum hinge opening (MHO), 80

McLean–Hindel’s physiological method, 298–299

disadvantages of, 299

Hindel’s modification, 299

Mean foundation plane, 34

Mental attitude, of patient, 15

classification of, 15b

House classification, 16

Metal base, 267

Metallic denture base, 4–5, 4f

advantages of, 5

definition of, 4

disadvantages of, 5

Meatal obturator, 445

Metamerism, 412

Microporosity, 410

Modiolus, 142–143

anatomy, 143

definition of, 142

importance of, 143

muscles meeting at, 143

MOD onlay, 324, 324f

Monoplane occlusal scheme, 154–155

Motivation, patient, 9–13

Mounted diagnostic casts, 198, 234–235, 234f, 480

Mouth, floor of, 26

Mouth preparation, for complete dentures,

nonsurgical methods, 35, 36t

objectives of, 35b

overview, 35

preprosthetic surgery, 36–42

resilient liners, 42–43, 42f

tissue conditioners, role of, 44–45

Mouth preparation, in removable partial dentures, 289

abused tissues, conditioning of, 290–292

height of contour, modification of, 294

inlay, onlay and crowns, 294

objectives of, 289–292

oral surgical procedures, 290

preprosthetic phase of, 289–292

prosthetic phase of, 292–294

relief of pain/infection, 290

rest seat preparation, 293. See also Rest seat


retentive undercuts, creation of, 294

Mucocompressive impression technique, 57

Mucostatic Impression technique, 56

Multiple circlet clasp, 258f, 258

Muscle tone, 19

Mylohyoid ridge reduction, 38–39

Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, 400

Myotatic reflex, 13


Nasal prosthesis, 449–451

Nasal stent, 433–434

Needle–House method, 118, 118f

Nelson’s chopping blocks, 151f

Neurological disorders, 334

Neuromuscular control, 79

Nonrigid connectors, 338

Neuromuscular examination, 18–19

mandibular movements, 19

muscle tone, 19

neuromuscular coordination, 19

speech, 18

Neutral zone, 53

Neutrocentric occlusion, 154–155

Nickel–chromium anatomic crowns, 392, 392f

Nonanatomic teeth, 150, 164–166, 165t

Nonanatomic tooth, 6f

Nonarcon articulators, 94t

Nutrition, of edentulous patients, 32–34

carbohydrates, 33

fat, 33

goals of, 33b

minerals, 33

proteins, 33

role in prosthodontics, 34

vitamins, 33

water, 34


Obturators, 438

Occlusal discrepancy, 313

Occlusal disharmony correction, 181–188

Occlusal error, 179t

Occlusal harmony, 393

Occlusal prematurities, 313

Occlusal rest, 253, 265

Occlusal splint, 399

Occlusal therapy, 400–401

Optical pyrometers, 308

Occlusal reduction, 362, 369, 372

Occlusal rims, 54, 101–104, 109

clinical guidelines for, 102–103

definition of, 101

dimensions of, 103, 103f

fabrication techniques, 103–104

factors affecting fabrication of, 102–104

functions of, 102b

made with plaster and pumice mix in Patterson

method, 117f

mandibular, 103, 104f

maxillary, 103, 104f

position of, 102f

preformed, 104

record base with, 101f

relationship to residual alveolar ridge, 102

rolled wax technique, 103–104

tracing devices attached to, 116f

Occlusal wax, 182

Occlusal surface, 3

Occlusion, 149

Open mouth relining technique, 190–191

advantages of, 191

Carl O. Boucher’s reline method, 190–191

disadvantages of, 191

Oral mucosa, 19–20, 423

ageing effects, 28–29

classification of, 20, 20b

Oral mucosa, 423

Orofacial musculature, 52

Osseointegration, 468, 469f

Osteoconduction, 474

Osteogenesis, 474

Osteoinduction, 474

Overdentures, 239

abutments, 480

advantages of, 209–210

attachment fixation, 214–215, 214f

bare tooth, 213

classification of, 209b

contraindications of, 210

definition of, 208

designs, 212b

disadvantages of, 210

indications of, 210

maintenance of, 220–221

occlusal forces in, 211

overview, 208

patient selection for, 212

principles of, 209b

requirements of, 209

retaining teeth for, rationale of, 210–211

telescopic, 213, 213f

Overextended denture base, 313


Packing, 172

definition of, 172

procedure, 172

Palatal lift prosthesis, 444–445, 444f

Palatal portion,

large parts of, 191f

preparation of, 192f

Palatal strap, 243f

Palatal tori, 38


hard, 23, 23f

sensitivity of, 24

soft, 23–24, 24f

Palateless denture, 30f

Panoramic radiography, 461

Papillary hyperplasia, 11–12t

in palatal vault, 12f

Parallelism, 330

Parallel-sided posts, 350

Partial veneer crown, 370–374, 370t

Partially edentulous arches,

Applegate’s modifications, 228

classification of, 226

commonly used classification for, 228–230

Partially edentulous patient,

medical condition before oral examination, 233

periodontal evaluation of, 236–237

prosthodontic treatment for, objectives of, 233

Partially edentulous patients,

mouth preparation in, preprosthetic phase of, 289–292

Pascal’s law, 56

Patterson method, 117

Pavlovian conditioned reflex, 29–30

acupuncture technique in, 30, 30f

clinical techniques in, 30

management of, 29–30

pharmacological measures, 30

prosthodontic management, 30

psychological intervention, 30

radiographic technique in, 30

Periapical radiography, 461

Pear-shaped pad, 64

Period of edentulism, 136

Phonetics, 108, 143

anteroposterior position of incisors, 145

components of speech, 144

definition of, 143

dental arch, width of, 146

denture thickness, 144

occlusal plane, 145

peripheral outline, 144

postdam area, 145

prosthetic considerations and, 146

role in complete denture, 144–146

vertical dimension, 145

Phosphate-bonded investment, 412

Physiological rest position, 10, 104–105

active mechanism, 104

definition of, 104

factors influencing, 104–105

Niswonger’s method of recording, 105

significance of, 104b

Pier abutment, 337, 338f

Pindex system, 405, 405f

Pinhole porosity., 410

Plane of orientation, 161, 161f

Pleasure curve, 164

Polished surface, 3

Polishing agents, 416

Polishing, of complete dentures, 174

procedure, 174

Polycarbonate crowns, 391, 391f

Polyurethane elastomers, 428


classification of, 325b

definition of, 324, 324f

design of, 324–325

egg-shaped, 326f

fish belly, 327f

perel pontic, 328f

saddle/ridge, 326f

sanitary, 327f

types of, 325f

Porcelain jacket crown (PJC), 367

features of, t0010

Porcelain teeth,

attached to acrylic resin by pins/diatoric holes, 130f

pins embedded in, 130f

vs. acrylic resin teeth, 130, 130t

Post–core systems, 349b

Posterior palatal seal area (PPS), 34, 60, 61f

functions of, 61b

techniques to record, 62b

Posterior reference point, 86–87

Posterior teeth,

arrangement of, 138–140

buccolingual positioning of, 140

buccolingual width of, 134, 134f

colour of, 136

form of, 135

horizontal positioning of, 139

mandibular, 142

material of, 136

maxillary, 141–142

mesiodistal length of mandibular ridge, 134–135, 135f

occlusogingival height of, 135, 135f

replacement, 267–269

selection of, 133–136

size of, 134–135

vertical positioning of, 139–140

Postmylohyoid space, 27, 27f

Postpour technique, 405

Pound’s formula, 126

Pre-extraction records, 31, 31t, 107–108, 124

Prefabricated anatomical metal crown, 391

Prefabricated crowns, 390–392

Prefabricated posts, 349

Preliminary impression,

classification of, 67b

definition of, 67

principles of, 68

Preprosthetic surgery, 36–42

alveoloplasties, 36–37

definition of, 36

excision of redundant soft tissues/papillary

hyperplasia/epulis fissuratum, 37

exostosis removal, 37

frenectomy, 37, 37f

maxillary tuberosity reduction, 37

mylohyoid ridge reduction, 38–39

procedures, 36–42

ridge augmentation, 39

tori removal, 38, 38f

vestibuloplasty, 40–42

Pressure-indicating paste, 312

Preventive prosthodontics, 210–215

Primary copings, 213

advantages of, 213

disadvantages of, 213–214

types of, 213–214, 213f

Processing of denture, 172–173

definition of, 172–173

rapid processing, 173

slow processing, 172

Progressive side shift, 97t

Profile silhouettes, 107


definition of, 211

preservation of, 211

Prosthetic restoration, 425–431

Proximal reduction, 369

Provisional restoration, 386

aesthetic requirements for, 387

biological requirements for, 386–387

classification of, 388b

custom-made, 389

definition of, 386

as diagnostic tool, 387

direct technique for, 389

indirect–direct technique for, 390

indirect technique for, 389–390

limitations of, 392

matrix for, 389

mechanical requirements for, 387

prefabricated crowns, 390–392

resin-based materials used for fabrication, 387–389,

388b, 388t

techniques used for fabrication of, 389–390


Radiographic examination, 32


articulator method, 195, 195f

definition of, 189, 194

flask method, 194, 194f

indications for, 189–190

jig method, 194, 194f

procedure, 194–195, 311

vs. relining, 195

Record bases, 100–101

definition of, 100

materials used for, 100–101t, 100–101

selection criteria for, 100

stabilization of, 101


buccal, 369

lingual, 369

occlusal, 369

proximal, 369

Refractory cast, 307

Reinforcing struts, 362

Relief areas, divisions, 60


closed mouth technique, 191–194

complete dentures, rationale for, 190

contraindications, 189–190

definition of, 189

indications for, 189–190

open mouth technique, 190–191

procedures, 190, 311

techniques of, 190–194

vs. rebasing, 195

Remount procedure, 173–174

definition of, 173

procedure, 173

selective grinding, rules for, 173–174

Removable partial dentures (RPDs), 224, 241, 304, 312, 315

benefits of, 225

classification of, 225

contraindications, 226

indications, 225–226

mouth preparation in. See Mouth preparation, in

removable partial dentures,

Removable prosthodontics, 224

classification of, 224–225

definition of, 224

radiographic examination, 235–237

Residual alveolar ridge, 20–23, 64

arch form, 21, 21f

arch relationship, 21–22, 22f

Atwood’s classification of, 6, 6f

height of, 20, 21f

interarch space, 22, 22f

relationship of occlusal rims to, 102

ridge parallelism, 23

shape of, 21

Residual ridge, 58

contour of, 127

horizontal relation with, 137

Residual ridge defects, 340–341

Residual ridge resorption (RRR), 6–7

aetiology, 7

anatomical factors, 7

definition of, 6

mechanical factors, 7

metabolic factors, 7

pathogenesis of, 6

pathology of, 6

treatment and prevention of, 7

Resilient liners, 42–43, 42f

composition of, 43

drawbacks of, 43

requirements of, 43

role in edentulous patient, 43

types of, 42

Resin, 403

Resin-bonded bridges, 354

Resin-bonded prosthesis, 353


functions of, 252

types of, 253–254, 253f

Rest seat, 252

Rest seat preparation, 293

in amalgam restorations, 293

on anterior teeth, 294

for embrasure clasp, 293

incisal, 294

on new gold restorations, 293

on tooth enamel, 293

Retention, 48–51, 451

biological factors, 48–49

mechanical factors, 49

muscular factors, 49

psychological factors, 50

surgical factors, 50–51

Retentive undercuts, creation of, 294

Retraction cord, 377–378

Retromolar fossa, 138

Retromolar pad, 138

Retromolar papilla, 138

Ridge augmentation, 39, 334

definition of, 39

diagnosis, 39–40

factors affecting, 39

inferior bone grafts, 40, 40f

interpositional bone grafts, 39–40

onlay bone grafting, 39

rationale of, 39

techniques for, 39–40

treatment planning, 39–40

vestibuloplasty, 40–42

visor osteotomy, 39

Ridge parallelism, 106

Ring clasp, 258–259

Rochette bridge, 354

Rolled wax technique, 103–104

Rotary curettage, 379

Rothermann attachment, 217, 218f

RRR a-anatomic factors, 7

Rubber base impression, 74–75

Rubber dam, 376, 377


Saliva, 26

amount of, 26b

classification of, 26b

consistency of, 26b

role of, 30–31

Saliva ejector, 376

Salivary glands, 424

Sandblasting, 415

Sears anthropometric cephalic index, 126

Segmental impression technique, 385

Selective grinding, 178

Selective pressure technique, 57

Semi-adjustable articulators, 398

Semi-anatomic tooth, 6f

Shanahan swallowing method, 120, 120f

Sharp drills, 478

Shim stock, 174

Silica-bonded investment, 412

Silicone elastomers, 428–430

Silverman’s closest speaking space, 108, 110, 110f

definition of, 110

method to record, 110

Single complete denture, types of, 203–204

Single impression technique, 199

Single-tooth abutment, 480

Slight convex effect, 168

Snow shoe principle, 34

Soft palate, 23–24, 24f

class I type of, 34

Soft palate obturators, 442–444

Soft tissue changes, in denture patients, 11–12t, 11–13

Soldering process, 330

Somatoprosthetics, 13

Spherical occlusion, 155

Speech, 18

classification of sounds, 144

components of, 144


definitions of, 431

types, 431–432

Splinting, 237–239

advantages of, 238

contraindication, 238

definition of, 237

disadvantages of, 238–239

fixed, 237

indications, 237

objectives of, 238

removable, 237

requirements of splints, 238

Splints, 399

permanent, classification of, 239b

removable permanent, 239

requirements of, 238

types of, 238b

Split cast method,

benefits, 95

definition of, 94

uses, 95

Split pontic, 331

Spoon denture, 316, 317f

Sprinkle-on method, 69–70

Sprue, 307


biological factors, 51–53

definition of, 51–54

mechanical factors, 53–54

physical factors, 54

quality of, 54

Squint test, 131

Static technique, 309

Stippling, 168, 174

Stock tray/putty wash impression technique, 382–383

Straight dowel pins, 405

Stress-breaking device, 338

Supragingival finish lines, 366


Surgical template,

advantages, 201

definition, 201

disadvantages, 201

fabrication procedure, 201

Svedopter, 376

Swallowing threshold, 109

Swing-lock devices, 239, 249f


Tactile sense method, 109

‘T’ clasp, 261–262

Tapered smooth-sided post, 350

Teeth selection,

anterior, 124–133

on basis of facial profile, 129f

posterior, 133–136

Telescopic overdenture, 213, 213f

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), 7–8

anatomy of, 78, 8f

examination of, 5

physiology of, 78

role in prosthetic rehabilitation, 8–9

Throat form,

lateral, 27, 27f

palatal, 27, 27f

Tilted molar abutment, 338–339

Tin–silver crowns, 391–392

Tissue conditioners, 44–45

abused tissues, 44–45

applied over impression surface of denture, 193f

characteristics of, 44

composition of, 44

uses of, 44

Tongue, 24–26

enlarged, problems with, 25

large, management of, 25

positions, 25, 25f

size of, 25

Tori, 24, 24f

mandibular, 38, 45

maxillary, 45

palatal, 38

removal of, 38, 38f

Two-piece pontic system, 331

Treatment planning, edentulous patients,

definition of, 15

factors for, 15b

Transverse horizontal axis (THA), 87

Truss effect’, 362, 363f


Unilateral balanced occlusion, 394–395, 394f

Unwaxed dental floss, 221

U-shaped frame, 82–83

U-shaped major connector, 244


Valderrama’s molar tooth basis, 125

Valsalva manoeuvre, 61

Vertical dimension, 105–106

altered, 111

Vertical jaw relation, 105–109

definition of, 105

facial measurements, 107, 107f

former dentures, measurements of, 107

mechanical methods, 106–108

methods of determining, 106b

physiologic methods, 108–109

pre-extraction records, 107–108

ridge relations, 106

vertical dimension, 105–106

Vestibuloplasty, in ridge augmentation, 40–42

contraindications for, 41

epithelial graft, 41–42

indications for, 41

mucosal advancement, 41

secondary epithelialization, 41, 41f

techniques, 41

transitional flap, 42, 42f

Virginia bridge, 355f

Visor osteotomy, 39

V-shaped palate, 51


Wax elimination, 171

definition of, 171

procedure, 171


definition of, 167

procedure for maxillary trial denture, 168


definition of, 167

methods of, 168b

procedure for mandibular trial denture, 168–169

requirements of, 167–168

Wax spacer, 69

Wax try-in, 169–170

definition of, 169

procedures, 169–170

rationale for, 169b

Wright’s photometric method, 125


Xenografts, 475

Xerostomia, 334


Zest anchor attachment, 216–217, 217f

Zinc oxide, 73–74

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