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Note: Pages followed by ‘f” for figure, “t” for table, “b” for box.


Abfraction, 34

Abrasive, 416

Abrasive paste, 182

Abused tissues,

causes of, 44

treatment of, 44–45

Abutments, 335

with attachments, 214–215

with copings, 213

Abutment teeth, 346

location of, 212

periodontal status of, 212

radiographic evaluation of, 235

Ackerman clip and CM clip, 220

Acrylic denture base, 4

Acrylic resin teeth vs. porcelain teeth, 130, 130t

Adhesive green wax, 182

Aesthetics, 108

Ageing, 27–29

and changes in size of basal seat, 28

characteristics of, 28

definition of, 27

effects of, 28–29

effects on tongue and taste, 29

and nutritional impairment, 29

oral changes, 28

oral mucosa and skin changes, 28

physiopathological conditions of, 28

psychosocial changes, 28

residual bone and maxillomandibular relation

changes, 28

and salivary flow, 29

Akers’ clasp, 255

Alloplast, 475

Altered cast, definition of, 302

Altered cast technique, 301–303

Altered vertical dimension, 111f

effects of, 111

Aluminium crowns, 391–392

Alveolar bone,

preservation of, 211

relationship of natural teeth to, 102

Alveololingual sulcus, 65, 65f

Anatomic tooth, 6f, 164, 165t

Andrew’s bridge, 341, 342f

Anterior teeth replacement, 267–269

Anteroposterior curve, 162–163, 163f

Anteroposterior palatal strap, 245, 245f

Ante’s law, 336–337, 337f

Antihaemorrhagic stent, 432–434

Articulator technique, 309

Andrews bar, 220

Angled abutment, 482

Angular cheilitis, 34

Anterior hyperfunction syndrome, 202

Anterior reference point, 85

Anterior teeth, 199

arrangement of, 136–138, 136f

colour or shade of, 129

composition of material of, 130–133

form of, 128–129, 128f

maxillary, 137–138, 140–141

porcelain teeth vs. acrylic resin teeth, 130, 130t

relationship with incisive papilla, 137

relationship with soft tissue reflection, 137

rest seat preparation on, 294

selection of, 124. See also Anterior teeth selection

Anterior teeth selection,

distance between canine eminences, 127

evolution of, 124–133

factors for, 125

form of teeth, 128–129, 128f

jaw relations, 127

lip support and, 127–128

residual ridge, contour of, 127

shade selection, prerequisites for, 129b

size of maxillary arch in, 126–127

size of teeth in, 125–126

vertical distance between ridges and, 127

Antisialagogues, 376

Appropriate connector design, 329–332

Attachment fixation overdenture, 214–215

advantages of, 214

disadvantages of, 214–215

factors during selection, 215

types of, 214–215b

Arbitrary facebow, 84

Arch curvature, 346

Arcon articulators, 94t


advantages of, 88–89

arcon vs. nonarcon, 94t

classification of, 90–93

definition, 88

evolution of, 89–90

limitations, 89

requirements of, 88b

uses, 88

Attachments, in overdenture, 215–220

bar attachments, 219–220

Ceka attachments, 216, 216f

extracoronal attachment, 215

Gerber attachments, 215–216

intracoronal attachment, 215

introfix attachment, 218

magnets, 218

Rothermann attachment, 217, 218f

Zest anchor attachment, 216–217, 217f

Automix polyvinyl siloxane, 385

Avery Brother’s scissor-bite teeth, 150f


Baker clip, 220

Balanced occlusion, 155

Balkwill, F. E., 115

Bar attachments, 219–220

Ackerman clip and CM clip, 220

Andrews bar, 220

Baker clip, 220

bar joints, 219

bar units, 219

Dolder bar, 219, 219f

Hader bar, 219, 219f

Bare tooth overdenture, 213

Basal seat,

ageing and changes in size of, 28

mandibular, 20

maxillary, 20

Bennett movement,

definition of, 96

importance, 96–98

Bergstrom point, 86

Berry biometer ratio method, 125

Berry biometric index, 126

Beyron’s point, 86, 86f

Bilateral balanced occlusion, 394

Bimeter, 109

Bio-Oss, 472

Bite forks, 83

Block out procedure, 305

Block out wax, 305

Boley gauze, 306

Boley’s gauge, 107


dense compact, 464

density, 463

quality classification, 463b, 463f

Bone factor,

negative, 235, 236f

positive, 235, 236f

Bone grafts, 474

Bone grafting, in ridge augmentation,

inferior, 39–40, 40f

interpositional, 39–40

onlay, 39

Bone index area, 235

Bonwill theory articulators, 92, 93f

Bony undercuts, 26–27

Border moulding, 70

Buccal flange, 5

Buccal reduction, 369


Canine-guided occlusion, 395–396

Canine rest, 265

Cantilevered dental prosthesis, 339, 339f

Cardiovascular diseases, 334

Caries, 212

Casting defects, 409–411

Cast metal denture base, 312

Cast partial framework, 306

Casting methods, 308

Ceka attachments, 216, 216f

Cellulose acetate crowns, 391

Central bearing device, 181–182

Centric relation, 111–112

definition of, 111

ligament theory, 112

meniscus theory, 112

methods of retruding mandible in, 112–113

muscle theory, 112

osteofibre theory, 112

records., See Centric relation records

significance of, 112b

theories of, 111–112

Centric relation records,

concepts of, 113–114

factors affecting, 113

graphic recordings of, 114–117

Chewing cycle, 13

Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), 428

Circumferential clasp, 255, 256f

Clapp’s tabular dimension table method, 125

Clasp assembly, 254

Cleft palate, 436

Clinical remount procedure, 177

advantages, 177

procedure, 177

Closed horseshoe, 245, 245f

Cobalt–chrome alloy, 307

Closed mouth relining technique, 57, 191–194

F.W. Shaffer’s technique, 191

J.F. Bowman’s technique, 192

L.G. Jordon’s technique, 192

N.J. Hansen’s technique, 191–192

N.S. Javid et al. technique, 193–194

Cobalt–chrome alloy, 307

Combination syndrome, 202

features of, 202b

pathophysiology in, 203

schematic diagram, 202f

Compensating curve, 162–164

Complete denture,

definition of, 2

finishing and polishing of, 174

occlusion, 151–152

parts of, 3–5, 4f

patient education and, 9

patient motivation and, 9

physiological rest position in, 10

relining, rationale for, 190

soft tissue changes, 11–12t, 11–13

temporomandibular joint in, 7–8

Complete denture prosthetics,

definition of, 2

objectives of, 2

Complete denture prosthodontics, 13

definition of, 2

Condylar inclination, 159

Condylar rods, 83

Conical theory articulators, 92, 93f

Connectors, 329

Continuous clasp devices, 239

Copper band, 377

Copper tube impression, 377f

Corrected cast technique, 301–303

Cotton cord, 377

Cross-arch stabilization, 226

Crowns, 294

aluminium, 391–392

cellulose acetate, 391

nickel–chromium anatomic, 392, 392f

Polycarbonate, 391, 391f

prefabricated, 390–392

tin–silver, 391–392

Crown-to-root ratio, 335–336, 336f

Curved dowel pins, 405

Curve of wilson, 164

Cuspal inclination, 161–162

Cusped teeth vs. noncusped teeth, 136t

Custom tray, 68–70

Custom-made dowel core, 351–352

Cyclic jaw movements, 13


Deflasking, 173

Denar reference point, 86

Dental cement, 416, 417t

Dental implant, 456, 467, 476–477

advantages, 457–458

anatomical landmarks, 478f

background, 476–477

bone augmentation in, 474

components of, 469476–477

disadvantages, 458

healing process, 473–475

limitations, 458–460

materials, 470–473

radiographic planning of, 471

surgical phase of, 477–479

Dentists’ supply company, 125

Denture aesthetics, 100–101

definition of, 123

factors affecting, 123

Denture base, 3–5, 4f, 266

acrylic, 4

characterization of, 10

metallic, 4–5, 4f

purpose of, 266

Denture borders, 4f, 5

definition of, 5

preparation of, 192f

trimmed flat and adhesive tape, 193f

Denture cleansers, 187

Denture design, 53f

Denture flange, 4f, 5

buccal flange, 5

definition of, 5

labial flange, 5

lingual flange, 5

Denture placement, objectives of, 175

Denture sore mouth, 11–12t

Denture stomatitis, 11–12t

Denture surfaces, 3f

Denture teeth, 4f, 5

classification of, 5b

Depth grinding, 131–132

De-waxing procedure, 200

Diabetes, 334

Diagnosis, 197

definition of, 14

factors for, 15b

Diagnostic cast, 233–235, 334

definition of, 233

importance of, 234b

mandibular, 234f

maxillary, 234f

mounted, 234–235

Diagnostic mounting, 234f

importance of, 235b

objective of, 235

Diagnostic wax-up process, 397

Die systems, 403b

Di-Lok system, 405–406

Dimpling, 294f

Direct retainer, 254

Disjunctor, 316, 316f

Disuse atrophy, 28

Dolder bar, 219, 219f

Dual impression technique, 199


Eccentric jaw relation, 120–121

definition of, 120

procedures, 121

records, 120

Edentulous state,

morphological changes associated with, 10–11

Education, patient, 9–13

Embrasure clasp, 258, 258f, 293, 293f

Enameloplasty, for occlusal plane, 291, 291f

Engrams, 34

Envelope of motion, 79, 80f, 81f

Extracoronal retainers, 323

Epinephrine, 378

Epithelial graft vestibuloplasty, 41–42

Epulis fissuratum, 11–12t, 12f, 45

External finish line, 252

Extracoronal attachment, 215

Extracoronal retainers, 225

Extraoral examination, 16–18

facial examination, 16–18

TMJ examination, 18

Extraoral prosthesis, 447–451


Fabrication method, 69


definition of, 82

evolution of, 82

method, 84–85

parts of, 82f

significance of, 85b

types of, 83–84, 84t

Face mask, 108

Facial complexion, 17

Facial examination, 16–18

facial complexion, 17

facial form, 16, 17f

facial height, 17

facial profile, 17, 17f

lip examination, 18

TMJ examination, 18

Facial form, 16, 17f

Facial height, 17

Facial profile, 17, 17f

Failures in FPD, 418–419

aesthetic failure, 419

biological factors, 418–419

mechanical failure, 419

Feminine smile, 132f

Ferrule, 353

Fibrous cord-like ridge, 24

Finishing, of complete dentures, 174

procedure, 174

Finish line,

classification of, 363b

types of, 364–367

Fishhook, 259

Fixed bridgework abutments, 480

Fixed dental prosthesis, 324

Fixed partial denture (FPD), 333

contraindications of, 320

indications of, 320

Fixed prosthodontics, 320

Flabby tissues, 52

Flasking, 170–171

definition of, 170

preparation of cast before, 171

procedure, 171

Flat palatal vault, 34

Flexible dentures, 317–318

Fluid control, 375

chemical methods, 375, 376

mechanical methods of, 375, 376

methods of, 375–376

Fluid wax technique, 62, 300–301

Freeway space, 109–110

Frenal attachments, 26

Fulcrum line, 264

Full cast crown, 368–370

Functional impression techniques, 298–301

altered cast technique, 301–303

fluid wax technique, 300–301

McLean–Hindel’s physiological method, 298–299

relining technique, 300

selective pressure technique, 301

Functionally generated pathway, 396


Gag reflex, 29–30

aetiology, 29

definition of, 29

pavlovian conditioned reflex, 29–30

Gas inclusion porosity, 410

Gerber attachments, 215–216

advantages of, 215

disadvantages of, 216

resilient, 216

Geriatrics, See Ageing

Gingival bulge area, 168

Gingival retraction, during impression making, 376–380

double cord technique, 381, 381f

electrosurgery, 379–380, 379f

infusion technique, 381

mechanical methods, 377

mechanico-chemical method, 377–378

methods of, 377b

single cord technique, 380, 380f

surgical method of, 378–380, 379f

techniques used for, 380–381

Gingivally approaching clasp, 260

Golden proportion, 126, 127f

Gothic arch tracer, 114

Gothic arch tracing,

definition of, 114

evolution of, 115

factors considered during, 115

importance of, 116

procedure of, 116

Group function occlusion, 395

Guiding planes, 295, 295f

definition of, 295

preparation of, 295

purpose of, 295

types of, 295b

Gypsum products, 403

Gypsum-bonded investment, 411–412


Hader bar, 219, 219f

Hairpin clasp, 259

Hard palate, 23, 23f, 58

Hardy’s vitallium occlusal teeth, 151f

High-volume suction, 376

Hinge axis, 87

Hollow bulb obturator, 441

Hooper duplicator, 194, 194f

Horizontal jaw relation, 111–120

centric relation, 111–112

functional methods, 117–118

methods of recording, 114b

physiologic method, 118–119

pressureless method, 120

pressure method, 120

staple pin method, 120

swallowing method, 120

Horseshoe-shaped connectors, 244

Hydroxyapatite, 472

Hyperplastic tissue, 52


Ideal abutment, 337

Implant abutment,

classification of, 480b

crest module area, 482

definition of, 479

design, 481

diameter, 481

length, 481–482

types of, 480

Immediate denture,

advantages of, 197

clinical procedures, 199–200

contraindications of, 197

definition of, 196

disadvantages of, 197

fabrication of, 198–200

indications of, 197

postinsertion care of, 201

requirements of, 196–197

types of, 197b

Immediate loading technique, 486

advantages, 486

disadvantages, 486–487

implant failures, 483–486

management, 483–486

types of, 486

Immediate side shift, 96, 97t

definition of, 47–48

objectives of, 47b

Impression making, 297

custom trays, 384

distal extension denture base, factors influencing

support of, 297

distal extension partial dentures, factors influencing

support of, 298–303

dual arch/triple tray/closed bite impression tray

technique, 384–385

gingival retraction during, methods of, 376–380

ideal impression, 381

importance in fixed partial denture, 381–382

impression material, ideal requirements of, 381–382

segmental impression technique, 385

stock tray/putty wash impression technique, 382–383

techniques used in fixed prosthodontics, 382–385

in tooth-supported partial dentures, 297–303

used for distal extension RPD, 298–301

Impression surface, 3

Impression techniques,

classification of, 56

Incisal guidance, 160–161, 160f

Incisal rest, 253–254

Incisive papilla, 106, 106f

Indirect retainers,

factors of, 261–262, 265

types of, 265–266

Interarch space, 22, 22f

Interim obturator, 440, 440f

Internal finish line, 251

Interocclusal rest space, 109–110

Interproximal brush, 221

Intracoronal attachment, 215, 225

Intracoronal retainers, 225, 254, 323–324

Intraoral retention, 452

Intraoral examination, 19–27

bony undercuts, 26–27

fibrous cord-like ridge, 24

floor of mouth, 26

frenal attachments, 26

hard palate, 23, 23f

lateral throat form, 27, 27f

mandibular basal seat, 20

maxillary basal seat, 20

oral mucosa, 19–20

palatal throat form, 27, 27f

residual alveolar ridge, 20–23

saliva, 26

soft palate, 23–24, 24f

tongue, 24–26

Intraoral tracing devices, 115

Introfix attachment, 218

‘Inverted cusp tooth’, 150

Irreversible hydrocolloids, 297


Jaw relation,

eccentric, 120–121

horizontal, 111–120

tentative, 119–120

vertical, 105–109


Kinematic Facebow, 84


Labial flange, 5

Laminate veneer, 347

Leon Williams typal form method, 125

Lingual bars, 246–247, 246f

Lingual flange, 5

Lingual plate, 315

Lingual reduction, 369

Lingual rest, 253

Lingualized occlusion, 152–154

Lip examination, 18

Lip lines, visibility of teeth in, 138f

Lip switch technique, of vestibuloplasty, 42, 42f

Lost salt crystal technique, 355

Lott’s chart, 158f

Lott’s laws of occlusion, 158

Lundeen’s point, 86


Magnets, 218, 452

Mandibular defects, 445–447

Mandibular osteoradionecrosis, 423

Mandibular anterior teeth,

arrangement of, 141f

mandibular canine, 141

mandibular central incisor, 141

mandibular lateral incisor, 141

Mandibular canine, 139

Mandibular equilibration, 174

Mandibular major connectors, 246

Mandibular movements, 19, 77–79, 78f, 79f

types of, 77b

Mandibular posterior teeth, 142

arrangement of, 142f

mandibular first molar, 142

mandibular first premolar, 142

mandibular second molar, 142

mandibular second premolar, 142

Mandibular tori, 38, 45

Major connectors, 241

types of, 242–246

Maryland bridge, 355, 355f

Masculine smile, 132f

Masseteric notch, 34

Master cast,

altered, 303f

sectioned, 302f

Maxillary anterior teeth, 140–141

arrangement of, 140f

maxillary central incisor, 140

maxillary lateral incisor, 141

vertical positions of, 137–138

Maxillary complete denture, 204f

Maxillary defects,

Aramany’s classification of, 442–444, 443f

prosthetic management of, 446–447

Maxillary impressions, 57–60

landmarks of, 58f

Maxillary posterior teeth, 141–142

arrangement of, 141f

maxillary first molar, 142

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