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Note: Pages followed by ‘f” for figure, “t” for table, “b” for box.
radiographic evaluation of, 235
Ackerman clip and CM clip, 220
Acrylic resin teeth vs. porcelain teeth, 130, 130t
and changes in size of basal seat, 28
effects on tongue and taste, 29
and nutritional impairment, 29
oral mucosa and skin changes, 28
physiopathological conditions of, 28
residual bone and maxillomandibular relation
Altered cast, definition of, 302
Altered cast technique, 301–303
Altered vertical dimension, 111f
relationship of natural teeth to, 102
Alveololingual sulcus, 65, 65f
Anterior teeth replacement, 267–269
Anteroposterior curve, 162–163, 163f
Anteroposterior palatal strap, 245, 245f
Antihaemorrhagic stent, 432–434
Anterior hyperfunction syndrome, 202
composition of material of, 130–133
porcelain teeth vs. acrylic resin teeth, 130, 130t
relationship with incisive papilla, 137
relationship with soft tissue reflection, 137
selection of, 124. See also Anterior teeth selection
distance between canine eminences, 127
residual ridge, contour of, 127
shade selection, prerequisites for, 129b
size of maxillary arch in, 126–127
vertical distance between ridges and, 127
Appropriate connector design, 329–332
Attachment fixation overdenture, 214–215
Attachments, in overdenture, 215–220
Rothermann attachment, 217, 218f
Zest anchor attachment, 216–217, 217f
Automix polyvinyl siloxane, 385
Avery Brother’s scissor-bite teeth, 150f
Ackerman clip and CM clip, 220
ageing and changes in size of, 28
Berry biometer ratio method, 125
Bilateral balanced occlusion, 394
quality classification, 463b, 463f
Bone grafting, in ridge augmentation,
Bonwill theory articulators, 92, 93f
Canine-guided occlusion, 395–396
Cantilevered dental prosthesis, 339, 339f
Central bearing device, 181–182
methods of retruding mandible in, 112–113
records., See Centric relation records
graphic recordings of, 114–117
Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), 428
Circumferential clasp, 255, 256f
Clapp’s tabular dimension table method, 125
Clinical remount procedure, 177
Closed mouth relining technique, 57, 191–194
N.J. Hansen’s technique, 191–192
N.S. Javid et al. technique, 193–194
finishing and polishing of, 174
physiological rest position in, 10
soft tissue changes, 11–12t, 11–13
temporomandibular joint in, 7–8
Complete denture prosthodontics, 13
Conical theory articulators, 92, 93f
Corrected cast technique, 301–303
nickel–chromium anatomic, 392, 392f
Crown-to-root ratio, 335–336, 336f
Cusped teeth vs. noncusped teeth, 136t
Custom-made dowel core, 351–352
Dental implant, 456, 467, 476–477
trimmed flat and adhesive tape, 193f
Denture placement, objectives of, 175
Diagnostic wax-up process, 397
Dual impression technique, 199
Eccentric jaw relation, 120–121
morphological changes associated with, 10–11
Embrasure clasp, 258, 258f, 293, 293f
Enameloplasty, for occlusal plane, 291, 291f
Envelope of motion, 79, 80f, 81f
Epithelial graft vestibuloplasty, 41–42
Epulis fissuratum, 11–12t, 12f, 45
Finishing, of complete dentures, 174
Fixed bridgework abutments, 480
Fixed partial denture (FPD), 333
preparation of cast before, 171
mechanical methods of, 375, 376
Fluid wax technique, 62, 300–301
Functional impression techniques, 298–301
altered cast technique, 301–303
McLean–Hindel’s physiological method, 298–299
selective pressure technique, 301
Functionally generated pathway, 396
pavlovian conditioned reflex, 29–30
Gingival retraction, during impression making, 376–380
double cord technique, 381, 381f
mechanico-chemical method, 377–378
single cord technique, 380, 380f
surgical method of, 378–380, 379f
Gingivally approaching clasp, 260
factors considered during, 115
Gypsum-bonded investment, 411–412
Hardy’s vitallium occlusal teeth, 151f
Horizontal jaw relation, 111–120
Horseshoe-shaped connectors, 244
Immediate loading technique, 486
distal extension denture base, factors influencing
distal extension partial dentures, factors influencing
dual arch/triple tray/closed bite impression tray
gingival retraction during, methods of, 376–380
importance in fixed partial denture, 381–382
impression material, ideal requirements of, 381–382
segmental impression technique, 385
stock tray/putty wash impression technique, 382–383
techniques used in fixed prosthodontics, 382–385
in tooth-supported partial dentures, 297–303
used for distal extension RPD, 298–301
Incisal guidance, 160–161, 160f
Interocclusal rest space, 109–110
Intracoronal attachment, 215, 225
Intracoronal retainers, 225, 254, 323–324
residual alveolar ridge, 20–23
Intraoral tracing devices, 115
Irreversible hydrocolloids, 297
Leon Williams typal form method, 125
Lingualized occlusion, 152–154
Lip lines, visibility of teeth in, 138f
Lip switch technique, of vestibuloplasty, 42, 42f
Lost salt crystal technique, 355
Mandibular osteoradionecrosis, 423
mandibular central incisor, 141
mandibular lateral incisor, 141
Mandibular major connectors, 246
Mandibular movements, 19, 77–79, 78f, 79f
Mandibular posterior teeth, 142
mandibular first premolar, 142
mandibular second premolar, 142
Maxillary anterior teeth, 140–141
maxillary central incisor, 140
maxillary lateral incisor, 141
vertical positions of, 137–138
Maxillary complete denture, 204f
Aramany’s classification of, 442–444, 443f
prosthetic management of, 446–447
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