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 • Finish line extending in the lingual aspect increases the mechanical

retention and increases the surface area for bonding.


• The prepared tooth surface is smoothened and all sharp line angles

are rounded (Fig. 24-3).

FIGURE 24-3 

FIGURE 24-3 Completed laminate preparation using finishing


Rationale of restoring an

endodontically treated tooth and ideal

requirements of post

During endodontic treatment of the tooth, intracoronal and

intraradicular dentines are removed which leads to changes in actual

composition of the remaining tooth structure. Restoration of

endodontically treated tooth is dictated by the amount of coronal

tooth destruction and location of the tooth. The changes occurring in

endodontically treated tooth are:

• Considerable removal of coronal dentine makes the remaining tooth

susceptible to fracture to even normal functional forces.

• An endodontically treated tooth becomes more brittle due to loss of

moisture and loss of vital dentine.

• Usually, the tooth is prone to get discoloured after endodontic


• Therefore, it is important to restore an endodontically treated tooth.

Functions of a post

• A post provides retention for core and coronal restoration.

• It protects remaining tooth structure by dissipating the functional

forces along the length of the post.

• It reinforces the remaining tooth structure.

Ideal requirements of a post

• It should provide adequate retention within the root.

• It should provide adequate retention of the core and the crown.

• It should have rigidity in comparison to the dentine.

• It should be aesthetic, if indicated.

• It should be easily retrievable.

• It should be biocompatible.

Post–core systems

Classifications of post and core systems

On the Basis of the Technique of Fabrication

(i) Custom cast posts

• Endopost

• Endowel

• Parapost

(ii) Prefabricated posts

• Parallel-sided, serrated and vented post, e.g.


• Tapered self-threading systems, e.g. Dentatus

• Tapered smooth-sided systems, e.g. Kerr, Ash

• Parallel-sided, threaded post systems, e.g. Radix

Anchor, Kurer Anchor post systems

• Parallel-sided, threaded, split shank systems, e.g.


On the Basis of the Fit of the Posts

(i) Passive retention posts

• Cast posts

• Smooth tapered post

• Serrated parallel posts

(ii) Active retention posts

• Threaded parallel/tapered posts

• Flexi-posts

• Kurer Anchor posts

On the Basis of the Material Used

(i) Metals

• Custom cast posts

• Gold alloys

• Chrome–cobalt alloy

• Nickel–chromium alloys

• Prefabricated posts

• Stainless steel

• Titanium

• Brass

(ii) Nonmetals

• Carbon fibre

• Fibre reinforced

• Glass fibre

• Quartz fibre

• Woven polyethylene fibre

Prefabricated posts

Prefabricated posts are commercially available in different shapes and

sizes. They are very popular because of their simplicity.

Salient features of prefabricated posts

• These have less chairside time with no laboratory procedure.

• These need single appointment.

• These are cost-effective.

• These are easy to temporize.

• These have good strength.

• Comparatively less tooth structure is removed.

• As these posts are prefabricated, they cannot be designed according

to the anatomy of particular root.

• If coronal tooth structure is less, these should be used with caution.

These can be made of either metal or nonmetal. These can be of

different types, namely, tapered, parallel-sided, carbon fibre post or

glass fibre post.

Some of the commonly used prefabricated posts are described


Tapered smooth-sided post (fig. 24-4)

• This is most widely used and is the oldest one.

• This is a cemented post which is least retentive.

• This should not be used in the teeth that are subjected to high

functional stresses.

FIGURE 24-4 Tapered post: (A) smooth sided; (B) serrated;

(C) threaded.

Tapered post with self-threading screws

• This is more retentive than smooth-sided cemented post.

• This produces greatest stress in dentine during placement.

• There is a high chance of fracture of the remaining tooth.

Parallel-sided posts (fig. 24-5)

• These provide much greater retention than tapered post.

• These produce less stress in dentine.

• These are cemented posts which can be used where high functional

forces are expected.

FIGURE 24-5 Parallel-sided posts: (A) smooth sided; (B)

serrated; (C) threaded.

Carbon fibre post

• Nonmetallic post introduced by P.B. Duret, M. Reynaiid and F.

Duret in 1990.

• It is more flexible than metal post and its rigidity is similar to


• It is available as tapered, parallel-sided, smooth or serrated forms.

• There are less chances of tooth fracture.

• It is less aesthetic due to its dark colour.

• Adhesive system forms weaker bond with carbon fibre post than

with stainless steel.

Glass fibre post

• It has lower elastic modulus than the carbon fibres.

• It can be made of E-glass (electrical glass) or S-glass (high strength).

Quartz fibre post

• Glass fibre post can be made of quartz fibre additionally.

• Quartz is pure silica in crystallized form with low coefficient of

thermal expansion.

• It is aesthetically compatible.

• It has easy retrievability.

• It has greater fracture resistance.

• It is useful in curing by transmitting light through the post.

• It flexes with tooth structure.

Light-transmitting post

• Translucent posts allow light transmission during polymerization of

light-cured resin cements.

• It facilitates the union of remaining dentine with light-cured resin

cement to restore the lost dentine.

• It effectively cures the light-cure resin deep into the canal.

• It provides strong foundation for the restorations.

• It has greater aesthetics.

• It can be effectively used in high aesthetic regions.

Parallel flexi-post

• It is a prefabricated split shank, parallel-sided threaded post.

• It provides maximum retention.

• It has greater flexure and fatigue strength than metal or zirconium


• Its modulus of elasticity is close to dentine.

• It has improved aesthetics.

• Sandblasting the posts prior to cementation enhances their


Steps involved in fabrication of custom-made

dowel core

The principles of tooth preparation for endodontically treated tooth

are the same as that for any tooth.

Steps involved in preparing these teeth are (Fig. 24-6):

(i) To remove root canal filling material

(ii) Enlargement of the canal

(iii) Fabrication of dowel core

FIGURE 24-6 Ideal requirements for post space preparation.

To remove root canal filling material

• Obturation of the root canal is first completed with gutta-percha.

• Gutta-percha is then removed either by heated endodontic plugger

or by a rotary instrument.

• The apical seal should not be disturbed by any of the methods used.

• Minimum 3–5 mm of the apical seal should be left intact.

• Peeso reamers or Gates Glidden drills are commonly used for post

space preparation (Fig. 24-7).

FIGURE 24-7 Post space preparation done with Peeso


Enlargement of the canal

• Peeso reamer or low-speed drills of different sizes are used to

enlarge the canal.

• The aim is to remove any undercuts and to receive an appropriate

size post.

• The post space should not be prepared more than one-third of the

root’s diameter.

• Tooth structure should always be preserved as much as possible.

Fabrication of dowel core

• A custom made post can be fabricated using two techniques,

namely, direct or indirect.

Direct technique

• Pattern is fabricated directly in the patient’s mouth using pattern

resin or inlay wax.

• Canal is lubricated and plastic dowel is extended to the apical end of

the prepared canal.

• Resin is incrementally added onto the plastic dowel and placed and

removed several times into the canal.

• The resin should not be allowed to harden to the prepared canal.

• This step is repeated until properly fitting resin-coated dowel is


• Pattern post is rechecked for its fit and ease of removability.

• Pattern post is invested and casted.

Indirect technique

• An orthodontic wire of appropriate length is tried into the apical

end of the canal.

• The wire is made J-shaped.

• The wire is coated with tray adhesive and the canal is lubricated.

• A light body elastomeric impression material is coated on the wire

and the canal is filled with the material using lentulo spiral.

• Wire is placed into the canal and elastomeric impression material is

injected around and over the prepared tooth.

• Impression tray is loaded with medium-body elastomeric

impression material or heavy-body elastomeric impression material.

• The impression tray is inserted and removed after the


• The impression is evaluated and poured with stone to get a working


• Wax pattern is fabricated in laboratory with inlay pattern wax.

• Core of the dowel is fabricated with wax.

• Fabricated dowel core is invested and casted.

Materials used

• Gold alloys

• Chrome–cobalt alloys

• Nickel–chromium alloys


Ferrule is defined as ‘a metal band or ring used to fit the root or crown of a

tooth’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Ferrule is provided by extending the axial wall of the crown apical

to the missing tooth structure. The circumferential band of cast metal

reinforces the coronal portion of the tooth. Ferrule effect is enhanced

by giving a bevelled finish line and when the walls are very close to

parallel. It improves the structural durability of the endodontically

restored tooth by counteracting the lateral forces exerted during the

placement of the post (Fig. 24-8).

Roles of ferrule

• It counteracts the lateral forces during post placement.

• It counteracts the functional leverage forces.

• It counteracts the wedging effect of tapered post.

FIGURE 24-8 Restoration with ferrule effect.

Inadequate ferrule may result in:

• Root fracture

• Post loosening and cement failure

• Post fracture

Resin-bonded bridge

Resin-bonded prosthesis can be defined as ‘a fixed dental prosthesis

that is luted to tooth structures, primarily enamel, which has been etched to

provide mechanical retention for the resin cement’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Resin-bonded bridges were first described by A.L. Rochette in 1973.

The primary aim of these bridges was to replace missing tooth with

maximum conservation of the tooth structure. Earlier, mechanical

retention was employed to retain the prosthesis but with introduction

of electrolytic etching, micromechanical retention was used to bond

metal surface to enamel.


• To replace missing anterior tooth in children or young adults

• Short edentulous span

• Single posterior tooth

• Adequate crown length

• Excellent moisture control


• Long edentulous span

• Parafunctional habits

• Grossly damaged or restored abutments

• Insufficient enamel for bonding

• Inadequate occlusal clearance

• Deep vertical overbite

• Patient allergic to base metal alloys (nickel)


• It involves minimum reduction of the abutment tooth.

• Usually anaesthesia is not required.

• Supragingival finish line is usually given which aids in proper

impression making.

• Temporary crown is not required.

• Preparation is in enamel only.

• It results in increased patient comfort.

• It results in reduced chances of pulpal damage.

• It involves less chairside time.


• Longevity is less than conventional FPDs.

• Space correction is difficult with resin-retained bridge.

• Small laboratory error is difficult to correct.


Resin-bonded bridges can be classified into the following types on the

basis of type of retention employed by the retainer.

(i) Bonded pontic

(ii) Mechanical retention – Rochette bridge

(iii) Micromechanical retention – Maryland bridge

(iv) Macroscopic mechanical retention – Virginia bridge

(v) Cast mesh FPD

(i) Bonded pontic

• A natural tooth or acrylic tooth was bonded onto

the proximal and lingual surfaces of the abutment

tooth with composite resin.

• Usually a wire or steel mesh is used to support the

connector with composite resin.

• Limited durability, therefore, should be used for

replacement for shorter duration.

(ii) Rochette bridge (Fig. 24-9)

• Rochette (1973) employed the mode of mechanical

retention by perforating the metal casting and

bonding onto the tooth structure by silane coupling


• The wing-like retainers with funnel-like perforation

were heavily filled with composite resin to bond

onto the prepared tooth.

• Livaditis used it on the posterior tooth by

extending the winged metal casting interproximally

and occlusally on the abutment tooth.

Limitations of cast perforation technique

• Due to metal perforation, strength is compromised.

• Wear of resin at the perforation can lead to

marginal leakage, increased stress and abrasion.

• Adhesion provided by perforations is limited.

(iii) Maryland bridge (Fig. 24-10)

• G.J. Livaditis and V.P. Thompson (1981)

developed an electrolytic pit corroding technique

for etching base metal alloys.

• Livaditis and Thompson used 3–5% nitric acid with

250 mA/cm2 of current for 5 min, followed by

placing in 18% hydrochloric acid in ultrasonic

cleaner for 10 min to achieve internal etching of the

metal casting. This type of etched metal prosthesis

is called Maryland bridge.

Advantages of etched cast retainers

• Retention is improved three-fold as compared with

resin–enamel bond.

• The retainer can be made in thin section which can

resist flexing.

• External surface of the metal retainer is highly

polished and resists plaque accumulation.


• Procedure is technique sensitive.

• Contamination of the surface decreases the bond


(iv) Virginia bridge (Fig. 24-11)

• It is based on lost salt crystal technique.

• P.C. Moon and J.L. Hudgins, F.J. Knap

incorporated salt crystals on the retainer pattern to

produce roughness on the internal surface of the


• Working cast is the first model sprayed and outline

of the framework is made on the abutment.

• Within these outline, cubic salt crystals of specific

size are sprinkled on the die leaving 0.5–1.0 mm

margin as crystal free around the outline.

• Retainer patterns are then fabricated with acrylic


• Patterns are removed after resin is polymerized

completely, cleaned, and placed in water to

dissolve the crystals.

• Cubic voids on the pattern are replicated in the cast

retainers which provide a mode of retention of

fixed bridge.

• Internal surface of the retainer is treated by air

abrasion with aluminium oxide.

• Nickel–chromium alloys required oxidation with

dilute solution of sulphuric acid and potassium


(v) Cast mesh FPD (Fig. 24-12)

• In this technique, net-like nylon mesh is placed on

the lingual surface of the abutment tooth on the

working model.

• This is then included in the retainer wax pattern.

• The wax pattern is casted in conventional manner.

• Meshed internal surface is seen on the cast retainer

which eliminates the need to etch the casting.

• This technique can be used in noble metal alloys.


• Material tends to be rigid.

• Its retentive ability is compromised, if mesh is

blocked during wax pattern fabrication.

FIGURE 24-9 Rochette resin-bonded fixed partial denture.

FIGURE 24-10 Maryland bridge.

FIGURE 24-11 Virginia bridge.

FIGURE 24-12 Cast mesh fixed partial denture.

Spring-retained FPD

In spring-retained FPD, the pontic is connected to the retainer with

flexible palatal bar (Fig. 24-13).

• A tooth and tissue-borne prosthesis where the masticatory forces

from the pontic are transmitted to the palatal mucosa before

reaching the abutment tooth.

FIGURE 24-13 Spring-retained FPD.


• Only one tooth, usually the posterior tooth, is prepared to be the


• It is the only design where diastema on either side of the pontic can

be given.

• Flexion of the palatal bar bears the forces and acts as a shock



• It is technique sensitive.

• It is difficult to fabricate.

Resin cements used to lute FPDs

Resin cements have evolved rapidly in recent years.

• These are flowable composites of low viscosity.

• Initially, unfilled resin was used to lute perforated retainers.

• Then unfilled/filled composite resin with thin film thickness was

specifically used to bond resin-bonded bridges.

• Dentine bonding agents are incorporated into the cement as most of

the preparation is in dentine.

• HEMA (hydroxyethyl methacrylate), 4-META (4-methacryloxyethyl

trimelliate anhydride), and an organophosphate, such as 10-

methacryloxydecamethylene phosphoric acid, were incorporated

into resin cement.

• The most commonly used resin cements are chemically-cure system

or light-cure system or dual-cure systems.

• Resin cements are insoluble in oral fluids.

• Chemically activated resin cements are supplied as two pastes; both

pastes are mixed on mixing pad for 20–30 s and used to lute crowns

and bridges.

• Light-cure resin systems are single component systems used to lute

resin-bonded prosthesis, veneers or orthodontic brackets.

• Dual-cure resin system again is supplied as two pastes. Chemical

activation is slow and it provides extended working time till the

time light is shown, thereafter it cures rapidly.

• Dual-cure cements should be used in prosthesis which has thickness

of up to 2.5 mm; beyond this, chemically activated resin should be


• Dual-cure cements have become the most commonly used luting

agents to bond FPDs in recent times.

• The excess cement should be removed before the cement fully


• Tin plating can improve bonding of noble metal alloys.

• Air abrading surface of base metal alloys with 50 microns alumina

particles improves its bonding.

• Silica bonding can again improve bonding to both noble metal and

base metal alloys.

CAD/CAM assistance in fixed prosthodontics

CAD/CAM system means computer-aided designing and computeraided machining. It was introduced to dentistry in the 1980s. In 1984,

Duret developed the Duret system which is a CAD/CAM system

capable of generating single unit and multiple unit restorations.

Historical background

• 1957: Dr Patrick J. Hanratty – father of CAD/CAM technology–

developed CAM software program called PRONTO

• 1971: Dr Francois Duret (France) – first dental CAD/CAM device

• 1979: P. Heitlinger and F. Rodder milled the equivalent of the stone

model used by a dental technician to make the crown, inlay or


• 1983: Dr Matts Anderson (Sweden) developed Procera.

• 1983: First CAD/CAM restoration by Dr F. Duret – introduced in the

Ganaciene Conference (France).

• 1985: Dr Werner Mormann and Dr Marco Brandestini

(Switzerland) – first commercial CAD/CAM system (CEREC).

• 1980s: Dr Dianne Rekow (USA) developed CAD/CAM system

using photographs and high resolution scanner – mill restorations

using 5-axis machine

Components of CAD/CAM system

• A digitalization tool/scanner: It is an optical or mechanical scanner

(Fig. 24-14A). Optical scanner works on ‘triangulation procedure’,

e.g. Lava Scan ST and Everest scan. In mechanical scanner, master

cast is read mechanically line-by-line by a ruby ball to measure the

three-dimensional structure, e.g. Procera scan.

• Software that process data: Its basis is STL (standard

transformation language) data (Fig. 24-14B).

• Production technology: Subtractive manufacturing or additive

manufacturing (Fig. 24-14C). Subtractive manufacturing, e.g. CNC

(computerized numerical control) machining; additive

manufacturing, e.g. rapid prototyping.

FIGURE 24-14 Components of CAD/CAM system.

Processing devices distinguished by means of the number of milling

axis – 3-axis devices, 4-axis devices and 5-axis devices.

CAD/CAM production concepts

• Chairside production: Fabrication of restoration is done chairside in

one appointment, e.g. Cerec system (Sirona).

• Laboratory production: It is done on the master cast; 3D data are

formed in the laboratory with scanner. After this, CAD data

production restoration is fabricated by a milling machine.

• Centralized fabrication: It is done in a production centre.

Centralized production is done in a milling centre. Satellite scanners

in laboratory are connected with production centre via internet, e.g.


CAD/CAM manufacturing is done by two methods:

(i) Additive manufacturing

(ii) Subtractive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing or 3D printing


‘Additive manufacturing is a process of joining materials to make objects

from three-dimensional (3D) model data, usually layer upon layer, as

opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies’. [ASTM International

(ASTM 2792-12)]

The process of additive manufacturing involves using images from

a digital file to create an object by laying down successive layers of a

chosen material.

Application of additive manufacturing in prosthodontics

• Fabrication of ceramic inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges

• Fabrication of maxillofacial prosthesis, drug delivery

• Used in tissue engineering

• Used for making surgical guides for implant placement

• Used for fabrication of temporary crowns and bridges

• Used for fabricating customized implants

• Used for modelling scaffolds for tissue engineering and organ


• Used as ceramic paste for creating bone and bioresorbable polymers

• Used in direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) technique

Types of 3D printing

• Stereolithography

• Laminated object manufacturing

• Laser powder forming techniques

• Solid ground curing

• Fused deposition modelling

• Selective electron beam melting

• 3D Inkjet printing

• Robocasting

Subtractive manufacturing.

It involves removal of material from the raw block to obtain object of

desired shape and size through milling or unconventional machining

such as laser machining, electrical discharge machining.

• It uses images from a digital file to create an object by machining

(cutting or milling) to physically remove material and achieve the

desired geometry.

• It is widely used in prosthodontics.

• It is the modern method of designing, developing and producing

restorations partially or completely.

Uses of the CAD/CAM systems

• To design and mill metal, alumina and zirconia frameworks

• To scan and mill all ceramic crowns and bridges

• To fabricate inlays, onlays and ceramic laminates

• To fabricate stronger and better-fitting restorations

• In implant restorations

• For orthodontic purposes

Key Facts

• Maxillary first molar has maximum root surface area of 433 mm²

and mandibular first molar has root surface area of 431 mm²; among

anterior maxillary teeth, canine has maximum root surface area of

273 mm² and mandibular central incisor has minimum 154 mm²;

among posterior mandibular teeth, first premolar has minimum

root surface area of 180 mm².

• Tooth preparation becomes difficult, if the long axis of the tooth

diverges or converges more than 25º from parallelism.

• Multirooted posterior teeth provide better periodontal support

than single conical roots.

• Bending or flexion of the fixed bridge varies directly to the cube of

the length and inversely with the cube of cervicoincisal thickness of

the pontic.

• More parallel the opposing walls of the preparation, more will be

the retention.

• Optimum taper for prepared walls is 2–6º.

• For short clinical crown, additional retentive features such as

grooves, pins, slots and boxes are advocated.

• Self-threading pins are about five times more retentive than

cemented pins.

• Ferrule helps in binding the remaining tooth structure together

preventing root fracture during function.

• Lost salt technique is used to fabricate Virginia bridge.

• Rochette bridge was the first used perforated retainer.

• Maryland bridge is the etched metal prosthesis.

• Single piece platinum reinforced porcelain bridge is called Swann




Clinical crown preparation in

fixed prosthodontics


Introduction, 360

Finish Lines, 363

Types of Finish Lines, 364

Porcelain Jacket Crown, 367

Preparation of Full Cast Crown, 368

Occlusal Reduction, 369

Buccal Reduction and Lingual Reduction, 369

Proximal Reduction, 369

Finishing the Preparation, 369

Indications, 369

Contraindications, 370

Advantages, 370

Disadvantages, 370

Preparation for Partial Veneer Crown, 370

Lingual Reduction, 370

Incisal Reduction, 371

Proximal Axial Reduction, 371

Additional Features, 371

Indications, 372

Contraindications, 372

Advantages, 372

Disadvantages, 372

Preparation for PFM Crown, 372

Occlusal Reduction, 372

Proximal Reduction, 373

Lingual Reduction, 373

Buccal Reduction, 373

Advantage, 373

Disadvantages, 373


Successful fixed prosthodontic treatment warrants successful crown

preparation. The crown preparation is essentially governed by the

following principles:

Principles of Tooth Preparation

• Conservation of tooth structure

• Retention and resistance

• Structural durability

• Marginal integrity

• Preservation of periodontium

(I) Conservation of tooth structure

Sound tooth structure should be conserved as far as

possible. Unnecessary reduction of the tooth should

be avoided. Even grossly damaged tooth should be

preserved with post and cores after endodontically

treating them.

Simple guidelines to ensure preservation of tooth

structure during crown preparation:

• By giving minimal taper to the axial wall of the

prepared tooth.

• By following the anatomic planes during tooth


• By selecting a conservative finish line for the

restoration, if possible.

• By avoiding unnecessary extension of the

preparation apically.

• By preferring partial veneer restoration over full

veneer restoration when indicated.

(II) Resistance and retention

Retention prevents the restoration from getting

dislodged by forces parallel to the path of

withdrawal. Retention is defined as ‘that quality

inherent in the dental prosthesis acting to resist the

forces of dislodgement along the path of placement’.

(GPT 8th Ed)

• Resistance is ‘the ability of the restoration to resist

its dislodgement by apically or obliquely directed


• Retention and resistance are often inter-related

properties in tooth preparation.

Some of their features are mentioned as follows:

(a) Taper

More parallel the axial walls of preparation, more is

the retention. However, achieving parallel walls is

almost impossible and, therefore, 3–6° of taper is

recommended for optimum retention.

If the taper is increased by more than 20°

, stress

concentration increases sharply on the abutment

tooth. Therefore, during tooth preparation, taper

should be kept minimum for maximum retention.

Retention and resistance also depend on the surface

area of the preparation.

Greater the surface area of the prepared tooth, greater

is the retention. Preparations on the larger teeth are

more retentive than preparation on the smaller

teeth. Surface area can be enhanced to a limited

extent by providing features such as boxes and

grooves on the preparation.

(b) Freedom of displacement

• Retention is proportional to the paths of insertion

and removal. Maximum retention is achieved, if the

preparation has only single path of placement and

least when there are multiple paths.

• Resistance is also dependent on freedom of

displacement. More the freedom of displacement is

limited to twisting and torquing forces in a

horizontal plane, more will be the resistance of the


• Walls of the preparation should be made

perpendicular to the direction of force for adequate


(c) Height of the preparation

• The occlusogingival height of the preparation is an

important factor for both retention and resistance.

• Longer preparation has more surface area and,

therefore, more retention. Longer preparation with

less inclination of the axial walls also enhances the


• Resistance to displacement for a short-walled

preparation on a large tooth is improved by adding

grooves or boxes on the axial walls.

(d) Substitution of internal features

• Resistance and retention can be improved by

incorporating internal features such as boxes, grooves

and pin holes on inclined axial walls.

• Substitution of internal features is done in cases

where it is difficult to achieve retention such as

overtapered short preparation, partial veneer


(e) Path of insertion

It is defined as ‘the specific direction in which a prosthesis

is placed on the abutment teeth or implant’. (GPT 8th


• It is important to survey the abutment teeth before

and during preparation visually to detect any

undercut or overtapering. Usually, one eye should

be closed to detect undercut in prepared tooth.

• Path of insertion should be considered

faciolingually and mesiodistally. The faciolingual

inclination of the path of insertion should be

avoided in porcelain fused to metal (PFM) or

partial veneer crown preparation, as it affects the


• Mesiodistal inclination of the path of insertion

should parallel the contact areas of the adjacent

teeth for proper aesthetics.

(III) Structural durability

Sufficient tooth structure should be removed in order

to create a space to accommodate adequate bulk of

restorative material which can withstand the

functional forces. The bulk of this material provides

adequate rigidity to the prosthesis and ensures its

longer durability.

Preparation Features that Ensure Durability

to the Prosthesis

• Occlusal reduction

• Axial reduction

• Reinforcing struts

(a) Occlusal reduction

During preparation of the tooth structure, adequate

clearance is provided for the restorative material to

build back the occlusion.

• The reduction should be done along the geometric

inclines of the natural tooth and the occlusal surface

should not be made flat, as it tends to shorten the

height of preparation.

• Occlusal reduction depends on the type of material

used for restoration.

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