Nitric oxide Low levels or none Induced following transcriptional activation
Degranulation Major response; induced by
Cytokine production Low levels per cell Major functional activity, large amounts
per cell, requires transcriptional activation of
Extracellular traps Rapidly induced, by extrusion
between neutrophils and macrophages. These two cell types share many features, such as phagocytosis,
inducible nitric oxide synthase; NET, neutrophil extracellular traps.
not provide prolonged defense.
• Monocytes are less abundant in the blood than neutrophils, numbering 500 to 1000 per µL (see Fig.
2.9B). They also ingest microbes in the blood and in
tissues. During inflammatory reactions, monocytes
enter extravascular tissues and differentiate into
cells called macrophages, which, unlike neutrophils,
survive in these sites for long periods. Thus, blood
monocytes and tissue macrophages are two stages of
In adult homeostasis and inflammatory reactions
rise to cells that seed tissues to generate specialized tissue-resident macrophages.
Fig. 2.9 Morphology of neutrophils and monocytes. A,
Light micrograph of blood neutrophil shows the multilobed
which are lysosomes. B, Light micrograph of blood monocyte
shows the typical horseshoe-shaped nucleus.
sac or fetal liver early during the development of the
organism. Macrophages are also found in all connective tissues and organs of the body.
Macrophages serve several important roles in host
defense: they ingest and destroy microbes, they clear
dead tissues and initiate the process of tissue repair,
and they produce cytokines that induce and regulate
inflammation (Fig. 2.11). A number of receptor families
receptors discussed earlier, including TLRs and NLRs,
recognize products of microbes and damaged cells and
activate the macrophages. Phagocytosis is mediated
by cell surface receptors, such as mannose receptors
and scavenger receptors, which directly bind microbes
(and other particles), and receptors for antibodies or
products of complement activation that are bound to
microbes. These antibody and complement receptors
macrophages as well. In addition, macrophages respond
These pathways of activation have been called classical
and alternative. Classical macrophage activation is
induced by innate immune signals, such as from TLRs,
and by the cytokine IFN-?, which may be produced in
both innate and adaptive immune responses. Classically
activated macrophages, also called M1, are involved
Cell surface complement receptors promote the phagocytosis of complement-coated microbes as well as
absence of strong TLR signals and is induced by the
cytokines IL-4 and IL-13; these macrophages, called
M2, appear to be more important for tissue repair and
to terminate inflammation. The relative abundance of
these two forms of activated macrophages may influence
macrophage populations in Chapter 6, when we discuss
Although our discussion has been limited to the role
of phagocytes in innate immunity, macrophages are also
important effector cells in both the cell-mediated arm
and the humoral arm of adaptive immunity, as discussed
in Chapters 6 and 8, respectively.
Dendritic cells function as sentinels in tissues that
respond to microbes by producing numerous cytokines,
also capture protein antigens and display fragments of
of dendritic cells further in Chapter 3 in the context of
Mast cells are bone marrow–derived cells with abundant
cytoplasmic granules that are present throughout the
skin and mucosal barriers. Mast cells can be activated by
microbial products binding to TLRs and by components
of the complement system as part of innate immunity
or by an antibody-dependent mechanism in adaptive
immunity. Mast cell granules contain vasoactive amines
such as histamine that cause vasodilation and increased
capillary permeability, as well as proteolytic enzymes
that can kill bacteria or inactivate microbial toxins. Mast
cells also synthesize and secrete lipid mediators (e.g.,
prostaglandins and leukotrienes) and cytokines (e.g.,
helminths and other pathogens, as well as protection
Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are tissue-resident cells
that produce cytokines similar to those secreted by
helper T lymphocytes but do not express T cell antigen receptors (TCRs). ILCs have been divided into
three major groups based on their secreted cytokines;
these groups correspond to the Th1, Th2, and Th17
subsets of CD4+ T cells that we describe in Chapter
at sites of infection. ILCs likely provide early defense
against infections in tissues, but their essential roles in
host defense or immunological diseases, especially in
NK cells recognize infected and stressed cells and
respond by killing these cells and by secreting the
macrophage-activating cytokine IFN-? (Fig. 2.12). NK
cells are developmentally related to group 1 ILCs and
Fig. 2.12 Functions of natural killer (NK) cells. A, NK cells
kill host cells infected by intracellular microbes, thus eliminating
which activates the macrophages to kill phagocytosed microbes.
organs. NK cells contain cytoplasmic granules and
express some unique surface proteins but do not express
immunoglobulins or T cell receptors, the antigen receptors of B and T lymphocytes, respectively.
On activation by infected cells, NK cells empty the
cell. The granule proteins then enter infected cells and
activate enzymes that induce apoptosis. The cytotoxic
mechanisms of NK cells, which are the same as the
mechanisms used by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs;
see Chapter 6), result in the death of infected cells. Thus,
intracellular microbes, such as viruses. In addition, NK
cells may contribute to the destruction of tumors.
Activated NK cells also synthesize and secrete the
dendritic cells that have encountered microbes enhance
the ability of NK cells to protect against infections. Three
of these NK cell–activating cytokines are interleukin-15
(IL-15), type I IFNs, and interleukin-12 (IL-12). IL-15
is important for the development and maturation of
NK cells, and type I IFNs and IL-12 enhance the killing
functions of NK cells. Thus, NK cells and macrophages
ingest microbes and produce IL-12, IL-12 activates NK
cells to secrete IFN-?, and IFN-? in turn activates the
macrophages to kill the ingested microbes. As discussed
in Chapter 6, essentially the same sequence of reactions
involving macrophages and T lymphocytes is central to
the cell-mediated arm of adaptive immunity.
recognize cell surface molecules typically expressed
damage. These receptors enable NK cells to eliminate
Inhibitory receptor not engaged
receptors are not engaged. The result is that the infected cells are killed.
cells infected with intracellular microbes, as well as
irreparably injured cells and tumor cells. One of the
well-defined activating receptors of NK cells is called
NKG2D; it recognizes molecules that resemble class
I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins
and are expressed in response to many types of cellular
cells. The recognition of antibody-coated cells results in
principal mediators of ADCC. The role of this reaction in antibody-mediated immunity is described in
Chapter 8. Activating receptors on NK cells have
signaling subunits that contain immunoreceptor
of lymphocyte antigen receptor–associated signaling
molecules, become phosphorylated on tyrosine residues
when the receptors recognize their activating ligands.
exocytosis and production of IFN-?.
The inhibitory receptors of NK cells block signaling
by activating receptors and are specific for self class I
MHC molecules, which are expressed on all healthy
nucleated cells. Therefore, class I MHC expression
protects healthy cells from destruction by NK cells. (In
Chapter 3, we describe the important function of MHC
receptors (KIRs), so called because they share structural
called immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs
phosphorylated ITIMs bind and promote activation of
cytosolic protein tyrosine phosphatases. These enzymes
remove phosphate groups from the tyrosine residues of
various signaling molecules, thereby counteracting the
function of the ITAMs and blocking the activation of
NK cells through activating receptors. Therefore, when
the inhibitory receptors of NK cells encounter self MHC
molecules on normal host cells, the NK cells are shut
cells, which allows them to evade killing by virus-specific
CD8+ CTLs. When this happens, the NK cell inhibitory
become activated and eliminate the virus-infected cells.
The role of NK cells and CTLs in defense illustrates
how hosts and microbes are engaged in a constant struggle
evade killing of the infected cells by CTLs, and NK cells
can compensate for the defective CTL response because
the NK cells are more effective in the absence of MHC
molecules. The winner of this struggle, the host or the
microbe, determines the outcome of the infection. The
same principles may apply to the functions of NK cells
in eradication of tumors, many of which also attempt to
escape from CTL-mediated killing by reducing expression of class I MHC molecules (see Chapter 10).
Lymphocytes with Limited Diversity
Several types of lymphocytes that have some features of
T and B lymphocytes also function in the early defense
against microbes and may be considered part of the
innate immune system. A unifying characteristic of
but the receptors have limited diversity.
• As mentioned earlier, ?d T cells are present in
• NK-T cells express TCRs with limited diversity and
surface molecules typically found on NK cells. They
are present in epithelia and lymphoid organs. They
recognize microbial lipids bound to a class I MHC–
• Mucosal associated invariant T (MAIT) cells express
TCRs with limited diversity but do not express CD4 or
CD8. They are present in mucosal tissues and are most
abundant in the human liver, accounting for 20% to
40% of all T cells in that organ. Many MAIT cells are
specific for bacterial vitamin B metabolites and likely
contribute to innate defense against intestinal bacteria
that transgress the mucosal barrier and enter the portal
• B-1 cells are a population of B lymphocytes that are
found mostly in the peritoneal cavity and mucosal
tissues, where they produce antibodies in response
to microbes and microbial toxins that pass through
the walls of the intestine. Circulating IgM antibodies
of these antibodies are specific for carbohydrates that
are present in the cell walls of many bacteria and for
ABO blood group antigens found on red blood cells
• Another type of B lymphocyte, marginal-zone B
cells, is present at the edges of lymphoid follicles in
the spleen and other organs and also is involved in
rapid antibody responses to blood-borne polysaccharide-rich microbes.
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