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 • It is highly biocompatible and readily bonds with adjacent hard and

soft tissues.

• Its mechanism of bone regeneration is osteoconduction.

• Its physical and chemical properties determine the clinical

application and the rate of resorption.

• Larger particle sizes resorb faster.

• More porous the particles, more scaffolding it provides for new

bone regeneration but lesser will be the strength.

• These are bioactive and biodegradable ceramics.

• Amorphous grafts resorb faster as compared to the crystalline


• Hydroxyapatite crystals are used for augmenting alveolar ridges

and for filling osseous defects.

• Solid dense bone particles possess high-compressive strength but

are brittle and are, therefore, used in low-stress-bearing areas.

Bio-Oss: It is bovine-derived anorganic bone matrix material.

• It is chemically treated to remove its organic component.

• It is osteoconductive graft material and it undergoes physiologic

remodelling to get incorporated in the surrounding bone.

• It can be used in treating periodontal defects, in dehiscences and

fenestrations around the implant and in small sinus osteotomies.

• When treating large defects, it can be combined with autogenous

bone for successful augmentation.

Bioglass: This consists of calcium and phosphate salts (CaO, P2O5


similar to that found in bone and teeth and sodium salts with silicon

(Na2O, SiO2

) which helps in mineralization of the bone.

• It is available in amorphous form only and not in crystalline form.

• It has high rate of reaction with the host cells and it has an ability to

bond with the collagen found in the connective tissues.

• The bioactivity level of bioglass is high; therefore, the process of

osteogenesis starts soon after implantation.

• It has unique property to bond both with the bone and the soft

connective tissues.

• Perio Glass is a synthetic particulate form of bioglass that is used to

treat the infrabony defects.

Advantages of bioactive materials

• Highly biocompatible

• Composition similar to bone

• Can bond to both the hard and soft tissues

• Minimal thermal and electrical conductivity

• Modulus of elasticity similar to the bone

• Colour is similar to the bone

Disadvantages of bioactive materials

• Low-tensile strength and shear strength

• Relatively low-attachment strength

• Solubilities are variable depending on the product and its clinical


Healing process in dental implants

The healing process around the dental implant is similar to the

process that occurs for primary bone.

The healing process in implants occurs in three phases, namely:

• Osteophyllic phase

• Osteoconductive phase

• Osteoadaptive phase

Osteophyllic phase

• Once an implant is placed into the cancellous bone, primary clot

forms between the rough implant surface and the bone.

• Cytokines are released during the initial implant–bone interaction.

• While inflammatory phase is in progress, the vascular ingrowth

begins from the surrounding vital bone starting from the 3rd day.

• It develops into more mature vascular network during the first 3

weeks following implant placement.

• Also, cellular differentiation, proliferation and activation occur

during this phase.

• Ossification occurs from the first week itself when the osteoblast

cells migrate from the endosteal surface of the trabecular bone.

• This phase lasts for 1 month.

Osteoconductive phase

• During this phase, as the osteoblast reaches the implant, it spreads

along the metal surface to deposit the osteoid.

• Initially, immature connective tissue matrix in the form of thin

woven bone is laid down. This is called the foot plate.

• Fibrocartilaginous callus matures into the bone callus similar to the

endochondral ossification of bone.

• This phase occurs for the next 3 months.

• After 4 months of implant placement, maximum surface of implant

is covered by the bone.

• At the end of this phase, a steady state is reached and there is no

more formation of the bone.

Osteoadaptive phase

• This phase occurs 4 months after placement of the implants.

• In this phase, remodelling of bone occurs even after the implants are

exposed and loaded.

• After loading, the bone surrounding the implant thickens in

response to the load transmitted to the implant.

• Reorganization of the vascular pattern is observed during this


• 4–8 months of healing period is recommended for adequate

osseointegration depending on the quality of the bone.

Mechanism of bone augmentation in dental


There are primarily three mechanisms for bone regeneration:

• Osteogenesis

• Osteoinduction

• Osteoconduction

Osteogenesis is defined as ‘development of bone, formation of bone’. (GPT

8th Ed)

• Osteogenic graft is composed of tissue involved in the natural

growth or repair of bone.

• Osteogenic cells initiate bone formation in the soft tissue or activate

rapid bone formation at the bony sites.

Osteoinduction is defined as ‘the capability of the chemicals, procedures,

etc. to induce bone formation through the dif erentiation and recruitment of

osteoblasts’. (GPT 8th Ed)

• It is a process of stimulating osteogenesis.

• Osteoinductive grafts are used to increase bone regeneration and

can even induce bone to extend into the site where it is primarily

not located.

Osteoconduction provides a matrix or scaf olding necessary for the

deposition of the new bone.

• Osteoconductive grafts are conducive to bone formation and allows

bone apposition from the existing bone or differentiated

mesenchymal cells, but are incapable themselves to produce bone

when placed within the soft tissues.

• This type of graft requires the presence of existing bone or

differentiated mesenchymal cells.

• These graft materials are useful in augmenting the resorbed alveolar

ridges or reconstruction of the bony defects.

• Healing of bone around an osseointegrated implant is an

osteoconductive process and it undergoes phases of remodelling at

the bone–implant interface.

• Some examples of osteoconductive materials are ceramics, polymers

and composites.

Bone grafts used in implant dentistry

Bone grafts are used to augment bone in the areas which are deficient

of bone.

These grafts can be of following types:

• Autogenous bone graft

• Allograft

• Alloplast

• Xenograft

Autogenous bone graft: These types of bone graft are harvested from

the adjacent site or from within the body.

• This bone graft is considered gold standard for all other graft


• These are readily available from the adjacent or remote site.

• These are biocompatible and nonimmunogenic.

• Mechanism of bone formation is osteoinduction or osteoconduction.

• These are easy to manipulate.

• These are considered as sterile.

• Autogenous graft can be harvested from the intraoral and extraoral

sites depending on the requirements.

• For smaller defects, intraoral sites are preferred.

• Common intraoral sites are chin, retromolar area, ramus of

mandible and third molar region.

• Common extraoral sites are iliac crest and rib crest.

• Bone harvesting can be done by using trephine burs or surgical bone


• Highly osteoconductive osseous coagulum is collected and placed in

the area of defect.

• When the graft material is placed in the bone, it should be ensured

that the graft material is stable and closely adapted.

• Graft stability may be improved by using a membrane, e.g. guided

bone regeneration (GBR).

Allograft: Human bone material in the form of freezed dried bone or

demineralized freezed dried bone is commonly used in implant


• The donor bone is harvested from cadavers and is processed and


• These are available in different shapes such as particulate, thin

cortical plates or large blocks of bone.

• The mechanism of bone regeneration is osteoconduction.

• This type of bone acts as scaffold for bone regeneration and is


Alloplast: It includes materials such as hydroxyapatite, tricalcium

phosphate and bioactive glass material.

Xenografts: These graft materials are derived from different animal


• Example: Bio-Oss is a bovine bone in which the organic component

is completely removed to form a mineralized bone architecture.

• These are nonimmunogenic and there are chances of trans-species


Key Facts

• The term osseointegration was coined by P.I. Branemark in 1977.

• Minimum period required for osseointegration of the implants in

the maxilla is 6 months and for mandible is 4 months.

• Implants should be placed after 16 years of age in a young patient

once the alveolar growth is completed; otherwise, it leads to

submerged implants.

• The factors affecting the osteogenic potential of the implant surface

are chemical composition, surface energy, surface roughness and

surface morphology.

• Autogenous bone graft is the gold standard of all the bone grafts, as

it gives the best and most reliable results.

• Platelet-rich plasma is used for reconstruction of mandible as bone

grafts or in sinus lift procedures.



Surgical and prosthetic phase


Introduction, 476

Parts of Dental Implant, 476

Surgical Phase of Implant Placement in

Moderately Resorbed Ridge, 477

Postoperative Care, 479

Implant Transfer Impression Coping

Techniques, 479

Implant Abutment, 479

Single-Tooth Abutment, 480

Overdenture Abutments, 480

Fixed Bridgework Abutments, 480

Biomechanics in Implant-Supported

Restorations, 480

Occlusal Considerations in Dental

Implants, 482

Implant Failures and their Management, 483

Failures in Implants Related to Initial Healing

Period, 484

Failures in Implants Related to Abutment

Connection and Initial Loading, 484

Failures in Implant Detected during Followups, 484

Peri-Implantitis, 485

Immediate Loading of Implants, 486

Types of Immediate Loading, 486

Rationale for Implant Immediate Loading, 486


Long-term success of implant therapy depends on proper treatment

planning which is prosthetically driven such as adequate restorative

space, favourable implant angulation, position and length of implants

and reducing or minimizing cantilevering. Also, patient maintenance

of oral hygiene and the prosthesis add the overall success of implant


Parts of dental implant

Components of dental implants (fig. 35-1)

Implant body: It is placed within the bone during stage I surgery.

These can be threaded or nonthreaded with or without

hydroxyapatite coatings. It is usually made up of titanium or

titanium alloy.

Cover screw: The screw is placed in the implant during healing.

Healing cap or gingival former: It is the dome-shaped screw that is

placed after stage II surgery. It ranges from 2 to 10 mm and projects

through the soft tissue into the oral cavity.

Abutment: It is that component of the implant system that screws

directly into the implant. It will eventually support the prosthesis

directly. It is made of titanium and can be straight or angled.

Impression post: It facilitates the transfer of the intraoral location of

the implant or abutment to a similar position on the dental cast. It is

directly screwed into the implant and then impression is made

intraorally. The impression post is then removed from the mouth

and attached to the lab analogue before being transferred into the

impression in the properly keyed position.

Laboratory analogue: It is a component which is machined to exactly

simulate the implant or the abutment in the dental cast. The

laboratory analogue is screwed into the impression post after it is

removed from the mouth and placed back in the impression before

pouring into stone cast.

Waxing sleeve: It may be a plastic pattern or metal component which

is casted to eventually become part of the prosthesis.

FIGURE 35-1 Components of dental implant: (A) implant

body; (B) cover screw; (C) gingival former; (D) abutment; (E)

impression post; (F) lab analogue.

Surgical phase of implant placement in

moderately resorbed ridge

The success of surgical phase of implant placement depends on

proper diagnosis and treatment planning. Prior to surgery, few

important requirements should be fulfilled which are:

• The patient should be healthy.

• Proper medical history should be taken and medical consultation, if

needed, should be taken prior to surgery.

• Mounted diagnosed casts, radiographs and surgical stent should be


• Informed consent of the patient should be taken.

Surgical phase of implant placement can be considered under the

following headings:

(i) Anatomical considerations

(ii) Crestal incision and flap design

(iii) Osteotomy of the implant site

(iv) Implant placement

Anatomical considerations

The clinician should be well aware of the anatomical structures in the

proximity of the proposed implant site. Important anatomical

landmarks which should be considered before placement of implant

are (Fig. 35-2):

• Maxillary landmarks: The maxillary sinus, nasopalatine canals,

floor of the nose and the nasal spine, palatine and pterygoid plexus.

• Mandibular landmarks: Sublingual vessels, mental nerve, inferior

alveolar nerve, incisive branch of inferior alveolar nerve, genial

tubercles and sharp mylohyoid ridges.

• The angulation, position and length of the tooth adjacent to the

implant site should be considered.

• The bone and the soft tissues of the edentulous ridge should be


FIGURE 35-2 Anatomical landmarks critical during implant


Crestal incision and flap design

• A mid-crestal horizontal incision is given after the tissues are

adequately anaesthetized.

• Full thickness periosteal flap is elevated after giving vertical

releasing incision.

• Some clinicians avoid giving vertical releasing incision due to

aesthetic reasons.

• The flap should be reflected adequately to visualize any bony

concavity that may lead to perforation of the bone during implant


Osteotomy of the implant site

• Surgical stent is tried and is used for guiding the drill into proper

angulation and position.

• Small round bur is first used to penetrate the crestal bone at the

proposed site.

• This is followed by using pilot drill which has a noncutting end and

penetrated into the bone taking guide of the purchase point given

by the bur.

• The osteotomy site is enlarged in increments using twist drills of

increasing diameters.

• Sharp drills should be used and drilling procedure takes place in

increments using the increased diameter drills.

• It is important to note that during osteotomy the bone should not be

heated above 47°C.

• For this, copious sterile saline irrigation both internal and external is


• The osteotomy process continues till the appropriate length and

diameter of the cortical drill are used.

• The angulation and the parallelism between various implant sites

are checked using direction indicators.

• In general, the final bone preparation site diameter is slightly

smaller than the implant.

• Size of the site is dependent on the quality of the available bone.

• In cases with poor quality bone, the osteotomy site should be

prepared smaller than the proposed implant, so that the implant has

good primary stability during placement.

• In cases with good quality bone, the osteotomy site should be

prepared of the same size as the proposed implant.

Implant placement

• Once the osteotomy of the implant site is completed, the implant of

appropriate diameter and length is retrieved from the sterile pack.

• The implant is placed directly into the osteotomy site.

• Care should be taken that the surface of the implant should not

touch anything, except the titanium surface.

• The implants are either self-tapped or threaded using appropriate

ratchet at determined torque.

• Excess torque should be avoided, as it tends to decrease the primary

stability of the implant.

• It is important to achieve primary stability of the implant into the

prepared site.

• The cover screw is placed and the site is closed by suturing.

Postoperative care

• The patient is advised oral analgesics to control pain.

• Antibiotics may be indicated, if necessary.

• The patient is advised to maintain proper oral hygiene.

• The patient is advised to use chlorhexidine mouthwash to control


• Ice packs may be used to reduce swelling.

• The patient is strictly advised not to smoke.

• The patient should be on soft diet.

Implant transfer impression coping techniques

The aim of impression making is to record the implant positions in a

master working cast. Selection of impression material is critical. The

impression material should be flexible enough to be removed from the

tooth and tissue undercuts as well as adequately rigid to allow for

accurate seating of the components into the impression. It should also

prevent movement of the components during pouring of the cast.

Primary impression is usually made of alginate material using stock

tray. The final impression is made using custom tray, as it ensures

adequate thickness of material for dimensional stability and sufficient

recording of the tissues. The standard approach of impression making

is at the level of implant abutment using transfer coping.

There are two methods of transferring impression coping, namely,

pick-up technique and reseating coping technique.

1. Pick-up technique

• In this technique, open-faced impression tray is


• The tray allows access to the retaining screw to

secure the impression post to the implant.

• The retaining screw should extend 2–3 mm above

the impression tray opening.

• Impression material is injected first around the

impression coping and then the material is loaded

onto the tray.

• The loaded tray is then seated in the patient’s


• Once the material is set, the retaining screw is

unscrewed, leaving the pick-up impression coping

inside the impression.

• Laboratory analogues are attached to the

impression coping and then the impression is

poured with stone.

2. Reseating coping technique

• In this technique, conventional technique of

impression making is used.

• The impression material is syringed around the

impression coping and the loaded tray is seated in

the mouth.

• Once the material is set, the tray is removed.

• Then the impression coping is unscrewed and

attached to the laboratory analogue, outside the

patient’s mouth.

• The entire assembly of the impression coping and

the analogue is then seated into the impression.

• This technique is used in cases where there is

limited space to use pick-up technique.

Implant abutment

Implant abutment is defined as ‘tooth, a portion of a tooth, or that portion

of the dental implant that serves to support and/or retain a prosthesis’. (GPT

8th Ed)

Abutments are those components which attach to the implant head

and are retained to the implant by an abutment screw which extends

through the abutment into the body of the implant.

Classification of implant abutments

On the basis of type of restoration

(i) Single-tooth abutment

(ii) Fixed bridgework abutment

(iii) Overdenture abutment

On the basis of type of retention

(i) Screw-retained abutment

(ii) Cement-retained abutment

On the basis of fixation with implant

(i) Single-piece implant: The abutment is attached to the implant as a

single unit.

(ii) Two-piece implant: Both the abutment and the implant are separate


The following are the main types of implant abutment.

Single-tooth abutment

• This abutment should incorporate antirotational feature both at the

junction of the abutment to the implant and between the abutment

and the restoration.

• The final restoration can be screw retained or cement retained.

• Cement-retained restoration is more popular because it is more

aesthetic and angulation of the implant is of less importance, as

compared with the screw-retained restoration.

Overdenture abutments

• In case of implant-supported overdenture, the abutment should be

selected depending on the available interarch space.

• The dentures are retained over the abutments by means of various


• The ball attachments or magnetic attachments are incorporated into the


• If multiple implants are splinted by means of bar, all the abutments

are connected to the bar and are casted in single piece to form a


• In case of bar-supported overdentures, the denture is retained by

means of clip.

Fixed bridgework abutments

• These abutments are connected to each other similar to that

followed in conventional fixed bridge.

• Usually, these do not require antirotational features.

• The abutments are screwed to the implant head and all the

abutments are milled to have a single path of insertion.

• Angled abutments are used to overcome severe alignment problem

between the implants.

• The final fixed bridge is either screw-retained or cemented on the


Comparison of cement-retained restorations with

screw-retained restorations

Comparison of cement- and screw-retained restorations is given in

Table 35-1.

TABLE 35-1



Cement-Retained Restorations Screw-Retained Restorations

Superstructure is passively fitting Achieving passive superstructure difficult

Correction of nonpassive superstructure is

possible in same appointment

Correction of nonpassive superstructure is difficult, the

implant position and angulation are critical

No screw required; small discrepancy in fit

is corrected by luting cement

Tendency of wearing, loosening or fracture of screw

Easy to achieve aesthetics Aesthetics can be compromised

Less chances of ceramic fracture More chances of ceramic fracture, as screw holes provide

weakened area

Accessibility to posterior abutment is easy Accessibility in posterior area is difficult

Decreased laboratory cost Increased laboratory cost and costly special components

Axial loading of implant is easier Axial loading of implant occurs over the screw

Difficult to retrieve Retrievability of screw is easy; screw acts as fail-safe


Progressive loading is easy Progressive loading is difficult

Abutments may be splinted to decrease


Increased forces on the remaining abutments

Biomechanics in implant-supported restorations

Biomechanics in implant-supported prosthesis can be described under

the following headings.

Implant number

• Greater the number of implants, greater the distribution of occlusal

load and lesser the stress to the bone.

• Increase in implant number decreases the cantilever length which

again reduces overall stress to the bone.

Implant diameter

• Wider diameter implant increases the surface area over which the

occlusal load can be dissipated.

• Also, these exhibit greater bone to implant contact as compared to

narrow diameter implant.

• Larger the width of the implant, more closely it simulates the

emergence profile of the natural tooth.

• However, the diameter of implant should not be more than 6 mm

because the rigidity of the implant (titanium) is 5–10 times more

than the natural tooth.

Implant design

• Shape of the implant determines the amount of surface area

available to transfer occlusal load and initial stability.

• Smooth-sided, cylindrical implants result in greater shear stress at

the bone–implant interface. In order to decrease it, the surface

should be coated with hydroxyapatite or plasma spray.

• Tapered-implants provide greater component of compressive load

at the bone–implant interface and provide ease of surgical


• However, the taper of the threaded implant should not be more

than 30°.

• Tapered-threaded implant has lesser surface area as compared to

parallel-threaded implant.

• Threaded implants have unique ability to convert the type of load

imposed at the bone–implant surface by controlling the thread


• There are three thread geometry parameters, namely, thread pitch,

thread shape and thread depth.

• Smaller the pitch, greater the number of threads per unit length and

thus greater the functional surface area.

• Greater the thread depth, greater will be the functional surface area

of the implant body.

• The thread shapes can be of three types: square,

‘V’-shaped or


• Square or power threads experience least amount of shear stress as

compared to V-shaped or buttress threads. Also, it can transfer

more axial load onto the implant body.

• Implant thread design can also influence the bone turnover rate

(remodelling rate) during occlusal load conditions.

Implant length

• Greater the implant length, greater will be the functional surface


• Longer implants are believed to provide greater stability to lateral

loading conditions.

• It is recommended to use longer implants in poor quality bone.

Crest module factor

• Crest module is an area which is subjected to high-mechanical stress.

• It is designed such that it is larger than the outer thread diameter.

• This provides a seal to bacterial ingress or fibrous tissues.

• The larger diameter increases the functional surface area and thus

helps in dissipating occlusal stresses.

Occlusal load direction

• There should be narrow occlusal tables and no posterior offset


• Forces should be directed along the long axis of the implant bodies.

• Axial load over the long axis of the implant body generates greater

amount of compressive stress than the shear or tensile stress.

• If the implant is placed at an angle, greater angled load will result in

greater crestal bone loss.

• Angled abutment which is loaded along the abutment axis

transmits a significant moment load onto the crestal region.

• Posterior cantilevers should be avoided (Fig. 35-3).

• If the patient has parafunctional habits, the occlusal scheme should

be selected which can minimize occlusal trauma to the bone.

• Any premature occlusal contact should be eliminated, as its

presence increases the duration and magnitude of the occlusal load

to the implant body and the bone.

FIGURE 35-3 Posterior cantilevers should be avoided.

Occlusal overload leads to the following:

• Crestal bone loss

• Early implant failure

• Screw loosening

• Loss of cementation

• Ceramic fracture

• Implant component fracture

• Peri-implantitis

• Prosthetic failure

Quality of bone

• Cortical bone is strongest in compression, 30% weaker in tension

and 65% weaker in shear stress.

• Better the quality of bone, greater is the chance of osseointegration.

• Poorer the quality of bone, lesser are the chances of osseointegration

and more are the chances of failure.

Occlusal considerations in dental implants

Implant restorations should be designed such that the implant–bone

interface is minimally subjected to the damaging forces. Occlusion of

the restoration is planned in such a way that the forces are directed

along the long axis of the implant. Occlusal consideration in implant

restorations can be studied by evaluating the following factors:

• Transosteal forces

• Direction of load to the implant body

• Bone biomechanics

• Biomechanical factors

• Occlusal forces and muscles of mastication

Transosteal forces: As the implants are osseointegrated and do not

have periodontal ligament, these will not move under occlusal

contact when compared with natural teeth.

Implant when subjected to repeated occlusal load can

lead to crestal bone loss.

Direction of load to implant body: Occlusal forces should be directed

along the long axis of the implant body, so as to reduce forces on

the crestal bone (Fig. 35-4).

• More the angulation of the abutment, greater will

be the compressive and the tensile stresses to the

crestal bone.

• Implant body should be loaded with vertical forces

rather than horizontal forces because horizontal

forces greatly enhance the compressive and tensile

forces on the crestal bone which leads to greater

bone loss.

• Premature contacts should be avoided, as it

increases stress on the implant body.

• Screw-retained prosthesis subjects the implant body

to greater offset load as compared to the cementretained prosthesis.

Bone biomechanics: Strength of the bone is maximum in compression

and lesser in tensile and least in shear forces.

• Axial loading along the long axis of the implant

distributes more compressive forces compared with

tensile or shear.

• Any load applied at the angle will increase the

amount of tensile and shear forces on the implant.

• Greater the angle of force, greater will be the shear

forces on the implant.

• It is important, therefore, to select an occlusal

scheme which reduces the horizontal or the lateral

forces on the implant.

Biomechanical factors:

Occlusal forces and muscles of mastication: Natural

teeth have greater stress-relieving element than

implants because of the presence of periodontal


• The posterior segments should be discluded in all

lateral excursions to reduce overall stress on the

stomatognathic system.

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