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Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common disease complication in cancer patients and the second cause of



Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common disease 

complication in cancer patients and the second cause of 

death after cancer progression. VTE management and 

prophylaxis are critical in cancer patients, but 

effective therapy can be challenging because these 

patients are at higher risk of VTE recurrence and 

bleeding under anticoagulant treatment. Numerous 

published studies report inconsistent implementation of 

existing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines 

(CPG), including underutilization of 

thromboprophylaxis, and wide variability in clinical 

practice patterns across different countries and 

various practitioners. This review aims to summarize 

the 2019 ITAC-CME evidence-based CPGs for treatment and 

prophylaxis of cancer-related VTE, which include 

recommendations on the use of direct oral 

anticoagulants specifically in cancer patients. The 

guidelines underscore the gravity of developing VTE in 

cancer and recommend the best approaches for treating 

and preventing cancer-associated VTE, while minimizing 

unnecessary or over-treatment. Greater adherence to the 

2019 ITAC guidelines could substantially decrease the 

burden of VTE and improve survival of cancer patients.

PMID: 32057323 [PubMed - in process]



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pubmed: caandvteortroorpul

Frequency and predictors of chemotherapy-associated 

venous thromboembolism: the prospective PREVENT study.

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Int Angiol. 2020 Feb 13;:

Authors: Kakkos SK, Arnaoutoglou E, Tsolakis IA, 

Giannoukas A, Papadimitriou CA, Kentepozidis N, 

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