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Automation in Turbidimetry 729

Chapter 24. The Endocrine System 731

Pituitary Gland 731

Anterior Lobe: Growth Hormone (Gh) 732

Method of Evaluation: StreptavidinBiotin Elisa 733

Corticotropin (Acth) 735

Other Anterior Pituitary Hormones 735

Intermediate Lobe (Pars Intermedia) 736

Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis) 736

Disorders of the Pituitary System 738

Hypothalamus 738

Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland 738

Mineralocorticoids 738

Glucocorticoids 739

Adrenal Medulla 742

Thyroid 742

Calcitonin 753

Parathyroid 754

Parathyroid Hormone (Intact) Elisa 756

Pancreas 757

Testes 758

Ovary 758

Pineal Gland 759

Hormones and Fertility 759

Male Fertility 760

Female Fertility 763

Algorithm for Evaluating Amenorrhea,

Immunoassays for Lh, Fsh and Prl 768

Adrenal Cortex 775

Adrenal Medulla 777

Testes 779

Steroids 781

17-Β-Estradiol 781

Dheas (Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate) 782

∆4-Androstenedione 782

Progesterone 782

17-Alpha-hydroxyprogesterone 783

Total Tri-iodothyronine (T3) 783

Cia™ Insulin (Chemiluminescence

Immunoassay) 788

Contents xv

Chapter 25. Histopathology 791

Preparation of Tissues 791

Routine Staining Procedures 794

Some Staining Techniques in Detail 799

Automation in Histopathology 805

Chapter 26. Cytology 808

Papanicolaou Method of Staining

Smears (Modified) 808

Fnac (Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology) 809

Smearing Techniques 812

Requirements for Laboratory Set Up 812

Immunoperoxidase Staining for

Cyto and Histopathology 817

Automation in Cytology 818

Chapter 27. Microbiology and

Bacteriology 819

Classification 819

Culture 825

Ready to Pour, Sterilized Pouched Media

for Microbiological Applications

Instaprep 828

Easybact 833

General Instructions for Microbiology 837

Gram-positive Cocci 837

Gram-negative Cocci 839

Anaerobic Spore Bearing Bacilli 840

Aerobic Spore Forming Bacilli 842

Gram-positive Bacilli 842

Mycobacteria 843

Overview of M. tuberculosis: Diagnostic

Approach, Afb Staining, Culture

and Sensitivity 845

Mucolytic, Disinfectant, Specimen

Pretreatment and Buffering System

for Afb Staining and Culture 848

Rapid Two Step Cold Afb Stain 851

Ready to use Lj Solid Medium for

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolation 855

Combipack of Solid and Liquid Medium for

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolation 857

Primary/Secondary Drug Containing

Lowenstein-Jensen Media Panel Mtb

Sensitivity Tests 861

In Determination of Adenosine Deaminase

Activity in Serum, Plasma and Biological

Fluids 863

Gram-negative Bacilli 865

Spirochetes 871

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