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Breast Cancer Diagnostics 1002

Prostate Cancer Diagnostics 1003

Hematopathology 1004

Colorectal Diagnostics 1004

Lung Cancer Diagnostic Solutions 1005

Benchmark Ihc/Ish Platform 1007

Benchmark System Features 1007

Digital Pathology 1008

Vantage Workflow Solution 1009

Consultancy Services 1011

Sequencing Solutions 1013

Genome Sequencer Flx+ System 1013

Gs Junior System 1014

Nimblegen Sequence Capture 1015

Roche Dialog 1017

Appendix 1019

Index 1033


The definition of health includes a state of complete and

perfect physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being

and not just the absence of disease or infirmity and good

health is a fundamental right of every living human

being on earth. However, modern world, though, has to

an extent eliminated infectious diseases. But the focus

has now shifted to lifestyle diseases. Pollution of every

nature too has taken its toll. About half a century back,

the predominant diseases used to be infective ones but

now you may find individuals in mid-twenties waiting

for their turn for open heart surgeries. Also, modern

medicine has increased the longevity of life accompanied

by attendant geriatric diseases like Alzheimer’s disease

and malignancies. The polluted and toxic world has

not spared the fetuses in utero and neonates. A new

face of disease has emerged, diseases like HIV-AIDS

and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are new

entrants in the long list of infective diseases. We may

have eradicated smallpox but tuberculosis and malaria

have raised their heads with a vengeance. So, do what

you might. Some forms of disease, mild or severe will

strike every human being living. On getting sick, the

patient first comes in contact with a clinician—medical

or surgical. The clinician gives a patient hearing (if the

patient is conscious) to his problems and symptoms and

also takes note of various signs, which he sees or elicits.

Sometimes, he may immediately arrive at a diagnosis

and may under emergency circumstances institute

treatment at first instances. In most cases, however, he

will have a differential diagnosis in mind and to arrive

at a specific diagnosis he usually orders for a battery of


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