Draw up your lidocaine and place the collection tubes in
sequential order (numbers are written on the tubes,
#1-4). Connect the manometer to the stopcock. Clean the
area with Betadine-soaked handheld sponges in a circular
motion, from the site of planned puncture outward.
Include a spinal level above and below 14. Allow the area
to completely dry. Place the unfenestrated drape on the
patient's bed and the fenestrated drape (with the opening)
over the procedure site. Palpate landmarks again. Using
the 25-gauge needle, raise a skin wheal of lidocaine over
the interspace. Then, use a 20- or 22-gauge needle to
anesthetize the deeper subcutaneous tissue along the
approximate line that the spinal needle will pass. Aspirate
before injecting to make sure you are avoiding intravascular administration.
Handbook. 21st ed. Lange, 1 985.)
.A Figure 5-3. Anatomy of the lumbar spinal
interspaces for LP. (Reprinted with permission from
Ladde JG. Chapter 1 69. Central Nervous System
Procedures and Devices. In: Tintina lli JE, Stapczynski JS,
Cline OM, Ma OJ, Cyd ulka RK, Meckler G O, eds.
Tintinolli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive
Study Guide. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hi ll, 201 1 .)
needle parallel to the stretcher, slowly insert in the mid
line aiming 10 degrees cephalad. T he needle will cross
3 ligaments (supraspinous, interspinous, and the strong
elastic ligamentum flavum) before entering the dura and
subarachnoid space (Figure 5-3). You may feel a "pop" as
you transverse the ligamentum flavum. T he bevel of the
needle should be pointed to the patient's side (left or
"pop;' remove the stylet and look for the efflux of CSF at
the base of your needle. If no fluid returns, replace the
stylet and advance or withdraw the needle and recheck.
insertion before getting into the subarachnoid space
depends on the size of the patient. Never advance or
remove the needle without the stylet in place to avoid it
When the subarachnoid space is entered and CSF
begins to flow, assess the opening pressure. Attach the
manometer to the needle and direct the lever of the 3 -way
7-18 cmHp. Deposit the CSF from the manometer into
be needed for additional tests or special situations
(VDRL, viral titer, Cryptococcus antigen, etc). When the
fluid has been collected in all 4 tubes, the needle is
removed with the stylet in place. T his too has been shown
back any pia mater that may be sticking out from the hole
made in the dura. Any tissue in the dura puncture can act
to keep the hole from closing and result in a persistent
should be sent for culture and Gram stain. Patients with an
obese body habitus or with degenerative joints may present
a challenge when performing an LP. Fluoroscopy (per
formed by a radiologist) or the use of ultrasound may aid
in identifying the anatomical landmarks, making it possible to perform the procedure.
A "traumatic" LP (from injury to the dura or arachnoid
vessels) is a common occurrence, with more than 50o/o of
all LP procedures having from 1 to 50 red blood cells
(RBCs) in the CSF. T he incidence of traumatic LP may be
minimized by proper patient and needle positioning. T he
best method to differentiate a traumatic LP from an SAH
is noting that the number of RBCs significantly decrease
from tube #1 to tube #4 in a traumatic LP. Tube #4 should
have close to zero RBCs. T he presence of xanthochromia
Spinal hematomas (epidural, subdural, and subarach
noid) are rare complications of LP, which are more likely to
occur in patients with coagulation disorders. Correcting
coagulation disorders (eg, Factor for a hemophiliac) is
required before LP is performed.
Herniation can occur when CSF is removed from a
patient with increased ICP from a mass, emphasizing the
importance of performing a head CT if a mass lesion is
Post-LP headaches are the most common complication of LP and are thought to be from continued CSF
leakage through the dura at the puncture site. A post-LP
headache is observed in 20-?0o/o of patients and is more
common in young adults. Post-LP headaches are usually
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