AEDs. AED serum concentrations should be monitored
after delivery, particularly when dosage escalations have
status is stable. Clinicians may tend to focus attention on normal
variability in serum concentrations rather than on the patient’s
clinical status; as a result, unnecessary dosage adjustments may
be made to make serum concentrations fit the “normal range.” A
sample. Therefore, the results of individual serum concentration
determinations must be evaluated carefully to decide whether a
significant, clinically meaningful change has occurred.26
Interpretation of Serum Concentrations
Several factors can alter the relationship between AED serum
concentration and the patient’s response to the drug. Whenever
a change in serum concentration is apparent, pharmacokinetic
factors (Table 58-4) should be considered (along with the patient’s
clinical status) before a decision is made to adjust the AED dosage.
Laboratory variability can cause minor fluctuations in reported
AED serum concentrations. Under the best conditions, reported
values for serum concentrations may be within plus or minus
established for some drugs (e.g., valproate and the newer AEDs
that “pushing” valproate serum concentrations up to 150 to 200
symptoms.29–32 Nevertheless, most laboratories report 50 to 100
of four to five half-lives have elapsed since initiation of therapy
or a dosage change. Blood samples should be obtained in the
morning, before any doses of the AED have been taken; this
practice provides reproducible, postabsorptive (i.e., “trough”)
serum concentrations. Interindividual variability in response to
be associated with AED serum concentrations that are classified
as “subtherapeutic.”33 Active metabolites of AEDs usually are
not measured when serum concentrations are determined.28,34
Alterations in the relative proportion of parent drug and active
the patient’s response. Binding to serum proteins is significant
for some AEDs (e.g., phenytoin, valproate, tiagabine). Changes
can alter the usual relationship between the measured total drug
concentration (bound and unbound to plasma proteins) and the
unbound (pharmacologically active) drug concentration. This
free (i.e., unbound) AEDs is available from many commercial
laboratories; these determinations are expensive and results may
not be available for several days. If significant changes in protein
binding are suspected, measurement of free concentrations of
AED may provide additional information useful for adjustment
of doses or interpretation of the patient’s symptoms.27,28,34
Decades ago, epilepsy was often treated initially with multiple
AEDs (polytherapy). A second, third, or even fourth drug was
added when seizures were incompletely controlled with a single
fulness in patients with persistent low-level viremia.
4. To prevent the development of resistance, one new drug
should never be added to a failing regimen. An exception
to this rule is if the initial response to a first regimen has been
1709Pharmacotherapy of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Chapter 73
inadequate (e.g., undetectable viral load at 16–20 weeks). In
this situation, some clinicians may intensify therapy with an
additional agent provided that the viral load measurements
were trending downward since initiation of therapy.
5. If possible, a regimen that has failed in the past should not
be reinitiated, as an isolate resistant to the failed regimen
could continue to reside within various compartments of the
body. If a regimen to which the patient had previously failed
were restarted, unimpeded viral replication of the resistant
strain would occur, repopulate the host, and eventually result
in treatment failure. In some situations (e.g., patients with
reinitiate agents or regimens in combination with additional
new agents with the goal of suppressing viral replication.
6. When treatment failure is a direct result of drug toxicity
(rather than poor drug efficacy), the offending agent should
simultaneously to prevent the development of resistance. An
exception to this rule is when components of a regimen have
monotherapy exposure with the NNRTI is likely to result,
due to the much longer NNRTI half-life. Consequently, many
experts recommend continuing the NRTIs for 1 to 2 weeks
past NNRTI discontinuation to provide combination therapy
while the NNRTI is eliminated from the body (covering the
“tail” of the pharmacokinetic profile).
It should be recognized that many alternative regimens are
based on theoretical benefits or limited data. In addition, many
potential options could be limited in some patients based on
prior antiretroviral use, toxicity, or past intolerances. Therefore,
the clinician should carefully discuss these issues with the patient
Because E.J. is failing to respond to his current regimen, a
with two or more nucleoside agents as dictated by the viral resistance profile.
Considerations in AntiretroviralExperienced Patients
QUESTION 1: H.G. is a 46-year-old, HIV-positive man with
and early 1990s. When 3TC became available, he took the
combination of ZDV and 3TC until he failed therapy about
with a CD4 count and viral load measurement of 55 cells/μL
and 48,000 copies/mL, respectively. These laboratory values
have been stable for the last 9 months. How do patients with
selecting therapeutic regimens for patients such as H.G.?
Patients who have been infected for 15 or more years may have
been treated with many different regimens, both experimental
and FDA-approved. As a result, many potential regimens have
already been exhausted; thus, there are not many viable choices
durability to older protease inhibitors such as indinavir and
nelfinavir.5,6 Several newer agents, such as tipranavir, darunavir,
etravirine, and enfuvirtide, have been developed specifically for
highly treatment-experienced patients: These may achieve viral
suppression in these patients. Maraviroc, the first CCR5 receptor
and failing current treatment. Maraviroc is not recommended for
use in patients with dual-trophic viral populations (i.e., able to use
CXCR-4 or CCR5 as coreceptors) or CXCR-4-trophic virus and,
thus, patients with extensive treatment histories should undergo
extensive resistance patterns that limit their therapeutic options.
In such patients, full suppression of viral load and immune reconstitution may not be possible.5,6
Patients who have experienced several antiretroviral regimens
present other unique challenges for clinicians and require consideration of the following factors.
antiretroviral agents. Although this is not fully understood, it
is probably a result of HIV-induced immune alterations and
cytokine dysregulations. Subsequently, clinicians evaluating
patients with advanced disease should be alert for possible
2. Drug interactions: Many patients with advanced disease take
numerous medications for primary or secondary prophylaxis
drug–drug interaction is increased. The addition of any new
medication, either prescription or over-the-counter, should be
carefully evaluated for potential interactions with the patient’s
current antiretroviral regimen (see Table 73-7). In addition,
any change to the current antiretroviral regimen should also
be checked against the patient’s current medication list.
3. Altered bioavailability: Patients with advanced HIV infection
may have unreliable absorption of many medications due to
severe diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, wasting, and gastric
achlorhydria. As a result, the bioavailability of some agents,
habits or bowel function should be carefully assessed in light
of the potential impact on the antiretroviral regimen.
determine the precise cause of the failures. In an experienced
patient who has taken many different regimens over a lifetime,
the number of remaining viable agents and regimens may be
limited. Therefore, it is important to determine whether prior
regimens truly failed for virologic reasons or some other cause
1710 Section 14 Infectious Disease
(e.g., regimen intolerability or an inadequate trial period). In
addition, detailed knowledge of regimen intolerabilities and
offending agent may be reinitiated if the adverse event was
minimal or can be appropriately managed.
and does it have a role in clinical decision making?
Viral genotyping and phenotyping reveal resistance patterns
to antiretroviral agents. Genotyping evaluates mutations in the
virus’s genetic material, whereas phenotyping assesses the ability
of the virus to grow in the presence of increasing concentrations
1. Initial infection with a resistant isolate69–71,129
2. Natural selection of a resistant isolate as a consequence of
inefficient, error-susceptible viral replication36,130,131
3. Generation of resistant isolates via selective pressures from
antiretroviral therapies that do not fully suppress viral
Mutations are generated when naturally occurring amino
acids in the HIV genome are replaced with alternative amino
acids. For example, resistance to 3TC occurs when the amino acid
methionine (M) is replaced by valine (V) at the 184th amino acid in
the protein chain.142,143 This mutation is subsequently referred to
as an M184V mutation. These amino acid substitutions change
the proteins that are produced and may alter the shape, size,
affinity for natural substrates is increased, or there is an increased
removal of the antiretroviral agent from the enzyme by the virus
(known as pyrophosphorylation).147 Whether a mutation results
in a clinically resistant, less viable, or indifferent isolate depends
on which amino acid(s) is replaced. In addition, certain mutations
or combination of mutations have been shown to produce viral
isolates that display increased sensitivity to various antiretroviral
agents (known as hypersusceptibility). Alterations to certain key
amino acids can also result in cross-resistance between various
Two key enzymes have been extensively studied with regard
enzyme occur approximately once in every 10,000 nucleotides
copied, it has been estimated that a mutation occurs with every
viral replication cycle. With up to 10 billion particles of virus being
exists, but has not yet been fully described, because use is not
they must have some replicative disadvantage when compared
with the “wild-type” virus.138,139 Under selective pressures from
then the viral mutant will have a competitive advantage.148 It
the development of resistant isolates is uncommon.
of key sequences of the RT or protease enzymes. These tests can
be rapidly processed; however, they detect mutations present
only in more than 25% of all HIV isolates in the body, and can
only reliably detect resistance patterns in samples with HIV RNA
information regarding rare, yet potentially clinically significant,
Phenotypic analysis involves growing virus in the presence of
information from a sample of interest to a large database of
viral isolates where both genotype and phenotype have been
performed.5 This method is only as reliable as the databases from
which the virtual phenotype is generated, and may be limited
for newer agents with less available genotype-phenotype data.
Genotyping and phenotyping have the potential to provide
useful information to clinicians who treat patients with HIV
useful in predicting those that will work.5,6,149 For example, if
testing identifies resistance to an agent, it is highly unlikely this
the results in combination with the treatment history are essential
for proper clinical decision making. Consultation with an expert
in antiretroviral drug resistance patterns is highly recommended.
One other measure available to clinicians is “viral fitness” or
“replication capacity.” The genetic changes that occur in a virus
to become resistant to antiretroviral therapy often impair the
virus’ ability to replicate.41,150–152 This measure is called “fitness”
is measured, the replication capacity of the virus is evaluated and
compared to a reference wild-type, drug-sensitive virus. A virus
with normal fitness has a replication capacity between 70% and
120% of the reference viral strain; isolates with values less than
70% are considered to be less fit than wild-type virus. In general,
1711Pharmacotherapy of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Chapter 73
some situations, the interplay between mutations can result in
a viral isolate that is relatively fit). Recent data have shown that,
despite persistent viral replication, unfit viruses may not cause
the same degree of immune destruction as fit viruses.151 This
finding is important for patients with limited treatment options
because it may allow for continuation of a HAART regimen that
is not completely suppressive, but that produces an unfit virus,
with less T-cell depletion. In these situations, it may be best to
keep patients on their current therapy despite measurable viral
load measurements (provided their CD4 cell counts are stable)
until newer treatment options become available.
likely provide some insights into potential therapeutic options.
CASE 73-2, QUESTION 3: H.G. was started on a regimen
to 325 cells/μL and his viral load value declined to
5,000 copies/mL. At the last two clinic visits, H.G.’s viral load
(copies/mL) and CD4 counts (cells/μL) were 2,000/275 and
less than 50/225, respectively. H.G. reports no new clinical
complaints or adverse drug events. In addition, H.G. states
1712 Section 14 Infectious Disease
that he has been compliant with therapy. Are changes to
In most cases, declines in viral load result in increases in CD4
cell counts, and increasing viral loads result in declining CD4 cell
counts. In approximately 20% of cases, however, T cells decline
along with viral load decline or T cells increase along with viral
load increases.5 These situations are referred to as discordant
In this situation, it may be wise to continue current treatment
and monitor the patient closely, because changing or adding
an additional drug may not increase CD4 cell counts.5 When
Although these patients may derive clinical benefit from the
1713Pharmacotherapy of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Chapter 73
current antiretroviral regimen for a short period of time, data
suggest that long-term stability of the CD4 count is unlikely.5
Because this may be an early warning sign of impending CD4 cell
and change therapies at the first sign of T-cell declines or new
clinical signs and symptoms. In these situations, other potential
causes of viral load increases (e.g., recent infection, vaccination)
should be carefully evaluated to prevent inappropriately changing a nonfailing regimen.
QUESTION 1: P.P. is a 30-year-old HIV-positive man who
and how should the samples be collected?
Pharmacokinetic evaluations of various antiretrovirals,
including the NNRTIs, PIs, and raltegravir have shown wide
interpatient variability in drug exposures among cohorts of
patients taking the same dose of drug under the same
drug interactions. For most antiretrovirals, a drug exposure–
response relationship exists (e.g., the higher the exposure, the
faster and more prolonged the viral suppression). In addition,
most antiretrovirals also have well defined exposure–toxicity relationships.
regimen, or a regimen that was initially fully suppressive, TDM
may identify suboptimal drug concentrations. For patients with
uncharacterized drug interactions and those with impairments in
gastrointestinal, hepatic, or renal function, drug concentrations
may help identify low or high exposure that can be corrected with
a dosage adjustment. TDM may also be useful for assuring that a
novel antiretroviral combination does not have any unpredictable
adverse drug interactions. In treatment-experienced patients,
knowledge of drug exposure with viral susceptibility may assist in
neuropsychiatric effects of efavirenz) may benefit from TDM
patients, are additional indications for TDM.
Pharmacology experts currently recommend obtaining
trough concentrations immediately before the next dose of a
PI or an NNRTI. For efavirenz (which is usually taken in the
evening), samples obtained 12 hours postdose will closely reflect
the concentration at 24 hours postdose due to its long half-life.
Many factors can affect the trough values of various antiretroviral
agents. For proper interpretation of the concentrations, patients
should provide a dosing history from the last several days, a list
of concomitantly administered drugs to screen for interactions,
and the exact time the last dose was taken. The exact time the
TDM sample was collected should also be recorded. Another
factor that can affect interpretation of drug concentrations over
time is intrapatient variability. Although not fully evaluated, it
appears that under stringent pharmacokinetic study conditions
their medications under conditions that vary from day to day, the
concentrations could be highly variable at clinic visits over time,
and several samples might be required to determine trends in
the drug exposure before making a dose adjustment.158 Finally,
to minimize laboratory variability and error in measuring these
Assurance and Quality Control Program (https://www.fstrf.
limitation of obtaining total drug concentrations is that unbound,
active drug fraction is not quantitated. These agents are generally
highly protein-bound, and alterations in the bound or unbound
fraction can contribute to both reduced efficacy and increased
toxicity within accepted total drug concentration ranges. Despite
the active intracellular triphosphate moiety, but may be useful to
the cellular components before storage, the technical difficulty
The interpretation of the drug concentration itself will vary
according on the clinical situation. Among treatment-na¨ıve
patients with wild-type viral isolates, an assessment should be
the desired cut-off, and the patient is not responding well to the
therapy, the clinician should consider increasing the dose or using
a pharmacokinetic-enhancing technique (e.g., adding ritonavir).
If the concentration is higher than the cut-off, and the patient
without TDM. However, many of these improved responses
were seen with older protease inhibitors such as indinavir and
nelfinavir that had narrower therapeutic ranges than the newer
antiretroviral drugs recommended as first line agents. A study
require the additional assessment of phenotypic resistance data.
Cmin/minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC] or area under the
1714 Section 14 Infectious Disease
owing to the various methodologies used for its calculation.156
If P.P.’s response to treatment is inadequate (e.g., unsatisfactory
decline in HIV RNA), then a concentration should be obtained
QUESTION 1: J.F. is a 37-year-old HIV positive man who
has been taking emtricitabine, tenofovir, and atazanavir/
reflux disease (GERD). What needs to be considered when
starting a new medication for J.F.’s acid reflux?
Drug interactions are very common with antiretrovirals and
need to be considered when changing HIV-related or non-related
an acid environment for complete dissolution.51 If J.F.’s GERD
needs treatment, H2 receptor antagonists should be given either
simultaneously with ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or at least
10 hours before administration of the antiretrovirals. A dose of
famotidine or its equivalent should not exceed 40 mg twice a
day (BID) for treatment-na¨ıve patients, and famotidine 20 mg
decreased by 25% with concomitant tenofovir and Cmin can be
decreased 23% to 40%. Therefore, in treatment-experienced
patients taking tenofovir, atazanavir should be given at an
increased dose of 400 mg daily in combination with 100 mg of
ritonavir. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are not recommended
mg/100 mg should be used, and separated from the PPI by 12
QUESTION 1: T.D. is a 32-year-old woman infected with HIV
whose antiretroviral therapy includes efavirenz, tenofovir,
and emtricitabine. She has had a positive home pregnancy
test result. Is her current antiretroviral regimen appropriate
for use during pregnancy and for prevention of mother-tochild transmission?
The current perinatal HIV guidelines75 recommend that
women receiving and tolerating a currently suppressive regimen
when they become pregnant continue on that regimen unless
it contains efavirenz. Efavirenz is the only antiretroviral that is
animal studies, particularly in the first trimester of pregnancy,
and retrospective case reports of neural tube defects in humans
have been documented.160–163 Perinatal transmission prevention
guidelines recommend lamivudine and zidovudine as first-line
NRTIs and abacavir, didanosine, emtricitabine, and stavudine
as alternative agents. Nevirapine is the recommended NNRTI
if the CD4 count is less than 250/μL and lopinavir–ritonavir is
the recommended protease inhibitor during pregnancy. Many of
the pregnancy recommendations are based on those drugs which
have the most safety and efficacy data available during pregnancy
In women who have a viral load persistently greater than
1,000 copies/mL, it is recommended that a planned 38-week
1,000 copies/mL, there is little evidence to show that cesarean
mother at 2 mg/kg intravenously (IV) for 1 hour at the onset of
delivered, it is recommended that oral zidovudine at 2 mg/kg
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