HDL-C, and TGs are measured directly and then the following
formula (Friedewald equation) is applied to calculate LDL-C:
LDL-C = Total Cholesterol − (HDL-C + VLDL-C) (Eq. 13-1)
268 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
NCEP ATP III Classifications of Blood Lipids8
100–129 mg/dL Near optimal or above optimal
HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; NCEP ATP III,
National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III.
LDL-C = Total Cholesterol − (HDL-C + TG/5) (Eq. 13-2)
Applying the formula to T.A.’s lipid profile, the calculated
LDL-C = Total Cholesterol − (HDL-C + TG/5)
If the TG level is greater than 400 mg/dL, the formula for
estimating VLDL-C is not accurate and, therefore, LDL-C cannot
be calculated. An accurate LDL-C measurement also requires
that the patient fast for 10 to 12 hours. This provides sufficient
time for exogenous TGs, carried by chylomicrons, to be cleared
from the systemic circulation (provided the patient does not have
hyperchylomicronemia). Most laboratories can measure LDL-C
directly and should be asked to do so only when the TG is greater
than 400 mg/dL or the patient has not fasted.
Non–HDL-C is calculated by the following formula:
Non–HDL-C = Total Cholesterol − HDL-C (Eq. 13-4)
Non-HDC-C = 290 mg/dL − 55 mg/dL
As mentioned previously, non–HDL-C can be calculated
regardless of whether a patient is fasting or not because VLDL-C
CASE 13-1, QUESTION 2: Is there any evidence that T.A.’s
elevated LDL-C is secondary to other conditions or concurrent drug therapy?
As a routine, every new patient with hypercholesterolemia
should be evaluated for four things in the following order: (a)
nephrotic syndrome, and obstructive liver disease. Selected drugs
can also produce lipid abnormalities (Table 13-7). When one of
these secondary causes is identified, it should be managed first
In T.A.’s case, no secondary causes are evident. Her blood
glucose level does not indicate the presence of diabetes; her TSH
that could have contributed to her cholesterol elevation.
Familial Forms of Hypercholesterolemia
CASE 13-1, QUESTION 3: Could T.A. have an inherited form
of patients with hypercholesterolemia. As described previously,
polygenic hypercholesterolemia is suspected when the patient’s
LDL-C is 130 to 250 mg/dL and no evidence is seen of tendon
xanthomas (Table 13-2). A family history of CHD is present in
approximately 18% of these patients and is a strong finding in
in a given patient by simply examining the lipoprotein profile.
that person. Conversely, if little or no change is seen in blood
cases, a relatively equal contribution is made by genetic factors
and environment on cholesterol elevations. When patients are
other individuals, including children, who might be affected and
Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary
Heart Disease Risk Equivalents
CASE 13-1, QUESTION 4: Does T.A. have evidence of CHD
atherosclerotic disease in other artery beds, including the arteries
of the limbs and carotid arteries8 (Table 13-8). If detected in one
site, atherosclerosis is likely to be present in all or most vessels,
and it is associated with a fivefold to sevenfold higher risk of a
The patient should be asked about a history of myocardial
ischemia (exercise-induced angina), prior MI (i.e., severe angina
269Dyslipidemias, Atherosclerosis, and Coronary Heart Disease Chapter 13
Cholesterol (%) Triglycerides (%) HDL-C (%) Comments
↑30–50 ↑1 Effects transient; monitor for long-term
Loop No change No change ↓ to 15
Indapamide No change No change No change
Metolazone No change No change No change
Potassium-sparing No change No change No change
Nonselective No change ↑20—50 ↓10–15 Selective β-blockers have greater effects
than nonselective; β-blockers with ISA
or α-blocking effects are lipid neutral
Selective No change ↑15–30 ↓5–10
α -Blocking No change or ↓ No change No change
(e.g., prazosin and clonidine)
↓0–10 ↓ 0–20 ↑0–15 In general, drugs that affect α-receptors
ACE Inhibitors No change No change No change
Calcium-Channel Blockers No change No change No change
α-Monophasics ↑5–20 ↑10–45 ↑15 to ↓15 Effects caused by reduced lipolytic activity
or ↑VLDL synthesis; mainly caused by
progestin component; estrogen alone
α-Triphasics ↑10–15 ↑10–15 ↑5–10
Ethanol No change ↑up to 50 ↑ Marked elevations can occur in patients
Isotretinoin ↑5–20 ↑50–60 ↓10–15 Changes may reverse 8 weeks after
Cyclosporine ↑15–20 No change No change
NCEP APT III Definitions of CHD and CHD Risk Equivalentsa,8
Coronary angioplasty and/or stent placement
Transient ischemic attack history
a Estimated global CHD risk >20% in 10 years for any of the factors listed.
ABI, ankle-to-brachial blood pressure index; CHD, coronary heart disease; NCEP
ATP III, National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III.
hospitalization because of unstable angina (see Table 13-8). The
presence of any of these findings is associated with a very high
(>20%) risk of a CHD death or nonfatal MI in the next 10 years;
the risk approaches 40% if unstable angina and stroke are also
considered. None of these signs are present in T.A.
The evaluation can stop here, but some would advocate
continuing the search with noninvasive procedures, even if the
patient has not experienced symptoms (Table 13-9). The case for
pursuing these evaluations is more convincing in patients who
tests are expensive and not widely available, they are reserved
for selected use. Even if the results are found to be normal,
atherosclerosis is not ruled out because both tests are designed
to detect flow-limiting disease, and atherosclerosis can be present
without causing obstructions in luminal blood flow.8
coronary vessels. The presence of coronary calcium suggests the
presence of old atherosclerotic plaque. If old disease is present,
then it is likely that younger, more vulnerable plaques are also
present. This test is simple, quick, and noninvasive, but it is
270 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
Subclinical Atherosclerosis Blood Tests
Myocardial perfusion imaging Small, dense LDL
Stress echocardiography Apolipoprotein B (particle
Carotid intimal-medial thickness
High-sensitivity CRP (and other
CHD, coronary heart disease; CRP, C-reactive protein; ECG, electrocardiogram;
HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL, low-density lipoprotein;
LP-PLA2, lipoprotein associated phospholipase A2; PAI, plasminogen activator
inhibitor; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator.
more aggressive medical therapy could be considered.
distance (see Chapter 15, Peripheral Vascular Disorders). NCEP
recommends that patients older than 50 years of age be evaluated
with an ankle-to-brachial index (ABI). This index is determined
device and dividing the higher of the two ankle systolic blood
pressures by the higher of two systolic brachial pressures.8 An
atherosclerosis in peripheral vessels probably means it is present
in coronary arteries as well. In fact, most patients with PVD die
of a CHD event. Furthermore, most patients with PVD have a
very high (>20%) risk of a CHD event in the next 10 years, and
so are said to have a CHD risk equivalent.
carotid intimal-medial thickness (CIMT). This test is safe and
equivalent. Patients found to have a stenosis of greater than 50%
in their carotid vessel, even if asymptomatic, have a more than
20% 10-year CHD risk and again can be considered a CHD risk
equivalent. Patients found to have an increased intimal-medial
thickness, suggesting the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis,
may also have a high CHD risk and, therefore, are candidates for
more aggressive medical therapy.8
Other conditions that confer a greater than 20% risk of a CHD
event in the next 10 years, and thus are considered by NCEP to
be CHD risk equivalents, include abdominal aortic aneurysm
and the diagnosis of diabetes. More will be said about diabetes
subsequently. T.A. does not have evidence of CHD or a CHD risk
CASE 13-1, QUESTION 5: Does T.A. have CHD risk factors,
and what is her global CHD risk?
Patients who are found to have CHD or CHD risk equivalent
do not need a risk factor assessment to establish their LDL-C
treatment goal; the presence of CHD or a CHD risk equivalent
satisfies that. These patients, however, should have an appraisal
of risk factors so that risk-factor modification can be incorporated
in the overall treatment plan. For patients who do not have CHD
or a CHD risk equivalent, risk-factor counting and global risk
assessment is important to quantify baseline risk and to establish
initial treatment goals and approaches.
Begin this process by counting the number of risk factors
years and are assigned an LDL-C goal of less than 160 mg/dL.
Patients with two or more risk factors have a moderate to high
risk, depending on the number and type of risk factors present.
risk assessment tool (http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/atpiii/
calculator.asp?usertype=prof ) to define the 10-year risk.
Patients with two or more risk factors have an LDL-C goal of at
least less than 130 mg/dL. The clinician, however, has the option
to treat these patients to reach less than 100 mg/dL depending
on clinical judgment of the patient’s absolute risk and potential
benefit if that patient’s Framingham calculated 10-year CHD risk
is between 10% and 20%. If the patient’s calculated risk is more
than 20%, their risk is equivalent to someone with CHD and
treatment program. It is important to note that the Framingham
risk score is recommended to patient-specific baseline risk of a
CHD event and baseline LDL-C goals. Although it is tempting to
recalculate risk in primary prevention patients once risk factors
have been modified, it is not the intent to use the Framingham
risk score to guide therapy in a primary prevention patient with
multiple major CV risk factors.
T.A. has two CHD risk factors: current cigarette smoking
and a family history of premature CHD. She thus has an LDL-C
treatment goal of less than 130 mg/dL (Table 13-10). T.A. is found
to have a 5% 10-year CHD risk, which is several times greater
than the average risk for women her age but below the threshold
at which aggressive drug treatment is indicated (i.e., >10% CHD
risk in 10 years). If she were not a smoker, her 10-year CHD risk
estimate would be 1%, illustrating the prominent influence that
smoking has on her future risk of a CHD event.
Based on this assessment and assuming that the noninvasive
assessments performed on her, if any, were negative, T.A. should
be counseled on diet and exercise and strongly advised to stop
primary focus of her risk-reduction program. If these measures
271Dyslipidemias, Atherosclerosis, and Coronary Heart Disease Chapter 13
to Initiate TLC LDL-C at Which to Consider Drug Therapya
>100 mg/dL >100 mg/dL (<100 mg/dL; consider drug
2+ risk factors (10-year risk 10%
>130 mg/dL >130 mg/dL (100–129 mg/dL; consider drug
2+ risk factors (10-year risk <10%) <130 mg/dL >130 mg/dL >160 mg/dL
<2 risk factorse <160 mg/dL >160 mg/dL 190 mg/dL (160–189 mg/dL; LDL-C–lowering
lower doses just to barely attain the LDL-C goal would not be a prudent use of medications.
available clinical trial evidence.
statins or LDL-C–lowering drug combinations.
National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III.
fail to bring her LDL-C to her treatment goal of less than 130
mg/dL and her LDL-C remains 160 mg/dL or more, drug therapy
her new LDL-C goal would be less than 160 mg/dL. In this case,
drug therapy would be considered only if the LDL-C remains
Therapy for Lowering Cholesterol Levels
CASE 13-1, QUESTION 6: What lifestyle changes should be
The centerpiece of treatment for high blood cholesterol is
of calories, saturated fats to less than 7% of calories, and dietary
professional well versed in nutrition counseling. The TLC diet
is also flexible and allows for modification of carbohydrate and
monounsaturated fat intake according to the individual patient’s
needs. The goals presented by the TLC diet are minimal goals,
and some patients will want to exceed them, even to the point
of following a vegetarian diet. This is permissible, as long as the
diet is nutritionally balanced.
NCEP ATP III Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Diet8
Total fat 25%–35% of total calories
Saturated fat <7% of total calories
Polyunsaturated fat Up to 10% of total calories
Monounsaturated fat Up to 20% of total calories
Carbohydrate 50%–60% of total calories
Protein Approx. 15% of total calories
When saturated fat is removed from the diet, it is important
because a reduction in saturated fat is a good way to lower calories and encourage weight loss.
In individuals who are close to their ideal weight, such as
T.A., replacing saturated fats with carbohydrates may not be
the best choice. Increased intake of sugar and highly refined
starches, as found in the many low-fat, high-calorie snack foods,
may actually increase weight and reduce HDL-C as well as
LDL-C.145 More importantly, a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet
has not been shown to reduce the risk of CHD. Consumption of
complex carbohydrates is recommended, however, and could be
a replacement for saturated fat calories in a TLC diet.
Replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fats, especially
monounsaturated fats (e.g., canola oil or olive oil products) and
omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (e.g., fish oil sources), is highly
desirable.146 This is the diet of the Mediterranean people, who
have a low incidence of CHD, and has the advantage of lowering
with a “prudent Western-type diet,” the Mediterranean diet was
associated with a greater than 70% reduction in cardiovascular
end points and total mortality, a result that exceeds that achieved
In Western society, diets high in protein and saturated fats and
low in carbohydrates (e.g., Atkins diet) promise quick weight loss
and other health effects. Although these diets can reduce lipid
levels and cause weight loss, they are not nutritionally sound and
may even be unhealthy. Patients should be advised to avoid them.
she can easily implement in her everyday life. Two approaches
can be used to achieve this: (a) teach her to count calories or (b)
provide general guidance in the selection of low-fat foods.
The more sophisticated patient may want to count calories
or grams of total and saturated fat per day. The first step in
teaching a patient to do this is to determine his or her daily caloric
requirements, adjusted for his or her level of activity. The average
caloric requirement for women is 1,800 calories/day; for men it
272 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
is 2,500 calories/day. Based on this, T.A. should be instructed to
keep her total fat intake to 450 to 630 calories/day (25% to 35%
of calories) and saturated fat to less than 126 calories/day (<7%
of total calories). Converting fat calories to grams (i.e., dividing
calories by 9 cal/g), T.A. should be instructed to restrict her total
fat intake to less than 50 to 70 g/day and saturated fat to less than
Once these calculations have been made, the next step is
to teach T.A. how to determine the grams of saturated and
unsaturated fat contained in the foods she eats by reading food
labels and referring to reference charts or books that list the
nutritional content of foods. A good source for this nutrition
public/heart/index.htm) under the Health Information icon.
This site contains information on the TLC diet, a 10-year risk
UCM 001078 SubHomePage.jsp and http://www.delicious
decisions.org) provide equally good information on risk
assessment, a cholesterol tracker, low-fat recipes, and guidance
for eating in restaurants, cooking, and fitness.
For patients who are not able or willing to count calories
or grams, general instruction on how to select low-fat foods
and control portion sizes of higher-fat foods would provide an
alternative approach. Principles to teach include the following:
Eat less high-fat food (especially food high in saturated fats).
Eat less high-cholesterol food.
Choose foods high in complex carbohydrates (starch and
Attain and maintain an acceptable weight.
T.A. should be counseled to recognize and minimize the three
main sources of saturated fats in her diet: meat products, dairy
products, and oils used in processed foods and cooking.
All meat products, including beef, pork, and poultry, contain
fat. Much of the fat is visible and should be trimmed off before
consumption. The remaining fat is contained within the meat
and can be limited by (a) selecting the leanest meat (e.g., lean
beef, skinless chicken, fish), (b) limiting portion size to about the
size of a deck of playing cards (no more than 6 ounces/day), and
(c) cooking the meat in a manner that allows the fat to drip away
from the meat (i.e., broiling, grilling).
High-fat dairy products are made with whole milk (∼4% fat);
be taught to substitute low-fat alternatives for high-fat products—
for example, by choosing soft margarine (or no fatty spread at
creams rather than whole-milk creams; low-fat or nonfat soft
cheese (e.g., cottage cheese) rather than natural or processed
hard cheese (including cream cheese); skim milk rather than
whole milk; light or nonfat sour cream rather than regular sour
cream; and nonfat frozen yogurt rather than ice cream. She also
should avoid or limit cream sauces on meats and vegetables and
Products prepared with coconut, palm, or palm kernel oils,
as well as lard and bacon fat, contain a high concentration of
saturated fats, and intake should be restricted. In their place,
products made with monounsaturated fats (e.g., olive oil, canola
(unsaturated) oils are partially hydrogenated (i.e., saturated to
make them solid, as in some margarine products), they take on
the character of saturated oils and may raise cholesterol levels.
These are called trans fatty acids. Major sources of saturated and
trans fatty acids include cakes, pies, cookies, chips, and crackers.
T.A. should be advised to avoid or limit not only saturated fats,
but also trans fatty acids by reading food labels.
It is best not to give the patient a list of foods to avoid; this
aversive approach is likely to fail. Rather, good instruction about
portion size and frequency of use are controlled.
Another dietary approach to lowering blood cholesterol is to
use dietary adjuncts. For example, adding 5 to 10 g of viscous fiber
(e.g., guar, pectin, oat gum, psyllium) or other dietary sources
of fiber (e.g., vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fruits) to the
diet daily will aid in lowering blood cholesterol levels about 5%
on average. Also, plant stanol and sterol esters have been made
available in margarine and salad dressing products and can lower
LDL-C 5% to 15% when the equivalent of one tablespoonful
is ingested one to three times a day. They act by reducing the
T.A. will need to follow a low-fat diet indefinitely to sustain its
benefit. For this reason, it might be necessary to have T.A. work
with a registered dietitian or other professional who understands
low-fat, low-cholesterol diets and who can give her personalized
instruction. Particularly important is instruction on how to shop
for and prepare low-fat foods and how to select low-fat foods in
CASE 13-1, QUESTION 7: What changes in T.A.’s LDL-C can
be expected if she follows a TLC diet?
LDL-C is reported to be reduced by an average of 3% to
because their intake of saturated fats is generally lower than that
of men.148–150 Patients who can restrict saturated fat intake to
less than 7% of daily calories should experience an additional
3% to 7% average reduction. Most patients can attain at least a
5% reduction in cholesterol levels with a TLC diet, some patients
much more. If dietary adjuncts are added, LDL-C may be lowered
Patients’ response to a low-fat diet is variable. In some patients,
the degree to which the patient restricts fats and cholesterol, and
close adherence to the diet. The Mediterranean diet, for example,
disease and mortality by 70%.147 Patients who adhere to a low-fat
diet might also respond to lower doses of lipid-lowering drugs.
Because T.A. is a woman and was following a low-fat diet
before her diagnosis, a TLC diet is not likely to have a substantial
effect on her blood cholesterol levels. It would be prudent to have
her maintain a 3-day diary of everything she eats to allow a more
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