clinical situation in which the elevated BP is immediately
521Hypertensive Crises Chapter 21
Hypertensive Emergencies Versus Urgencies
Severely elevated blood pressure
Potentially life-threatening Not acutely life-threatening
Heart (left ventricular failure,
Renal failure or insufficiency
Requires IV therapy (Table 21-2) Oral therapy (Table 21-3)
aDegree of blood pressure elevation less diagnostic than rate of pressure rise and
presence of concurrent diseases or end-organ damage. See Chapter 14, Essential
Hypertension, for staging of hypertension.
CNS, central nervous system; IV, intravenous; MI, myocardial infarction; N/V,
life-threatening and needs to be lowered to a safe level (not
necessarily to normal) within a matter of minutes to hours.1,3
and a reduction of BP to a safe level can occur more slowly during
Acute, potentially life-threatening elevations of BP can occur
(eclampsia); and with use of recreational drugs such as cocaine.
who ingest foods rich in tyramine).7–9 In addition, poor systolic
blood pressure control has been identified as an independent
risk factor for the development of hypertensive crisis.10 Effective
management of chronic hypertension has lowered the number
of patients who present with hypertensive crisis to approximately
evaluating characteristics of patients presenting to the emergency
room for hypertensive urgency, the most frequently reported
symptoms included headache (42%) and dizziness (30%). Other
that not all patients presenting with a hypertensive urgency will
of their medications, and 12% reported nonadherence to their
Similar to hypertensive urgencies, hypertensive emergencies
rarely develop in patients without a previous history of
of hypertension was previously diagnosed in more than 90%
of the patients, suggesting that hypertensive emergencies are
almost entirely preventable.13,14 Hypertensive emergencies also
tend to occur in patients with catecholamine-producing adrenal
Americans than in Caucasians, among patients who have no
primary-care physician, and among those who do not adhere
to their treatment regimens.13,15
Symptoms associated with hypertensive emergency are
highly variable and reflect the degree of damage to specific organ
systems. Rapid, severe BP elevation is not always the hallmark
of a hypertensive emergency. The primary sites of damage are
the central nervous system, heart, kidneys, and eyes. Although
difficult to know whether end-organ dysfunction is new or has
In a study on the prevalence of end-organ complications in
hypertensive crisis, central nervous system abnormalities were
the most frequently reported. Cerebral infarctions were noted in
24%, encephalopathy in 16%, and intracranial or subarachnoid
such as acute heart failure (HF) and pulmonary edema, which
were seen in 36% of patients, and acute myocardial infarction
(MI) and unstable angina, in 12% of patients. Acute dissection
was noted in 2%, and eclampsia, in 4.5% of patients.13
Central nervous system damage can present solely as a severe
more severe disease, as does nystagmus, localized weakness, or a
positive Babinski sign (i.e., upward extension of the great toe and
spreading of the smaller toes when moderate pressure is applied
along a curve from the sole to the ball of the foot). Central nervous
system damage may be rapidly progressive, resulting in coma or
death. If a cerebrovascular accident has occurred, slurred speech
or motor paralysis may be present.
Cardiac complications of hypertensive emergency include HF,
acute pulmonary edema, angina pectoris, and acute coronary
changes in visual acuity. Complaints of blurred vision or loss of
522 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
of leaks from capillaries and microaneurysms), and occasionally
papilledema (edema of the optic nerve). Acute kidney injury can
also develop. Markers of renal dysfunction include hematuria,
proteinuria, and elevated serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and
Oral Versus Parenteral Therapy
with oral medications to rapidly lower BP is not without risk and
can lead to hypotension and subsequent morbidity. Some have
therapy greatly improves the prognosis, reverses symptoms, and
arrests the progression of end-organ damage. Treatment reverses
injury, renal function may gradually improve, after 2 to 3 months
of adequate therapy, to the baseline renal insufficiency or to a new
2 weeks to 2 years. A low serum creatinine level, in the absence
of marked cardiomegaly or renal shrinkage, has been associated
with a good chance for recovery of renal function.17 In patients
with mild encephalopathy, neurologic symptoms resolve within
24 hours after treatment.18 Resolution of papilledema occurs
in 2 to 3 weeks, whereas funduscopic exudates can require up
to 12 weeks for complete resolution.19 Whether treatment can
completely reverse end-organ damage is related to two factors:
how soon treatment is initiated and the extent of damage at the
There are two fundamental concepts in the management of
how their time course of action and hemodynamic and metabolic
eclampsia, or other serious conditions are present, the BP should
fenoldopam, hydralazine, labetalol, nicardipine, nitroglycerin,
in the case of a hypertensive urgency, rapid-acting oral therapy
using captopril, clonidine, labetalol, or minoxidil may be used
(Table 21-3).3,4,24–26 Figure 21-1 provides an overview of the
management of a hypertensive crisis. A summary of treatment
The rate of BP lowering must be individualized depending on
whether the patient presents with a hypertensive urgency or
emergency. Also, ischemic damage to the heart and brain can
with severely defective autoregulatory mechanisms are at high
risk for developing hypotensive complications. The latter group
includes those with autonomic dysfunction or fixed sclerotic
stenosis of cerebral or neck arteries.31 In addition, patients who
have chronically elevated BP are less likely to tolerate abrupt
reductions in their BP, and the amount of reduction appropriate
for those patients is somewhat less than for those whose BP is
For hypertensive emergencies, it is recommended that the
mean arterial pressure be reduced initially by no more than 25%
(within minutes to 1 hour); then if stable, this should be followed
by further reduction toward a goal of 160/100 mm Hg within
2 to 6 hours and gradual reduction to normal during the next
8 to 24 hours.4 A diastolic pressure of 100 to 110 mm Hg is an
appropriate initial therapeutic goal.1 Lower pressures may be
indicated for patients with aortic dissection. Another exception
the use of antihypertensives may cause a reduction in cerebral
blood pressure (SBP) is greater than 220 mm Hg or the diastolic
blood pressure (DBP) is greater than 120 mm Hg in patients
ineligible for thrombolytic therapy, or if the SBP is greater than
185 mm Hg or DBP is greater than 110 mm Hg in those who are
lower the BP by 15% to 25% within the first day.33 Additionally,
be lowered by no more than 20% or to a diastolic BP of 100 mm
Hg, whichever is greater.34,35
QUESTION 1: M.M. is a 60-year-old African American man
with a long history of HF, poorly controlled hypertension
believed to be caused by nonadherence, and a history of
MI. He was referred from a community health center this
morning for a thorough evaluation of his elevated BP. He
Physical examination reveals a BP of 180/120 mm Hg and a
or exudates. The discs are flat. His lungs are clear, and
minute with first-degree atrioventricular block. The chest
the therapeutic objective in treating M.M.? How quickly
should his BP be lowered, and what therapeutic options are
523Hypertensive Crises Chapter 21
Parenteral Drugs Commonly Used in the Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies
Drug (Brand Name) Class of Drug Dose/Route Onset of Action Duration of Action
Clevidipine (Cleviprex) 0.5 mg/mL Arterial vasodilator
Initial: 1–2 mg/h; titrate dose to
desired BP or to a max of 16 mg/h
2–4 minutes 10–15 minutes after
Enalaprilata (Vasotec IV) 1.25 mg/mL,
ACE inhibitor 0.625–1.25 mg IV every 6 hours 15 minutes (max,
Esmololb (Brevibloc) 100 mg/10 mL,
β-adrenergic blocker 250–500 mcg/kg for 1 minute, then
Fenoldopam (Corlopam) 10 mg/mL,
Dopamine-1 agonist 0.1–0.3 mcg/kg/min <5 minutes 30 minutes
Hydralazinec (generic) 20 mg/mL Arterial vasodilator 10–20 mg IV 5–20 minutes 2–6 hours
Nicardipinee (Cardene IV) 25 mg/
IV loading dose 5 mg/h increased by
desired BP or a max of 15 mg/h
maintenance infusion of 3 mg/h
Nitroglycerinf (Tridil, Nitro-Bid IV,
IV infusion pump 5–100 mcg/min 2–5 minutes 5–10 minutes after
Nitroprussideg (Nitropress), 50 mg/
IV infusion.a Start: 0.5 mcg/kg/min
Atrial fibrillation, nausea, vomiting, headache, acute renal
failure, reflex tachycardia, MI
Allergy to soybeans, soy products, eggs or egg products, severe aortic stenosis,
defective lipid metabolism, heart failure
Hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia, renal failure in patients with dehydration or bilateral renal artery
stenosis, pregnancy (teratogenic)
Tachycardia, headache, nausea, flushing Glaucoma
Tachycardia, headache, angina Angina pectoris, MI, aortic dissection
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Asthma, bradycardia, decompensated HF
Headache, flushing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia;
local thrombophlebitis change infusion site after 12 hours
Angina pectoris, decompensated HF, increased intracranial pressure
Methemoglobinemia, headache, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting,
flushing, tolerance with prolonged use
Pericardial tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, or increased intracranial pressure
Nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, weakness, thiocyanate toxicity,h
Chest pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, nasal
Renal failure (thiocyanate accumulation), pregnancy, increased intracranial pressure
Angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency, MI or history of MI, hypersensitivity to
aNot approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treatment of acute hypertension.
bApproved for intraoperative and postoperative treatment of hypertension.
further information regarding nitroglycerin.
psychosis, hyperreflexia, confusion, weakness, tinnitus, seizures, and coma.
524 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
Oral Drugs Commonly Used in the Treatment of Hypertensive Urgencies
6.5–50 mg PO 15 minutes 4–6 hours Hyperkalemia,
0.5–2 hours 6–8 hours Sedation, dry mouth,
Central α2-agonist Altered mental
12–16 hours Tachycardia, fluid
aAll may cause hypotension, dizziness, and flushing.
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; PO, orally.
M.M. has stage 2 hypertension with a BP of 180/120 mm
Hg.4 However, the absolute magnitude of BP elevation does
not in itself constitute a medical emergency requiring an acute
reduction in BP. There is no evidence of encephalopathy, cardiac
decompensation, chest pain, or rapid change in renal function.
Therefore, no evidence exists to indicate a rapid deterioration in
the function of target organs. One would classify M.M.’s case as
As is often the case, M.M.’s lack of BP control is related to
medication nonadherence. M.M.’s clinical presentation requires
that his BP be lowered during the next 12 to 24 to 48 hours while
being careful not to induce hypotension. Rapid-acting oral agents
can be used for this purpose; parenteral therapy is not warranted.
A number of different oral regimens using clonidine, captopril,
may also be a reasonable option for treatment. Later, he can be
or another long-acting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
will help M.M. better understand the severity of his disease and
the need to take his medications. One should also determine
and address barriers to medication adherence with the patient
including cost of therapy, lack of understanding of the benefits of
therapy, misconceptions of the side effect profiles, and so forth.
Timely follow-up within 1 week after treatment of hypertensive
urgency is of paramount importance for the appropriate management of these patients.
CASE 21-1, QUESTION 2: M.M.’s physician has ordered
Clonidine, labetalol, minoxidil, and captopril have all been
used to lower BP acutely. These oral agents take several hours
extensive experience is with nifedipine. Nifedipine, when given
in the acute management of hypertension. However, its use has
been associated with life-threatening adverse events related to
ischemia, MI, and stroke.26–30 The prompt absorption of rapidly
acting dihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers is followed by
a sudden and precipitous decrease in BP as a result of peripheral
vasodilation. This reduces coronary perfusion, induces a reflex
tachycardia, and increases myocardial oxygen consumption.28,36
Decreased cerebral blood flow with sublingual nifedipine has
also been reported.37 Elderly patients with underlying coronary
or cerebrovascular disease, volume depletion, or concurrent use
acting calcium-channel blockers sublingually, by the “bite and
chew” method, or by swallowing intact is not recommended.
The cavalier use of immediate-release nifedipine to acutely
lower BP is potentially dangerous and should be discouraged in
his BP, and he can be restarted on his oral maintenance regimen
with appropriate follow-up care.
525Hypertensive Crises Chapter 21
Diastolic BP >120 mm Hg? Follow treatment for
CV - MI Aortic Dissection Acute Kidney Injury
or if patient was not previously
medications, give PO captopril
For an audio walk-through of this algorithm, go to
CASE 21-1, QUESTION 3: A decision is made not to use
nifedipine, but rather to give M.M. oral clonidine. What is
an appropriate starting and maintenance dose?
Clonidine is considered a safe, effective first-line therapy for
There is little change in the total peripheral resistance or renal
plasma flow. The initial reduction in cardiac output is caused by
decreased venous return to the right side of the heart secondary
to venodilation and bradycardia, not secondary to decreased
contractility. Guanabenz has a similar mechanism of action, but
documented efficacy in the treatment of hypertensive urgency is
BP can be lowered gradually over the course of several hours
using oral clonidine. Traditional dosing regimens have included
an initial oral loading dose (0.1–0.2 mg) followed by repeated
doses of 0.1 mg/hour until the desired response is achieved or
arterial pressure decreases by 25% in most patients after several
hours. Anderson et al. reported a 94% response rate to an oral
loading dose.38 Patients required a mean total dose of 0.45 mg,
and the maximum response occurred 5 to 6 hours after the start
526 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
Treatment Recommendations for Hypertensive Emergency
Clinical Presentation Recommendation Rationale
Aortic dissection Nitroprusside, nicardipine, or fenoldopam plus
esmolol or IV metoprolol; labetalol;
trimethaphan. Avoid inotropic therapy.
Vasodilator will decrease pulsatile stress in aortic vessel to
prevent further dissection expansion. β-blockers will
prevent vasodilator-induced reflex tachycardia.
Angina, myocardial infarction Nitroglycerin plus esmolol or metoprolol;
labetalol. Avoid nitroprusside.
Coronary vasodilation, decreased cardiac output, myocardial
workload, and oxygen demand. Nitroprusside may cause
Nitroprusside, nicardipine, or fenoldopam plus
nitroglycerin and a loop diuretic. Alternative:
enalaprilat. Avoid nondihydropyridines,
Promotion of diuresis with venous dilatation to decrease
preload. Nitroprusside, enalaprilat decrease afterload.
Nicardipine may increase stroke volume.
Acute kidney injury Nicardipine or fenoldopam. Avoid nitroprusside,
Peripheral vasodilation without renal clearance.
Fenoldopam shown to increase renal blood flow.
Cocaine overdose Nicardipine, fenoldopam, verapamil, or
nitroglycerin. Alternative: labetalol. Avoid
Vasodilation effects without potential unopposed
α-adrenergic receptor stimulation. CCBs control
Pheochromocytoma Nicardipine, fenoldopam, or verapamil.
Alternatives: phentolamine, labetalol. Avoid
Vasodilation effects without potential unopposed
α-adrenergic receptor stimulation.
Nicardipine, fenoldopam, or labetalol. Avoid
nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, enalaprilat,
Vasodilation effects without compromised CBF induced by
nitroprusside and nitroglycerin. Enalaprilat and
hydralazine may lead to unpredictable BP changes when
carefully controlled BP management is required.
BP, blood pressure; CBF, cerebral blood flow; CCB, calcium-channel blocker; IV, intravenous.
of therapy. Some authors, however, have cautioned against the
use of sequential loading doses, citing lack of benefit over placebo
and the potential for unpredictable adverse effects, particularly
abrupt occurrences of hypotension.39 If loading doses are to be
used, it is especially important to reduce doses in patients with
volume depletion, those who have recently used other antihypertensive drugs, and the elderly.1,23,40
The acute response to oral clonidine loading is not predictive
of the daily dose required to maintain BP control. Maintenance
oral therapy with clonidine is somewhat empiric; however, total
daily doses should be spread between twice and three times daily
dosing owing to the drug’s short half-life.
CASE 21-1, QUESTION 4: What are the adverse effects and
precautions that should be considered before recommending the use of clonidine?
Oral clonidine is generally well tolerated. Adverse effects
include orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, sedation, dry
mouth, and dizziness. Clonidine can decrease cerebral blood
flow by up to 28%; it should not be used in patients with severe
cerebrovascular disease.41 Clonidine also should be avoided in
patients with HF, bradycardia, sick sinus syndrome, or cardiac
conduction defects,23 as well as patients at risk for medication
nonadherence because of the rebound hypertension.42,43
be a reasonable choice for initial treatment? How should it
be given? What if his BUN or serum creatinine were elevated?
Captopril has been used both orally and sublingually to
acutely lower BP.44,45 Captopril decreases both afterload and
preload, and lowers total peripheral vascular resistance.23 For
in HF.) Given that M.M. appeared to be well controlled on his
ingestion.46 Clinically, it reduces BP within 10 to 15 minutes,
with effects persisting for 2 to 6 hours. Sublingual captopril is as
effective as nifedipine but without reflex tachycardia in acutely
reducing mean arterial pressure in both urgent and emergent
Despite these beneficial effects, captopril, as well as all other
ACE inhibitors, must be used with caution in patients with renal
insufficiency or volume depletion. In most cases, an elevated
BUN or serum creatinine will provide a clue to the existence
of these conditions; however, captopril can also induce severe
renal failure in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis or
renal artery stenosis in a solitary kidney. Such conditions may
not be easy to detect in the context of an acute hypertensive
emergency. Therefore, in patients in whom these conditions can
be excluded, captopril can be considered for therapy. First-dose
hypotension is a common limiting factor with captopril use. This
complication is most likely to occur in the elderly and in patients
with high renin levels such as those who are volume depleted or
those receiving diuretics. Under these circumstances, initial doses
should not exceed 12.5 mg, with repeat doses an hour or more
later if necessary. Although he was not taking his diuretic, M.M.
is still likely to have high renin levels as a result of his history of
HF. Therefore, captopril would be a reasonable choice as initial
therapy in M.M., which can later be replaced by a longer-acting
527Hypertensive Crises Chapter 21
CASE 21-1, QUESTION 6: What other oral agents are used
in the treatment of hypertensive urgency?
Minoxidil, a potent oral vasodilator, has been used successfully
in the treatment of hypertensive urgencies.49,50 An oral loading
dose of 10 to 20 mg produces a maximal BP response in 2 to
4 hours and can be followed by a dose of 5 to 20 mg every
4 hours if necessary. Unfortunately, its onset of action is slower
be prescribed by those who have experience with prescribing this
agent and managing these adverse effects. These adverse effects
make this agent a less than ideal choice in M.M. because of his
antihypertensive therapies or who have previously been taking
Oral labetalol, a combined α- and β-receptor antagonist, is
an alternative to oral clonidine or captopril for the treatment
300 mg may provide a sustained response for up to 4 hours.52
Labetalol (200 mg given at hourly intervals to a maximum dose of
1,200 mg) was comparable to oral clonidine in reducing mean
arterial pressure.54 An alternative regimen using 300 mg initially
followed by 100 mg at 2-hour intervals to a maximum of 500 mg
was also successful in acutely lowering BP.53 However, Wright
et al.55 were unable to achieve an adequate BP response in a
small series of patients using a single loading dose of 200 to
400 mg. Because labetalol can cause profound orthostatic
hypotension, patients should remain in the supine position and
should be checked for orthostasis before ambulation. In addition,
labetalol should be avoided in patients with asthma, bradycardia,
QUESTION 1: M.R., a 55-year-old African American man,
presents to the emergency department with a 3-day history
of progressively increasing shortness of breath. During the
past 2 days, he experienced a severe headache unrelieved
by ibuprofen, as well as substernal chest pain, anorexia, and
inferior MI 2 months before admission. He has been taking
albuterol via metered-dose inhaler, furosemide, isosorbide
dinitrate, felodipine, and lisinopril, but discontinued these
medications on his own 3 weeks ago.
Physical examination reveals an anxious-appearing man
respiratory rate of 36 breaths/minute, BP of 220/145 mm
Hg without orthostasis, and a normal body temperature.
Funduscopic examination shows arteriolar narrowing and
arteriovenous nicking without hemorrhages, exudates, or
papilledema. There is no jugular venous distention, but
bilateral carotid bruits are present. Chest examination
the left of the midclavicular line with no thrills or heaves. The
rhythm is regular with an S3 and an S4 gallop; no murmurs
are noted. The remainder of M.R.’s examination is within
Significant laboratory values include the following:
White blood cell count and differential, within normal
cells per high-power field and no casts. Pulse oximetry
reveals an oxygen saturation of 88%. An electrocardiogram
and bilateral fluffy infiltrates.
What aspects of M.R.’s history and physical examination
are characteristic of an emergent need to immediately lower
As discussed previously, hypertensive crisis occurs most often
in African American men and individuals between the ages of
their antihypertensives,13,15 as is the case with M.R. and M.M. in
HF (shortness of breath, increased pulse and respiratory rate,
cardiomegaly, S3, and chest radiographic findings of pulmonary
edema). The absence of signs of right-sided HF such as jugular
venous distention or hepatomegaly suggests an acute onset of
HF caused by hypertension as opposed to a gradual worsening
(IV) antihypertensive therapy is warranted.
M.R.’s arterial pressure should be lowered with parenteral
528 Section 2 Cardiac and Vascular Disorders
hypertension accompanied by decompensated HF in the absence
of MI. Parenteral nitroglycerin is similar to nitroprusside except
that it has a relatively greater effect on the venous circulation and
after coronary bypass surgery (also see Case 21-3, Question 6). In
addition, nitroprusside and IV nitroglycerin may both decrease
elevated left ventricular diastolic pressures in patients presenting
with hypertensive emergency. Fenoldopam and nitroprusside are
equally efficacious in acutely lowering BP.56–59 Both drugs have
an immediate onset, are easily titratable, have a short duration
of action, and are relatively well tolerated. Fenoldopam may also
not cause cyanide or thiocyanate toxicity, but it is considerably
more expensive than nitroprusside.
Nitroprusside has many pharmacologic effects that should
venous return or preload on the heart (see Chapter 19, Heart
Failure). A decrease in the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
and ventricular filling pressure will ultimately improve M.R.’s
pressure, and increases tissue perfusion.
CASE 21-2, QUESTION 3: Should M.R. be given a diuretic
before nitroprusside therapy is begun?
Administration of potent IV diuretics is relatively ineffective
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