dose, and dosing frequency of the diuretic.
Diuretics cause metabolic alkalosis (sometimes referred to as
a “contraction alkalosis”) by the following mechanisms. First,
in alkalosis and hypokalemia. In addition, hypokalemia induced
by diuretics will stimulate intracellular movement of hydrogen
alkalosis. In a hypochloremic state, sodium will be reabsorbed,
accompanied by bicarbonate generated by secreted hydrogen
CASE 9-3, QUESTION 3: How should K.E.’s acid–base imbalance be corrected and monitored?
Treatment of metabolic alkalosis depends on removal of the
initial goal is to correct fluid deficits and replace chloride and
potassium by infusing sodium and potassium chloride. As long as
hypochloremia exists, renal bicarbonate excretion will not occur
and the alkalosis will not be corrected.82 The severity of alkalosis
failure, infusion of large volumes of sodium and potassium salts
should be monitored closely for these complications.
Potassium chloride should be administered to correct K.E.’s
hypokalemia. The amount of potassium required to replace total
body stores is difficult to determine accurately because 98% of
stores. K.E. should be treated with the chloride salt to ensure
potassium retention and correction of alkalosis. Potassium
replacement can be achieved over the course of several days with
supplements of 100 to 150 mEq/day given either orally in divided
doses or as a constant IV infusion. K.E.’s laboratory tests for BUN,
creatinine, chloride, sodium, and potassium should be monitored
during sodium and potassium chloride therapy. As noted earlier,
hypercapnia should disappear after correction of the alkalemia,
and can be confirmed with an ABG, if clinically indicated.
CASE 9-3, QUESTION 4: What other agents are available
to treat K.E.’s alkalosis if fluid and electrolyte replacement
does not correct the arterial pH?
be treated with acetazolamide, hydrochloric acid (HCl), or a
hydrochloric acid precursor. The most commonly used agent is
alkalosis may not completely resolve. Other concerns with the
use of acetazolamide include its ability to promote kaliuresis and
its relative lack of effect in patients with renal dysfunction.81,84,85
A solution of 0.1 N HCl may be administered to patients who
require rapid correction of alkalemia. The dose of HCl is based on
the bicarbonate excess using Eq. 9-9, where the factor 0.5 × body
weight (kg) represents the estimated bicarbonate space.10,81,82,84
Dose of HCl (mEq) = 0.5 × Body weight (kg)
× (plasma bicarbonate − 24) (Eq. 9-9)
Parenteral hydrochloric acid is prepared extemporaneously by
adding the appropriate amount of 1 N HCl through a 0.22-μm
filter into a glass bottle containing 5% dextrose or normal saline.
The dilute solution should be administered through a central
venous catheter in the superior vena cava to reduce the risk
of extravasation and tissue damage. The infusion rate should
not exceed 0.2 mEq/kg/hour.84 ABG should be monitored at least
every 4 hours during the infusion. HCl should not be added to
Precursors of hydrochloric acid, such as ammonium and
arginine hydrochloride, are not recommended.81 The adverse
effect profile of these agents has significantly limited their role.84
Ammonium hydrochloride is metabolized to HCl and NH3 in
the liver. Severe ammonia intoxication with CNS depression
can occur during rapid infusion of ammonium hydrochloride or
in patients with liver disease.81 Arginine can cause rapid shifts
in potassium from the intracellular to the extracellular space,
resulting in dangerous hyperkalemia.81
Respiratory acidosis occurs as a result of inadequate ventilation
by the lungs. When the lungs do not excrete CO2 effectively, the
Paco2 rises. This elevation in Paco2 (a functional acid) causes
a fall in pH (Eqs. 9-3 and 9-5). Common causes of respiratory
QUESTION 1: B.B., a 56-year-old man, is admitted to the
Common Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis
Excessive mechanical ventilation
CHF, congestive heart failure; CNS, central nervous system.
shortness of breath and increased production of sputum
for the past 3 days. He has also noted a mild headache,
a flushed feeling, and drowsiness within the past 24 hours.
He has a history of COPD, hypertension, coronary artery
hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, long-acting diltiazem
240 mg daily, and diazepam 5 mg TID as needed for back
Vital signs include respiratory rate of 16 breaths/minute
and HR of 90 beats/minute. Diffuse wheezes and rhonchi
are heard on chest auscultation. Laboratory tests reveal the
B.B’s baseline ABG at the physician’s office last month
was pH, 7.35; PaCO2, 51 mm Hg; PaO2, 62 mm Hg; and
3 , 28 mEq/L. Which of B.B.’s signs and symptoms are
consistent with the diagnosis of respiratory acidosis?
A stepwise evaluation reveals a respiratory acidosis. A history
caused by the direct effects of carbon dioxide. Hypoxemia
(decreased Pao2), which commonly accompanies respiratory
acidosis, also contributes to these symptoms. Elevated Paco2
causes cerebral vascular dilation, resulting in headache caused
CASE 9-4, QUESTION 2: Is the respiratory acidosis present
in B.B. consistent with an acute or a chronic disorder?
185Acid–Base Disorders Chapter 9
Following the stepwise approach, it is determined that B.B. has
has an acute-on-chronic respiratory acidosis because his baseline
Paco2 was 51 mm Hg with an acute worsening to 58 mm Hg. In
respiratory acidosis, increased renal reabsorption of bicarbonate
compensates for the increase in Paco2; however, at least 48 to
72 hours are needed for this compensatory mechanism to
become fully established.10 Patients with COPD commonly
present with an acute-on-chronic respiratory acidosis similar
CASE 9-4, QUESTION 3: What potential causes of respiratory acidosis are present in B.B.?
Respiratory acidosis often is caused by airway obstruction,
as shown in Table 9-7.86,87 Chronic obstructive airway disease is
can worsen airway obstruction and produce acute respiratory
Because B.B. has COPD, he may be more sensitive to drugs
most patients with COPD when given in usual therapeutic doses.
with other respiratory depressant drugs.87 B.B.’s diazepam may
be contributing to hypoventilation and respiratory acidosis and
should be withdrawn from his regimen. Nonselective adrenergic
blocking drugs should not be used in patients with COPD.
CASE 9-4, QUESTION 4: How should B.B.’s respiratory acidosis be treated?
with ipratropium or a β-adrenergic agent, such as inhaled
of COPD.88 Antibiotic therapy with a β-lactam or β-lactamase
should be monitored closely during his hospitalization. If the
ventilation may be required.67
Treatment with IV sodium bicarbonate is not recommended
in most cases of acute respiratory acidosis because of the risks
associated with bicarbonate therapy (see Case 9-2, Question 4)
and because an absolute deficiency of bicarbonate is not present.
When the excess CO2 is excreted, arterial pH should return
to normal. Hypercapnia should not be overcorrected, because
Laboratory Values in Simple Acid–Base Disorders
Disorder Arterial pH Change Change
Respiratory alkalosis ↑ ↓Paco−
dissociation curve to the left, restricting the release of oxygen to
Respiratory alkalosis usually is not a severe disorder. Excessive
causes of respiratory alkalosis are presented in Table 9-8. Many
ventilation, causing respiratory alkalosis.91,92
QUESTION 1: S.P., a 35-year-old, 60-kg woman, is admitted
for treatment of presumed bacterial pneumonia. She was in
good health until 24 hours before presentation when she
taken aspirin 650 mg every 4 hours since the onset of fever,
with mild relief. Since arriving in the ED, she has become
anxious and lightheaded and has developed tingling in her
breath sounds over the left lower lung field.
Laboratory findings include the following:
Gram stain of sputum reveals 25 white blood cells (WBC)
per high-power field and many gram-positive diplococci.
WBC count is 15,400 cells/μL with a left shift. A left lower
lobe infiltrate is seen on chest radiograph. What acid–base
Steps 1 to 3 in the evaluation of the ABG values, as
described previously, indicate a respiratory alkalosis (increased
pH, decreased Paco2). The history and physical findings of deep,
rapid breathing and tingling sensations are clues to the etiology.
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