dosage was increased to 100 mg SC every 12 hours after
subsequent anti-factor Xa levels were subtherapeutic. Her
LMWH was discontinued 24 hours before she received an
epidural for labor pain. After delivery, H.P. is restarted on
LMWH and then changed to warfarin on day 5. H.P. also is
breast-feeding. Do either of these drugs present a risk to
Heparin does not cross into breast milk (see Drug Excretion
in Human Milk section) because of its high molecular weight
(∼12,000) and is therefore safe in breast-feeding. Warfarin is a
lactating mothers confirm that warfarin is not detected in breast
milk or infant plasma.43 The American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) considers warfarin compatible with breast-feeding,101 and
it is widely considered to be safe in breast-feeding.249 There are
no studies to guide duration of anticoagulation in women who
total duration of anticoagulation of a minimum of 6 months
after the thromboembolic event.249 H.P. can safely breast-feed
her infant while she is on LMWH and warfarin.
The actual amount an infant will ingest is difficult to determine
reports or pharmacokinetic studies involving few mother–infant
pairs. An M/P ratio is sometimes used alone as the basis for a
after maternal ingestion (peak versus steady state), dose, length
of therapy, route of administration, and milk composition.250 A
relative infant dose (RID) is sometimes reported in resources or
literature, which is expressed as a percentage of the maternal
dose.251 Generally, an RID of less than 10% is interpreted as an
health of the infant and the safety profile of the drug. It is also
important to note that these are estimated values, often based
on data collected from one or only a few individuals. Applying
these equations using measurements specific to a woman and
her infant is not clinically practical, however. Compared with the
M/P ratio, experts believe that the RID is a better estimate of
Sampling during maternal peak drug concentration attempts
to approximate the highest amount of drug that can reach the
infant. This assumption is inherently flawed because peak drug
concentration in the mother does not necessarily equate with
peak drug concentration in milk at that same point in time.245,250
The amount of drug an infant actually receives also depends
on the volume of milk ingested. Even if a drug has a high M/P
ratio, the actual amount received by the infant could be low
if only a small volume of milk was consumed. Therefore, an
M/P ratio describes the likelihood of drug excretion into breast
milk, but it does not indicate the level of infant exposure. In
general, drugs with lower M/P ratios (<1) are preferred over
1381Parkinson Disease and Other Movement Disorders Chapter 57
with uncomfortable paresthesias or dysesthesias felt deep inside
the limbs. Patients describe the sensation as “creepy-crawly” or
limb. With progressive disease, symptoms can begin earlier in
the day, and progressive involvement of the arms or trunk may
occur. Temporary or partial relief of symptoms can be achieved
with movement. If patients attempt to ignore the urge to move
the legs, akathisia will progressively intensify until they either
symptoms between midnight and 4 am). The circadian pattern
persists even in patients with inverted sleep–wake cycles. As a
the legs in an effort to relieve symptoms.
J.J.’s case is an example of a classic presentation of RLS. The
prevalence of RLS increases with age and appears to be slightly
of RLS. Her symptoms are worse during the evening hours. J.J.
several chromosomal loci have been linked to the disease.149
A strong family history of RLS appears to correlate with an
early age of onset (<45 years), whereas presentation at a later
age is associated with more neuropathy and accelerated disease
or diagnostic procedures. Several conditions are associated with
RLS, and include iron deficiency, pregnancy, and end-stage renal
disease. A thorough medical history should be taken in J.J. to
Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol can aggravate RLS through their
own ability to interfere with quality of sleep. Additionally, SSRIs,
tricyclic antidepressants, and commonly used over-the-counter
antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, can trigger or worsen
RLS symptoms.149 Hypotensive akathisia, leg cramps, and other
RLS. These conditions are easily distinguished from RLS because
they are usually localized to certain joints or muscles, do not have
a circadian pattern, and are not associated with an uncontrollable
With an otherwise unremarkable physical examination and
deficiency anemia. It is important to note that ferritin is an
acute-phase reactant and may be artificially elevated if there is
an underlying inflammatory or infectious condition. Therefore,
relationship between low ferritin concentrations and increased
symptom severity.150,151 J.J. is postmenopausal, so a pregnancy
test is not necessary. Polysomnography is not usually indicated
unless there is clinical suspicion for sleep apnea or if sleep remains
disrupted despite treatment of RLS. When clinical suspicion from
the physical examination or medical history suggests a possible
peripheral nerve or radiculopathy cause, a routine neurologic
panel, including thyroid function tests, fasting glucose, vitamins
B6 and B12, and folate, should be obtained.149 Renal function tests
(serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) can be obtained to
screen for uremia, although RLS does not usually occur in this
situation until the patient has reached end-stage renal failure.
CASE 57-5, QUESTION 2: What is the difference between
RLS and periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS)?
In addition to the presence of RLS, J.J.’s spouse has
movements of the lower extremities while sleeping that usually
involve bilateral ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion and hip flexion.
Approximately 80% of patients with RLS will also have PLMS,
a polysomnogram; the universally accepted criteria for diagnosis
are that there should be at least four periodic leg movements
(PLMs) in a 90-second period, with contractions typically lasting
0.5 to 5 seconds and recurring every 5 to 90 seconds.152 A PLM
index (PLMI) is calculated by dividing the total number of PLMs
by sleep time in hours; an index of more than 5 but less than
25 is considered mild, a PMLI of more than 25 and less than 50
insomnia, tiredness, and daytime sleepiness in the presence of a
high PLMI.153 There is considerable overlap in the treatments of
PLMS and RLS. Because J.J. clearly has RLS there is no need to
perform a polysomnogram. The diagnosis of PLMS in her case
is incidental and would not alter the clinical management. An
exception to this would be if J.J.’s medical history revealed the
possibility of sleep apnea, as there is a high association between
PLMS and upper airway resistance154; a polysomnogram would
CASE 57-5, QUESTION 3: The decision is made to treat
Figure 57-6 presents an approach to the treatment of RLS.
Iron supplements can potentially cure RLS symptoms in patients
found to be iron deficient.155 If J.J. is iron deficient, she should
be prescribed 50 to 65 mg of elemental iron one to three times
daily on an empty stomach with 200 mg of vitamin C to enhance
absorption. After ruling out possible reversible causes of RLS,
it is important to establish the frequency of J.J.’s symptoms and
whether or not they are associated with pain. This information
will help determine appropriate therapy.
Several classes of medications are effective for treating RLS.156
evaluated in RLS include carbidopa/levodopa, pramipexole,
preferred dopaminergic class to treat RLS because they are longer
acting than levodopa, which allows for more sustained efficacy
and control of symptoms throughout the entire night. J.J. should
be started on either ropinirole (0.25 mg initially, up to 0.5–8.0 mg/
day) or pramipexole (0.125 mg initially, up to 0.5–1.5 mg/day),
as both are both Food and Drug Administration–approved for
treating RLS. Several randomized, controlled clinical trials have
1382Section 13 Neurologic Disorders
Bothersome leg symptoms at night
Discontinue aggravators Replace iron if deficient
Nonpainful symptoms Painful symptoms
FIGURE 57-6 Approach to the treatment of restless legs syndrome.
effects. When used for RLS, ropinirole and pramipexole should
should be counseled accordingly.
Other medications may also provide modest benefit in
RLS, including benzodiazepines, opiates, anticonvulsants, and
clonidine.156 With the exception of gabapentin or opiates,163,164
effective than another for RLS, and selection should be based on
the patient’s primary sleep disorder complaint. For example, a
newer short-acting benzodiazepine with quick onset of action
may be preferred in a patient whose primary problem is getting
patients.156 Newer agents such as pregabalin and topiramate have
also been studied with favorable preliminary results.156,165
J.J. Most important among these include discontinuing all RLS
computer) if patients are unable to sleep can reduce symptoms.149
Counter stimuli such as massage or hot baths may be helpful.149
CASE 57-5, QUESTION 4: After carefully considering the
costs of therapy, J.J. and her physician choose levodopa
carbidopa/levodopa has progressively increased to three
25/100 mg tablets at bedtime. She describes continued
worsening of her symptoms, and they do not seem to be
relieved with increasing doses of carbidopa/levodopa. Her
symptoms are now starting earlier in the evening, occur
almost every night, and are now painful. How should J.J.’s
1383Parkinson Disease and Other Movement Disorders Chapter 57
is the most common side effect occurring with long-term use
(>3 months) of dopaminergic agents, and usually occurs 6 to
18 months after therapy is initiated.149 Doses of dopaminergic
not been systematically studied. The exact etiology is uncertain,
but it likely relates to the finding that RLS, unlike PD, is actually
a hyperdopaminergic condition with an apparent postsynaptic
desensitization that overcompensates during the circadian low
point of dopaminergic activity in the evening and night. Adding
dopamine in the evening initially corrects the symptoms, but
ultimately leads to increasing postsynaptic desensitization.
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