CASE 4-5, QUESTION 4: How should the potential toxicity
of the acetaminophen ingestion be assessed in L.P.?
Acetaminophen toxicity results from ingestions greater than
150 mg/kg or more than 7.5 g total in adults. However, serum
ingested.164,165 The Matthew-Rumack nomogram (Fig. 4-1) is
used in the United States to assess the potential for hepatotoxicity
from acute overdoses of acetaminophen.165 The treatment line is
defined by a serum acetaminophen concentration of 200 mcg/mL
at 4 hours after acetaminophen ingestion and 30 mcg/mL at
nomogram predicts the probability that the AST or ALT will be
greater than 1,000 international units/L and can be used to guide
for acute ingestions because it underestimates the potential for
toxicity in chronic acetaminophen ingestions. It should be noted
Hours After Acetaminophen Ingestion
Plasma Acetaminophen Concentration
500 Lower limit for high-risk group
Lower limit for probable-risk group
FIGURE 4-1 Nomogram for interpretation of severity of
acetaminophen poisoning. Adapted with permission from
Smilkstein MJ et al. Efficacy of oral N-acetylcysteine in the treatment
of acetaminophen overdose: analysis of national multicenter study
(1976–1985). N Engl J Med. 1988;319:1557.
nonalcoholic adult patients.157
Acetaminophen Treatment Nomogram
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 5: When is the preferred time to measure a serum acetaminophen concentration?
Acetaminophen absorption generally is complete within
1.5 to 2.5 hours after ingestion of solid or liquid dosage forms.165
The Matthews-Rumack nomogram is not applicable before
4 hours after ingestion because it is based on complete drug
absorption.165 Most clinical laboratories can complete their
assays and report acetaminophen serum concentration results
Stages of Acetaminophen Toxicity
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 6: What are the clinical signs and
symptoms of acetaminophen toxicity?
Early detection of an acetaminophen overdose is difficult
because there are no characteristic early diagnostic findings.
stage of acetaminophen toxicity occurs about 24 to 48 hours
In the third stage, 72 to 96 hours after ingestion, maximal
liver dysfunction is evident with the return of anorexia, nausea,
10,000 international units/L. There are also increases in bilirubin
and INR measurements, as well as abnormalities in glucose and
pH readings. Death, if it occurs, is usually a result of multiorgan
failure or hemorrhage caused by hepatic failure. Most deaths
occur 3 to 5 days after exposure. Patients who survive this stage
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 7: What antidote for acetaminophen
ingestion should be considered in L.P.? How does the antidote work, and when is it most effective?
Toxicity is determined by the results of a serum
acetaminophen concentration measured at least 4 hours after
ingestion.165 NAC is the antidote for acetaminophen toxicity.
NAC is a sulfhydryl donor that converts to cysteine, which is
subsequently converted to glutathione.154,166–168 NAC acts as
a glutathione substitute and directly combines with the toxic
increases the nontoxic metabolism through that route as well.
NAC increases intrahepatic microcirculation and is believed to
possess hepatoprotective properties, showing some value even
after liver damage has already occurred.154,168
85Managing Drug Overdoses and Poisonings Chapter 4
Instituting therapy early with NAC is essential. When NAC
is started within 8 to 10 hours of the ingestion, hepatotoxicity
resulted in only 1.6% of cases. In patients who were started on
NAC more than 10 hours after ingestion, 53% developed liver
Safety of N-Acetylcysteine in Pregnancy
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 8: Is NAC safe to use during pregnancy?
the life of the mother is not saved, the fetus will not survive
is not contraindicated in pregnant patients and might be helpful
because it crosses the placenta and can protect the fetus from
NAC therapy appears to be protective for both mother and
fetus.154,157,160–163 When used as an antidote for acetaminophen
overdose in pregnancy, NAC did not appear to result in toxic
effects to the fetus.154,157,160,162,163 The probability of fetal death
was increased with the delay in NAC treatment after overdose
and with acetaminophen overdose early in gestation.157,160,168
This concentration of acetaminophen at 6 hours is above the
treatment line on Figure 4-1. Because there was some delay from
the time of ingestion to presentation at the ED and L.P. was
already vomiting, it will be more difficult for L.P. to tolerate oral
NAC. For this reason, IV NAC is recommended.
An FDA-approved sterile, pyrogen-free formulation of NAC is
available as Acetadote.169–171 The use of IV NAC is not completely
risk-free because of a possible anaphylactoid reaction during the
first dose of the IV NAC. The incidence of adverse reactions
ranges from 14.3% to 23%. Asthmatic patients and patients with
ectopy should receive the drug slowly and carefully, while being
watched for symptoms of a reaction.171
A majority of the adverse reactions include nausea, vomiting,
urticaria, flushing, and pruritus. Bronchospasm, angioedema,
comparing adverse reactions in the two infusion rates did not
show clinically significant differences.171,174
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 10: How should IV NAC be administered to L.P.?
The FDA-approved IV NAC protocol is the same 20-hour
a maintenance dose of 50 mg/kg infused for 4 hours, and then
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 11: Once she is able to tolerate oral
NAC treatment, what dosing regimen would be appropriate
either the 10% or 20% mucolytic solutions that were formulated
for inhalation therapy. Seventeen additional maintenance doses
of 70 mg/kg of NAC are administered at 4-hour intervals after the
initial dose, for a total of 72 hours of therapy. This provides a total
of 1,330 mg/kg NAC during 72 hours.169,175 Because oral NAC
nausea and vomiting for the patient. To mask the unpleasant
taste and odor, NAC is diluted to a concentration of 5% using
a carbonated beverage or fruit juice.166 Because the entire dose
of oral NAC passes through the liver, high concentrations are
produced, which is seen as an advantage of oral therapy.169
Shorter oral NAC regimens are currently being used based
the usual 140 mg/kg oral loading dose of NAC, followed by
70 mg/kg every 4 hours for five additional doses (20 hours of
therapy). Serum acetaminophen, liver function tests, and INR
are repeated at 20 hours after the loading dose, which is after the
than the lower limits of detection, NAC can be stopped. A repeat
regimen is the same, but the laboratory studies are measured
initially, and then at 16, 36, and 48 hours after ingestion.177
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 12: Which route of NAC administration is more effective?
after an acetaminophen overdose depends more on the time
after the ingestion that treatment begins rather than on the
route of administration of NAC. Patients who are started on
NAC within 8 to 10 hours after ingestion, regardless of the
route, rarely develop hepatotoxicity. Patients who present late
or have a delay in the time of NAC treatment have higher rates
of hepatoxicity.154,168,169,175,179–181
In one comparative study of IV NAC to oral NAC therapy,
both were effective in reducing hepatotoxicity when therapy was
initiated within 10 hours after ingestion. Vomiting delayed oral
the problems of the vomiting patient, but oral NAC is safer. Oral
NAC is associated with nausea and vomiting, whereas IV NAC is
length of therapy has become another factor.180,182 Because the
duration of therapy with the IV formulation is 21 hours, patients
with severe toxicity may be undertreated. It is essential that the
patient be re-evaluated at the end of the 21 hours to make sure that
acetaminophen levels are not detectable and that liver enzymes
are trending downward significantly. If there is still measurable
acetaminophen and liver enzymes are still elevated, therapy with
Starting oral NAC may take less time to prepare than IV NAC
therapy and is less expensive. If the patient presents early after an
(more than 10 hours after ingestion) with signs and symptoms
of hepatotoxicity along with intractable nausea and vomiting, IV
NAC should be instituted at once.169,175
Monitoring Efficacy of N-Acetylcysteine
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 13: How should the efficacy of NAC
(as long as it is still measurable), AST, ALT, total bilirubin,
glucose, and INR. The AST and ALT serum concentrations
typically increase within 36 hours (range, 24–72 hours) after
ingestion.168,179 As the hepatic damage continues, the liver
enzymes may peak at several tens of thousands units, even with
NAC therapy. In most patients, AST and ALT begin to decline
after 3 days and then return to baseline values.168
In a small number of patients, usually those who presented late
increased serum creatinine, and grade III to IV encephalopathy
are consistent with fatal outcomes in patients with fulminant
hepatic failure. Liver transplantation might be a consideration
for these patients.157,183–186
Duration of N-Acetylcysteine Therapy
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 14: How long should NAC administration be continued?
half-lives (20 hours), the acetaminophen should be metabolized
and NAC could be discontinued. An NAC dose of 6 mg/kg/hour
was determined to be necessary based on the rate of glutathione
turnover relative to NAPQI production. To ensure that patients
received an adequate NAC dose, the FDA recommended that
studies, glucose, pH, bilirubin) are within normal ranges, and
acetaminophen is no longer present in the serum. As long as
acetaminophen is present, it can be metabolized to NAPQI and
When using the shorter 20-hour course of oral NAC, if
liver function tests and coagulation studies are normal and the
20-hour liver function tests or coagulation studies are abnormal,
or if the 20-hour acetaminophen concentration measurement
reveals acetaminophen still present in the serum, NAC therapy
a liver transplant, or dies.157
At this time, there is no consensus as to the best route of
NAC administration, optimal dosage regimen, or optimal length
after ingestion.154,168,169,175,179,181 For patients who do not exhibit
any signs of hepatotoxicity, shorter-course NAC therapy reduces
the amount of NAC administered to the patient, decreases the
quantity of laboratory tests, shortens hospital stay, and is less
CASE 4-5, QUESTION 15: How should the toxicity of NAC
With the exception of vomiting, oral NAC is remarkably safe
and has not been associated with toxicity.154,168,169 Oral NAC
must be retained for a minimum of 1 hour after ingestion to
be successfully absorbed. If L.P. vomits within an hour after
cannot tolerate oral liquids, NAC therapy should continue via IV
not severe, bronchospasm, angioedema, and respiratory arrest
have been reported.154,168,169,187 Patients should be monitored for
allergic and anaphylactoid reactions when NAC is administered
IV. Most reactions can be avoided by infusing the NAC loading
dose slowly for 60 minutes.154,168,169
L.P. continued to have nausea and vomiting and had difficulty
was taken of the baby. Once L.P. saw her baby’s image from the
sonogram, her depressed mood seemed to lift. Approximately
36 hours after ingestion, her acetaminophen level was no longer
detectable, and her liver function tests showed a mild elevation
of her AST at 274 units/L and an ALT of 188 units/L. Her INR and
total bilirubin values were normal at 0.7 seconds and 0.8 mg/dL,
87Managing Drug Overdoses and Poisonings Chapter 4
made to continue NAC for a full 72-hour course with the goal
of protecting the fetal liver as much as possible. Six weeks later,
she had a normal delivery of a healthy 6-pound, 1-ounce baby
Unfortunately, there is no cookbook method to treat all poisoned
Treatment of the poisoned patient often involves controversy
exposure, consult with a poison control center. By calling 1-800-
222-1222, the call will be connected to the poison center where
consultation is available 24 hours a day nationwide.
A full list of references for this chapter can be found at Below are the key references
Boyle JS et al. Management of the critically poisoned patient.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2009;17:29. (29)
Chyka PA et al. Position paper: single-dose activated charcoal.
Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2005;43:61. (46)
Committee on Poison Prevention and Control, Board on Health
Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine of the
National Academies. Poison control center activities, personnel,
Emerg Med J. 2009;26:100. (120)
Kociancic T, Reed MD. Acetaminophen intoxication and length
of treatment: how long is long enough. Pharmacotherapy. 2003;23:
Clin Toxicol. 2004;42:133. (44)
2004;42:1000; dosage error in article text]. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol.
Proudfoot AT et al. Position paper on urine alkalinization.
J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 2004;42:1. (70)
role for alkalinization and sodium loading. Pediatr Emerg Care.
Temple AR. Pathophysiology of aspirin overdosage toxicity, with
implications for management. Pediatrics. 1978;62(5 Pt 2 Suppl):
Vale JA et al. Position paper: gastric lavage. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol.
CDC Injury Prevention and Control: Data and Statistics.
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