worsens. In addition, raising the concentration of bicarbonate
in the blood drives potassium intercellularly and contributes to
CASE 9-1, QUESTION 6: What treatment is indicated for
Although it is rare for patients with type 2 RTA to develop
severe acidosis and potassium depletion chronically, it is not
removed concurrently. Her serum potassium is also dangerously
low, and bicarbonate correction could further decrease it. A.B.
needs potassium supplementation. The clinician should obtain
hourly blood samples for electrolytes until her potassium is
greater than 3.5 mEq/L. In adults such as A.B., chronic treatment
RTA resolves. Very large doses of bicarbonate (6–10 mEq/kg/day)
to increase serum bicarbonate to no more than 18 mEq/L.30
Bicarbonate can be provided as sodium bicarbonate tablets
(8 mEq/600-mg tablet) or Shohl’s solution. Shohl’s solution, USP,
contains 334 mg citric acid and 500 mg sodium citrate per 5 mL.
Sodium citrate is metabolized to sodium bicarbonate in the liver.
initiated with 1 mEq/kg/day. The clinician should monitor A.B.’s
bipolar disorder. Because of severe hypokalemia resulting from
Metabolic Acidosis With Elevated
QUESTION 1: G.D., a 34-year-old, 60-kg man, is brought to
hotel room 30 minutes ago. G.D. has a long history of
alcohol abuse. In the ED, supine blood pressure (BP) is
181Acid–Base Disorders Chapter 9
and mild papilledema is noted. Laboratory tests reveal the
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 25 mg/dL
ABG include pH, 7.16; PaCO2, 23 mm Hg; and HCO−
8 mEq/L. His toxicology screen is negative for alcohol, and
G.D. has an acidosis (pH, 7.16; HCO−
AG (29 mEq/L). Subtracting 10 from the anion gap of 29 and
adding this value to his serum bicarbonate concentration (see
Step 5 in the section Evaluation of Acid–Base Disorders) yields a
value of 27, suggesting no other metabolic abnormality is present.
An elevated AG metabolic acidosis often indicates lactic
or ketoacidosis induced by diabetes mellitus, starvation, or
alcohol.14,28,32,38,51,55–60 Step 6 in the stepwise approach leads
to the consideration of additional laboratory tests that may be
helpful in the differential diagnosis of an elevated AG. These
include serum ketones, glucose, lactate, BUN, creatinine, and
plasma osmolal gap.32 Osmolal gap is defined as the difference
between measured serum osmolality (SO) and calculated SO
Calculated SO (mOsm/kg) = 2 × Na+(mEq/L)
When the difference between measured and calculated SO
is greater than 10 mOsm/kg, the presence of an unmeasured
gap and osmolal gap, without diabetic ketoacidosis or chronic
(papilledema, history of alcohol abuse, increased osmolal gap,
increased AG metabolic acidosis), methanol intoxication should
CASE 9-2, QUESTION 2: How would G.D.’s methanol intake
induce metabolic acidosis with an elevated anion AG?
Methanol intoxication results in the formation of two organic
acids, formic and lactic acids, which consume bicarbonate with
production of an AG metabolic acidosis. Alcohol dehydrogenase
in the liver metabolizes methanol to formaldehyde and then
to formic acid. The formic acid contributes to the metabolic
acidosis and also is responsible for the retinal edema and blindness
associated with methanol intoxication.32,33,60
Classification of Metabolic Alkalosis
Saline-Responsive Saline-Resistant
Extracellular volume contraction Potassium depletion
Gastric acid loss Hypercalcemia
Nasogastric suction Mineralocorticoids
Exogenous alkali administration Hyperaldosteronism
Blood transfusions Hyperreninism
Serum lactic acid concentrations also are increased in patients
with methanol intoxication.32 Lactic acidosis classically has been
divided into type A, which is associated with inadequate delivery
of oxygen to the tissue, and type B, which is associated with
defective oxygen utilization at the mitochondrial level (Table 9-5).
Although these distinctions often are not clear, the lactic acidosis
caused by methanol intoxication is most consistent with the type
CASE 9-2, QUESTION 3: How should G.D.’s methanol intoxication be managed acutely?
Because G.D.’s mental status is impaired and his respiratory rate
is 40 breaths/minute, his airway was secured via endotracheal
methanol for alcohol dehydrogenase binding sites and could be
used to treat G.D., fomepizole is chosen because it is easier to
much greater affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase than methanol,
these agents may reduce the conversion of methanol to its toxic
metabolite, formic acid. The unmetabolized methanol then is
excreted by the lungs and kidneys. Fomepizole can be given IV
as a 15 mg/kg loading dose for 30 minutes, followed by bolus doses
of 10 mg/kg every 12 hours. Because of induction of metabolism
of fomepizole, doses should be increased to 15 mg/kg every
12 hours if therapy is required beyond 2 days.60 Fomepizole
is usually continued until the serum methanol concentration
nausea, dizziness, agitation, metallic taste, abnormal smell, and
system (CNS) depression.60,63 For G.D., an IV loading dose of
0.6 g/kg ethanol solution should be administered over the course
of 30 minutes, followed by a continuous infusion of about 150 mg/
kg/hour if the patient has been drinking, or 70 mg/kg/hour for
Charcoal may be considered to bind other agents that may be
When other low-molecular-weight toxins, such as ethanol
or ethylene glycol, are not present, the serum methanol level
can be estimated by multiplying the patient’s osmolal gap by
a standardized conversion factor of 2.6. G.D.’s osmolal gap of
levels are higher than 50 mg/dL, hemodialysis is indicated to
in patients receiving hemodialysis to account for the increased
elimination of these antidotes.33,62 Ethylene glycol poisoning can
also be treated by using fomepizole or ethanol.
Severe acidosis causes reduced myocardial contractility, impaired
response to catecholamines, and impaired oxygen delivery to
tissues as a result of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate depletion. For this
reason, some clinicians have judiciously administered IV sodium
bicarbonate to patients with metabolic acidosis in an attempt to
arterial pH can be estimated using Eq. 9-8 as follows:
Bicarbonate dose (mEq) = 0.5 (L/kg) × Body weight (kg)
Bicarbonate distributes to approximately 50% of total body
weight (thus, the factor of 0.5 L/kg in Eq. 9-8). To prevent
overtreating, bicarbonate doses should only attempt to increase
the bicarbonate concentration by 4 to 8 mEq/L (see Case 9-2,
(0.5 L/kg × 60 kg × 4 mEq/L; Eq. 9-8). Clinical assessment of the
effect of bicarbonate can be determined about 30 minutes after
CASE 9-2, QUESTION 4: What are the risks of G.D.’s bicarbonate therapy?
Concerns about the risks of bicarbonate administration and
arterial pH can increase rapidly after bicarbonate administration,
to carbonic acid, and the carbon dioxide tension increases as a
result (Eq. 9-2). Because CO2 diffuses into cells more rapidly than
3 /CO2 ratio decreases, resulting
in a decrease in intracellular pH. This intracellular acidosis will
persist as long as bicarbonate administration exceeds the CO2
excretion; therefore, adequate tissue perfusion and ventilation
must be provided in patients with diminished CO2 excretion
(e.g., cardiac or pulmonary failure).70
Overalkalinization also will cause a shift to the left in
the oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve. This shift increases
hemoglobin affinity for oxygen, decreases oxygen delivery to
tissues, and potentially increases lactic acid production and
accumulation.33 Sodium bicarbonate administration also can
cause hypernatremia, hyperosmolality, and volume overload;
however, the excessive sodium and water retention usually can be
avoided by the administration of loop diuretics.33,61 Hypokalemia
occur. This translocation of potassium tends to reduce serum
potassium levels by about 0.4 to 0.6 mEq/L for each 0.1 unit
intoxications, raising extracellular pH helps to provide a gradient
to shift the toxin from the CNS and “trap” it into the blood and
levels, and ABG should be monitored.
Although sodium bicarbonate is the most commonly used agent
to raise arterial pH, alternative therapies are available. Sodium
lactate and acetate have been used in select patients; however,
these agents, which require metabolic conversion to bicarbonate,
Tromethamine acetate (THAM), a sodium-free organic amine
with a pH of 8.6, is available commercially as a 0.3 mol/L
produce hyperkalemia in patients with renal impairment and
effects, including respiratory depression, increased coagulation
times, and hypoglycemia.76–79 Carbicarb and dichloroacetate
have been used investigationally in the treatment of metabolic
acidosis.38,62,81 Carbicarb and THAM are better than bicarbonate
at improving extracellular pH and bicarbonate and intracellular
pH, while not increasing CO2; however, neither has yet resulted
in better patient outcomes.5,24,71 Hemofiltration and continuous
renal replacement therapies have been advocated for patients
with lactic acidosis, especially in Europe; however, their roles
Metabolic alkalosis is associated with an increase in serum
bicarbonate concentration and a compensatory increase in
(Table 9-6), are usually distinguishable based on an assessment
of the patient’s volume status, BP, and urinary chloride concentration.
fluid from the body (e.g., vomiting, nasogastric suction, diuretic
therapy, cystic fibrosis). Physical examination may reveal volume
depletion (e.g., orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, poor skin
turgor), and the urinary chloride concentration often will be
less than 10 to 20 mEq/L (although urine chloride levels may be
>20 mEq/L in patients with recent diuretic use).10,34,81
Severe hypokalemia or excessive mineralocorticoid activity
alkalosis. Saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis should be suspected
in alkalemic patients with evidence of increased ECF volume,
183Acid–Base Disorders Chapter 9
Common Causes of Respiratory Acidosis
Airway Obstruction Cardiopulmonary
Foreign body aspiration Cardiac arrest
Asthma Pulmonary edema or infiltration
Adrenergic blockers Pulmonary fibrosis
CNS Disturbances Neuromuscular
Cerebral vascular accident Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Sleep apnea Guillain-Barre syndrome ´
CNS depressant drugs Hypokalemia
CNS, central nervous system; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
hypertension, or high urinary chloride values (>20 mEq/L) without recent diuretic use.10,81
pulmonary congestion consistent with a congestive heart
failure exacerbation. Since admission, she has been treated
aggressively with furosemide 80 to 120 mg IV daily, which
has generated approximately 3 L of urine output each day.
Her chest radiograph findings and peripheral edema now
show considerable improvement with diuresis; however, she
now complains of dizziness when she gets out of bed to go
to the bathroom. Physical examination reveals a tachycardic
(heart rate [HR], 100 beats/minute), thin elderly woman with
Urine Cl concentration is 60 mEq/L. What acid–base disorder is present in K.E.?
Using the stepwise approach to the evaluation of acid–base
disorders as previously described, K.E.’s elevated pH is consistent
For a case that demonstrates how these steps
would be worked through, see the narrated
PowerPoint presentation at http://thepoint.
Furosemide-induced diuresis may be a clue to her acid–base
disorder. The increased serum HCO−
3 and increased Paco2 suggest primary metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation.
K.E.’s anion gap is 12, suggesting no additional metabolic acid–
base abnormalities are present. A Paco2 of 46 mm Hg suggests
Paco2 to normal if there is no underlying pulmonary disease.
CASE 9-3, QUESTION 2: What is the most likely cause of
Common causes of metabolic alkalosis are listed in Table 9-5.
The hypokalemic, hypochloremic, metabolic alkalosis in K.E.
most likely is the result of diuretic-induced volume contraction.
The incidence of this adverse effect is influenced by the type,
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