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decision-making thought processes, treatment plans, and dispositions that will actually allow you to function more comfortably in the clinical environment. The diagnostic algorithms are a unique feature that attempt to simplify the problem

and point the clinician in the right direction.

The book has 19 sections and 98 chapters that cover the entire contents of the EM clerkship curriculum

(Acad Emerg Med. 201 0; 1 7:638-643). The authors are all practicing emergency physicians and EM educators from throughout the country. For medical student clerkship directors, we believe that this text is the perfect book for the student to pick

up and digest during a 4-week rotation.

In summary, we hope this book will enhance the emergency medicine experience of all its users.


Scott C. Sherman, MD

Joseph M. Weber, MD

Michael Schindlbeck, MD

Rahul Patwari, MD


We have many people to thank in helping us bring this project to fruition. First and foremost, this text would have never made

it to print without the support and encouragement of our McGraw-Hill editor, Anne Sydor. Anne is a friend as much as an

editor. She took a chance on us and for that we will always be grateful. One of Anne's many gifts has been providing us with

such great editorial support in the form of Sarah M. Granlund. She has been the quarterback of this project from the onset,

and without her planning and attention to detail, we would not be here today. We would also like to acknowledge our project

manager, Charu Khanna, for her attention to detail during page proofs and willingness to go the extra mile.

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ACERUMEN، زجاجة جرعة واحدة

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