the radial and ulnar arteries using your fingers. Ask the
patient to clench the fist to increase venous drainage
from the hand for approximately 30 seconds. Ask the
patient to open the hand, which should be noticeably
pale. At this point, release only the ulnar artery. Rapid
return of color signifies adequate collateral flow.
Although the necessity of the test for arterial puncture is
questioned, common sense dictates that if collateral flow
in one wrist is noticeably decreased compared with the
other, the wrist with better collateral flow should be
accessed. In the absence of good collateral flow in both
wrists, the necessity of the procedure should be weighed
against the remote risk of serious vascular injury and
The radial artery is easily palpated in a majority of
patients. It runs down the radial aspect of the forearm,
generally located between the styloid process of the
radius and the flexor carpi radialis tendon at the
.A. Figure 2-2. Position of the forea rm for puncture of
the radial artery. A kidney basin or rol led towel may
be helpful to hold the patient's wrist in this position.
proximal crease of the wrist. The patient's wrist should
be extended to bring the artery to a more superficial
position. A kidney basin or rolled towel as well as tape
may be helpful to hold the patient's wrist in this posi
tion ( Figure 2-2). The skin overlying the artery should
be cleaned. The skin and immediate subcutaneous
tissue should then be appropriately anesthetized. The
authors recommend massaging the area or letting it rest
for 1-2 minutes for the anesthetic to take complete
effect. This time may be used to prepare your other
impulse at a 30- to 45-degree angle proximally toward the
patient. If the impulse is difficult to detect, an ultrasound
or Doppler may be helpful to locate the artery (Figure 2 - 3) .
Some practitioners use a direct 90-degree angle to the skin,
but this is largely a matter of preference. When the artery
is accessed, blood will passively fill the syringe. It should
not be necessary to draw back on the syringe. Pulsatile or
bright red blood signals the correct vessel has been
accessed; however, this may not be apparent in the criti
cally ill patient. If blood is not obtained, withdraw the
needle to just below the skin and reattempt the procedure
after slight adjustments have been made. Do not move the
needle in an arc deep in the skin, as this risks damage to
After blood is collected, the needle should be removed
and disposed of appropriately. Remove air from the syringe
and place the syringe cap, ensuring that blood contacts the
cap. Maintain pressure over the arterial site for approxi
mately 5 minutes to prevent development of a hematoma,
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