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Mark Nielsen

University of Utah

Shawn Miller

University of Utah

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Cover Photo Credit Mark Nielsen

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Anatomy is a visual science, and in no other subject does the age-old saying ring so true — “a picture is worth a thousand

words.” With this in mind we created this book to teach anatomy with the real thing — photographs of cadaver dissections

and the bones of the skeleton, and micrographs of the body’s tissues. We believe that every word that has ever been written

about anatomy is the result of someone describing what they observed in a dissection (or as is the case of many authors today,

the words are paraphrased from somebody else’s knowledge and writings about dissection). In this book we provide you with

the images of real anatomy, with the hope that this will help you better visualize the words of anatomy.

We oft en hear that photographs can never clarify and teach anatomy as well as art. While it is true that the artist has much

more creative license than the dissector, it is also true that a lot of anatomical art does not always accurately depict what is

actually observed by a dissector; or for that matter, a surgeon in a clinical setting. We believe that good dissection and photography can be instructive, especially when creatively coupled with teaching concepts. With this in mind, another objective

of this book is to present images that teach, and not just showcase a plethora of anatomy. Each dissection was made with an

instructive purpose and reference images are used to highlight and focus on the patterns or concepts depicted by the dissections. Th ere are many simple patterns of design that organize and clarify the structure of the vertebrate body. We attempt to

show these patterns in our presentation of anatomical structure throughout the chapters of this book. Th e few words that

accompany the images in the book draw attention to the patterns and the basic structure-function relationships of the

dissections and micrographs.

It has also been our goal to create a book that will benefi t students at all levels of anatomy education. Th e chapters are

constructed with a systematic approach to anatomy to meet the needs of the typical undergraduate anatomy course. Each

chapter illustrates the concepts and features of a body system and depicts those features with clear dissections and reference

images of the dissections. On the other hand, because it is dissection based the book is also an excellent reference for the

medical student, physical therapy student, or other graduate student who is studying cadaver anatomy from a regional

 approach. Even the layperson who wants to learn more about their amazing body can benefi t from the beautiful anatomy

images throughout the book. Students can continue their exploration of anatomy using Real Anatomy, 3-D imaging soft ware

that enables students to dissect through layers of the real human body.

To learn more about Real Anatomy, visit

In conclusion we would like to thank a few individuals for their help with the dissections that were photographed for this

book. Good dissection is a time consuming task that requires a strong knowledge of anatomy, skill and dexterity, and above

all a lot of patience. Nathan Mortensen played a major role in helping with the dissections throughout the pages of this book.

Also, the following individuals each contributed one or two dissections, and we want to thank them for their contribution:

Richard Homer, Torrence Meyer, Jordan Barker, Jon Groot, and John Dimitropoulos. We also want to thank Alexa Doig who

took a few of the cadaver photographs.

We hope this book expands your vista of the amazing machine we call the human body. We would love to have any

feedback you have on how we might improve the book for future editions.

 Mark Nielsen, University of Utah

Shawn Miller, University of Utah



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