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5.3 g Nil Gluten-free

Contains lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 3 years;

use with caution in child 3–5 years.

Fortisip Extra liquid: strawberry,

vanilla 200 ml = £2.30

Fresubin® 2 kcal Drink

(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL

840 kJ

(200 kcal)

10 g

cows’ milk

22.5 g

(sugars 5.8 g)

7.8 g Nil Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557; also CAPD,


Not suitable for use in child under

1 year; use with caution in child

1–5 years.

Fresubin 2kcal drink: apricot-peach,

cappuccino, fruits of the forest,

neutral, toffee 200 ml = £2.17

Fresubin® 2 kcal Fibre


(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL

840 kJ

(200 kcal)

10 g

cows’ milk

22.5 g

(sugars 5.8 g)

7.8 g 1.6 g Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557; also CAPD,


Not suitable for use in child under

1 year; use with caution in child

1–5 years.

Fresubin 2kcal Fibre drink: apricotpeach, cappuccino, chocolate ,

lemon, neutral 200 ml = £2.17

1566 Nutritional supplements (non-disease specific) BNF 78

Borderline substances | Appendix 2


Fresubin® Powder


(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)


per 100 g

1764 kJ

(420 kcal)

17.5 g

cows’ milk

whey protein

63 g

(sugars 24.7 g)

10.9 g Nil Gluten-free

Contains lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 1 year;

use with caution in child 1–5 years.

Fresubin Powder Extra oral powder

62g sachets: chocolate, neutral,

strawberry, vanilla 7 sachet = £4.90

Powder 62 g reconstituted with 200 ml whole milk provides: protein 17.7 g, carbohydrate 48.5 g, fat 14.8 g, energy 1658 kJ (397 kcal).

Nutilis® Complete

Crème Level 3

(Nutricia Ltd)


per 100 g

1030 kJ

(245 kcal)

9.6 g

cows’ milk

29.1 g

(sugars 11.8 g)

9.4 g 3.2 g Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 3 years;

use with caution in child 3–6 years.

Nutilis Complete Creme Level 3

custard: chocolate, strawberry,

vanilla 500 gram = £8.84

Nutilis® Complete

Drink Level 3

(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (prethickened)

per 100 mL

1010 kJ

(240 kcal)

9.6 g

cows’ milk

29.1 g

(sugars 5.4 g)

9.3 g 3.2 g Residual lactose Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 3 years;

use with caution in child 3–5 years.

Nutilis Complete Drink Level 3

liquid: chocolate, lemon tea, mango

& passionfruit , strawberry, vanilla

500 ml = £8.84


(Nualtra Ltd)


per 100 g

756 kJ

(180 kcal)

10 g

cows’ milk

soya protein

18.8 g

(sugars 9.7 g)

7.2 g Nil Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 3 years;

use with caution in child 3–6 years.

Nutricrem dessert: strawberry,

vanilla 500 gram = £6.59

Renilon® 7.5

(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL

840 kJ

(200 kcal)

7.5 g

cows’ milk

20 g

(sugars 4.8 g)

10 g Nil Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 3 years;

use with caution in child 3–5 years.

Renilon 7.5 liquid: apricot, caramel

500 ml = £9.47

Resource® 2.0 Fibre

(Nestle Health


Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL

836 kJ

(200 kcal)

9 g

cows’ milk

21.4 g

(sugars 5.5 g)

8.7 g 2.5 g Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard

ACBS indications p. 1557

Not suitable for child under 6 years;

use with caution in child 6–10 years.

Resource Fibre 2.0 liquid: apricot,

coffee, neutral, strawberry, summer

fruit, vanilla 200 ml = £2.02

Table 3 Specialised formulas

Specialised formulas: Infant and child see BNF for children

Specialised formulas for specific clinical conditions

Product Formulation Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibre Special Characteristics ACBS Indications Presentation & Flavour


(Nutricia Ltd)

Standard dilution

(30%) of powder

per 100 mL

567 kJ

(135 kcal)

4.5 g



17.4 g

(sugars 3.2 g)

5.3 g Nil Residual lactose Crohn’s disease

Not suitable for child under 1 year;

use as nutritional supplement only in

children 1–6 years.

Alicalm oral powder: 400 gram =


Powder provides: protein 15 g, carbohydrate 58 g, fat 17.5 g, energy 1889 kJ (450 kcal)/100 g.


(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL.

675 kJ

(160 kcal)

9 g

cows’ milk

19.1 g

(sugars 13.6 g)

5.3 g 2.1 g Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Contains fish oil

Nutritional supplement in patients

with lung cancer undergoing

chemotherapy, or with pancreatic


Not suitable in child under 3 years

Forticare liquid: cappuccino, orange

& lemon, peach & ginger 500 ml =


BNF 78 Specialised formulas 1567

Borderline substances | Appendix 2


Specialised formulas for specific clinical conditions (product list continued)

Product Formulation Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibre Special Characteristics ACBS Indications Presentation & Flavour

Heparon® Junior

(Nutricia Ltd)

Standard dilution

(18%) of powder

per 100 mL

363 kJ

(86 kcal)

2 g

cows’ milk

11.6 g

(sugars 2.9 g)

3.6 g Nil Contains lactose

Electrolytes/100 mL:

Na+ 0.56 mmol

K+ 1.9 mmol

Ca2+ 2.3 mmol

P+ 1.6 mmol

Enteral feed or nutritional supplement

for children with acute or chronic liver


Heparon Junior powder: 400 gram =


Powder provides: protein 11.1 g, carbohydrate 64.2 g, fat 19.9 g, energy 2016 kJ (480 kcal)/100 g.

Table 3 Specialised formulas (product list continued)

Specialised formulas for specific clinical conditions

Product Formulation Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibre Special Characteristics ACBS Indications Presentation & Flavour


(Nutricia Ltd)

Standard dilution

(20 %) of powder

per 100 mL

602 kJ

(146 kcal)

3.1 g

cows’ milk



amino acids

0.6 g

(sugars 0.12 g)

14.6 g

(LCT 100 %)

Nil Electrolytes/100 mL:

Na+ 4.3 mmol

K+ 4.1 mmol

Ca2+ 2.15 mmol

P+ 2.77 mmol

Enteral feed or nutritional supplement

as part of ketogenic diet in

management of epilepsy resistant to

drug therapy, in children over 1 year,

only on the advice of secondary care

physician with experience of ketogenic


KetoCal 4:1 powder: vanilla,

unflavoured 300 gram = £33.04

Powder provides: protein 15.25 g, carbohydrate 3 g, fat 73 g, energy 3011 kJ (730 kcal)/100 g.

KetoCal® 3:1

(Nutricia Ltd)

Standard dilution

(9.5%) of powder

per 100 mL

276 kJ

(66 kcal)

1.5 g 0.68 g

(sugars 0.57 g)

6.4 g Nil Electrolytes/100 mL:

Na+ 1.3 mmol

K+ 2.4 mmol

Ca2+ 2 mmol

P+ 1.7 mmol

Enteral feed or nutritional supplement

as part of ketogenic diet in

management of drug resistant

epilepsy or other conditions for which

a ketogenic diet is indicated in

children from birth to 6 years; as a

nutritional supplement in children

over 6 years.

KetoCal 3:1 powder: 300 gram =


Powder provides: protein 15.3 g, carbohydrate 7.2 g, fat 67.7 g, energy 2927 kJ (699 kcal)/100 g.

KetoCal® 4:1 LQ

(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (sip or tube


per 100 mL

620 kJ

(150 kcal)

3.09 g

casein and

whey with


amino acids

0.61 g

(sugars 0.23 g)

14.8 g

(LCT 100 %)

1.12 g Residual lactose

Electrolytes/100 mL:

Na+ 4.9 mmol

K+ 4.7 mmol

Ca2+ 2.4 mmol

P+ 3.1 mmol

Enteral feed or nutritional supplement

as part of ketogenic diet in

management of drug resistant

epilepsy or other conditions for which

a ketogenic diet is indicated in

children 1–10 years; as a nutritional

supplement in children over 10 years.

KetoCal 4:1 LQ liquid: unflavoured

200 ml = £4.71; vanilla 200 ml =



(Nutricia Ltd)

Standard dilution

(20 %) of powder

per 100 mL

421 kJ

(101 kcal)

1.5 g

whey protein

11.8 g

(sugars 1.2 g)

5.3 g

(LCT 93 %)

Nil Electrolytes/100 mL:

Na+ 2 mmol

K+ 0.6 mmol

Ca2+ 2.8 mmol

P+ 3 mmol

Low Vitamin A

Enteral feed or nutritional supplement

for children with chronic renal failure

receiving peritoneal rapid overnight


Kindergen powder: 400 gram =


Powder provides: protein 7.5 g, carbohydrate 59 g, fat 26.3 g, energy 2104 kJ (504 kcal)/100 g.

1568 Specialised formulas (product list continued) BNF 78

Borderline substances | Appendix 2


Modulen IBD®

(Nestle Health


Standard dilution

(20%) of powder

(sip or tube feed)

per 100 mL

420 kJ

(100 kcal)

3.6 g


11 g

(sugars 3.98 g)

4.7 g Nil Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Crohn’s disease active phase, and in

remission if malnourished

Modulen IBD powder: 400 gram =


Powder provides: protein 18 g, carbohydrate 54 g, fat 23 g, energy 2070 kJ (500 kcal)/100 g.


(Abbott Laboratories


Liquid (sip or tube


per 100 mL

536 kJ

(127 kcal)

6.65 g

cows’ milk

18.3 g

(sugars 2.95 g)

2.56 g 2.07 g Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Contains fish oil

Nutritional supplement for patients

with pancreatic cancer.

Not suitable for child under 1 year;

use with caution in child 1–4 years.

ProSure liquid: 220 ml = £3.60


(Stanningley Pharma)

Powder (sip or tube

feed when


per 100 g

2003 kJ

(477 kcal)

4.6 g

cows’ milk

70.8 g 19.3 g Nil Contains lactose


Electrolytes/100 g:

Na+ 1.04 mmol

K+ 0.13 mmol

Ca2+ 10.22 mmol

P+ 1.06 mmol

Contains no vitamin A or

vitamin D

Enteral feed or nutritional supplement

for adults and children over 1 year

with chronic renal failure.

Renamil powder: 1000 gram =



(Stanningley Pharma



per 100 g

1558 kJ

(372 kcal)

90 g

whey protein

3.4 g 1 g Nil Gluten-free

Do not use in cow’s milk allergy,

or where absorption and

digestive problems are present

Electrolytes/100 g:

Na+ 15.65 mmol

K+ 4.60 mmol

Ca2+ 4.74 mmol

Mg+ 0.82 mmol

P+ 3.55 mmol

Nutritional supplement for

biochemically proven

hypoproteinaemia and patients

undergoing dialysis.

Not suitable for child under 1 year.

Renapro powder 20g sachets:

30 sachet = £69.60

Powder provides: protein 18 g, energy 312 kJ (74 kcal)/20-g sachet.


(Vitaflo International


Standard dilution

(20%) of powder

per 100 mL

414 kJ

(99 kcal)

1.5 g

cows’ milk


12.5 g

(sugars 1.3 g)

4.8 g Nil Contains lactose

Electrolytes/100 mL:

Na+ 2.1 mmol

K+ 0.6 mmol

Ca2+ 0.6 mmol

P+ 0.6 mmol

Dietary management of renal failure

in child from birth to 10 years.

Renastart powder: 400 gram =


Powder provides: protein 7.5 g, carbohydrate 62.5 g, fat 23.8 g, energy 2071 kJ (494 kcal)/100 g.


(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL

633 kJ

(150 kcal)

7.5 g

cows’ milk

22.5 g

(sugars 6.4 g)

3.3 g Nil Contains lactose Nutritional supplement for dietary

management of disease-related

malnutrition in patients with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease and

body-mass index less than 20.

Respifor milkshake style liquid:

chocolate, strawberry, vanilla

500 ml = £9.30


(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)

per 100 mL

630 kJ

(150 kcal)

10 g

cows’ milk

12.4 g

(sugars 7.5 g)

6.7 g 1.5 g Gluten-free

Residual lactose

Contains fish oil

Nutritional supplement in patients

with pancreatic cancer or with lung

cancer undergoing chemotherapy

Not suitable for child under 1 year;

use with caution in child 1–4 years

Supportan drink: cappuccino

800 ml = £11.28; tropical fruits

200 ml = £2.82; 800 ml = £11.28

BNF 78 Specialised formulas (product list continued) 1569

Borderline substances | Appendix 2


Table 4 Feed supplements

High-energy supplements

High-energy supplements: carbohydrate

Flavoured carbohydrate supplements are not suitable for child under 1 year; liquid supplements should be diluted before use in child under 5 years.

Product Formulation Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibre Special Characteristics ACBS Indications Presentation & Flavour

Maxijul® Super


(Nutricia Ltd)


per 100 g

1615 kJ

(380 kcal)

Nil 95 g

Glucose polymer

(sugars 8.6 g)

Nil Nil Gluten-free


Disease-related malnutrition,

malabsorption states, or other

conditions requiring fortification with

a high or readily available

carbohydrate supplement.

Maxijul Super Soluble: powder 132g

sachets 4 sachet = £7.03; powder

200 gram = £2.82; 25000 gram =



(Nutricia Ltd)


per 100 g

1630 kJ

(384 kcal)

Nil 96 g


(sugars 6 g)

Nil Nil Gluten-free


Disease-related malnutrition,

malabsorption states, or other

conditions requiring fortification with

a high or readily available

carbohydrate supplement.

Polycal powder: 400 gram = £4.70


per 100 mL

1050 kJ

(247 kcal)

Nil 61.9 g


(sugars 12.2 g)

Nil Nil Disease-related malnutrition,

malabsorption states, or other

conditions requiring fortification with

a high or readily available

carbohydrate supplement. Liquid not

suitable for child under 3 years.

Polycal liquid: neutral, orange,

200 ml = £1.87


(Vitaflo International



per 100 g

1590 kJ

(380 kcal)

Nil 95 g

(sugars 9 g)

Nil Nil S.O.S. products are age-range

specific-consult product


For use as an emergency regimen in

the dietary management of inborn

errors of metabolism in adults and

children from birth.

S.O.S.: 20 oral powder 42g sachets

30 sachet = £16.06; 10 oral powder

21g sachets 30 sachet = £8.03; 15

oral powder 31g sachets 30 sachet

= £11.85; 25 oral powder 52g

sachets 30 sachet = £19.86

Contents of each sachet should be reconstituted with water to a total volume of 200 mL


(Vitaflo International


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