Eakin Wound pouch, bung closure
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure (Pelican Healthcare Ltd)
large= £105.22, medium= £77.53, small= £55.38, and access
window for horizontal wounds, extra large= £105.22, for
horizontal wounds, extra large= £94.14, for vertical incision
wounds, extra large= £94.14, wounds, extra large= £94.14
Eakin Wound pouch, fold and tuck closure
Wound pouch, fold and tuck closure
Eakin wound drainage bag with fold and tuck closure (Pelican
Healthcare Ltd) large= £94.14, medium= £71.99, small= £49.84,
Option wound manager bag (Oakmed Ltd) large= £162.58, medium=
£136.41, small= £133.44, square= £142.34, extra small= £119.97
Option Wound Manager with access port
Wound drainage bag, with access port
Option wound manager bag with access port (Oakmed Ltd) large=
£173.79, medium= £142.34, small= £139.37, square= £148.27,
Option Wound Manager, cut to fit
Wound drainage bag, cut to fit
Option wound manager bag (Oakmed Ltd) large= £85.47, medium=
Wound drainage bag, cut-to-fit
Welland (Welland Medical Ltd) Fistula wound drainage bag= £84.29
1606 Adjunct dressings and appliances BNF 78
DebriSoft ® is a pad that is used for the debridement of
superficial wounds containing loose slough and debris, and
for the removal of hyperkeratosis from the skin. DebriSoft ®
must be fully moistened with a wound cleansing solution
before use and is not appropriate for use as a wound
Polyester fibres with bound edges and knitted outer surface
DebriSoft (Lohmann & Rauscher) pad 10cm 6 10cm= £6.61
Topical negative pressure therapy
Renasys (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) Soft Port= £11.38,
connector for use with soft port= £3.34
Drape, gel for canister, Sensa T.R.A.C. Pad
SensaT.R.A.C. (KCI Medical Ltd) pad= £11.04
T.R.A.C. (KCI Medical Ltd) connector= £3.16
V.A.C. (KCI Medical Ltd) drape= £9.46, gel strips= £3.79
Gel patches, adhesive, and connector
Venturi (Talley Group Ltd) adhesive gel patch= £15.00, connector=
WoundASSIST (Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd) TNP gel strip= £3.37
Vacuum assisted closure products
Exsu-Fast (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) dressing kit 1= £28.04
Exsu-Fast (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) dressing kit 2= £35.83
Exsu-Fast (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) dressing kit 3= £35.83
Exsu-Fast (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) dressing kit 4= £28.04
Polyurethane foam dressing (with adhesive drapes and pad
connector); with or without silver
V.A.C. GranuFoam (KCI Medical Ltd) Bridge dressing kit= £32.29,
Silver with SensaT.R.A.C dressing kit medium= £38.33, small=
£33.05, dressing kit large= £31.94, medium= £27.53, small=
Spiral-cut polyurethane foam dressings, vapour-permeable
adhesive film dressings (with adhesive drapes and pad
V.A.C. Simplace EX dressing kit (KCI Medical Ltd) medium= £30.82,
Polyvinyl alcohol foam dressing or dressing kit
V.A.C. WhiteFoam dressing (KCI Medical Ltd) large= £17.17, small=
£10.73, kit large= £33.80, small= £26.11
Wound sealing kit, flat drain; with or without channel drain
Venturi wound sealing kit with flat drain,(Talley Group Ltd) large=
WoundASSIST TNP dressing pack (Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd)
medium/large= £23.85, small/medium= £20.81, channel drain
medium/large= £23.85, small/medium= £20.81, extra large=
Wound drainage collection devices
ActiV.A.C (KCI Medical Ltd) canister with gel= £28.64
S-Canister (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) kit= £19.00
V.A.C.(KCI Medical Ltd) Freedom Canister with gel= £29.08
Venturi (Talley Group Ltd) Compact canister kit= £12.50, canister
WoundASSIST (Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd) TNP canister= £20.30
The role of dressing packs is very limited. They are used to
provide a clean or sterile working surface; some packs shown
below include cotton wool balls, which are not
recommended for use on wounds.
Contains absorbent cotton, absorbent cotton gauze type 13
light (sterile), open-wove bandages (banded)
Vernaid (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) multiple pack dressing
Non-drug tariff specification sterile dressing packs
Vitrex gloves, large apron, disposable bag, paper towel,
softswabs, adsorbent pad, sterile field
Dressit sterile dressing pack (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) with
medium/large gloves= £0.60, small/medium gloves= £0.60
Contains latex-free, powder-free nitrile gloves, sterile
laminated paper sheet, large apron, non-woven swabs, paper
towel, disposable bag, compartmented tray, disposable
Nurse It sterile dressing pack (Medicareplus International Ltd) with
medium/large gloves= £0.55, small/medium gloves= £0.55
Polyfield Nitrile Patient Pack
Polyfield Nitrile Patient Pack (Shermond) with large gloves= £0.52,
medium gloves= £0.52, small gloves= £0.52
Sterile Dressing Pack with Non-Woven Pads
(Drug Tariff specification 35). Contains non-woven fabric
covered dressing pad, non-woven fabric swabs, absorbent
cotton wool balls, absorbent paper towel, water repellent
Vernaid (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) sterile dressing pack with nonwoven pads
(Drug Tariff specification 10). Contains gauze and cotton
tissue pad, gauze swabs, absorbent cotton wool balls,
absorbent paper towel, water repellent inner wrapper
Vernaid (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) sterile dressing pack
Consists of absorbent cotton gauze type 13 light or
absorbent cotton and viscose gauze type 1 folded into
squares or rectangles of 8-ply with no cut edges exposed,
CS (CliniSupplies Ltd) gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm 6 10cm
BNF 78 Physical debridement pads 1607
Clini gauze swab 8ply (CliniSupplies Ltd) non-sterile 10cm 6 10cm,
Gauze (Robert Bailey & Son Plc) swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm 6 10cm
MeCoBo gauze swab 8ply (MeCoBo Ltd) non-sterile 10cm 6 10cm,
Propax gauze (BSN medical Ltd) swab 8ply sterile 7.5cm 6 7.5cm
Sovereign (Waymade Healthcare Plc) gauze swab 8ply sterile 7.5cm
Steraid (Robert Bailey & Son Plc) gauze swab 8ply sterile 7.5cm 6
Vernaid gauze swab 8ply (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) non-sterile 10cm
(Drug Tariff specification 28). Consists of non-woven fabric
folded 4-ply; alternative to gauze swabs, type 13 light, sterile
CS (CliniSupplies Ltd) non-woven fabric swab 4ply non-sterile 10cm
Clini non-woven fabric swab 4ply (CliniSupplies Ltd) non-sterile
10cm 6 10cm, sterile 7.5cm 6 7.5cm
CliniMed (CliniMed Ltd) non-woven fabric swab 4ply non-sterile
MeCoBo (MeCoBo Ltd) non-woven fabric swab 4ply non-sterile
Multisorb (BSN medical Ltd) non-woven fabric swab 4ply sterile
Softswab non-woven fabric swab 4ply (Richardson Healthcare Ltd)
non-sterile 10cm 6 10cm, sterile 7.5cm 6 7.5cm
Topper (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) 8 non-woven fabric swab
Filmated non-woven Fabric Swab
(Drug Tariff specification 29). Film of viscose fibres enclosed
within non-woven viscose fabric folded 8-ply, non-sterile
Regal (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) filmated swab 8ply 10cm
Adhesive tapes are useful for retaining dressings on joints or
awkward body parts. These tapes, particularly those
containing rubber, can cause irritant and allergic reactions in
susceptible patients; synthetic adhesives have been
developed to overcome this problem, but they, too, may
sometimes be associated with reactions. Synthetic adhesive,
or silicon adhesive, tapes can be used for patients with skin
reactions to plasters and strapping containing rubber, or
undergoing prolonged treatment.
Adhesive tapes that are occlusive may cause skin
maceration. Care is needed not to apply these tapes under
tension, to avoid creating a tourniquet effect. If applied over
joints they need to be orientated so that the area of
maximum extensibility of the fabric is in the direction of
(Impermeable Plastic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988). Extensible
water-impermeable plastic film spread with a
Blenderm tape (3M Health Care Ltd) 2.5cm= £1.78, 5cm= £3.39
(Impermeable Plastic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988). Extensible
water-impermeable plastic film spread with an adhesive
Leukoplast Sleek tape (BSN medical Ltd) 2.5cm, 5cm, 7.5cm
Soft silicone, water-resistant, knitted fabric, polyurethane
3M Micropore Silicone tape (3M Health Care Ltd) 2.5cm= £3.61, 5cm=
(Permeable, Apertured Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive
Tape, BP 1988). Non-woven fabric with a polyacrylate
Chemifix tape (Medicareplus International Ltd) 10cm= £2.10, 2.5cm=
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Chemipore tape (Medicareplus International Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.27,
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Clinipore tape (CliniSupplies Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.35, 2.5cm= £0.74,
(Elastic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988). Woven fabric, elastic in
warp (crepe-twisted cotton threads), weft of cotton and/or
viscose threads, spread with adhesive mass containing zinc
Tensoplast (BSN medical Ltd) elastic adhesive tape 2.5cm
(Permeable, Apertured Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive
Tape, BP 1988). Non-woven fabric with a polyacrylate
Hypafix tape (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm= £4.80, 15cm= £7.11, 2.5cm=
£1.73, 20cm= £9.43, 30cm= £13.63, 5cm= £2.75
Soft silicone, water-resistant, knitted fabric, polyurethane
Insil tape (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 2cm= £5.77, 4cm= £5.77
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Leukofix tape (BSN medical Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.57, 2.5cm= £0.92, 5cm=
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Leukopor tape (BSN medical Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.51, 2.5cm= £0.79,
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Mediplast tape (Neomedic Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.30, 2.5cm= £0.50
Fabric, plain weave, warp and weft of cotton and /or viscose,
spread with an adhesive containing zinc oxide
Mediplast Zinc Oxide plaster (Neomedic Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.82, 2.5cm=
£1.19, 5cm= £1.99, 7.5cm= £2.99
(Permeable, Apertured Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive
Tape, BP 1988). Non-woven fabric with a polyacrylate
Mefix tape (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) 10cm= £2.92, 15cm= £3.98,
2.5cm= £1.03, 20cm= £5.10, 30cm= £7.32, 5cm= £1.83
Soft silicone, water-resistant, knitted fabric, polyurethane
Mepitac tape (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) 2cm= £7.01, 4cm= £7.01
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
1608 Wound care accessories BNF 78
Micropore tape (3M Health Care Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.62, 2.5cm= £0.92,
(Permeable, Apertured Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive
Tape, BP 1988). Non-woven fabric with a polyacrylate
Omnifix tape (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 10cm= £4.14, 15cm= £6.11, 5cm=
Soft silicone, water-resistant, knitted fabric, polyurethane
OpSite Flexifix Gentle tape (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) 2.5cm=
(Permeable, Apertured Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive
Tape, BP 1988). Non-woven fabric with a polyacrylate
Primafix tape (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) 10cm= £2.40, 15cm=
£3.54, 20cm= £4.36, 5cm= £1.63
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Scanpor tape (Bio-Diagnostics Ltd) 1.25cm= £0.56, 2.5cm= £0.92,
Soft silicone, water-resistant, knitted fabric, polyurethane
Siltape (Advancis Medical) 2cm= £5.64, 4cm= £5.64
Fabric, plain weave, warp and weft of cotton and /or viscose,
spread with an adhesive containing zinc oxide
Strappal adhesive tape (BSN medical Ltd) 2.5cm= £1.42, 5cm= £2.41,
(Permeable Non-Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape, BP 1988).
Backing of paper-based or non-woven textile material spread
with a polymeric adhesive mass
Transpore tape (3M Health Care Ltd) 2.5cm= £0.85, 5cm= £1.49
Zinc Oxide Adhesive Tape, BP 1988
Fabric, plain weave, warp and weft of cotton and /or viscose,
spread with an adhesive containing zinc oxide
Fast Aid zinc oxide adhesive tape (Robinson Healthcare) 1.25cm,
Skin closure strips are used as an alternative to sutures for
minor cuts and lacerations. Skin tissue adhesive can be used
for closure of minor skin wounds and for additional suture
Drug Tariff specifies that these are specifically for personal
administration by the prescriber
Leukostrip (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) skin closure strips
Drug Tariff specifies that these are specifically for personal
administration by the prescriber
Omnistrip (Paul Hartmann Ltd) skin closure strips sterile 6mm 6
Drug Tariff specifies that these are specifically for personal
administration by the prescriber
Steri-strip (3M Health Care Ltd) skin closure strips 6mm 6 75mm=
Skin closure strips are used as an alternative to sutures for
minor cuts and lacerations. Skin tissue adhesive can be used
for closure of minor skin wounds and for additional suture
Open-wove Bandage, Type 1 BP 1988
Cotton cloth, plain weave, warp of cotton, weft of cotton,
viscose, or combination, one continuous length
Clini open wove bandage Type 1 BP 1988 (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10cm 6
5m, 2.5cm 6 5m, 5cm 6 5m, 7.5cm 6 5m
Vernaid white open wove bandage (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) 10cm 6
5m, 2.5cm 6 5m, 5cm 6 5m, 7.5cm 6 5m
White open wove bandage (Robert Bailey & Son Plc) 10cm 6 5m,
2.5cm 6 5m, 5cm 6 5m, 7.5cm 6 5m
Triangular Calico Bandage, BP 1980
Unbleached calico right-angled triangle
Clini (CliniSupplies Ltd) triangular calico bandage BP 1980 90cm 6
Triangular (BSN medical Ltd) calico bandage 90cm 6 127cm
Light-weight conforming bandages
Lightweight conforming bandages are used for dressing
retention, with the aim of keeping the dressing close to the
wound without inhibiting movement or restricting blood
flow. The elasticity of conforming-stretch bandages (also
termed contour bandages) is greater than that of cotton
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide filament, weft of
cotton or viscose, fast edges, one continuous length, 4 m
Acti-Wrap (cohesive/latex free) bandage (L&R Medical UK Ltd) 10cm
6 4m= £0.83, 6cm 6 4m= £0.48, 8cm 6 4m= £0.70
Cotton Conforming Bandage, BP 1988
Cotton fabric, plain weave, treated to impart some elasticity
Easifix Crinx bandage (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm 6 3.5m= £1.06, 15cm
6 3.5m= £1.45, 5cm 6 3.5m= £0.70, 7.5cm 6 3.5m= £0.86
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide filament, weft of
cotton or viscose, fast edges, one continuous length, 4 m
Easifix bandage (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.52, 15cm 6 4m=
£0.89, 5cm 6 4m= £0.36, 7.5cm 6 4m= £0.44
Fabric, knitted warp of polyamide filament, weft of cotton or
viscose, fast edges, one continuous length. 4 m stretched
Easifix K bandage (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.19, 15cm 6
4m= £0.33, 2.5cm 6 4m= £0.10, 5cm 6 4m= £0.11, 7.5cm 6 4m=
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide, weft of viscose
Hospiform bandage (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.19, 12cm
6 4m= £0.24, 6cm 6 4m= £0.14, 8cm 6 4m= £0.17
Fabric, knitted warp of polyamide filament, weft of cotton or
viscose, fast edges, one continuous length. 4 m stretched
K-Band bandage (Urgo Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.29, 15cm 6 4m=
£0.50, 5cm 6 4m= £0.21, 7cm 6 4m= £0.26
Fabric, knitted warp of polyamide filament, weft of cotton or
viscose, fast edges, one continuous length. 4 m stretched
Knit Fix bandage (Robert Bailey & Son Plc) 10cm 6 4m= £0.17, 15cm
6 4m= £0.33, 5cm 6 4m= £0.12, 7cm 6 4m= £0.17
Fabric, knitted warp of polyamide filament, weft of cotton or
viscose, fast edges, one continuous length. 4 m stretched
Knit-Band bandage (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.17, 15cm 6
4m= £0.31, 5cm 6 4m= £0.10, 7cm 6 4m= £0.15
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide filament, weft of
cotton or viscose, fast edges, one continuous length, 4 m
Kontour bandage (Easigrip Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.40, 15cm 6 4m=
£0.66, 5cm 6 4m= £0.28, 7.5cm 6 4m= £0.35
BNF 78 Skin closure dressings 1609
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide filament, weft of
cotton or viscose, fast edges, one continuous length, 4 m
Mollelast (Lohmann & Rauscher) bandage 4cm 6 4m= £0.31
Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage, cohesive, latexfree
Peha-haft bandage (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.78, 12cm 6
4m= £0.92, 2.5cm 6 4m= £0.75, 4cm 6 4m= £0.48, 6cm 6 4m=
Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage
PremierBand bandage (Shermond) 10cm 6 4m= £0.17, 15cm 6
4m= £0.25, 5cm 6 4m= £0.12, 7.5cm 6 4m= £0.14
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide filament, weft of
cotton or viscose, fast edges, one continuous length, 4 m
Slinky bandage (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) 10cm 6 4m= £0.72, 15cm
6 4m= £1.05, 7.5cm 6 4m= £0.60
Fabric, plain weave, warp of polyamide filament, weft of
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