Non-adherent soft silicone wound contact dressing
Adaptic Touch dressing (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) 12.7cm 6
15cm= £4.65, 20cm 6 32cm= £12.50, 5cm 6 7.6cm= £1.13, 7.6cm
Soft silicone-coated wound contact dressing
Askina SilNet dressing (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 10cm 6 18cm= £5.12,
20cm 6 30cm= £12.53, 5cm 6 7.5cm= £1.16, 7.5cm 6 10cm=
Soft silicone, semi-transparent wound contact dressing
Mepitel dressing (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) 12cm 6 15cm= £5.65,
5cm 6 7cm= £1.41, 8cm 6 10cm= £2.82
Soft silicone, thin, transparent wound contact dressing
Mepitel One dressing (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) 13cm 6 15cm=
£4.98, 24cm 6 27.5cm= £14.25, 6cm 6 7cm= £1.22, 9cm 6
Non-adherent soft polymer wound contact dressing
Physiotulle dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £2.32, 15cm 6
Soft silicone-coated polyester wound contact dressing
Silflex dressing (Advancis Medical) 12cm 6 15cm= £4.61, 20cm 6
30cm= £11.88, 35cm 6 60cm= £39.83, 5cm 6 7cm= £1.12, 8cm
Soft silicone polymer wound contact dressing
Silon-TSR dressing (Bio Med Sciences) 13cm 6 13cm= £3.52, 13cm
6 25cm= £5.47, 28cm 6 30cm= £7.37
Non-adherent soft polymer wound contact dressing
Cutimed Sorbion Contact dressing (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm=
£2.04, 10cm 6 20cm= £4.10, 20cm 6 20cm= £7.18, 20cm 6
30cm= £10.26, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm= £1.53
Non-adherent soft polymer wound contact dressing
Tegaderm Contact dressing (3M Health Care Ltd) 20cm 6 25cm=
Non-adherent soft polymer wound contact dressing
Urgotul dressing (Urgo Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £3.13, 10cm 6 40cm=
£10.53, 15cm 6 15cm= £6.66, 15cm 6 20cm= £8.86, 20cm 6
30cm= £14.25, 5cm 6 5cm= £1.57
Hydrocolloid dressings are usually presented as a
hydrocolloid layer on a vapour-permeable film or foam pad.
Semi-permeable to water vapour and oxygen, these
dressings form a gel in the presence of exudate to facilitate
rehydration in lightly to moderately exuding wounds and
promote autolytic debridement of dry, sloughy, or necrotic
wounds; they are also suitable for promoting granulation.
Hydrocolloid-fibrous dressings made from modified
moderately to heavily exuding wounds.
Hydrocolloid-fibrous dressings
Soft non-woven pad containing hydrocolloid-fibres
Aquacel (ConvaTec Ltd) Ribbon dressing 1cm 6 45cm= £1.89, 2cm
6 45cm= £2.52, dressing 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.49, 15cm 6
15cm square= £4.68, 4cm 6 10cm rectangular= £1.34, 4cm 6
20cm rectangular= £1.97, 4cm 6 30cm rectangular= £2.97, 5cm
Soft non-woven pad containing hydrocolloid-fibres with
foam layer; with or without adhesive border
Aquacel Foam dressing (adhesive) (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm=
£2.20, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm= £2.72, 17.5cm 6 17.5cm= £5.45, 19.8cm
6 14cm heel= £5.57, 20cm 6 16.9cm sacral= £5.00, 21cm 6
20cm= £5.97, 20cm 6 20cm= £7.12
Pad, hydrocolloid fibres coated with soft-adherent lipocolloidal wound contact layer
UrgoClean Pad dressing (Urgo Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.16,
20cm 6 15cm rectangular= £4.06, 6cm 6 6cm square= £0.97
Rope, non-woven rope containing hydrocolloid fibres
UrgoClean rope dressing (Urgo Ltd) 2.5cm 6 40cm= £2.43, 5cm 6
Polyurethane matrix with absorbent particles and
Cutinova Hydro dressing (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) 10cm 6
10cm square= £2.61, 15cm 6 20cm rectangular= £5.53, 5cm 6
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing; without adhesive
Biatain Super dressing (adhesive) (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.21, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm square= £3.66, 12cm 6 20cm
rectangular= £3.67, 15cm 6 15cm square= £4.41, 20cm 6 20cm
Hydrocolloid wound contact layer bonded to plastic foam
layer, with outer semi-permeable polyurethane film
Granuflex Bordered dressing (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£3.42, 10cm 6 13cm triangular= £4.04, 15cm 6 15cm square=
£6.53, 15cm 6 18cm triangular= £6.29, 6cm 6 6cm square=
Hydrocolloid dressing with adhesive border and absorbent
Hydrocoll Border (bevelled edge) dressing (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 10cm
6 10cm square= £2.46, 12cm 6 18cm sacral= £3.69, 15cm 6
15cm square= £4.63, 5cm 6 5cm square= £1.03, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm
square= £1.69, 8cm 6 12cm concave= £2.17
Hydrocolloid dressing with adhesive border; normal or thin
Tegaderm Hydrocolloid (3M Health Care Ltd) Thin dressing 10cm 6
12cm oval= £1.56, 13cm 6 15cm oval= £2.92, dressing 10cm 6
12cm oval= £2.34, 13cm 6 15cm oval= £4.37, 17.1cm 6 16.1cm
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing with adhesive border
Ultec Pro dressing (adhesive) (Covidien (UK) Commercial Ltd) 15cm 6
18cm sacral= £3.30, 19.5cm 6 23cm sacral= £4.98, 21cm 6 21cm
Semi-permeable polyurethane film backing, hydrocolloid
wound contact layer, with or without polyurethane foam
ActivHeal Hydrocolloid (Advanced Medical Solutions Ltd) dressing
10cm 6 10cm square= £1.58, 15cm 6 15cm square= £3.43, 15cm
6 18cm sacral= £3.98, 5cm 6 7.5cm rectangular= £0.78, foam
backed dressing 10cm 6 10cm square= £1.55, 15cm 6 15cm
square= £2.91, 15cm 6 18cm sacral= £3.36, 5cm 6 7.5cm
Semi-permeable, polyurethane film dressing with
Askina Biofilm Transparent dressing (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 10cm 6
10cm square= £1.10, 20cm 6 20cm square= £3.25
1598 Advanced wound dressings BNF 78
Semi-permeable, hydrocolloid film dressing without
Biatain Super dressing (non-adhesive) (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.21, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm square= £3.66, 12cm 6 20cm
rectangular= £3.67, 15cm 6 15cm square= £4.41, 20cm 6 20cm
Hydrocolloid dressings containing carmellose sodium and
Comfeel Plus Contour dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 6cm 6 8cm= £2.27,
Comfeel Plus Pressure Relieving
Hydrocolloid dressings containing carmellose sodium and
Comfeel Plus Pressure Relief dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm diameter
circular= £4.74, 15cm diameter circular= £7.14, 7cm diameter
Hydrocolloid dressings containing carmellose sodium and
Comfeel Plus Transparent dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.31, 15cm 6 15cm square= £3.41, 15cm 6 20cm
rectangular= £3.46, 20cm 6 20cm square= £3.48, 5cm 6 15cm
rectangular= £1.62, 5cm 6 25cm rectangular= £2.63, 5cm 6
7cm rectangular= £0.68, 9cm 6 14cm rectangular= £2.49, 9cm
Hydrocolloid dressings containing carmellose sodium and
Comfeel Plus dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.50,
20cm 6 20cm square= £7.72, 4cm 6 6cm rectangular= £0.98
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing
DuoDERM Extra Thin dressing (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£1.36, 15cm 6 15cm square= £2.93, 5cm 6 10cm rectangular=
£0.78, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm square= £0.82, 9cm 6 15cm rectangular=
£1.81, 9cm 6 25cm rectangular= £2.90, 9cm 6 35cm
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing with ’Time to change’
DuoDERM Signal dressing (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£2.17, 11cm 6 19cm oval= £3.33, 14cm 6 14cm square= £3.81,
18.5cm 6 19.5cm heel= £5.33, 20cm 6 20cm square= £7.58,
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing without adhesive
Flexigran (A1 Pharmaceuticals) Thin dressing 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.08, dressing 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.19
Hydrocolloid wound contact layer bonded to plastic foam
layer, with outer semi-permeable polyurethane film
Granuflex (modified) dressing (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£2.87, 15cm 6 15cm square= £5.45, 15cm 6 20cm rectangular=
£5.90, 20cm 6 20cm square= £8.20
Hydrocolloid dressing with absorbent wound contact pad
Hydrocoll (Paul Hartmann Ltd) Basic dressing 10cm 6 10cm square=
Thin hydrocolloid dressing with absorbent wound contact
Hydrocoll Thin Film dressing (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.18, 15cm 6 15cm square= £2.65, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing (normal and thin)
Nu-Derm dressing (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.57, 15cm 6 15cm square= £3.21, 15cm 6 18cm
sacral= £4.49, 20cm 6 20cm square= £6.41, 5cm 6 5cm square=
£0.86, 8cm 6 12cm heel/elbow= £3.21, thin 10cm 6 10cm
Hydrocolloid dressing without adhesive border; normal and
Tegaderm Hydrocolloid (3M Health Care Ltd) Thin dressing 10cm 6
10cm square= £1.57, dressing 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.39
Semi-permeable hydrocolloid dressing; without adhesive
Ultec Pro dressing (Covidien (UK) Commercial Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.28, 15cm 6 15cm square= £4.44, 20cm 6 20cm
Dressings containing hydrophilic polyurethane foam
on the level of exudate Foam dressings vary in their ability to
absorb exudate; some are suitable only for lightly to
wounds. Saturated foam dressings can cause maceration of
healthy skin if left in contact with the wound. Foam
dressings can be used in combination with other primary
wound contact dressings. If used under compression
bandaging or compression garments, the fluid-handling
capacity of the foam dressing may be reduced. Foam
dressings can also be used to provide a protective cushion for
fragile skin. A foam dressing containing ibuprofen is
available and may be useful for treating painful exuding
Soft, conforming cavity wound dressing prepared by mixing
thoroughly for 15 seconds immediately before use and
allowing to expand its volume within the cavity
Cutimed Cavity dressing (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £3.20,
15cm 6 15cm= £4.81, 5cm 6 6cm= £1.93
Kendall Foam dressing (H & R Healthcare Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£1.06, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £2.05, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm
square= £1.80, 15cm 6 15cm square= £2.60, 20cm 6 20cm
square= £3.01, 5cm 6 5cm square= £0.71, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm
square= £1.21, 8.5cm 6 7.5cm rectangular (fenestrated)= £0.91
Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing with Adhesive Border
ActivHeal Foam Adhesive dressing (Advanced Medical Solutions Ltd)
10cm 6 10cm square= £1.63, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm square= £1.68,
15cm 6 15cm square= £2.15, 20cm 6 20cm square= £4.50, 7.5cm
Allevyn Adhesive dressing (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) 10cm 6
10cm square= £2.24, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm square= £2.74, 12.5cm 6
22.5cm rectangular= £4.27, 17.5cm 6 17.5cm square= £5.41,
17cm 6 17cm anatomically shaped sacral= £4.07, 22.5cm 6
22.5cm square= £7.88, 22cm 6 22cm anatomically shaped
sacral= £5.86, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm square= £1.53
Biatain Adhesive dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£1.80, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm square= £2.62, 17cm diameter contour=
£5.09, 18cm 6 18cm square= £5.29, 18cm 6 28cm rectangular=
£7.84, 19cm 6 20cm heel= £5.29, 23cm 6 23cm sacral= £4.53
Biatain Silicone dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £2.18,
12.5cm 6 12.5cm= £2.67, 15cm 6 15cm= £3.96, 17.5cm 6
17.5cm= £5.26, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm= £1.48
Kendall Foam Island dressing (H & R Healthcare Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.54, 15cm 6 15cm square= £2.90, 20cm 6 20cm
PermaFoam dressing (adhesive) (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 16.5cm 6 18cm
concave= £4.12, 18cm 6 18cm sacral= £3.39, 22cm 6 22cm
PermaFoam Comfort dressing (Paul Hartmann Ltd) 10cm 6 20cm
rectangular= £3.43, 11cm 6 11cm square= £2.17, 15cm 6 15cm
square= £3.55, 20cm 6 20cm square= £5.15, 8cm 6 8cm square=
PolyMem dressing (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) (adhesive) 5cm 6 5cm
square= £0.52, 16.5cm 6 20.9cm oval= £6.79, 18.4cm 6 20cm
sacral= £4.56, 5cm 6 7.6cm oval= £1.16, 8.8cm 6 12.7cm oval=
Tegaderm Foam dressing (adhesive) (3M Health Care Ltd) 10cm 6
11cm oval= £2.39, 13.9cm 6 13.9cm circular (heel)= £4.25,
14.3cm 6 14.3cm square= £3.57, 14.3cm 6 15.6cm oval= £4.28,
19cm 6 22.2cm oval= £7.01, 6.9cm 6 6.9cm soft cloth border=
£1.72, 6.9cm 6 7.6cm oval= £1.47
Tielle (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) Lite dressing 11cm 6
11cm square= £2.30, dressing 15cm 6 15cm square= £3.92, 15cm
6 20cm rectangular= £4.90, 18cm 6 18cm square= £4.99, 7cm
Tielle Lite dressing (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) 11cm 6 11cm
square= £2.30, 7cm 6 9cm rectangular= £1.22, 8cm 6 15cm
rectangular= £2.83, 8cm 6 20cm rectangular= £2.99
Tielle Plus dressing (Systagenix Wound Management Ltd) 11cm 6 11cm
square= £2.63, 15cm 6 15cm sacrum= £3.13, square= £4.30,
15cm 6 20cm rectangular= £5.39, 20cm 6 26.5cm heel= £4.45
Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing without Adhesive Border
ActivHeal Non-Adhesive Foam polyurethane dressing (Advanced
Medical Solutions Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square= £1.13, 10cm 6 20cm
rectangular= £2.34, 20cm 6 20cm square= £3.92, 5cm 6 5cm
Advazorb (Advancis Medical) Heel dressing 17cm 6 21cm= £4.78,
dressing 10cm 6 10cm square= £1.09, 10cm 6 20cm
rectangular= £3.37, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm square= £1.60, 15cm 6
15cm square= £2.12, 20cm 6 20cm square= £3.78, 5cm 6 5cm
square= £0.65, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm square= £0.79
Advazorb Lite dressing (Advancis Medical) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£0.98, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £3.04, 12.5cm 6 12.5cm
square= £1.44, 15cm 6 15cm square= £1.90, 20cm 6 20cm
square= £3.40, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm square= £0.71
Allevyn dressing (non-adhesive) (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd)
10.5cm 6 13.5cm heel (cup shaped)= £5.24, 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.56, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £4.12, 20cm 6 20cm
square= £6.88, 5cm 6 5cm square= £1.29
Askina (B.Braun Medical Ltd) Foam Cavity dressing 2.4cm 6 40cm=
£2.51, Foam dressing 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.25, 10cm 6
20cm rectangular= £3.55, 20cm 6 20cm square= £5.93, Heel
Biatain-Ibu Non-Adhesive dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 12cm
rectangular= £3.40, 10cm 6 22.5cm rectangular= £5.34, 15cm 6
15cm square= £5.34, 20cm 6 20cm square= £9.09, 5cm 6 7cm
Biatain-Ibu Soft-Hold dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 12cm
rectangular= £3.40, 10cm 6 22.5cm rectangular= £5.34, 15cm 6
Biatain Non-Adhesive dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.44, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £4.03, 15cm 6 15cm
square= £4.50, 20cm 6 20cm square= £6.68, 5cm 6 7cm
Biatain Soft-Hold dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm square=
£2.65, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £4.03, 15cm 6 15cm square=
£4.41, 5cm 6 7cm rectangular= £1.34
Kendall Foam Plus dressing (H & R Healthcare Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.47, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £2.69, 15cm 6 15cm
square= £3.38, 20cm 6 20cm square= £4.04, 5cm 6 5cm square=
£0.82, 7.5cm 6 7.5cm square= £1.42, 8.5cm 6 7.5cm rectangular
Kerraheel (Crawford Healthcare Ltd) dressing 12cm 6 20cm heel=
Lyofoam Max dressing (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £1.15, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £2.03, 15cm 6 15cm
square= £2.16, 15cm 6 20cm rectangular= £2.73, 20cm 6 20cm
square= £4.01, 7.5cm 6 8.5cm rectangular= £1.10
PermaFoam (Paul Hartmann Ltd) Cavity dressing 10cm 6 10cm=
£2.06, dressing (non-adhesive) 10cm 6 10cm square= £2.17,
10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £3.72, 15cm 6 15cm square= £4.12,
20cm 6 20cm square= £6.29, 6cm diameter circular= £1.12, 8cm
6 8cm square (fenestrated)= £1.28
PolyMem dressing (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) 7cm 6 7cm tube=
£1.73, 9cm 6 9cm tube= £2.19, finger/toe size 1= £2.52, 2=
PolyMem dressing (non-adhesive) (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) 10cm 6
10cm square= £2.49, 10cm 6 61cm rectangular= £13.20, 13cm 6
13cm square= £4.15, 17cm 6 19cm rectangular= £6.13, 20cm 6
60cm rectangular= £31.13, 8cm 6 8cm square= £1.60
PolyMem Max dressing (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) 11cm 6 11cm
square= £2.99, 20cm 6 20cm square= £11.77
PolyMem (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) WIC dressing 8cm 6 8cm=
Tegaderm Foam dressing (3M Health Care Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.20, 10cm 6 20cm rectangular= £3.74, 10cm 6 60cm
rectangular= £12.64, 20cm 6 20cm square= £5.97, 8.8cm 6
8.8cm square (fenestrated)= £2.25
Transorbent dressing (adhesive) (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm
square= £2.02, 15cm 6 15cm square= £3.71, 20cm 6 20cm
square= £5.92, 5cm 6 7cm rectangular= £1.07
UrgoTul Absorb dressing (Urgo Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £2.38, 15cm 6
20cm= £4.20, 6cm 6 6cm= £1.21, 12cm 6 19cm heel= £4.80
Non-woven or fibrous, non-occlusive, alginate dressings,
made from calcium alginate, or calcium sodium alginate,
derived from brown seaweed, form a soft gel in contact with
wound exudate. Alginate dressings are highly absorbent and
suitable for use on exuding wounds, and for the promotion
of autolytic debridement of debris in very moist wounds.
Alginate dressings also act as a haemostatic, but caution is
needed because blood clots can cause the dressing to adhere
to the wound surface. Alginate dressings should not be used
if bleeding is heavy and extreme caution is needed if used for
1600 Advanced wound dressings BNF 78
tumours with friable tissue. Alginate sheets are suitable for
use as a wound contact dressing for moderately to heavily
exuding wounds and can be layered into deep wounds;
alginate rope can be used in sinus and cavity wounds to
improve absorption of exudate and prevent maceration. If
the dressing does not have an adhesive border or integral
adhesive plastic film backing, a secondary dressing will be
Calcium sodium alginate dressing
ActivHeal Alginate dressing (Advanced Medical Solutions Ltd) 10cm 6
10cm= £1.15, 10cm 6 20cm= £2.83, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.59
Non-woven, calcium sodium alginate dressing
ActivHeal Aquafiber (Advanced Medical Solutions Ltd) Rope dressing
2cm 6 42cm= £1.81, dressing 10cm 6 10cm= £1.48, 15cm 6
Calcium alginate fibre, non-woven dressing
Algisite M (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) Rope dressing 2cm 6
30cm= £3.56, dressing 10cm 6 10cm= £1.96, 15cm 6 20cm=
Algosteril (Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd) Rope dressing 2g= £3.89,
dressing 10cm 6 10cm= £2.15, 10cm 6 20cm= £3.64, 5cm 6
Alginate and carboxymethylcellulose dressing, highly
Biatain Alginate dressing (Coloplast Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £2.37,
15cm 6 15cm= £4.50, 44cm= £2.79, 5cm 6 5cm= £1.00
Calcium sodium alginate dressing
Cutimed Alginate dressing (BSN medical Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £1.61,
10cm 6 20cm= £3.02, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.77
Calcium alginate fibre, non-woven
Kaltostat dressing (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 20cm= £4.19, 15cm 6
25cm= £7.20, 2g= £3.93, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.98, 7.5cm 6 12cm=
Kendall Calcium Alginate (H & R Healthcare Ltd) Rope dressing
30cm= £2.89, 61cm= £5.07, 91cm= £5.46, dressing 10cm 6
10cm= £1.52, 10cm 6 14cm= £2.45, 10cm 6 20cm= £2.98, 15cm
6 25cm= £5.25, 30cm 6 61cm= £27.56, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.72
Kendall (H & R Healthcare Ltd) Foam Plus dressing 10cm 6 10cm
Calcium sodium alginate fibre, highly absorbent, gelling
Melgisorb (Molnlycke Health Care Ltd) Cavity dressing 2.2cm 6
32cm= £3.55, dressing 10cm 6 10cm= £1.88, 10cm 6 20cm=
Sorbalgon (Paul Hartmann Ltd) T dressing 2g= £3.56, dressing 10cm
6 10cm= £1.74, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.83
Calcium alginate fibre, highly absorbent, flat non-woven
Sorbsan Flat dressing (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm=
£1.72, 10cm 6 20cm= £3.22, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.82
Alginate dressing bonded to a secondary absorbent viscose
Sorbsan Plus dressing (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) 10cm 6 15cm=
£3.12, 10cm 6 20cm= £3.98, 15cm 6 20cm= £5.53, 7.5cm 6
Alginate dressing bonded to a secondary absorbent viscose
Sorbsan (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) Ribbon dressing 40cm= £2.06
Alginate dressing bonded to a secondary absorbent viscose
Sorbsan (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) Packing dressing 2g= £3.50
Suprasorb A (Lohmann & Rauscher) alginate dressing 10cm 6
10cm= £1.26, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.64, cavity dressing 2g= £2.34
Tegaderm Alginate dressing (3M Health Care Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm=
£1.73, 2cm 6 30.4cm= £2.89, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.82
Alginate and carboxymethylcellulose dressing without
Urgosorb (Urgo Ltd) Pad dressing 10cm 6 10cm= £2.17, 10cm 6
20cm= £3.97, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.90, Rope dressing 30cm= £2.84
Low-adherent dressing consisting of two external polyester
wound contact layers with central wicking polyester/cotton
Vacutex dressing (Haddenham Healthcare Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £1.70,
10cm 6 15cm= £2.29, 10cm 6 20cm= £2.75, 5cm 6 5cm= £0.96
Dressings containing activated charcoal are used to absorb
odour from wounds. The underlying cause of wound odour
should be identified. Wound odour is most effectively
reduced by debridement of slough, reduction in bacterial
levels, and frequent dressing changes. Fungating wounds
and chronic infected wounds produce high volumes of
exudate which can reduce the effectiveness of odour
absorbent dressings. Many odour absorbent dressings are
intended for use in combination with other dressings; odour
absorbent dressings with a suitable wound contact layer can
be used as a primary dressing.
Activated charcoal and non-woven viscose rayon dressing
Askina Carbosorb dressing (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm=
Dressing in 5 layers: wound-facing absorbent layer
containing alginate and hydrocolloid; water-resistant second
layer; third layer containing activated charcoal; non-woven
absorbent fourth layer; water-resistant backing layer
CarboFlex dressing (ConvaTec Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £3.30, 15cm 6
20cm= £7.50, 8cm 6 15cm oval= £3.96
Activated charcoal non-absorbent dressing
Carbopad VC dressing (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm=
CliniSorb Odour Control Dressings
Activated charcoal cloth enclosed in viscose rayon with outer
CliniSorb dressing (CliniMed Ltd) 10cm 6 10cm= £1.94, 10cm 6
20cm= £2.58, 15cm 6 25cm= £4.15
Spreading infection at the wound site requires treatment
with systemic antibacterials. For local wound infection, a
topical antimicrobial dressing can be used to reduce the level
of bacteria at the wound surface but will not eliminate a
spreading infection. Some dressings are designed to release
BNF 78 Capillary-acting dressings 1601
the antimicrobial into the wound, others act upon the
bacteria after absorption from the wound. The amount of
exudate present and the level of infection should be taken
into account when selecting an antimicrobial dressing.
can be used to treat clinically infected wounds. Dressings
containing silver should be used only when clinical signs or
symptoms of infection are present. Dressings containing
other antimicrobials such as polihexanide
(polyhexamethylene biguanide) or dialkylcarbamoyl chloride
are available for use on infected wounds. Although
hypersensitivity is unlikely with chlorhexidine impregnated
tulle dressing, the antibacterial efficacy of these dressings
wounds. Medical grade honey has osmotic properties,
producing an environment that promotes autolytic
debridement; it can help control wound malodour. Honey
dressings should not be used on patients with extreme
sensitivity to honey, bee stings or bee products. Patients
or honey-impregnated dressings.
For Activon Tulle ®, where no size is stated by the prescriber
the 5 cm size is to be supplied.
Medihoney® Antimicrobial Wound Gel is not recommended for
use in deep wounds or body cavities where removal of waxes
Honey-based topical application
Activon (Advancis Medical) Medical Grade Manuka Honey
L-Mesitran SOFT ointment dressing
L-Mesitran (Aspen Medical Europe Ltd) SOFT ointment dressing=
MANUKApli (Manuka Medical Ltd) dressing= £5.90
Medihoney Antibacterial Medical Honey
Medical grade, Leptospermum sp.
Medihoney (Derma Sciences Europe, Ltd) Antibacterial Medical
Medihoney Antibacterial Wound Gel
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