▶ with calcium phosphate and

ergocalciferol, see Ergocalciferol

with calcium lactate and calcium


Calcium lactate gluconate with calcium

carbonate, see Calcium carbonate

with calcium lactate gluconate

Calcium phosphate, 1046

▶ with calcium lactate and

ergocalciferol, see Ergocalciferol

with calcium lactate and calcium


▶ with colecalciferol, see

Colecalciferol with calcium


Calcium polystyrene sulfonate, 1055

Calcort, 674

Calfovit D3, 1086

Calluses, 1283

Calmurid preparations, 1228

Calogen preparations, 1571, 1573

Calpol preparations, 446

Calshake, 1573

Camcolit, 358

Camellia sinensis, 1283

Camouflagers, 1280

Camouflages, 1280

Campral EC, 496

Campto, 928

Campylobacter enteritis, 512

Canagliflozin, 702

▶ with metformin, 704

Canakinumab, 844

Cancidas, 593

Candesartan cilexetil, 175

Candidiasis, 591

CanesOasis, 789

Canesten preparations, 596, 829, 830,

1197, 1232, 1252

Cangrelor, 209

Cannabinoids, 431, 1127

Cannabis extract, 1127

Capasal, 1254

Capecitabine, 905

Capillary-acting dressings, 1601

Capimune, 840

Caprelsa, 1003

Capreomycin, 585

Capsaicin, 483, 1156

Capsorin, 839, 840

Captopril, 168

Caramet CR, 416

Carbagen preparations, 313

Carbaglu, 1068

Carbamazepine, 311, 354

Carbapenems, 521

Carbetocin, 824

Carbidopa with levodopa, see Cocareldopa

Carbidopa with levodopa and

entacapone, see Levodopa with

carbidopa and entacapone

Carbimazole, 771

Carbocisteine, 291

CarboFLEX products, 1601

Carbomers, 1167

Carbomix, 1367

Carbon monoxide poisoning, 1365

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 1181

Carbopad products, 1601

Carboplatin, 921

Carboprost, 824

Carboxylic acids, 829

Carcinoid syndrome, 888

Cardene preparations, 162

Cardiac arrest, 222

Cardiac emergencies, 33

Cardiac glycosides, 108

Cardiac prostheses, 34

Cardicor, 153

Cardide SR, 167

Cardiology procedures, antibacterial

prophylaxis, 509

Cardioplen XL, 160

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 222

Cardiovascular disease prevention, 190

Cardiovascular disease risk assessment

and prevention, 189

Cardiovascular events, prevention of,


Cardiovascular risk reduction, 141

Cardiovascular system infections,

antibacterial therapy, 510

▶ Endocarditis, 510

Cardioxane, 940

Cardura preparations, 783

CareSens N, 719

Carexil, 467

Carfilzomib, 965

Carglumic acid, 1068

Cariprazine, 396

Carmellose, 1167

Carmellose sodium, 1167

Carmil XL, 221

Carmize, 1167

Carmustine, 893

Carnitine deficiency, 1059

Carnitine, see Levocarnitine

Carnitor, 1059, 1060

Carticaine hydrochloride with

epinephrine, see Adrenaline with

articaine hydrochloride

Carvedilol, 148

Casodex, 947

Caspofungin, 592

Castor oil with collodion and

colophony, 1280

Catapres preparations, 145


inhibitors, 412

Catephen, 1284

Catheter maintenance solutions, 790

Cation exchange resins, 1055

Catrix, 1605

Cautionary and advisory labels for

dispensed medicines, 1588

Caverject preparations, 818

Cayston, 542

Ceanel, 1274

CeeNU, 897

Cefaclor, 525

Cefadroxil, 524

Cefalexin, 524

Cefixime, 527

Cefotaxime, 527

Cefradine, 525

Ceftaroline fosamil, 531

Ceftazidime, 528

▶ with avibactam, 530

Ceftobiprole, 531

Ceftolozane with tazobactam, 530

Ceftriaxone, 528


▶ Eye, 1171

▶ Infection, 526

Celebrex, 1133

Celecoxib, 1132

Celectol, 154

Celevac, 55

Celiprolol hydrochloride, 153

CellCept, 847

Cellona products, 1613

CelluDress, 1593

Cellulitis, 517

Cellusan, 1167

Celluvisc, 1167

Celsentri, 661

Cemidon, 588

Cenegermin, 1165

Central Gard products, 1596

Centrally acting sympathomimetics,

347, 492

Central nervous system depressants,


Central nervous system infections,

antibacterial therapy, 511

▶ Meningitis, 511

Cephalexin, see Cefalexin

Cephalosporins, 514, 523

Cephalosporins, first-generation, 524

Cephalosporins, other, 531

Cephalosporins, second-generation,

525, 1171

Cephalosporins, third-generation, 527

Cephalosporins, third-generation with

beta-lactamase inhibitor, 530

Cephradine, see Cefradine

Ceprotin, 114

Ceptava, 847

Cepton, 1278

Cerazette, 806

Cerdelga, 1062

Cerelle, 806

Cerezyme, 1063

Ceritinib, 973

Cernevit, 1076

Certican, 982

Certolizumab pegol, 1111

Cerumol preparations, 1200

Cervagem, 826

Cervarix, 1322

C1-esterase inhibitor, 289

Cetirizine hydrochloride, 279

Cetraben, 1224, 1226

Cetraxal preparations, 1196, 1199


▶ with chlorhexidine, see

Chlorhexidine with cetrimide

▶ with lidocaine, see Lidocaine with


▶ with undecenoic acid, 1274

Cetrorelix, 737

Cetrotide, 738

Cetuximab, 865

Champix, 502

Changes to BNF since last edition, xvi

Charcoal, activated, 1366

1634 Calcium lactate – Charcoal, activated BNF 78


Charcodote, 1366

Chelates and complexes, 73

Chemical toxicity, 1367

Chemifix, 1608

Chemipore preparations, 1608

Chemokine receptor antagonists, 1031

Chemydur 60XL, 221

Chenodeoxycholic acid, 88

Chirocaine, 1351, 1352

Chloral hydrate, 488

Chlorambucil, 894


▶ Ear, 1196

▶ Eye, 1173

▶ Infection, 568

ChloraPrep, 1278

Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride, 343


▶ Oropharynx, 1211

▶ Skin, 1277

▶ with cetrimide, 1278

▶ with hydrocortisone and nystatin,

see Hydrocortisone with

chlorhexidine hydrochloride and


▶ with isopropyl alcohol, 1278

▶ with lidocaine, 790

▶ with neomycin, 1204

▶ with nystatin, 1236

Chlormethiazole, see Clomethiazole

Chloromycetin, 1173

Chloroquine, 607, 616

▶ with proguanil, 617

Chlorphenamine maleate, 283

Chlorpheniramine maleate, see

Chlorphenamine maleate

Chlorpromazine hydrochloride, 384

Chlortalidone, 230

▶ with atenolol, see Co-tenidone

▶ with triamterene, see Triamterene

with chlortalidone

Chlorthalidone, see Chlortalidone

Cholecalciferol, see Colecalciferol

Cholera vaccine, 1298, 1313

Cholestagel, 197

Cholestasis, 87

Cholesterol absorption inhibitors, 198

Cholestyramine, see Colestyramine

Cholib, 206

Cholic acid, 88

Choline esters, 786

Cholinergic receptor stimulating drugs,

850, 1126

Choline salicylate, 1217

Cholurso, 89

Chondroprotective drugs, 1095

Choriogonadotropin alfa, 745

Chronic bowel disorders, 37

Chronic heart failure, 191

Chronic hepatitis C, 621, 624

Chronic hypoglycaemia, 724, 725

Chronic kidney disease categories, 21

Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology

Collaboration (CKD-EPI) formula, 20

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

acute exacerbation, 515

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

use of corticosteroids, 256

Cialis, 815

Cica-Care products, 1605

Ciclesonide, 262


▶ Eye, 1165

▶ Immune system and malignant

disease, 838

Cidofovir, 637

Cidomycin preparations, 519

Cilastatin with imipenem, see

Imipenem with cilastatin

Cilest, 802

Cilique, 802

Cilodex, 1198

Cilostazol, 232

Ciloxan, 1172

Ciltech products, 1605

Cimetidine, 74

Cimizt, 798

Cimzia, 1112

Cinacalcet, 1043

Cinchocaine hydrochloride

▶ with fluocortolone caproate and

fluocortolone pivalate, 94

▶ with hydrocortisone, 94

▶ with prednisolone, 94

Cinnarizine, 438

▶ with dimenhydrinate, 438

Cinqaero, 269

Cinryze, 290

Cipralex, 365

Cipramil, 364

Ciprofibrate, 199


▶ Ear, 1196

▶ Eye, 1172

▶ Infection, 558

▶ with dexamethasone, 1198

▶ with fluocinolone acetonide, 1198

Ciproxin preparations, 559

Circadin, 490

Cisatracurium, 1338

Cisplatin, 921

Citalopram, 364

Citanest preparations, 1357

CitraFleet, 53

Citramag, 51

Citric acid, 297

▶ with magnesium carbonate, 50

▶ with potassium citrate, 788

CKD-EPI equation, 20

Cladribine, 906

Clairette, 1268

Clarie XL, 539

Clarithromycin, 538

Clarityn preparations, 282

Clasteon, 732

Clavulanic acid

▶ with amoxicillin, see Co-amoxiclav

▶ with ticarcillin, see Ticarcillin with

clavulanic acid

Clearpore, 1596

Clemastine, 284

Clenil preparations, 258

Clevidipine, 157

Clexane, 133

Climanor, 811

Clindamycin, 514

▶ Genito-urinary system, 828

▶ Infection, 535

▶ Skin, 1268

▶ with benzoyl peroxide, see Benzoyl

peroxide with clindamycin

▶ with tretinoin, see Tretinoin with


Clinicrepe products, 1612

Clinifast products, 1610

CLINIgrip products, 1610

CliniLite products, 1611

CliniMed, 1608

CliniPlus, 1611

Clinipod, 1279

Clinipore, 1608

Clini products, 1606, 1608, 1609

Clinisorb products, 1601

Clinitas preparations, 1169

Clinorette, 763


▶ with betamethasone, see

Betamethasone with clioquinol

▶ with flumetasone pivalate, see

Flumetasone pivalate with


▶ with fluocinolone acetonide, see

Fluocinolone acetonide with


Clipper, 45

ClobaDerm, 1245

Clobavate, 1245

Clobazam, 336

Clobetasol propionate, 1244

▶ with neomycin sulfate and nystatin,


Clobetasone butyrate, 1245

▶ with nystatin and oxytetracycline,


Clofarabine, 908

Clofazimine, 576

Clomethiazole, 489

Clomid, 767

Clomifene citrate, 766

Clomiphene citrate, see Clomifene


Clomipramine hydrochloride, 373

Clonazepam, 337

Clonidine hydrochloride, 145

Clopidogrel, 123

Clopixol preparations, 391, 392, 394

Clostridium difficile infection, 512

Clotam Rapid, 477


▶ Ear, 1197

▶ Genito-urinary system, 829

▶ Skin, 1232

▶ with betamethasone, see

Betamethasone with clotrimazole

▶ with hydrocortisone, see

Hydrocortisone with clotrimazole

Clozapine, 396

Clozaril, 398

Cluster headache and the trigeminal

autonomic cephalalgias, 475

CNS stimulants, 406, 491

▶ Centrally acting sympathomimetics,


Coagulation factor deficiencies, 111

Coagulation proteins, 111

Coal tar, 1253

▶ with calamine, 1254

▶ with coconut oil and salicylic acid,


BNF 78 Charcodote – Coal tar 1635


▶ with dithranol and salicylic acid,


▶ with lecithin, 1254

▶ with salicylic acid, 1255

▶ with salicylic acid and precipitated

sulfur, 1255

▶ with zinc oxide, 1255

Co-amilofruse, 227

Co-amilozide, 166

Co-amoxiclav, 551

Cobalin, 1026

Coban products, 1612, 1613

Co-beneldopa, 414

Cobicistat, 661

▶ with atazanavir, see Atazanavir with


▶ with darunavir, see Darunavir with


▶ with darunvir, emtricitabine and

tenofovir alafenamide, see

Darunavir with cobicistat,

emtricitabine and tenofovir


▶ with elvitegravir, emtricitabine and

tenofovir alafenamide, see

Elvitegravir with cobicistat,

emtricitabine and tenofovir


▶ with emtricitabine, elvitegravir and

tenofovir disoproxil, see Elvitegravir

with cobicistat, emtricitabine and

tenofovir disoproxil

Cobimetinib, 974

Co-careldopa, 415

Cockcroft and Gault formula, 20

Co-codamol, 453

Cocois, 1255

Co-cyprindiol, 1267

Co-danthramer, 62

Co-danthrusate, 62

Codeine phosphate, 454

▶ with aspirin, see Aspirin with


▶ with buclizine hydrochloride and

paracetamol, see Paracetamol with

buclizine hydrochloride and codeine


▶ with paracetamol, see Co-codamol

Codipar, 454

Codis, 447

Co-dydramol, see Dihydrocodeine with


Coeliac disease, 37, 1077

Co-fluampicil, 550

Co-flumactone, 193

Cohesive bandages, 1612

Colazide, 41

Colchicine, 1120

Colecalciferol, 1084

▶ with alendronic acid, see Alendronic

acid with colecalciferol

▶ with calcium carbonate, 1085

▶ with calcium carbonate and

risedronate, see Risedronate with

calcium carbonate and colecalciferol

▶ with calcium phosphate, 1086

ColeKal-D3, 1085

Colesevelam hydrochloride, 197

Colestid, 197

Colestipol hydrochloride, 197

Colestyramine, 197

Colgate preparations, 1213, 1214

Colief, 1575

Colifoam, 678

Colistimethate sodium, 556

Colistin sulfomethate sodium, see

Colistimethate sodium

Collagenase, 1156

Collodions, 1280

Collodion with castor oil and colohony,

see Castor oil with collodion and


Colobreathe, 557

Colofac preparations, 87

Colomycin, 557

Colpermin, 48

Co-magaldrox, 70

Combigan, 1188

Combined hormonal contraceptives,

791, 795

Combined Oral Contraceptives

Monophasic 21-day preparations, 791

Combined Oral Contraceptives

Monophasic 28-day preparations, 791

Combined Oral Contraceptives Phasic

21-day preparations, 792

Combined Oral Contraceptives Phasic

28-day preparations, 792

Combivent, 247

Combivir, 656

Combodart, 785

Cometriq, 973

Comfeel preparations, 1599

Comfigrip products, 1610

Comfifast products, 1610

Community-acquired pneumonia, 516

Compact, 719

Competact, 711

Complan Shake, 1565

Complementary and alternative

medicine, 2

Complement regulatory proteins, 289

Compound bronchodilator

preparations, 242

Compound, Hartmann’s Solution for

Injection, see Potassium chloride with

calcium chloride and sodium chloride

and sodium lactate

Compression bandages, 1612, 1613

Compression hosiery and garments,


Comprilan products, 1613

Comtess, 413

Concerta XL, 350

Conditions affecting sputum viscosity,


Condyline, 1284

Conestat alfa, 290

Confusion and restlessness, 28

Conjugated oestrogens (equine), 754

Conjugated oestrogens with

bazedoxifene acetate, 755

Conjugated oestrogens with

medroxyprogesterone, 761

Conjunctivitis (purulent), 512

Conotrane, 1222

Conscious sedation for clinical

procedures, 1345

Consion XL, 302

Constella, 49

Constipation, 53

Constipation and bowel cleansing, 50

Constipation in palliative care, 26

Contact lenses, 1159

Contiflo XL, 785

Continuous subcutaneous infusions in

palliative care, 27

Contour products, 719

Contraception, 791

▶ Combined, 795

▶ Devices, 802

▶ Emergency, 803

▶ Oral progestogen-only, 805

▶ Parenteral progestogen-only, 809

▶ Spermicidal, 811

Contraceptive devices, 793, 802

Contraceptives, hormonal, 791

▶ Combined hormonal contraceptives,


▶ Progestogen-only contraceptives,


Contraceptives, interactions, 794

Contraceptives, non-hormonal, 793

▶ Contraceptive devices, 793

▶ Spermicidal contraceptives, 793

Controlled drugs and drug dependence,


Conversions and Units, inside back


Convulex, 356

Convulsions during poisoning, 1360

Convulsions in palliative care, 27, 28

Coolie, 1594

Copaxone, 853

Copegus, 628

Co-phenotrope, 66

Copper absorption inhibitors, 1069

Copper chelators, 1070

Coracten preparations, 164

Cordarone X preparations, 106

Corgard, 150

Coronary artery disease, 34

Corsodyl preparations, 1211

Corticosteroid responsive conditions,



▶ Corticosteroid combinations with

anti-infectives, 1164, 1198, 1204,


▶ Ear, 1197

▶ Endocrine system, 670

▶ Eye, 1159, 1162, 1178, 1192

▶ Gastro-intestinal system, 45, 93

▶ Musculoskeletal system, 1153

▶ Nose, 1205

▶ Oropharynx, 1216

▶ Respiratory system, 256

▶ Skin, 1241

Corticosteroids and other

immunosuppressants, 835

Corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory

dose equivalence table, 672

Corticosteroids, general use, 670

▶ Side-effects, 671

Corticosteroids, inflammatory

disorders, 1153

▶ Local injections, 1153

▶ Systemic, 1153

1636 Coal tar – Corticosteroids, inflammatory disorders BNF 78


Corticosteroids (inhaled), 257

Corticosteroids (intranasal), 1205

Corticosteroids, replacement therapy,


Corticosteroids (systemic), 672

Corticosteroids (topical), 1242

Corticotrophins, 744

Cortiment, 46

Cosentyx, 1101

Co-simalcite, 70

Cositam XL, 785

CosmoCol, 58

CosmoFer, 1021

Cosmopor preparations, 1593

Cosopt preparations, 1183

Cotellic, 975

Co-tenidone, 154

Co-triamterzide, 231

Co-trimoxazole, 562

Cotton Stockinette products, 1611

Cough, acute, 515

Cough and congestion, 296

Cough preparations in adults, 296

Cough preparations in children, 296

Cough preparations, other, 297

Cough suppressants, 296

Coumarins and phenindione, 118

Coverflex products, 1610

Covermark preparations, 1280

Coversyl preparations, 171

Covonia preparations, 297

Cozaar preparations, 176, 177

Crab lice, 1230

Creon, 97

Crepe products, 1611, 1612

Cresemba, 597

Crestor, 205

Crinone, 766

Crisantaspase, 933

Crizotinib, 975

Crohn’s disease, 38

Cromoglicate and related therapy, 270

Crotamiton, 1265

Croup, 245

Cryptococcosis, 591

Crystacide, 1279

CS products, 1607, 1608

CS Spray poisoning, 1365

Cubicin, 570

Cubicole D3, 1084, 1085

Curatoderm, 1264

Curea products, 1594

Cushing’s Syndrome, 681

Cutaneous larva migrans, 604

Cuticell, 1592

Cutimed preparations, 1594, 1597–1599,

1601, 1604

Cutinova products, 1598

Cutiplast Steril products, 1593

Cutisorb products, 1594

Cutivate, 1247

C-View preparations, 1595, 1596

Cyanide poisoning, 1365

Cyanide toxicity, 1367

Cyanocobalamin, 1025

Cyanokit, 1026

Cyanotic heart disease, 34

Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase III

inhibitors, 1032

Cyclimorph, 466

Cyclizine, 430

▶ with dipipanone hydrochloride, see

Dipipanone hydrochloride with


▶ with ergotamine hydrate and

caffeine hydrate, see Ergotamine

tartrate with caffeine hydrate and

cyclizine hydrochloride

▶ with morphine, see Morphine with


Cyclogest, 766

Cyclopentolate hydrochloride, 1166

Cyclophosphamide, 894

Cycloplegics, 1174

Cyclo-Progynova, 763

Cycloserine, 585

Cyclosporin, see Ciclosporin

Cyklokapron, 110, 111

Cymalon (sodium citrate), 789

Cymbalta, 368

Cymevene, 638

Cyproheptadine hydrochloride, 284

Cyprostat, 770

Cyproterone acetate, 770

▶ with ethinylestradiol, see Cocyprindiol

Cyramza, 882

Cystadane, 1063

Cystadrops, 1060

Cystagon, 1060

Cystaran, 1060

Cysteamine, see Mercaptamine

Cystic fibrosis, 291

Cysticide, 606

Cystinosis, 1060

Cystocalm, 789

Cystrin, 779

Cytamen, 1025

Cytarabine, 908

▶ with daunorubicin, see

Daunorubicin with cytarabine

Cytokine modulators, 1094

Cytomegalovirus infection, 633, 637

Cytomel, 775

Cytotec, 77

Cytotoxic antibiotics and related

substances, 919

Cytotoxic drug-induced side effects, 940

Cytotoxic drugs, 888

▶ Alkylating drugs, 891

▶ Anthracyclines and other cytotoxic

antibiotics, 891

▶ Antimetabolites, 891

▶ Effect on pregnancy and

reproductive function, 890

▶ Handling guidelines, 888

▶ Intrathecal chemotherapy, 889

▶ Nausea and vomiting, 890

▶ Safe systems for cytotoxic

medicines, 889

▶ Safety information, 889

▶ Side-effects, 889

▶ Treatment of cytotoxic-induced

side-effects, 890

▶ Vinca alkaloids, 891

Cytotoxic responsive malignancy, 888

Cytoxan, 895


Dabigatran etexilate, 136

Dabrafenib, 976

Dacadis MR, 709

Dacarbazine, 895

Dacepton, 419

Dacogen, 909

Daktacort, 1252

Daktarin preparations, 1219, 1233

Dalacin preparations, 536, 828, 1268

Dalbavancin, 532

Dalmane, 486

Dalteparin sodium, 131

Danamep, 123

Danaparoid sodium, 130

Danazol, 742

Dandrazol, 1233

Danol, 743

Dantrium preparations, 1347

Dantrolene sodium, 1346


▶ with docusate sodium, see Codanthrusate

▶ with poloxamer 188, see Codanthramer

Dapagliflozin, 704

▶ with metformin, 705

▶ with saxagliptin, see Saxagliptin

with dapagliflozin

Dapoxetine, 821

Dapsone, 577

Daptomycin, 569

Daraprim, 620

Daratumumab, 866

Darbepoetin alfa, 1012

Darifenacin, 777

Dario products, 719

Darunavir, 657

▶ with cobicistat, 657

▶ with cobicistat, emtricitabine and

tenofovir alafenamide, 658

Darzalex, 867

Dasabuvir, 631

Dasatinib, 977

Daunorubicin, 900

▶ with cytarabine, 900

DaunoXome, 900

Daxas, 272

DDVAP products, 668, 669

Ddi, see Didanosine

Debridement pads, physical, see

Physical debridement pads

DebriSoft, 1607

Deca-Durabolin, 726

Decapeptyl SR, 742

Decitabine, 909

Defective medicines, 15

Deferasirox, 1027

Deferiprone, 1027

Deferoxamine Mesilate, see

Desferrioxamine mesilate

Deflazacort, 674

Degarelix, 948

Delamanid, 586

Delmosart, 350

Delstrigo, 654

Deltacortril Enteric, 680

Deltastab, 680, 1154

Deltyba, 586

Demeclocycline hydrochloride, 564

BNF 78 Corticosteroids (inhaled) – Demeclocycline hydrochloride 1637



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نمـو الدمـاغ والتطـور العقـلي لـدى الطفـل

CELEPHI 200 MG, Gélule

أخطر أنواع المخدرات فى العالم و الشرق الاوسط


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