-agonists are important distinguishing features of asthma. Elastase deficiency
in the airways is a feature of emphysema.
2. A. Response to a bronchodilator drug resulting in relief of airway obstruction is
highly suggestive of bronchial asthma. A more than 12% increase in predicted FEV1
and an absolute increase in FEV1 of more than 0.2 L suggest acute bronchodilator
responsiveness and variability in airflow obstruction. The reversibility of this
magnitude is almost always indicative of bronchial asthma. COPD patients do
respond to bronchodilators but not to the same extent. Early stages of asthma are
diagnosed by decreased mid expiratory flow rates (effort independent) and decreased
FEV1 and by its reversibility.
3. A. In a severely asthmatic patient, regional anesthesia is superior to general
anesthesia with an LMA, which is better than general anesthesia with ETT. The
choice of anesthetic technique is often influenced by the severity of asthma, history
of previous intubations for asthma, dependence on inhaled bronchodilators, and
patient preference. The goal in any such circumstance is to decrease airway
manipulation and stimulation. If a general anesthetic technique is pursued, inhaled
intravenous lidocaine prior to intubation have all been proven to be useful.
4. B. History and physical examination can suggest presence of severe asthma if the
patient has had repeated intubations for asthma. Even though high-pitched, musical
wheezes are characteristic of asthma, they are not specific and they have no
correlation with the severity of obstruction. Spirometry is the only objective method
to quantify the severity of obstruction. Sudden severe bronchospasm can present as
high airway pressures with absence of breath sounds and very high resistance to
mechanical ventilation. Mechanical causes of obstruction such as a kinked
endotracheal tube or a mucous plug can also present a similar clinical picture and are
more common. If bronchospasm is suspected, anesthesia should be augmented with
an intravenous anesthetic such as propofol. General anesthesia through a LMA is less
stimulating to the airway than through an endotracheal tube. Volatile anesthetics are
potent bronchodilators, and they act through catecholamine-independent mechanisms.
They are rarely used as second-line agents in cases of bronchospasm refractory to
5. C. Acute bronchospasm causes expiratory wheezing, increased peak inspiratory
pressure or decreased tidal volume (depending on the mode of ventilation), and a
characteristic upslope of the capnogram. Any airway stimulation can cause severe
reflex bronchoconstriction and bronchospasm in severely asthmatic patients with
hyperactive airways. Mechanical causes of obstruction such as a kinked
endotracheal tube or a mucous plug can also present a similar clinical picture and are
more common. When troubleshooting such a scenario, an intravenous anesthetic
agent is very helpful to deepen the plane of anesthesia as the delivery of inhaled
anesthetic agents may not be effective.
6. B. A patient who has adequate return of neuromuscular function and has a regular
spontaneous breathing pattern with adequate tidal volumes can be considered a
candidate for deep extubation. After clearing out the secretions from the oropharynx
and the endotracheal tube, extubation is performed under a deep plane of anesthesia
and ventilation continued by a mask/LMA. Careful patient selection is very
important, and it should not be considered in those at increased risk for aspiration of
gastric content and if the necessary airway management skills are not immediately
available. When extubation is delayed for reasons of patient safety, (presence of
gastric contents in a case with acute appendicitis), intravenous administration of
lidocaine (1.5–2 mg/kg bolus) may decrease the likelihood of airway irritation and
bronchospasm. Thus, extubation can be performed after the patient is awake and
following commands if airway irritation can be avoided.
7. C. Balanced anesthesia using an inhaled anesthetic and opioid is a safe choice for
anesthesia for a COPD patient. Use of nitrous oxide (N2O) is normally safe but not
strictly necessary. The ability of N2O to diffuse into closed air spaces may lead to
the enlargement of an emphysematous bulla or a pneumothorax and possibly rupture.
Air trapping and development of auto positive end–expiratory pressure can be
decreased by providing a prolonged expiratory time. This can be done by using a
normal tidal volume and a slow respiratory rate and an I:E ratio of ≥1:3. Care should
be taken to avoid hyperventilation and creation of a respiratory alkalosis as these
patients tolerate marked hypercapnia secondary to hypoventilation. However, high
levels will increase pulmonary artery pressure, which may be poorly tolerated
in patients with a compromised right-ventricular function and cor pulmonale.
Bronchodilation using inhaled β2
-agonists and pulmonary toilet through blind
suctioning or fiberoptic bronchoscopy may facilitate safe extubation of the trachea.
8. B. Pulmonary hypertension is defined as an increase in mean pulmonary artery
pressure above 25 mm Hg at rest or 30 mm Hg with exercise in the presence or
absence of an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Right-sided heart
catheterization is the gold standard for diagnosing and quantifying the degree of
pulmonary hypertension. Care should be taken to avoid all the factors that increase
pulmonary vascular resistance in a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension
presenting for surgery. This includes avoiding hypoxia, hypercarbia, hypothermia,
light anesthesia, pain, dysrhythmias, and maintaining adequate cardiac output.
Progressive right-ventricular dilation and hypertrophy in response to an increased
biventricular failure. The interventricular septal bulge decreases left-ventricular
cavity filling, further worsening the left-ventricular failure. Cardiac output from a
failing right ventricle depends on the filling pressure from venous return and
pulmonary pressure. Pulmonary hypertension in pregnant patients has a high mortality
rate up to 50% for vaginal delivery and even higher for cesarean delivery.
9. C. Snoring, daytime sleepiness, hypertension, obesity, and a family history of OSA
are risk factors for OSA. There is a high risk for OSA if >3 yes to the below
S (snore) Have you been told that you snore?
T (tired) Are you often tired during the day?
O (obstruction) Do you know if you stop breathing or has anyone witnessed you
stop breathing while you are asleep?
P (pressure) Do you have high blood pressure or on medication to control high
B (BMI) Is your body mass index greater than 28?
A (age) Are you 50 years old or older?
N (neck) Are you a male with a neck circumference greater than 17 inches, or a
female with a neck circumference greater than 16 inches.
10. D. The extent of lung resection (pneumonectomy > lobectomy > wedge resection),
age older than 70 years, and inexperience of the operating surgeon are risk factors
associated with increased perioperative morbidity and mortality rates. In patients
with anatomically resectable lung cancer, pulmonary function tests—ppoFEV1
perfusion scanning, and exercise testing to measure maximum oxygen consumption
(VO2max)—may predict postoperative pulmonary function and outcome.
11. A. The prethoracotomy respiratory assessment has been labeled as a three-legged
stool that incorporates assessment of respiratory mechanics, cardiopulmonary
reserve, and lung parenchymal function. The following findings are considered
favorable: respiratory mechanics assessment demonstrates ppoFEV1 >40%, MVV,
RV/TLC, and FVC; the cardiopulmonary reserve measurements show VO2 max >15
mL/kg/min, 6-minute walk test, exercise SpO2 <4%, stair climb >2 flights, and
assessment of lung parenchymal function shows ppoDLCO >40%, PaO2 >60, PaCO2
<45 mm Hg. The choices B, C, and D are the most valid tests out of the “threelegged stool.”
12. A. Any patient presenting for elective surgeries with a history of smoking should
be advised smoking cessation regardless of the time available prior to surgery.
Smoking can affect the pulmonary system in multiple ways—increase in airway
irritability and secretions, decreased mucociliary transport, and increased incidence
of postoperative pulmonary complications. Patients are more receptive toward
interventions immediately prior to surgery and this provides a good teachable
moment. Prolonged abstinence (8–12 weeks) is required to improve mucociliary
transport and small-airway function and decrease sputum production. The incidence
of postoperative pulmonary complications decreases with abstinence from cigarette
smoking for more than 8 weeks in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass
surgery, and more than 4 weeks in patients undergoing pulmonary surgery. However,
even 12 to 24 hours of cessation may be beneficial because it decreases the level of
carboxyhemoglobin and it shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right.
13. B. The angle between the right main bronchus and trachea is 25 degrees at the
level of carina, but the left main bronchus takes off at an acute angle of 45 degrees.
Thus, right main bronchus is shorter, wider, and more in line with the trachea. There
is a good correlation between tracheal and bronchial width (bronchial diameter is
predicted to be 0.68 of tracheal diameter).
The right upper lobe bronchus takes off at an acute angle from the point of origin
of the right primary bronchus and is easily occluded if the ventilation port on the
right-sided DLT is not aligned properly. Because of these reasons, a left-sided DLT
is most commonly used. Uniform ventilation to all lobes can be achieved more easily
with a left-sided DLT than a right-sided one. Measurement of tracheal width from a
posteroanterior chest roentgenogram can help select the size of a left-sided DLT. In
addition to physical examination, fiberoptic assessment should be done to confirm
proper position of a left-sided DLT because the malposition incidence if confirmed
with auscultation alone is considered to be 20% to 48%.
14. C. There is no single predictor that can accurately predict the appropriate size of a
DLT. But a general guideline is a woman shorter than 160 cm should be intubated
with a 35-Fr tube, a woman taller than 160 cm should be intubated with a 37-Fr tube,
and a man shorter than 170 cm should be intubated with a 39-Fr tube, and a man
taller than 170 cm should be intubated with a 41-Fr tube. This tube size of 37 Fr may
be too big for this lady. When we inflated the bronchial cuff and attempted
ventilation, the unoccluded outflow tract of the bronchial lumen made it easy to
ventilate. However, after inflating the tracheal cuff (with the bronchial cuff already
inflated), failure to ventilate suggests that something is occluding the tracheal lumen
(the bronchial cuff in this situation). The presence of breath sounds only on the right
side with both the cuffs inflated suggests that the bronchial lumen is patent and
ventilating the right side. The ventilated gas coming out of tracheal lumen is being
trapped between the tracheal and the bronchial balloons. This finding can be
confirmed with fiberoptic bronchoscopy, and the tube needs to be repositioned with
bronchial cuff in the left main-stem bronchus. If with the same clinical picture, you
are hearing breath sounds only on the left side with both the cuffs inflated, it could be
that the DLT is too far into the left bronchus with the tracheal lumen opening into the
left main stem. It is also possible that the bronchial cuff is barely into the left main
stem with a herniated bronchial cuff preventing the inflation of right-sided lung via
15. B. Figure 12-4A is a bronchial blocker for a left-sided lung surgery placed deeply
into the left main-stem bronchus. Figure 12-4B is a bronchial blocker advanced too
far into the right main stem, and the balloon of the bronchial blocker is occluding the
right upper lobe takeoff. For both situations, the bronchial blocker should be
withdrawn a couple of centimeters to a level just below the carina.
16. B. Difficulties with oxygenation are fairly common during one-lung ventilation. If
is below acceptable range, various techniques that can be tried to improve
the oxygenation include increasing FIO2
to 1, intermittent two-lung ventilation,
applying positive end–expiratory pressure (PEEP) to the dependent lung. However,
the most effective method is the application of 5 to 10 cm H2O CPAP to the
nondependent lung. This should be done prior to application of PEEP to the
dependent lung. This low level of CPAP results in minimal lung inflation and
generally does not interfere with surgery. A slow inflation of 2 L/min of oxygen into
the nonventilated lung for 2 seconds and repeated every 10 seconds for 5 minutes or
some cases like thoracoscopy, bronchopleural fistula, sleeve resection, or massive
17. D. During spontaneous ventilation in lateral decubitus position,
ventilation/perfusion matching is preserved because the lower lung receives more
perfusion due to gravity and more ventilation due to better contraction of the
dependent hemidiaphragm. The dependent hemidiaphragm gets a better displacement
from a higher position in the chest. The dependent lung has a better compliance as
well—this improves ventilation.
18. A. Inspiration in a lateral position during spontaneous ventilation causes more
negative pleural pressure on the dependent side of the open pneumothorax. The
relatively higher pressure on the nondependent side causes a downward shift of the
mediastinum during inspiration. The reverse happens on expiration, and the
mediastinum shifts upward. This results in an ineffective respiratory exchange, but
the major effect is by decreasing the contribution of the dependent lung to the tidal
19. C. HPV is a protective mechanism by which body shunts away blood from a
(mixed venous oxygen saturation),
20. C. Left-sided DLTs are most commonly used in clinical practice. Any change in
position of the patient after the DLTs have been placed includes a risk of
malpositioning of the DLT. Low exhaled tidal volumes and poor lung compliance are
the most common initial indicators. Left-sided DLT may be malpositioned back into
the trachea, into the right main-stem bronchus, or too far into the left primary
bronchus. If it is in the trachea, the inflated bronchial cuff is preventing any ventilated
gas from going past it. If it is in the right side or pushed too far into the left bronchus,
the bronchial cuff may be obstructing the left upper or left lower lobe bronchus.
These two situations can be immediately relieved by deflating the bronchial cuff.
21. D. DLTs are considered to be the best lung isolation device currently in use. In
certain situations, placement of a DLT is difficult and bronchial blockers are used for
lung isolation. They are similar to Fogarty catheters and are single-lumen devices
with an inflatable balloon at the tip. They are passed through a single-lumen
endotracheal tube under fiberoptic guidance and the balloon is inflated within the
bronchus of the operative side. The cuff of the bronchial blocker is a high-pressure–
low-volume cuff. The single narrow lumen within the blocker allows the lung to
deflate (though slowly) and can be used for suctioning or insufflating oxygen (below).
The biggest problem is caused by the small size of the channel, which impairs
exhalation. However, in patients with a history of difficult intubation bronchial
blockers circumvent the need to reintubate a patient prior to transferring out of the
22. C. The mortality rate for pneumonectomy is about 5% to 7%, compared with 2%
to 3% for a lobectomy. Mortality is higher for right-sided pneumonectomy than for
left-sided pneumonectomy. This is attributed to the greater loss of lung tissue. Lung
cancer resection surgeries involve finding the right balance between resecting enough
lung tissue to obtain a tumor-free margin, at the same time leaving enough for
residual postoperative pulmonary function. Wedge resections for peripheral lesions,
lobectomy for bigger tumors, pneumonectomy for tumors involving the main
bronchus, sleeve resections for patients with proximal lesions, and limited pulmonary
reserve are among the various choices the surgeons can make.
23. C. The incidence of arrhythmias increases with age and with the amount of
pulmonary resection. Perioperative arrhythmias are fairly common after thoracic
surgery—atrial fibrillations/SVTs and PVCs are all seen and are thought to be a
result of the surgical manipulation of the heart and distension of the right atrium as a
result of decreased pulmonary vascular bed. Pulmonary complications after surgery
can be decreased by preoperative incentive spirometry, bronchodilator therapy, and
24. B. Halogenated agents generally have minimal effects on HPV in doses <1
minimum alveolar concentration (MAC). Balanced anesthetic technique using a
combination of inhaled anesthetic agents and intravenous opioids is beneficial.
Inhalational agents allow delivery of 100% oxygen, are potent bronchodilators, and
can be easily titrated to desired concentration and opioids have minimal
hemodynamic effects as well as providing analgesia. They complement each other
very well. However, use of long-acting opioids should be limited during surgery to
prevent excessive postoperative respiratory depression. The only choice with
25. D. Anesthetic management of pulmonary resections includes very tight fluid
management. Most of the time restrictive fluid management strategy facilitated by
oxygenation, increases ventilation–perfusion mismatch, shunting, and promotes
hypoxemia. This transudation is worsened by excessive administration of intravenous
crystalloids. On the nondependent side, reexpansion of the collapsed lung can result
in pulmonary edema due to alteration in the pressures on either side of the Starling
26. A. Hypoxemia is fairly common after institution of one-lung ventilation in the
lateral position. Various interventions can be tried when it happens—some have
better efficacy than the others. These include periodic reinflation of the collapsed
lung with oxygen, which interferes with surgery; early ligation or clamping of the
ipsilateral pulmonary artery—seldom used but can be tried in pneumonectomies; and
CPAP (5–10 cm H2O) to the collapsed lung causing partial reexpansion of the lung
and may interfere with surgery. The mechanism of action of CPAP application is
supposed to oxygenation as well as displacement of blood from the pulmonary
vasculature into the dependent lung. Other less efficacious methods that can be tried
include PEEP (5–10 cm H2O) to the ventilated lung, oxygen insufflation to collapsed
lung (diffusion respiration), and change in dependent lung minute ventilation (Vt 5
mL/kg is usually recommended but can be increased). Application of CPAP to the
collapsed lung should be done before instituting PEEP to the ventilated lung, as the
effect of PEEP depends on where the lung falls on the PEEP–PVR curve. Persistent
hypoxemia requires immediate return to two-lung ventilation.
27. D. Apneic oxygenation refers to insufflation of 100% oxygen at a rate greater than
the oxygen consumption (>250 mL/min) while the ventilation is stopped. Progressive
respiratory acidosis limits the use of this technique to 10 to 20 minutes in most
patients. Oxygenation can be maintained in patients with normal DLCO for more than
this time interval. During apneic oxygenation, arterial PCO2
minute followed by 3 to 4 mm Hg every subsequent minute.
28. A. Bronchopleural fistula refers to a communication between the bronchial and
pleural spaces. It presents as a sudden large air leak from the chest tube that may be
associated with an increasing pneumothorax and partial lung collapse. Inadequate
surgical closure of the bronchial stump usually presents itself with a bronchopleural
fistula in the first 24 to 72 hours. Necrosis of the suture line (bronchial/parenchymal)
caused by ischemia or infection usually presents after 72 hours. This is a rare
complication, but small air leaks are fairly common after segmental or lobar
resection due to collateral ventilation from small channels at the sites of incomplete
fissures. They are usually smaller in volume, will not cause significant impairment of
ventilation, and will close by itself after a few days—after which chest tubes can be
29. C. This is the classical picture of torsion of a lung lobe as it expands to fill up the
space left by resection of the other lobe. This is because the torsion results in
occlusion of the pulmonary vein, which drains blood flow to that part of the lung and
presents clinically as hemoptysis and radiographically as an enlarging homogenous
density. This can be confirmed by visualizing a closed lobar orifice on
bronchoscopy. On the other hand, an acute herniation of the heart into the operative
hemithorax is associated with hemodynamic changes and a shift in the cardiac
shadow on chest X-ray. This is caused by a large pressure difference between the
two hemithoraces. Herniation to the right causes severe hypotension and an elevated
central venous pressure due to torsion of the vena cava. Herniation to the left causes
compression of the heart at the atrioventricular groove, resulting in hypotension,
30. D. With the given history, the massive hemoptysis (defined as >500–600 mL of
blood loss in 24 hours) is most likely infectious in origin with tuberculosis being a
strong possibility. The other causes of massive hemoptysis include bronchiectasis,
aspergillomas, neoplasms, foreign body in the trachea, and trauma. A potentially
lethal hemoptysis with severe hemodynamic compromise necessitates emergency
surgery. Bronchial artery embolization may be attempted if the patient is
hemodynamically stable. Whenever possible, surgery is carried out in a semi-elective
way, but the operative mortality is still high, >20%. However, medical management
is associated with a much higher mortality, >50%. The most common cause of death
is asphyxia secondary to blood in the airway.
31. C. Pulmonary cysts or bullae are large cavitary lesions that behave as if they have
a one-way valve, gets progressively large and may compress the remaining lung
tissue. They may also rupture producing a tension pneumothorax. They can be
congenital or acquired as a result of emphysema. They are usually scheduled for
lung resection surgeries when they cause recurrent pneumothorax or progressive
dyspnea. Positive-pressure ventilation results in further expansion of such cavities
and increased risk of rupture along with impaired oxygenation from the affected lung.
Maintenance of spontaneous ventilation (negative inspiratory pressure) is
recommended until the affected lung is isolated using a DLT or until a chest tune is
placed. Inhalational agents can be used to facilitate this, but the large dead space
caused by the presence of huge cyst may result in progressive hypercarbia. Assisted
ventilation is helpful in such circumstances. Care should be taken to avoid complete
positive-pressure ventilation.
32. C. Tracheal stenosis is narrowing of the airway as a result of tracheal mucosal
damage followed by scarring. It can also be caused by tumors—squamous or
adenoid cystic carcinoma. The inciting factors for the mucosal damage include
trauma or prolonged endotracheal intubation. These patients present with progressive
dyspnea, hemoptysis, and stridor on exertion. The dyspnea is characteristically worse
on lying down and is made better by sitting up and leaning forward.
33. A. Anesthetic considerations for tracheal resection include invasive monitoring,
use of anticholinergics to prevent increased secretions, slow inhalational induction
maintaining spontaneous ventilation, airway stimulation after attaining a deep plane
of anesthesia, return of spontaneous ventilation, and early extubation. The left radial
artery is preferred for lower tracheal resections because of the potential for
compression of the innominate artery. A nonirritating inhalational agent like
sevoflurane in 100% oxygen can be used along with short-acting opioids like
remifentanil. Care should be taken to decrease the FIO2
to below 0.3 if the surgeon is
using laser to resect the scar tissue. After opening the stenosed segment, the surgeon
can insert a sterile endotracheal tube into the segment of trachea below the lesion and
patient can be ventilated through that. There will be a brief period of apnea as the
surgeon is anastomosing the anterior part of trachea after resection. Once the
anastomosis is complete, the initial endotracheal tube can be readvanced below the
lesion. The neck is kept flexed in the postoperative period to minimize tension on the
tracheal suture line. Heliox offers a method to avoid turbulence due to its lower
density. Flow–volume loops confirm the location of the obstruction and aid the
clinician in evaluating the severity of the lesion.
34. D. Mediastinoscopy involves operating on an area covered with blood vessels and
nerves. The complications include reflex bradycardia due to vagal stimulation,
bleeding from damage to the great vessels, pneumothorax, air embolism, post-op
hoarseness due to recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, and phrenic nerve injury. A false
drop in blood pressure may be observed due to compression of the innominate artery
if the arterial line is placed on the right arm. A spontaneously breathing patient with
head end elevated is also at risk for a pneumothorax that presents postoperatively.
35. D. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a condition in which patients produce
excessive quantities of surfactant and fail to clear it, producing bilateral lung
involvement and recurrent pneumonias. Bronchoalveolar lavage is performed in these
patients for severe hypoxemia or worsening dyspnea. They undergo sequential lung
lavages interspaced by a few days with the worse lung getting lavage first. It is an
absolute indication for lung isolation. If both lungs are lavaged during the same
procedure, it significantly impairs effective oxygenation.
Lung isolation for unilateral bronchoalveolar lavage is obtained by a double-lumen
tube under general anesthesia. Proper positioning of the tube by bronchoscopy is
normally done in the supine position; lavaging a dependent lung in a lateral position
helps to minimize soiling of the nondependent lung, but the ventilation–perfusion
mismatch caused by ventilating a nondependent lung which is not perfused is severe
and makes this clinically impossible. Warm normal saline is infused into the lung to
be treated and is drained by gravity; treatment continues until the fluid returning is
clear (about 10–20 L). Patient can be extubated after carefully suctioning out both
the lungs or the double-lumen tube is replaced by a single-lumen tube at the end of
36. B. Right-ventricular failure caused by increase in right-sided afterload (increased
pulmonary artery resistance) may recover after isolated lung transplantation, and they
do not require combined heart–lung transplantation. Such is not the case in patients
with Eisenmenger syndrome who require combined heart–lung transplantation.
However, normal left-ventricular function and absence of significant coronary artery
disease or other serious health problems is ensured before lung transplantation, as the
wait list of patients for the organs are long. Respiratory failure caused by cystic
fibrosis, bullous emphysema, or vascular diseases are usually bilateral and
necessitate a double-lung transplant. It can be done using cardiopulmonary bypass or
sequentially using one-lung ventilation depending on the pulmonary artery pressures
and the ventricular function. Single-lung transplantation is being increasingly
performed for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Organ selection
is based on size, ABO compatibility, and cytomegalovirus serology matching.
37. A. A newly transplanted lung lacks the neural innervation, lymphatic drainage, and
bronchial circulation, which were present in the explanted lung. Central respiratory
pattern generated by centers in the brain stem is unaffected. Hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction, mediated locally is also unaffected. However, loss of lymphatic
drainage increases extravascular lung water and predisposes the transplanted lung to
pulmonary edema. Fluid restriction is fairly common after lung transplantation to
prevent this from happening. Although some patients develop bronchial
hyperreactivity, cough reflex is abolished below the carina. These patients usually
get postoperative bronchoscopy to assess bronchial suture line, as they are prone for
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