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add thimerosal (0.001%) or sodium azide

(0.01%) to the specimen and store at 2–8°C up to 72 hours.

Do not use grossly contaminated specimens and if the

specimen is cloudy or bloody, centrifuge at 1000 rpm

(125 g) for one minute and use clear supernatant for


Semi-quantitative Method

Specimens collected over a 24-hours period should be

pooled in a clean detergent free container and refrigerated

at 2–8°C. Thimerosal (0.001%) or sodium azide (0.01%) are

recommended as urine preservatives.

Material Provided with the Kit

Reagent Pack

Anti-beta human chorionic gonadotropic antibody (mouse

monoclonal), hCG latex antigen.

Accessories Pack

Glass slide with three reaction circles, pipettes for dispensing

urine specimen, mixing sticks, rubber teats.

Additional Material Required

Positive and negative urine controls, isotonic saline, a high

intensity direct light source, stopwatch.

414 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Test Procedure

Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature before


Qualitative Method

1. Place one drop of urine (specimen or control) on the

glass slide using a disposable pipette provided with

the kit. Deliver the drop vertically.

2. Add one drop of anti-beta hCG antibody to the drop

of urine on the slide. Deliver the drop vertically.

3. Using a mixing stick, mix the antibody and urine

uniformly over the entire circle for 30 seconds.

4. Add one drop of latex reagent to the mixture. Mix

uniformly over the entire circle. Do not let the dropper

tip touch the liquid on the slide.

5. Immediately start a stopwatch. Rock the slide gently

back and forth, observing for agglutination macroscopically at 3 minutes.

Semi-quantitative Method

1. Measure and record the total volume of patient urine

collected over a 24-hour period.

2. Using isotonic saline, prepare progressive dilutions from an aliquot of collected urine specimen.

(1:2,1:4,1:8 and so on.)

3. Perform the qualitative test procedure using each

dilution as specimen.

Interpretation of Results

Qualitative Method

Agglutination is a negative test result indicating the

absence of detectable levels of hCG.

No agglutination is a positive test result indicating the

presence of detectable levels of hCG.

Semi-quantitative Method

No agglutination in the highest urine dilution corresponds

to the amount of hCG/mL. To calculate the concentration

of hCG in the specimen, use the following formula, hCG =

S × D

where, S = sensitivity of the test, i.e. 0.3 IU/mL

D = highest dilution of urine showing no agglutination.

For determining 24 hour hCG concentration, use the

following formula, hCG 24 hours = S × D × V where, V =

volume of 24 hours urine specimen.


1. Patient specimens, in pathological conditions such as

a hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma or testicular

tumor, may contain hCG and produce a positive test

result not necessarily indicating a pregnancy.

2. Values of hCG greater than 250 IU/mL, 110 days after

LMP, suggest the presence of a pathological condition

such as a hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma.

3. Use only urine as test specimen. Do not use serum.

4. It is recommended that results of the tests should be

correlated with clinical findings to arrive at the final



(Foresight from Tulip Group of Companies)

Direct Latex Agglutination Method


Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone

produced by viable placental tissue during pregnancy,

is excreted in urine approximately 20 days after the last

menstrual period. The levels of hCG rise rapidly reaching

peak levels after 60 to 80 days and then the hCG levels fall

suddenly and eventually plateau out.

The hCG molecule consists of two combined dissimilar

subunits namely, alpha and beta. The alpha subunit is

practically identical to the alpha subunit of luteinizing

hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and

thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The beta subunit

of hCG, by virtue of its unique amino acid sequence and

content, confers biological and immunological specificity

to the entire hCG molecule.

The appearance of hCG in urine soon after conception

and its rapid rise in concentration makes it an ideal marker

for detection and confirmation of pregnancy. However,

elevated hCG levels are frequently associated with

trophoblastic and non-trophoblastic neoplasms, these

conditions should be considered before a diagnosis of

pregnancy can be made. Foresight slide test for pregnancy

employs monoclonal antibodies specific to the beta

subunit of hCG.


1. Foresight latex reagent: A uniform suspension of

polystyrene latex particles coated with beta hCG

specific mouse monoclonal antibodies.

2. Positive control, reactive with the Foresight latex


3. Negative control, non-reactive with the Foresight latex


Each batch of reagent undergoes rigorous quality

control at various stages of manufacture for its specificity,

sensitivity and performance.

Pregnancy Tests 415

Reagent Storage and Stability

Store the reagent at 2–8°C. Do not freeze.

The shelf-life of reagent is as per the expiry date

mentioned on the reagent vial label.


Foresight slide test for pregnancy utilizes the principle

of direct latex agglutination. The urine specimen to be

tested is mixed with the latex reagent coated with beta

hCG specific mouse monoclonal antibodies and mixture

is allowed to react. When the urine specimen is from a

pregnant woman and contains at least 0.2 lU/mL of hCG,

it reacts with latex reagent coated with anti-beta hCG

causing agglutination.

When the urine specimen is from a non-pregnant

woman and does not contain hCG it does not react with the

latex reagent coated with beta hCG specific monoclonal

antibodies and hence no agglutination is observed.


1. In vitro diagnostic reagent for laboratory and

professional use only. Not for medicinal use.

2. Reagent contains 0.1% sodium azide as preservative.

Avoid contact with skin and mucosa. On disposal flush

with large quantities of water.

3. The reagent can be damaged due to microbial contamination or on exposure to extreme temperatures. It

is recommended that the performance of the reagent

should be verified by testing with known positive and

negative urine controls.

4. Do not interchange vial droppers/caps.

5. Shake the latex reagent vial well before use to disperse

the latex particles uniformly and improve test


6. Only a clean and dry glass slide must be used. Clean

the slide with distilled water and wipe dry. Do not use

detergents, soaps, or organic solvents to clean the slide.

7. Accessories provided with the kit only must be used

for optimum results.

Specimen Collection and Preparation

Qualitative Method

Though random urine specimens can be used, first

morning urine specimen is preferable. Specimens should

be collected in clean glass or plastic containers free of

detergents. Specimens should be tested immediately

preferably within 12 hours of collection. Should a delay

in testing occur, add thimerosal (0.001%) or sodium azide

(0.01%) to the specimen and store at 2–8°C up to 72 hours.

Do not use grossly contaminated specimens and if the

specimen is cloudy or bloody, centrifuge at 1000 rpm

(125 g) for one minute and use clear supernatant for


Semi-quantitative Method

Specimens collected over a 24-hour period should be

pooled in a clean detergent free container and refrigerated

at 2–8°C. Thimerosal (0.001%) or sodium azide (0.01%) are

recommended as urine preservatives.

Material Provided with the Kit

Latex reagent coated with beta hCG-specific mouse

monoclonal antibodies, Positive control, negative

control, glass slide with three reaction circles, Pipettes for

dispensing urine specimen, mixing sticks, rubber teats.

Additional Material Required

Isotonic saline, A high intensity direct light source,


Test Procedure

Bring reagent and urine specimen to room temperature

before testing.

Qualitative Method

1. Place one drop of urine (specimen or control) on

the glass slide using the disposable pipette provided

with the kit. Deliver the drop by holding the dropper


2. Even for dispensing controls, the use of sample

dispensing pipettes is recommended.

3. Add one drop of latex reagent to the specimen. Mix

uniformly over the entire circle. Do not let the dropper

tip touch the liquid on the slide.

4. Immediately start the stopwatch. Rock the slide

gently back and forth, observing for agglutination

macroscopically at 2 minutes.

Semi-quantitative Method

Measure and record the total volume of patient’s urine

collected over a 24-hour period. Using isotonic saline,

prepare progressive dilutions from an aliquot of collected

urine specimen (1:2, 1:4, 1:8 and so on). Perform the

qualitative test procedure using each dilution as specimen.

Interpretation of Test Results

Qualitative Method

Agglutination is a positive test result and indicates

presence of detectable levels of hCG in the specimen

indicating pregnancy. No agglutination is a negative test

result and indicates absence of detectable levels of hCG.

416 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Semi-quantitative Method

To calculate the concentration of hCG in the specimen,

use the following formula:

hCG = S × D

where, S = Sensitivity of the test, i.e. 0.2 IU/mL

D = Highest dilution of urine under test showing



1. Patient specimen, in pathological conditions such as

hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma, may contain

hCG and produce a positive test result not necessarily

indicating a pregnancy.

2. During the first trimester of a normal pregnancy, hCG

levels as high as 160–180 lU/mL may be obtained.

3. Values of hCG greater than 250 lU/mL, 110 days

after LMP, may suggest the presence of pathological

condition such as hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma.

4. Foresight is designed to detect hCG levels attained

during the course of a normal pregnancy. As in case

of similar pregnancy tests, prozoning may occur with

hCG levels above 260 lU/mL.

5. Use only urine as test specimen. Do not use serum.

6. It is recommended that results of the tests should be

correlated with clinical findings to arrive at the final


7. If the result is negative and pregnancy is still suspected,

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