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Blood Banking



The ABO and Rh are the major (clinically significant) blood

group antigens though almost 400 of them have been

recognized. Given below are the more important blood

group systems:

1. ABO, 2. Rhesus, 3. Dell, 4. Duffy, 5. Kidd, 6. Lutheran,

7. Lewis, 8. P, 9. MNS, 10. I. (All of the above if mismatched

can cause hemolytic transfusion reaction and 1 to 6 can be

responsible for hemolytic disease of the newborn).


Naturally Occurring Antibodies

Under normal circumstances, the newborn has no ABO

antibodies. However, after 10–20 weeks later, moderate

amount of antibodies are present which appear without any

specific antigenic stimulus. So, these are called naturally

occurring antibodies. Anti-A and anti-B are important

examples of this class. They are IgM immunoglobulins,

they react optimally at room temperature, they are also

called cold antibodies. They are complete antibodies in

serological behaviors, because these antibodies readily

agglutinate the red cells carrying the corresponding

antigen in saline.

Immune antibodies are produced in response to

immunization by either transfusion or pregnancy.

They are usually IgG antibodies, they react best at body

temperature—37°C and are called warm antibodies. Rh

antibody (anti-D) is important immune antibody. They are

often called incomplete antibodies as they do not cause

agglutination of red cells with corresponding antigen in

saline. These antibodies cause only sensitization or coating

of the red cells.

In 1900, Karl Landsteiner discovered the blood

groups ABO and classified blood into A, B and O groups.

A fourth blood group ‘AB’ was discovered by Landsteiner’s

associates, Von Decastello and Struli in 1902.

The four blood groups are determined by the presence

or absence of blood group antigens (agglutinogens) on red

blood cells and accordingly an individual’s group is A, B,

AB or O (O denotes absence of A or B antigens). In addition,

it has been shown that corresponding to antigen A and

B, there are naturally occurring antibodies anti-A and

anti-B (agglutinins) in the plasma/serum of individuals

whose red cells lack the corresponding antigen. Group A

individuals have anti-B, group B individuals have anti-A,

group, O individuals have both anti-A and anti-B and group

AB individuals have no agglutinins in plasma/serum.

It was further shown that Group A could be subdivided

into two principal subgroups A1 and A2. On the basis of

this, ABO system is divided in six main groups A1, A2, B,

A1B, A2B and O.

Genetics of ABO System (Table 11.1)

The ABO system follows Mendelian law of inheritance.

The locus for ABO grouping is a chromosome 9, which

is occupied by one of three major allelic genes namely,

A, B and O. Each individual has a pair of chromosomes

(one from each parent). The A and B genes are dominant,

while O gene is recessive, thus, not detected directly and

accordingly absence of A and B antigens on red cells

indicates ‘O’ blood group (Fig. 11.1).

TABLE 11.1: The ABO antigens and corresponding antibodies

Antigen on RBC Antibody in Plasma/serum Bloodgroup

A anti-B A

B anti-A B

AB none AB

None anti-A and anti-B O

318 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations


The expression of A and B genes appears to be dependent

on another gene called H gene. H gene is inherited,

independent of A, B and O genes. H gene is expressed as

both homozygous (HH) and heterozygous (Hh). When

no H gene is inherited, a (hh) phenotype results which is

extremely rare. This is commonly called Bombay group.

Bombay group individuals are homozygous for hh gene.

As shown in Figure 11.2, there is a basic precursor

substance which is converted to H substance by an enzyme

L. Fucosyltransferase (a product of H gene).

H substance is next acted upon by A and/or B gene

specified transferase enzyme and is converted to A and/or

B antigens. The ‘O’ gene is an amorph (no gene product)

and thus, group ‘O’ cells enter only H substance.

The persons with genetic configuration of ‘hh’ cannot act

on the precursor substance and the precursor substance

remains unaltered. Since no H substance is produced, the

ABO genes remain inactive and there is no conversion to

A, B or H antigen (These are the persons called Bombay


Subgroups of A and AB

Anti-A serum very seldom differentiates between A1 and

A2. For this reason, we use human anti-A1 and lectin anti-A

which agglutinate A1 and A1B cells but not A2 and A2B cells.

About 20% of persons with A antigen in A or AB group are

A2 or A2B.

It is not necessary to classify group A patient or donors

as A1 or A2 except when the individual serum contains

anti-A1. Anti-A1 occurs in the serum of 1–8% of A2 group

persons and 22–35% of A2B group persons.

Anti-A1 causes discrepancies between ABO cell and

serum groupings and may cause crossmatch incompatibilities, but it is considered clinically significant if it reacts

at 37°C.

Subgroups weaker than A2 occur infrequently. They

are characterized by declining number of ‘A’ antigens on

red cells and reciprocal increase in H reactivity. Weaker

variants of A are A3, Ax, Am and A intermediate.

Subgroups of B

Subgroups of B are clinically not significant, but they can

be Bx and Bm type.

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