glassware for turbidity. Ensure that clean and dry glassware and micropipettes are used
reagent is stored at the recommended temperature
9. Contaminated/wet micropipette Ensure that clean and dry tips are used for retrieving the reagent
tips used for retrieving the reagent
11. Significant levels of heparin and elevated
levels of fibrinogen degradation products
Clinical Hematology: Bleeding Disorders 315
of anticoagulants and also on the time collection and the last dose of anticoagulant
lag between specimen collection and the
Problem: Shortened Clotting Time
1. Broken glassware allowing silica Ensure that broken glassware is not used for testing purposes
to trigger the clotting reaction
fibrinogen concentration below with a firm clot with normal plasma as a control will eliminate the
normal possibility of confusion.
Fibrinogen Degradation Products (D-Dimer) Estimation XL-FDP®
Problem: False Positive Results
1. Markedly lipemic, hemolyzed Avoid using lipemic, hemolyzed and contaminated samples for testing
and contaminated serum samples
could produce nonspecific results
the glass slide used dry glass slides must be used for testing
positive control/positive sample taken on the slide during dispensing of the reagent
in the latex reagent into the reagent vial
• During slide test with negative control Ensure that no reagent is left behind in the dropper.
Close the cap of the reagent vial properly and store it back at 2–8°C
• In the dropper of the vial (due to freezing Do not freeze the reagent vial
of the latex reagent during storage)
fibrin deposition and lysis has final diagnosis
been reported in diverse clinical
conditions such as trauma, surgery,
Problem: False Negative Results
1. Serum is used as test specimen Always use plasma as test specimen for performing the test
due to microbial contamination is working then the positive control may have deteriorated
to interpret the test readability
prozoning. Determine the titer. Dispense exact amount of sample as mentioned in the package insert
of time are used as specimens week at 2–8°C
6. In PE, if the clots are of small
released from very small clots
may be diluted by the circulation
and not undergoing active levels in the patient
fibrin desposition and plasmin
activation may not give detectable D
8. In case of hereditary, acquired
9. If the conclusion of false Run the test with a third kit to validate results
negative result has been arrived
kit, then this other kit could be
giving a false positive reaction
Problem: Positive Control Giving Negative Reaction
deteriorated due to contamina- reagent is working then the positive control may have deteriorated
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