1. Therapeutic: To reduce intraabdominal pressure in
patients with massive ascites causing cardiorespiratory
2. Diagnostic: To aid in determining the etiology of neonatal ascites and/or peritonitis
a. Necrotizing enterocolitis with suspicion of
gangrene or perforation: Presence of fecal matter
or bacteria and white blood cells on a smear (1–3)
b. Hepatic ascites: Comparison of serum and ascitic
albumin levels, cell count, and culture in diagnosis
of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (4,5)
d. Urinary ascites: Test for creatinine content (6)
e. Meconium peritonitis: Gross appearance of
f. Biliary ascites: Test for bilirubin level
g. Pancreatic ascites: Test for amylase, lipase levels (8)
i. Inborn errors of metabolism (sialic acid storage disorders): Test for vacuolated lymphocytes
j. Iatrogenic ascites from extravasation of fluid
from central venous catheters: Test for glucose
Coagulopathy is a relative contraindication; the procedure
whether administration of blood products is necessary (4,11).
1. 24- or 25-gauge catheter over a needle (e.g., Angiocath)
3. Skin topical disinfectant (e.g., povidone–iodine,
8. Collection tubes and specimen containers for fluid
glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, amylase, bilirubin,
creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, electrolytes, specific
gravity, pH, cholesterol, triglycerides
1. Obtain appropriate informed consent and time out
2. Place a soft support (“bump”) is placed under the supine
neonate’s left flank to allow as much of the fluid to drain
into a dependent position and allow the intestines to
float away from the right lower quadrant (Fig. 26.1).
3. Prepare the right lower quadrant with the disinfecting
solution and drape with sterile towels.
4. Select a point between the umbilicus and the anterior
risk to the bladder and a patent umbilical vein, and
avoid previous surgical scars to minimize risk of bowel
injury. An infraumbilical position avoids the liver and
5. Infiltrate the skin, muscles, and peritoneum with local
anesthetic using the tuberculin syringe.
6. Connect the 10-mL syringe to the 24-gauge catheter
7. Direct the catheter toward the back at a 45-degree angle
(Fig. 26.2). The nondominant hand may be used to
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