66 Section II ■ Physiologic Monitoring
(5) Because the measurements of the change in
absorption are made during a pulse (systole), these
pulses are counted and displayed as heart rate.
1. Noninvasive continuous or intermittent arterial oxygen
saturation and heart rate monitoring
2. To monitor oxygenation in infants suffering from conditions associated with
3. To monitor response to therapy
Pulse oximetry is a necessary adjunct to monitoring in the delivery room. With the use of pulse
oximetry, SpO2 values can be obtained within
1 minute after birth (4–8) (Fig. 10.4).
b. Monitoring effectiveness of bag and mask ventilation or during placement of an endotracheal tube
4. To monitor side effects of other therapy
a. Endotracheal tube suctioning
b. Positioning for laryngoscopy, spinal tap, etc.
Fig. 10.1. Arterial PO2 versus pulse oximeter percent saturation
in near-term newborn infants in whom pulse saturation was fixed
by adjusting FiO2 first and then measuring PaO2. Values are means
Fig. 10.2. Factors affecting hemoglobin–oxygen affinity. 2,3-
DPG, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. (From Hay WW Jr. Physiology of
oxygenation and its relation to pulse oximetry in neonates. J
Perinatol. 1987;7:309, with permission.)
Fig. 10.3. Tissue composite showing dynamic as well as static
components affecting light absorption. (From Wukitch MW, Petterson
MT, Tobler DR, et al. Pulse oximetry: analysis of theory, technology
and practice. J Clin Monit. 1988;4:290, with permission.)
d. The different absorption of the wavelengths when
transmitted through tissue, pulsatile blood, and nonpulsatile blood are utilized (Fig. 10.3).
(1) The photodetector measures the level of light
that passes through without being absorbed.
absorption of tissue and nonpulsatile blood.
(3) With each heartbeat, a pulse of oxygenated
blood flows to the sensor site.
(4) Absorption during systole of both the red and
the infrared light is measured to determine the
are means ± SD. (From House JT, Schultetus RR, Gravenstein N.
Continuous neonatal evaluation in the delivery room by pulse
oximetry. J Clin Monit. 1987;3:96, with permission.)
Chapter 10 ■ Continuous Blood Gas Monitoring 67
5. For extremely low-birthweight infants <1,000 g (9–11)
noninvasiveness. Pulse oximetry can be used reliably in
very low-birthweight infants with acute as well as
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