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 المجموعة الثالثه من الــ Anti-Series


Sara Ahmed 

{1} Antithyroid microsomal antibodies Endocrinology Antibodies directed against components of thyroid microsomes, in particular peroxidase; AMAs are the most useful of antithyroid antibodies as they are often present in thyroid disease, and in higher titers than those for antithyroglobulin antibodies, especially in younger Pts; AMAs are present in Hashimoto's thyroiditis-99% positive, Graves' disease-80%, hypothyroidism, atrophic thyroiditis, and are ↑ in the elderly.


Mohamed El-Zokaki

 2-(AMH) Anti Mullerian hormone 

هذا اهرمون يفرز من المبايض يبين مخزون البويضات فى المبيض للمرأة ، وقله هذا الهرمون أو وجود ارتفاع في هرمون ال FSH (اكثر من ١٠) يدل على ضعف المبايض، حيث تكون فرص الحمل قليله نوعا ما وكله بإرادة الله

يتكون AMH في الخلايا الحبيبية Granulosa cells في المبيض عند سن البلوغ وينخفض مستواه بعد ذلك عند بدء دورات الطمث إلى أن يختفي عند سن اليأس.

خلال التكون الجنيني 

إفراز AMH في سن النشاط التناسلي يضبط تشكيل البويضات الابتدائية عن طريق تثبيط التفعيل الزائد بفعل الهرمون FSH، .

من أجل ذلك هرمون AMH دور في عملية تكون الحويصلات، لذا يقترح بعض الباحثين أن قياس AMH يفيد في تقييم وظيفة المبيض في متلازمة المبيض متعدد الكيسات Polycystic ovary syndrome وقصور المبيض أو اى مرض مصاحب للمبايض والرحم وقنوات فالوب

وهذا الهرمون للإناث يوجد في مرحلة البلوغ والنضوج. تفرزه خلايا المبيض لتنشيط وزيادة فاعلية البويضات في مراحلها التكوينية الأولى وهو الذي يسبب عمل هرمون FSH وهو الهرمون الرئيسي لتنضيج البويضات . لذا يعتقد الباحثون أن قياس هرمون AMH له دلائل على مخزون البويضات وتنضيجها أدق من دلائل هرمون FSH . ويسعي الباحثون من الاستفادة من هذا الهرمون لعلاج حالات التي تصيب المبيض مثل تكيسات المبيض والبطانة المهاجره والخلايا النشطة التي تسبب تليف للرحم والمبيض . واغلب نتائج الأبحاث والدراسات تشير أن هرمون AMH المتدني قد يفسر حالات عدم استجابة المبيض للمنشطات في عمليات الحقن الصناعي والحقن المجهري حيث أن هناك علاقة مباشره بين انخفاض نسبة الهرمون مع انخفاض معدلات الاستجابة للمبيض مما يجعل بعض المراكز لإجراء تحليل AMH قبل البدء بالعلاجات .




هذا الهرمون تفرزه خلايا المبيض لتنشيط وزيادة فاعلية البويضات في مراحلها التكوينية الأولى وهو الذي يسبب عمل هرمون FSHوهو الهرمون الرئيسي لتنضيج البويضات .

لذا يعتقد الباحثون أن قياس هرمون AMH له دلائل على مخزون البويضات وتنضيجها أدق من دلائل هرمون FSH .

ويسعي الباحثون من الاستفادة من هذا الهرمون لعلاج حالات التي تصيب المبيض مثل تكيسات المبيض والبطانة المهاجره والخلايا النشطة التي تسبب تليف للرحم والمبيض .

واغلب نتائج الأبحاث والدراسات تشير أن هرمون AMHالمتدني قد يفسر حالات عدم استجابة المبيض للمنشطات في عمليات الحقن الصناعي والحقن المجهري

حيث أن هناك علاقة مباشره بين انخفاض نسبة الهرمون مع انخفاض معدلات الاستجابة للمبيض مما حدي بعض المراكز لإجراء تحليل AMH قبل البدء بالعلاجات .


Safa'a Ali

 5-Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody Also know

1. Antinuclear Antibody

2. Small Vessel Vasculitis 

• Indications

1. Small Vessel Vasculitis

2. Wegener's Granulomatosis suspected (cANCA)

• Mechanism

1. Antibodies bind to cytoplasmic region of Neutrophils

• Labs 

1. Cytospin preparations of Neutrophils are permeabilized

2. Binding of serum antibodies assessed as with ANA

• Labs: Interpretation

1. C-ANCA (Cytoplasmic: PR3-ANCA)

1. Classic, Diffuse, fine granular cytoplasmic staining

2. Antibodies directed to Proteinase-3 antigen (PR3)

2. P-ANCA (Peri-nuclear: MPO-ANCA)

1. Perinuclear pattern

2. Antibodies to Myeloperoxidase (MPO)

• Associated Conditions


1. Wegener's Granulomatosis (Very Strongly associated)

1. Positive in 75-98% of patients with Wegener's

2. Sensitivity drops to 30% during remission

2. Crescentic Glomerulonephritis (moderately associated)

3. Polyarteritis Nodosa (Weakly associated)


1. Crescentic Glomerulonephritis (Strongly associated)

2. Polyarteritis Nodosa (Moderately associated)

3. Churg-StraussVasculitis (Moderately associated)

4. Wegener's Granulomatosis (Weakly associated)

5. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (Possibly associated)

6. Temporal Arteritis (Possibly associated)


Mohamed Mahmoud Mobarez )

9----The importance of anti-reticulin antibodies (ARA)--R1 pattern--has been evaluated as a diagnostic and monitoring test for childhood coeliac disease. A prospective study was performed in 140 patients: : 68 children with coeliac disease, 32 with miscellaneous diarrhoea, and 40 controls. An indirect immunofluorescent test was used for ARA screening. The indirect correlation found in our study between the presence of ARA and coeliac disease in children on a normal diet and after gluten challenge and between the absence of ARA and coeliac disease in children on a gluten-free diet seems to be of value in the diagnosis of coeliac disease and in monitoring the response to treatment in coeliac disease children.


Ghada Khidiwe 6-

Definition is a blood test that looks for antibodies against the parietal cells of the stomach. The parietal cells make and release a substance that the body needs to absorb vitamin B12.

Alternative Names

APCA; Anti-gastric parietal cell antibodies

 the Test is Performed to help diagnose pernicious anemia. Other tests are also used to help with the diagnosis.

Normal Results

A negative result is normal.

A positive test result is abnormal. This may be due to:

Atrophic gastritis Diabetes Gastric ulcer Pernicious anemia

Thyroid disease


Mohamed El-Zokaki 7-8-

 Platelet Antibody, Direct, 


 Thrombocytopenia differential diagnosis

Thrombocytopenia is caused by inherited disorders and immune or nonimmune-related acquired disorders. Platelet autoantibodies directed against intrinsic platelet antigens (glycoproteins), immune complexes, drug-protein immune complexes, or other antigens binding the platelet surface can help differentiate between immune and nonimmune disorders. Two methods are available for direct platelet antibody detection. The flow cytometry method is suggested as an initial screen due to its superior sensitivity; it detects any platelet-associated IgG immunoglobulins that may be present in immune or non-immune thrombocytopenia. Positive flow cytometry results should be confirmed with the more specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) which detects only glycoprotein-specific platelet antibodies (GP IIb/IIIa, GP Ib/IX, GP Ia/IIa) that are associated with immune thrombocytopenia.


This flow cytometric procedure utilizes 2-color immunofluorescence to detect the presence of antibodies bound to antigens on the platelet surface. Following preparation of a platelet-rich plasma, platelets are incubated with a phycoerythrin-conjugated monoclonal anti-platelet antibody (anti-CD61) and a FITC-conjugated goat anti-human IgG antibody. 

Platelets positive for bound antibodies will fluoresce and be detected by flow cytometry. The results are reported as negative, borderline, or positive.


Platelet Antibodies, Indirect 


Not recommended for the diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Use to detect platelet-specific antibodies in suspected fetal or neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, posttransfusion purpura, or multiplatelet transfusion refractoriness. Preferred test is Platelet Antibodies, Indirect with Reflex to Identification (0051718).


Semi-Quantitative Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay


Chemist Nour

 10 - Anti Ri Synonyms: Anti-neuronal nuclear antibody type 2 (ANNA-2) Not all patients present opsoclonus but the majority develop other symptoms of brainstem involvement characterized by supranuclear gaze palsies, parkinsonism, rigidity, dizziness, dysarthria, and dysphagia. 

 Tumor associations:

Breast cancer or small-cell lung cancer (SCLC).

Frequency of anti-Ri antibodies in patients with suspected paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) without evidence of cancer: 3%

Frequency of anti-Ri antibodies in patients with cancer without PNS: 

4% in a series of 161 patients with ovarian cancer. Frequency in breast cancer or SCLC is unknown.


Chemist Nour Anti-Scl-70 (also called anti-topoisomerase I after the type I topoisomerase target) is an anti-topoisomerase antibody-type of anti-nuclear autoantibodies, seen mainly in diffuse systemic scleroderma (with a sensitivity of 28–70%), but is also seen in 10–18% of cases of the more limited form of systemic scleroderma called CREST syndrome. Anti Scl-70 antibodies are associated with more severe scleroderma disease.

The etymology of scl-70 consists of an abbreviation of scleroderma and a 70 kD extractable immunoreactive fragment that can be obtained from the otherwise larger (100–105 kD) target topoisomerase antigen (called the SCL-70 Antigen) of the antibodies.


Mohamed El-Zokaki 4- Anti-Myelin antibody 

Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) functions in the nervous system in myelination and is expressed in oligodendrocytes following differentiation. There are numerous isoforms generated by differential splicing events and post-translational modifications that have specialized functions. These functions include participation in signaling pathways prior to myelination, myelination or the re-myelination process following neural injury.

This is the major myelin protein from the central nervous system. It plays an important role in the formation or maintenance of the multilamellar structure of myelin.

Oligodendrocyte Marker, Neuronal Marker

Immunogen Reacts with residues 49-62 of Isoforms 5 and 6 of the human protein. The immunogen corresponds to Isoform 1 between amino acids 182-195 of the 33 kDa isoform. The antibody also detects mouse and rat MBP protein. The antibody primarily detects a 22 kDa band.


Amin Gamal Amin 

3- Anti muscle specific kinase


MuSK (for Muscle-Specific Kinase) is a receptor tyrosine kinase required for the formation of the neuromuscular junction. It is activated by a nerve-derived proteoglycan called agrin.


Antibodies directed against this protein are found in those patients with myasthenia gravis not demonstrating antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (sero-negative).


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