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An example is the use of CNI in combination with ACE inhibitors. Because both

classes of agents can cause hyperkalemia and potentially decrease renal function,

toxicity may be more pronounced when given in combination.

78 Pharmacodynamic

drug interactions are usually more difficult to identify and require a thorough

knowledge of the pharmacologic effects of the agents. Often, little or no information

in the literature on these types of interactions exists to guide the clinician in

determining whether this drug interaction will occur. As a general rule, if an agent is

known to cause a particular toxicity that is similar to a toxicity associated with the

immunosuppressant agent, then there is a high likelihood that a pharmacodynamic

interaction will occur. Another example is an interaction between metoclopramide

and MMF. Both agents are known to cause diarrhea, and a higher incidence or

severity of diarrhea likely occurs when these agents are used together.


Table 34-2

Immunosuppressant Drug Interactions

Immunosuppressant Interacting Drugs Mechanism Consequence



Calcineurin inhibitors

(cyclosporine and

tacrolimus), sirolimus

and everolimus











fluconazole, voriconazole,


fluoxetine, fluvoxamine,

citalopram, nefazodone,



a verapamil,







a grapefruit juice,


amiodarone, saquinavir,

nelfinavir, indinavir,

amprenavir, chloramphenicol


Inhibit CYP 3A

isoenzyme in the

liver and


Increase the


concentration of

the IS.



decrease the IS

dose or monitor



and AUC more

closely and adjust



Calcineurin inhibitors

(cyclosporine and

tacrolimus), sirolimus

and everolimus





a phenytoin,







a efavirenz,



a nafcillin,


Induce CYP 3A4

isoenzyme in the

liver and


Decrease the


concentration of

the IS.



increase the IS

dose or monitor



and AUC more

closely and adjust



Calcineurin inhibitors

(cyclosporine and

tacrolimus), sirolimus,


mofetil, and

mycophenolate sodium

Cholestyramine, colestipol,

probucol, sevelamer, antacids

(magnesium and aluminum

containing), iron-containing


Bind to IS and



Decrease the


concentration of

the IS.




with IS and

monitor trough


Azathioprine Allopurinol Inhibit metabolism

by inhibiting

xanthine oxidase.

Increase the


concentration of


Avoid use

together or



azathioprine dose

to one-third or

one-fourth normal

dose and monitor

for increased


aThese are considered either potent inhibitors or inducers.

AUC, area under the curve; CYP, cytochrome P-450; IS, immunosuppressant.

p. 739

p. 740

It is important to be alert for drugs with pharmacologic effects that may alter the

efficacy of an immunosuppressant.

77 For example, a drug with immunosuppressant

properties, such as cyclophosphamide, could lead to overimmunosuppression of the

transplant recipient and a higher incidence or severity of opportunistic infections.

Conversely, a drug with immunostimulant properties, such as the herbal medication

echinacea, may reduce the efficacy of the immunosuppressant agent and increase the

risk of rejection in the transplant recipient.

76,77 Although agents that have

pharmacodynamic drug interactions with the immunosuppressants are not absolutely

contraindicated, transplant recipients should be closely monitored for either

increased risk of drug toxicity or decreased drug efficacy when these agents are used

in combination. When a transplant recipient adds any new medication—whether

prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal—it should be thoroughly researched to

determine whether there is a potential interaction with the immunosuppressant


In C.C., the addition of fluconazole will lead to a pharmacokinetic drug interaction

by inhibiting the cytochrome P-450 3A4 system and may significantly increase

tacrolimus concentrations. This interaction is usually evident within 2 to 5 days, and

a maximal effect is seen within a week of initiating fluconazole. Therefore, C.C.’s

tacrolimus dose should be reduced when fluconazole is started. Tacrolimus blood

levels should be monitored, as should signs and symptoms of toxicity. Fluconazole

could also influence steroid metabolism, but specific recommendations are not

available. In general, drug interactions can be managed and, in some cases, may

require only separate administration times. In other cases, an alternative agent can be

used within a pharmacologic class that does not interact with these agents.

Infection Prophylaxis

CASE 34-9

QUESTION 1: S.C. is a 20-year-old man who underwent liver transplantation for end-stage liver disease

secondary to chronic hepatitis B. Besides his immunosuppressives, he received ampicillin sulbactam 1.5 g every

8 hours for 24 hours perioperatively. After transplantation, he also was started on trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole (TMP–SMX) double-strength (DS, 800/160 mg) one tablet Mondays, Wednesdays, and

Fridays; nystatin 5 mL 3 times a day (TID); lamivudine 100 mg daily; and valganciclovir 900 mg PO daily.

Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) 10,000 IU was started intraoperatively and given every day for 8 days after

transplantation. What is the rationale for the aforementioned agents? Should other measures be considered to

prevent infection?

Infection continues to be a major source of morbidity and mortality. Transplant

recipients have the same risk of infection from transplant surgery as any other patient

having a surgical procedure. The incidence of infections or organ transplant

recipients has decreased since the advent of cyclosporine. Infection rates, however,

remain high—upwards of 50% in transplant recipients.


Prophylactic antimicrobial therapy decreases the risk of surgical infections;

however, prophylactic regimens and antibiotic therapies are highly institutiondependent.

80 Kidney transplant recipients typically receive a first-generation

cephalosporin, such as cefazolin, to cover uropathogens and staphylococci. Usually,

antibiotic prophylaxis is given preoperatively, prior to skin incision and continued

for one to three doses post-transplant. Due to how severely ill a cirrhotic is going

into transplant and the fact that the surgery requires multiple anastomoses in an

nonsterile environment (the bowel), liver transplantations are associated with the

highest rate of life-threatening bacterial infection. Piperacillin–tazobactam commonly

is used to cover staphylococci, enterococci, and Enterobacteriaceae. Duration of

therapy in these patients is individualized, based on the patient’s postoperative

recovery, but usually lasts from 24 for 96 hours post-transplant.


Infections can

occur at any time after transplantation, but there are predictable time patterns for

certain kinds of infections.

79 The time of highest risk for infection in transplant

recipients is during the first 6 months, because they are receiving the highest doses of

immunosuppressive agents during this period. Another time of high risk is during and

after treatment of acute rejection with high-dose immunosuppression. Patients can

acquire new infections (Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia [PJP], CMV), reactivate

old infections (e.g., CMV, BK virus), or experience recurrence of underlying disease

(hepatitis B or C). Opportunistic infections are common during this time, as shown in

Table 34-3. Because the infections shown in Table 34-3 occur at such a high rate, it

is routine to provide specific prophylaxis for many of them. For example, nystatin

suspension 500,000 IU by “swish and swallow” 3 to 4 times a day is commonly used

for 1 month post-transplant in kidney recipients, and fluconazole 100 mg every day is

used to reduce fungal colonization of the GI tract in liver and pancreas transplant

recipients; acyclovir, ganciclovir, valacyclovir, valganciclovir, and

immunoglobulins can be used for CMV and/or herpes virus infections; and TMP–

SMX is used for Pneumocystis prophylaxis. For patients with sulfa allergies,

alternatives, such as dapsone 50 to 100 mg PO daily, inhaled monthly doses of

pentamidine 300 mg and atovaquone are used. These generally are given for the first

3 to 6 months after transplantation and, in some cases, up to 1 year or even for life.


S.C. needs prophylaxis with TMP–SMX for PJP prevention; valganciclovir for CMV

prevention; and HBIG and lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, tenofovir, or telbivudine

to prevent recurrence of hepatitis B.

Table 34-3

Common Opportunistic Infections After Transplantation

Organisms Usual Time of Onset After Transplantation

Cytomegalovirus 1–6 months

Herpes simplex virus 2 weeks–2 months

Epstein–Barr virus 2–6 months

Varicella-zoster virus 2–6 months

Fungal 1–6 months

Mycobacterium 1–6 months

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 1–6 months

Listeria 1 month–indefinitely

Aspergillus 1–4 months

Nocardia 1–4 months

Toxoplasma 1–4 months

Cryptococcus 4 months–indefinitely

Hepatitis B

A major concern for S.C. would be recurrence of hepatitis B in his new liver. If

hepatitis B recurs, it is associated with a poorer outcome. Strategies that have been

effective are the use of lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, telbivudine, and tenofovir

preoperatively and HBIG, with or without oral antiviral therapy, postoperatively.

S.C. was started on lamivudine and HBIG postoperatively because monotherapy with

HBIG is associated with recurrence in 10% to 50% patients, whereas HBIG with

lamivudine has been associated

p. 740

p. 741

with a lower incidence of recurrence compared to HBIG monotherapy. Lamivudine

resistance rates are reported in 15-30% of patients taking this agent per year. In

patients who develop a resistant form of hepatitis B to lamivudine, adefovir,

entecavir, telbivudine, and tenofovir have been shown to be effective. After the first

week of HBIG, S.C. will continue to receive 10,000 IU IV as a 1-hour to 2-hour

infusion weekly for 4 weeks, then 10,000 IU monthly for the first 6 to 12 months after

transplantation. During this time, anti-HBs titers are monitored and kept greater than

500 IU/L. Because HBIG is expensive (up to $50,000 per patient per year) and with

the newer, more potent, oral antivirals available, more transplant centers now target

lower titers (>100 IU/L) and HBIG doses of 1,500 IU intramuscularly every 3 to 4

weeks with lamivudine.


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