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p. 1004

A normal menstrual cycle involves the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary

gland, ovaries, and endometrial lining of the uterus to create hormonal

release. This process results in follicle development, ovulation, and

either pregnancy or menstruation every 28 days (average) during

reproductive life.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous disorder that

presents with signs and symptoms of hyperandrogenism (e.g., acne,

hirsutism) or ovulatory dysfunction.

Case 50-1 (Question 1),

Figure 50-3

Long-term complications of PCOS may include impaired glucose

tolerance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, infertility, endometrial cancer,

and obstructive sleep apnea.

Case 50-1 (Question 2)

Treatment for PCOS involves nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic

management. Pharmacologic management targets the pathophysiologic

aspects of the syndrome and individual goals of treatment. Oral

contraceptives are preferred when contraception is desired; letrozole or

clomiphene citrate is warranted when pregnancy is desired.

Case 50-1 (Questions 3–7),

Table 50-1

Dysmenorrhea, or painful cramping that occurs with the onset and first

days of menstruation, can be categorized as either primary (without

underlying uterine pathology) or secondary as a result of uterine

conditions, including endometriosis, uterine polyps, or fibroids;

complications of intrauterine contraceptive device use; or pelvic

inflammatory disease. A careful history can distinguish most cases of

primary dysmenorrhea that can be effectively treated with over-thecounter medications from secondary dysmenorrhea, which should

always be investigated further for its underlying etiology.

Case 50-2 (Questions 1, 2),

Table 50-2

Dysmenorrhea is the single largest cause of lost productivity and school

absence among adolescent girls. Healthcare providers can play a

significant role in patient education and development of rational

evidence-based drug therapy plans that include nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or hormonal contraceptives to decrease

symptoms and improve functionality.

Case 50-2 (Questions 3–8)

Endometriosis is defined as the presence of functional endometrial tissue

occurring outside the uterine cavity. It is the most common cause of

Case 50-3 (Question 1),

Table 50-3

secondary dysmenorrhea in young women and can result in chronic

pelvic pain, infertility, and dyspareunia. A significant delay in diagnosis

of endometriosis is common and can result in negative effects on

fertility and pain control. Recognition of the potential for a diagnosis of

endometriosis, through a careful history and physical examination, is a

key for clinicians to provide appropriate care.

Pain control in endometriosis is directed at suppression of endometrial

implants that respond to estrogen with bleeding, resulting in subsequent

inflammation and pain. Pharmacologic therapy is directed at reducing

inflammation (via use of NSAIDs) and reduction in estrogen (through

use of hormonal contraception), or the use of gonadotropin-releasing

hormone (GnRH) analogs to induce a pseudomenopausalstate. A

treatment plan should take into account cost, ease of use of therapy, and

the patient’s desire for future fertility.

Case 50-3 (Questions 2–4),

Case 50-4 (Question 1),

Case 50-5 (Question 1),

Table 50-4

p. 1005

p. 1006

Endometriosis treatment plans that include GnRH analogs or aromatase

inhibitors may also require the use of “add-back” therapy. Add-back

therapy is the addition of progestins or estrogens that may be used with

GnRH analogs and aromatase inhibitors to decrease menopausalside

effects including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and decreases in bone


Case 50-4 (Question 1),

Table 50-4

More than 200 premenstrualsymptoms (such as increased energy, libido,

ability to relax, abdominal distension, fatigue, headaches, and crying

spells) have been described as occurring during the days before

menstruation. It is not until the symptoms have a decidedly negative

influence on the physical, psychological, or social function of a woman

that premenstrualsyndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder

(PMDD) exists. Both PMS and PMDD have symptoms that occur in

the luteal phase with resolution within a few days of menstruation,

lasting across at least two menstrual cycles, and disrupt normal


Case 50-6 (Questions 1, 3),

Tables 50-5 and 50-6

Nonprescription options that have been studied and have shown at least

minimal benefit in PMS and PMDD include calcium, magnesium,

pyridoxine, chaste tree or chasteberry, and some mind–body


Case 50-6 (Question 2)

Treatment for PMS and PMDD includes lifestyle modifications,

psychological interventions, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

(SSRIs), other psychotropic medications, oral contraceptives, GnRH

agonists, and danazol. Because serotonin is critical in the pathogenesis

of these disorders, SSRIs have become the treatment of choice for

PMDD and severe PMS.

Case 50-6 (Question 4),

Table 50-7


Feedback biologic mechanisms involving the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland,

ovaries, and endometrial lining of the uterus control the average 28-day menstrual


1–3 The hypothalamus synthesizes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and

secretes the hormone in a pulse-like manner with varying frequencies throughout the

menstrual cycle (typically every 60–90 minutes). GnRH stimulates the anterior

pituitary to produce and release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing

hormone (LH). FSH is important for stimulating growth of ovarian follicles, and LH

is critical for ovulation and sex steroid production. FSH and LH act on the ovaries to

produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen in turn acts on the hypothalamus and

anterior pituitary, in a negative feedback manner, to stop FSH and LH secretion (Fig.


The menstrual cycle can be divided into three phases: the follicular phase,

ovulation, and the luteal phase (Fig. 50-2).

1–3 The day bleeding begins is referred to

as the first day (or day 1) of the menstrual cycle. Bleeding usually occurs from days 1

to 5 of the cycle, although may be longer in some women. The follicular phase begins

at the onset of menstruation and lasts approximately 10 to 14 days (see Fig. 50-2). At

the beginning of this phase, several follicles begin to develop within the ovary. In the

second half of the follicular phase most of the developing follicles atrophy, while the

dominant follicle develops further and produces estrogen in increasing amounts.

Elevated estradiol levels during the ovulatory phase lead to a surge in LH and FSH.

The LH surge is responsible for final-stage growth and maturation of the follicle,

ovulation, and the formation of the corpus luteum. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days

before the last day of the cycle and is followed by the luteal phase. The luteal phase

is 13 to 15 days in duration and is the least variable part of the human reproductive


1 During this progesterone-dominant phase, the corpus luteum produces

progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone prepares the endometrium for implantation

of a fertilized ovum. If implantation does not occur, corpus luteum regression causes

a decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone. When these hormone levels

decrease, the endometrium cannot be maintained and is sloughed off (menstrual

phase). Using the average 28-day cycle as an example, day 28 is the last day of the

cycle and is the day before bleeding begins again for the next menstrual cycle.

Figure 50-1 Menstrual cycle physiology. FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing

hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone. (Adapted with permission from Premkumar K. The Massage Connection:

Anatomy and Physiology. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004.)

p. 1006

p. 1007

Figure 50-2 The menstrual cycle. FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone. (Adapted with

permission from Premkumar K. The Massage Connection: Anatomy and Physiology. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott

Williams & Wilkins; 2004.)


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects approximately 6% to 15%, or

approximately 1 in 10, women of reproductive age, making it the leading cause of

anovulatory infertility and the most common endocrine abnormality for this age


4 This syndrome, or constellation of symptoms, was first described in 1935 by

Stein and Leventhal when they reported infertility and amenorrhea in seven women

with enlarged cystic ovaries.

5 Excessive male-patterned hair growth and obesity

were added later to the description of this syndrome.

6 PCOS also has been referred

to as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, polycystic ovary, polycystic ovarian disease,

hyperandrogenic chronic anovulatory syndrome, and functional ovarian

hyperandrogenism. The name polycystic ovary syndrome has been most widely

accepted because “syndrome” best describes the heterogeneous nature of this

disorder. However, there have been recommendations to change the name because it

focuses on the polycystic ovarian morphology, which is not necessary for diagnosis.


It has been suggested that the name should include the complex metabolic,

hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian, and adrenal interactions of the syndrome.

Diagnostic Criteria

The diagnosis of PCOS is complicated by variations among women presenting signs

and symptoms of PCOS and because precise and uniform criteria for diagnosis have

not been firmly established. Three major diagnostic criteria for PCOS have been

proposed by different organizations.

The initial diagnostic criteria were developed in 1990 during an expert conference

sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health and US National Institute of Child

Health and Human Development. The panel concluded that the major criteria for

PCOS should include (in order of importance) the following: (a) hyperandrogenism

(clinical signs of hyperandrogenism such as hirsutism) or hyperandrogenemia

(biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism such as elevated testosterone levels), (b)

oligo-ovulation (infrequent or irregular ovulation with fewer than nine menses/year),

and (c) exclusion of other known disorders such as hyperprolactinemia, thyroid

abnormalities, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

8 The second set of criteria was

proposed at an expert conference in Rotterdam sponsored by the European Society

for Human Reproduction and Embryology and the American Society for

Reproductive Medicine in 2003.

9 They concluded that the presence of two of these

three features, after exclusion of related disorders, confirmed diagnosis of PCOS: (a)

oligo-ovulation or anovulation, (b) clinical or biochemical signs of

hyperandrogenism, or (c) polycystic ovaries. The third set of criteria was developed

by a task force of the Androgen Excess Society in 2006 with a complete report

including phenotyping in 2009.

10,11 Their criteria include hyperandrogenism

(hirsutism or hyperandrogenemia), ovarian dysfunction (oligo-ovulation or polycystic

ovaries), and exclusion of other androgen excess or related disorders. Recent

practice guidelines support the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosing PCOS.


Criteria for diagnosis of PCOS in adolescence can be difficult to assess due to

typical changes during puberty and are different from those used for older women of

reproductive age.

4 Specifically, all three Rotterdam criteria should be present or

oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea should be present for at least 2 years after menarche

(or primary amenorrhea at age 16 years), the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries on

ultrasound should include increased ovarian size (>10 cm3

), and hyperandrogenemia

rather than just signs of androgen excess should be documented.

Clinical Characteristics

Common clinical signs of hyperandrogenism in PCOS include hirsutism, acne, and

alopecia. Hirsutism, the most common of these characteristics, occurs in 60% to 75%

of women with PCOS.


It is defined as an excess of thickly pigmented body hair in a male pattern

distribution and commonly found on the upper lip, lower abdomen, and around the

nipples. Women seeking

p. 1007

p. 1008

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