Photodamaged skin is characterized as being wrinkled, yellowed, and sagging.
Mildly affected skin becomes irregularly pigmented, rough, and dry, with mild
wrinkles. Moderately affected skin becomes deeply wrinkled, sagging, thickened,
and leathery, with vascular lesions.
131 Largely irreversible, severely affected skin
can become deeply furrowed and permanently (and irregularly) pigmented, and may
manifest premalignant and malignant lesions.
131 Areas of the body most commonly
affected are the face, back of the neck, back of the arms and hands, the V-line of the
neck of women, and balding areas of the head of men.
Clinical Application of Photoaging
QUESTION 1: P.B. is a 38-year-old woman who has enjoyed many outdoor activities over the years. She
other women her age because of wrinkling and color changes of her skin. Her facial color is somewhat
yellowish in appearance, and the fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and mouth have become more
What nonprescription recommendations can you provide P.B. for treatment of her photoaged skin?
Many nonprescription agents known as cosmeceuticals, products marketed as
cosmetic products that contain biologically active ingredients, are targeted at
reducing visible signs of aged skin. These products include α-hydroxy acids, retinol,
ascorbic acid, hyaluronic acid, and lipoic acid. One particular product class widely
used is α-hydroxy acids and polyhydroxy acids. In normal concentrations (5%–17%),
they are included in many products to lessen the appearance of damage; however, in
high concentrations, they are used as facial skin peels because of their keratolytic
properties. They have been shown in studies to reduce skin roughness and
sallowness; however, minimal impact was seen on wrinkles.
acid and lipoic acid have also been shown to improve skin texture and
135–137 whereas a co-enzyme Q10 derivative (idebenone) may reduce skin
roughness and fine lines while increasing skin hydration.
use these products, it should be strongly recommended that they wear at least SPF 15
to 30 because they allow for greater absorption of UVR. These agents are not
regulated by the FDA and therefore do not have substantial evidence supporting their
effectiveness and can be very costly. Emphasis should be placed on protection from
the sun, using photoprotective strategies previously discussed.
CASE 42-5, QUESTION 2: Are there any prescription products that you would recommend to P.B. to
There are several topical retinoids currently available that are derivatives of
vitamin A and are effective for the signs of photoaging (see Chapter 41, Psoriasis).
Tretinoin (all-trans-retinoic acid) is available as a cream (0.02%, 0.025%,
0.0375%, 0.05%, and 0.1%) or gel (0.01%, 0.025%, 0.04% [in microspheres],
0.08% [in microspheres], 0.1% [in microspheres]) and tazarotene (available as a
0.05 or 0.1% cream, 0.1% foam, and a 0.05% or 0.1% gel) are the only two topical
retinoids FDA approved for the treatment of photoaging. These agents are effective in
partially reversing some of the clinical and histologic changes of photoaging by
lessening fine wrinkles, mottled pigmentation, and the tactile roughness associated
with photoaged skin through mechanisms such as inhibition of metalloproteinase
139–142 Additional benefits of retinoid therapy include the formation of new
dermal collagen and vessels, reduction in the number and melanization of freckles,
resorption of degenerated connective tissue fibers, and treatment of premalignant and
In one of the initial trials, all subjects treated (100%)
demonstrated global improvement in the signs of photoaging, with 53% showing
moderate changes and the remainder having at least slight improvement. Of the
clinical parameters assessed, the most impressive improvements were found with
facial skin sallowness, with respondents developing a healthy, rosy glow.
agents are more potent than the retinoids found in over-the-counter products such as
retinyl esters, retinol, and retinaldehyde and therefore produce more profound
CASE 42-5, QUESTION 3: Would P.B. be an appropriate candidate for therapy with a topical retinoid
Topical retinoid therapy is most effective for patients 50 to 70 years of age with
moderate-to-severe photoaging and for prophylactic use in patients undergoing the
initial changes of photoaging.
139 Recently, P.B. has noticed some of the skin changes
consistent with early photoaging and would be a good candidate for prophylactic
therapy with topical tretinoin. Treatment may improve her sallow skin color and
lessen the mottling on her face and forearms and fine wrinkles at the corners of her
eyes and mouth, as well as prevent worsening of the photoaging process that she is
Because both the beneficial and adverse effects of topical retinoid therapy are
dose dependent, the underlying goal is to provide the maximal benefit by using the
highest concentration that causes minimal skin irritation. Considering P.B.’s skin
sensitivity to soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes, her skin is likely to be irritated easily
by topical therapy; therefore, it would be best to initiate therapy with the lowest
strength (e.g., tretinoin 0.025% cream or tazarotene 0.05% cream). These agents are
usually applied every night at bedtime, but in some instances, they are applied
initially on an every-other-night basis until the skin accommodates to the irritant
effects. The likelihood of irritation depends on the type of vehicle more than the
143 The cream or the microsphere gel formulations cause
the least skin irritation and would be preferred for initiating therapy for P.B. The
microsphere gel formulation is preferred for patients with persistent acne or for those
with focal actinic lesions. Younger patients often prefer the gel because it leaves no
residue and is compatible with most cosmetics. The solution and gel may be better
tolerated in older patients with oily, thick, pigmented skin.
CASE 42-5, QUESTION 5: You are now dispensing tretinoin cream 0.025% to P.B. What patient counseling
Before applying the cream to her face at bedtime, P.B. should wash her face
gently, using her fingertips and mild soap, then pat her skin dry with a towel. If gentle
washing with her fingers does not remove the dry, peeling skin, a washcloth can be
used gently on the face. The treated stratum corneum is fragile, and erosions could
occur if P.B. is not careful when washing. After waiting about 15 minutes, she should
apply a pea-sized amount of cream to her forehead and spread the cream evenly over
her entire face. Care should be exercised while applying the cream to the areas
adjacent to the eyes and mouth because tretinoin can cause irritation and burning of
Skin irritation can be expected to start in the first 3 to 5 days of therapy and,
hopefully, will subside in 1 to 3 months. Irritation can manifest as erythema, peeling,
burning, and stinging. If P.B. experiences excessive irritation, she can reinitiate the
topical corticosteroid product such as hydrocortisone 1% cream. Once she begins to
tolerate the therapy, her frequency of applications and strength of cream should be
titrated to cause mild scaling with only occasional mild erythema. A thicker film of
cream can be applied to photodamaged areas. After 9 to 12 months of therapy, she
can begin maintenance therapy, which consists of application two or three nights a
Because these agents can dry the skin, P.B. should be counseled to use
moisturizers during the day to help decrease the dryness and irritation of the skin.
Nighttime application of moisturizers should be discouraged when topical tretinoin is
being used because the moisturizers can cause a pH incompatibility with the cream
and possibly dilute the concentration of tretinoin. With a thinning of the stratum
corneum, P.B.’s skin may be more susceptible to the effects of UVR. For this reason,
as well as to prevent further actinic damage, P.B. should begin prophylactic daytime
application of a sunscreen. Considering her skin type (III) and early photoaging
changes, a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 would be appropriate. P.B. should be
counseled not to become discouraged by any apparent lack of response; her skin
damage is mild, her response to therapy will be gradual, and part of the goal of
therapy is to prevent further damage. Her wrinkles may actually appear to worsen
early in therapy owing to an initial buildup of the stratum corneum. P.B. should avoid
facial saunas and irritating soaps and cosmetics. Retinoids are recognized as being
teratogenic, and although risk is more highly associated with oral forms more
commonly used for acne, use should generally be avoided in any patients who are
pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
Incidence, Prevalence, and Epidemiology
Approximately 486,000 Americans are treated for burns annually.
admission for and mortality from burn injuries continues to decline, the total number
of emergency department visits remains elevated, with over 40,000 individuals
requiring hospitalization; burns cause an overall yearly mortality of over 3,200.
With the development of multidisciplinary burn centers and a better understanding of
the 2015 National Burn Repository Annual Report reviewed the combined data set of
acute burn admissions for the time period between 2005 and 2014.
Over 68% of the burn patients were men. The mean age for all cases was 32
years old. Children under the age of 5 years accounted for 19% of the cases,
whereas patients age 60 or older represented 13% of the cases.
The two most commonly reported etiologies were fire/flame and scalds, and
accounted for almost 8 out of 10 reported. Scald injuries were most prevalent in
children under 5, whereas fire/flame injuries dominated the remaining age
More than 75% of the reported total burn sizes were less than 10% of total body
surface area (TBSA), with a mortality rate of 0.6%. The mortality rate for all
cases was 3.2% and 5.7% for fire/flame injuries.
Seventy-three percent of the burn injuries, with known places of occurrence, were
reported to have occurred in the home. Seventy-two percent of cases with known
circumstances of injury were identified as accident, nonwork-related.
Burn injuries range from relatively minor, superficial injuries to severe, extensive
skin loss resulting from contact with hot solids and liquids, steam, chemical agents,
electricity, or other physical agents, such as UVR or infrared radiation. Burn injuries
occur in 8 to 12% of all reported abuse cases involving children who come to the
attention of healthcare professionals.
148 Teenagers and adults between 17 and 30
years of age most commonly are involved in accidents with flammable liquids, but
the mortality associated with clothing ignition continues to decrease as a result of the
use of flame-retardant forms of fabric in clothing. Both income and income disparity
by country are associated with higher rates of burn-related deaths.
Complications such as fluid and electrolyte imbalances, metabolic derangements,
respiratory failure, sepsis, scarring, and functional impairment are the primary causes
of hospitalization for these cases. Most burns, however, are minor and can be
managed in an ambulatory environment, provided the burned patient is evaluated
carefully, the severity of the burn is assessed accurately, and proper and continuous
The number of serious burns is decreasing in the United States because of better
prevention (smoke detectors, water temperature regulations, and decreased smoking),
and the advances in acute burn wound management have contributed to this decline as
well, including its pharmacotherapy, with topical antimicrobial therapy, early
excision or enzymatic debridement of devitalized tissue, and skin grafting or
The skin functions as a protective barrier of the underlying organ systems from
trauma, temperature variations, harmful penetrations, moisture, humidity, radiation,
and invasion by microorganisms (see Fig. 39-1 in Chapter 39, Dermatology and
Drug-Induced Skin Disorders). It also is involved with carbohydrate, protein, fat, and
vitamin D metabolism, produces secretions that lubricate the skin, is involved with
the immune response, and provides the body with the sense of touch.
Burn wounds caused by thermal injury can be described by varying zones of
152 The most peripheral area of injury is the zone of hyperemia. The tissue in
this area is characterized by inflammatory changes with minimal tissue damage. The
zone of stasis is the next area of injury, extending inward from the zone of hyperemia.
This area involves ischemic, damaged tissue, with blood vessels only partially
thrombosed. The damaged endothelial linings of blood vessels within this zone of
injury may trigger further thrombosis, resulting in further ischemia, cell death, and
deepening of the burn wound. This process of further injury can occur 24 to 48 hours
after the initial injury. Drying of the burn wound or infection can cause deepening of
the burn wound by preventing re-establishment of circulation to injured tissue. The
central-most area, or the zone of coagulation, is characterized by thrombotic vessels
and necrotic tissue. This area absorbs the most thermal energy, resulting in the
greatest tissue damage. Minor burns may involve only the most peripheral zones of
injury, whereas severe burns encompass all three zones of injury.
Total body surface area (TBSA) is used to assess the size of burns of the skin. The
burned surface area is calculated as a percentage of TBSA to determine burn size. In
adults, the rule of nines is used to approximate the percentage of burned surface area.
Burn severity is proportional to the percent of TBSA involvement and depth of the
wound. The percent of TBSA for adults can be estimated by using the “rule of nines,”
in which each arm constitutes 9% of the TBSA, the head 9%, each leg 18%, the front
and back of the torso 18% each, and the genitalia 1%.
153 For children younger than 10
years of age, the percent TBSA must be adjusted because their bodies have different
proportions. Variations of the Lund and Browder chart have been used for this
154 At birth, the infant’s head constitutes about 19% of the TBSA. For each
additional year of age, the head decreases by about 1%, and the BSA of the legs
increases by about 1% of the patient’s TBSA, so a quick estimation of the size of a
Burn wounds also are classified according to the depth of tissue damage.
Determining the depth of the burn wound can be difficult during the first 24 to 48
hours because of the presence of edema and continued tissue ischemia and infection,
both of which can cause deepening of the wound. In addition, the depth of destruction
can vary within the same burn, and skin surface characteristics may not match
underlying tissue damage, making assessment of the burn wound difficult.
First-Degree Burns (Superficial-Thickness Burn)
First-degree burns result from injury to the superficial cells of the epidermis; a
common example is a mild sunburn. The burned skin does not form blisters, but it
does become erythematous and mildly painful. This superficial-thickness burn heals
within 3 to 4 days without scarring.
Second-Degree Burns (Partial-Thickness to Superficial Burn)
Second-degree burns may be superficial or deep, depending on the depth of dermal
involvement. Superficial second-degree burns involve the epidermis and the upper
layer of the dermis. The burn surface often is erythematous, blistered, weeping,
painful, and very sensitive to stimuli. The erythema blanches with pressure, and the
hair follicles, sweat, and sebaceous glands are spared. Superficial second-degree
distinguish from third-degree burns. The burn surface is pale, feels indurated or
boggy, and does not blanch with pressure. This wound is less painful than more
superficial wounds; some areas may be insensitive to stimuli. Healing occurs slowly
over the course of about 35 days with eschar formation and possible severe scarring
and permanent loss of hair follicles and sweat and sebaceous glands.
Third-Degree Burns (Partial-Thickness to Deep Burn)
Third-degree burns entail complete destruction of the full thickness of the skin,
including all skin elements. The wound may appear pearly white, gray, or brown and
is dry and inelastic. Pain is sensed only when deep pressure is applied. If the wound
is small, healing over the course of several months can occur by epithelial migration
from the margins of the injury, with scar and contracture formation. Third-degree
burns are repaired by excision and grafting, or excision and primary closure to
prevent contractures of the skin.
Fourth-Degree Burns (Full-Thickness Burn)
Fourth-degree burns are similar to third-degree burns except that devitalized tissue
extends into the subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and bone. These burns are blackened in
appearance; they are dry and generally painless because of destruction of nerve
endings and are at great risk for infection.
In severe burns, release of vasoactive mediators and capillary injury cause
sequestration of large amounts of body fluid, plasma, and electrolytes in
extravascular compartments, resulting in edema both locally and throughout the entire
body. This redistribution of fluid is compounded by the loss of large amounts of
fluid, electrolytes, and protein into the open wound. The cumulative effect is a
marked decrease in blood volume, a fall in cardiac output, and decreased tissue and
organ perfusion. During the first 24 to 48 hours after a severe burn injury, adequate
fluid must be given to replace fluid lost from the vascular space to prevent shock and,
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