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p. 745

A complete nutritional assessment of the patient is imperative before

specialized nutrition is initiated. Parameters to be considered are

nutrition and weight history, physical examination, anthropometric and

biochemical measurements, and malnutrition risk.

Case 35-1 (Question 1)

The nutritionalstatus of a patient can be assessed using the subjective

global assessment (SGA) technique, which has been found to be highly

predictive of outcome, because the SGA correlates strongly with other

subjective and objective measures of nutrition.

Case 35-1 (Question 1)

Patients who cannot meet their nutritional needs by consuming food

orally should be considered for specialized nutritionalsupport, which is

the provision of parenteral or enteral nutrients.

Case 35-1 (Question 2)

Protein and calorie goals are assessed on the basis of the disease status

and body weight of the patient.

Case 35-1 (Question 3)

Nutritionalsupport regimens should be tailored on the basis of the

requirements, response, and tolerance of the patient. Patients with

inflammatory bowel disease are particularly at risk for developing

vitamin and other micronutrient deficiencies, and therefore,

supplementation is warranted.

Case 35-1 (Question 4)

The fluid needs of a patient are determined by the following steps: (a)

need to correct fluid imbalances, (b) maintenance fluid requirements,

and (c) replacement of ongoing fluid losses.

Case 35-1 (Question 5)

Continued success of a nutritionalsupport regimen can be accomplished

by appropriate nutritional assessment after the initiation of therapy. The

parameters such as patient weight trends, nitrogen balance, and

prealbumin are considered when determining the need to adjust therapy.

Case 35-1 (Question 6)

Overfeeding should be avoided in patients, and a gradual and

conservative approach to instituting nutritionalsupport should be used to

prevent potential metabolic abnormalities.

Case 35-1 (Question 7)

Recognition of the importance of adequate and appropriate nutrition is paramount to

the maintenance of optimal health. When an imbalance exists between the supply and

the demand for the sources of nutrients and energy by the body, a nutritional disorder

can occur. Years of research and clinical experience have led to the creation of

various screening tools, assessment techniques, and guidelines to aid practitioners in

their quest to delay or prevent patients from developing dangerous sequelae

associated with deviations from optimal nutrition.

1 Despite many advances in

nutritional science, impaired nutritional status in developing nations continues to be a

main cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in young children.


Adequate levels of energy sources and essential nutrients are critical for retaining the

structural and biochemical integrity of the human body. Energy is provided in the diet

by macronutrients

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such as carbohydrates, protein, and lipid. Essential nutrients, none of which offer any

caloric value, are supplied to the body in the form of water, electrolytes, vitamins,

and minerals.


Humans need to consume food to sustain life. The unique structure and function of our

cellular architecture allow human beings to convert the chemical free energy

contained within the diet into high-energy, biologically active compounds. This

transformation of food energy into forms of viable free energy through cellular

respiration is an extremely inefficient process. Close examination of the distribution

of food energy within the human body reveals that approximately 50% is lost as heat,

45% is available to the body in the form of adenosine triphosphate, and the remaining

5% is thermodynamically required for the conversion to heat because the entropy of

the final products is greater than that of the initial substrates. Ultimately, all of the

energy derived from food is expended in the form of external work or heat.

In nutritional contexts, the energy available from food is expressed in terms of the

calorie. A calorie is technically defined by the amount of heat required to raise the

temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C. This unit, however, is too small from a dietary

perspective. A food calorie (sometimes written as Calorie with a large C, although

this convention is not strictly followed) is equivalent to 1,000 calories or 1

kilocalorie (kcal). One food calorie is also equal to 4.184 kilojoules.


It is not

uncommon for a single kilocalorie to be referred to as a calorie when communicating

the energy content of food. This ambiguity must be understood by practicing

clinicians to communicate properly not only with colleagues but also with patients

and the general public who may not have an appreciation for this subtlety and remain

confused when reading calories on nutrition labels yet and seeing kilocalories in

textbooks, scientific publications, patient records, and Internet.


Carbohydrates, also known as saccharides, are organic compounds that are

chemically the hydrates of carbon. There are four main types of carbohydrates:

monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Dieticians

frequently classify carbohydrates as either simple (monosaccharides and

disaccharides) or complex (oligosaccharides and polysaccharides); yet, the exact

delineation of these categories is often not clear. Although carbohydrates serve as a

common source of energy for living organisms, these compounds also function as

structural components and building blocks for complex genetic molecules.

Monosaccharides (e.g., glucose) are the simplest of carbohydrates and cannot be

hydrolyzed into smaller saccharide molecules. They are the major sources of fuel,

because glucose serves as a nearly universal and accessible reservoir of calories. In

the context of food science, monosaccharides, collectively along with disaccharides,

are commonly referred to as sugars and are found in foods such as candy and

desserts. Natural sources of monosaccharides include fruits and vegetables, but these

compounds are also found in commercially manufactured products such as highfructose corn syrup. The latter is a common replacement for table sugar in processed

foods composed of a high proportion of fructose relative to glucose.

Oligosaccharides are short chains of monosaccharides typically composed of 3 to

10 molecules linked through glycosidic bonds. These molecules are typically found

connected to proteins or lipids functioning as chemical markers for cellular

recognition. Their important role in the classification of blood groups is an example.

Polymeric carbohydrate structures are referred to as polysaccharides and function

either as storage forms of energy, such as glycogen in animals or starch in plants, or

as a structural component, such as cellulose in plants. In humans, dietary

polysaccharides must be catabolized to their constituent monosaccharides before

absorption can occur.


Dietary carbohydrates are composed of approximately 60% polysaccharides,

mainly starch, and disaccharides such as sucrose and lactose, which represent 30%

and 10%, respectively. All carbohydrates provide 4 kcal of energy/gram. Although

the exact amount of dietary carbohydrates sufficient for good health is not known, a

mixed-fuel diet in which carbohydrates constitute 45% to 65% of the total energy

intake is considered an acceptable distribution range.



Polypeptides are linear chains of amino acids. These polypeptides can twist and fold

alone or together into three-dimensional globular or fibrous structures, generating a

biochemical compound known as the protein. Proteins are crucial to all living

organisms and participate in a wide spectrum of processes. Many proteins function

as enzymes, which serve as catalysts to biochemical reactions and are important for

metabolism. Additionally, proteins can play a role in structure and function, such as

actin and myosin in muscle—the largest source of protein in higher animals. Some

proteins stabilize blood by giving it the appropriate viscosity and osmolarity, and

yet, other proteins participate in cell signaling and immune responses.

Protein is the second largest store of energy in the body after adipose tissue.


Although protein differs from the other two primary dietary energy sources because

of its inclusion of nitrogen, the amino acid residues from proteins can be converted to

glucose via gluconeogenesis to supply a continuous source of glucose for the body

after the depletion of glycogen. Like carbohydrates, each gram of protein supplies 4

kcal of energy. The loss of more than 30% of body protein, however, can

compromise muscle strength, affect respiratory function, and negatively influence the

immune system, all of which ultimately lead to organ dysfunction and death. It should

be noted that protein and energy requirements of the body are intimately connected.

During the times of infection or injury, metabolic rates rise and body protein is

suddenly oxidized into amino acids and mobilized for fuel utilization. In most

instances, the injuries that patients experience are minimal and self-limiting;

however, patients with chronic illnesses or those with complicating factors that result

in a long-term hypermetabolic state can subsequently experience a dangerous loss of

body nitrogen.


Lipids comprise a broad spectrum of molecular species ranging from hydrophobic

triglycerides and sterol esters to hydrophilic phospholipids and cardiolipins, as well

as dietary cholesterol and phytosterols. Biologic lipids function as a form of energy

storage, serve as the structural components of cell membranes, and participate as

messengers in the vital process of cellular signaling.

In a nutritional context, fats that exist as liquids at room temperature are typically

called oils, whereas fats that remain solid at room temperature are labeled as fats.

Although the term lipid is frequently used synonymously for fat, fats are actually a

subgroup of lipids also known as triglycerides. Triglycerides are synthesized by

chemically combining glycerol with three fatty acid molecules. These fatty acids are

generally nonbranched hydrocarbons containing an even number of carbon atoms

ranging from 4 to 26 carbons. Adipose tissue is composed of fatty acids in varying


An unsaturated fat is a fatty acid that includes at least one double bond within the

fatty acid chain, and therefore, a saturated fat is one that contains no double bonds.

Unsaturated fatty acids result

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in less energy after the oxidation process of cellular metabolism compared with an

equivalent amount of saturated fatty acids. Commercial manufacturers of processed

food favor saturated fats because they are less vulnerable to rancidity (lipid

peroxidation) and remain solid at room temperature. Foods containing unsaturated

fats include avocado, nuts, and vegetable oils such as canola and olive oils. Meat

products contain both saturated and unsaturated fats.

Importantly, each gram of fat yields 9 kcal of energy, twice that of either

carbohydrate or protein. Approximately 35% to 40% of the total daily calories

consumed by the average human being are lipids. Higher-fat diets can lead to more

rapid weight gain, a positive attribute if the individual is malnourished or

underweight, but a negative attribute if the individual is trying to achieve weight


6 Triglycerides make up by far the largest proportion of dietary lipids consumed

by humans. Although humans possess the biologic pathways to synthesize lipids,

there are two essential lipids that must originate from the diet to prevent essential

fatty acid deficiency—linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid.

Essential Nutrients—Water

Water plays a critical role in nearly every biologic function necessary for life. The

total body water in an adult male without fluid and electrolyte disorders is

approximately 50% to 60% of the lean body weight.


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