In addition, the slower infusion rate associated with continuous infusion
may be better tolerated as judged by stool frequency and time to attain full nutrition
support, especially in the elderly and in metabolically unstable patients.
However, data were insufficient to include a recommendation for continuous infusion
versus other administration methods for critically ill patients in the CCP
18–20 Feeding into the duodenum or jejunum is best initiated with
continuous infusion because rapid infusion of large formula volumes into the small
bowel can result in symptoms of dumping syndrome, including sweating,
lightheadedness, abdominal distension, cramping, hyperperistalsis, and watery
diarrhea. With time, the jejunum may adapt to larger volumes over a shorter time
allowing cyclic or longer intermittent infusions.
Cyclic feeding provides formula at a continuous rate for less than 24 hours daily.
This method is most commonly used for patients who need supplemental nutrition
because of an inability to consume adequate oral nutrients, during transition to an oral
diet, and for long-term home EN patients. Infusions are typically given at night for 8
to 12 hours to minimize interference with oral intake and normal activities during the
day, although cycles can be as long as 20 hours. Most patients do not start on a cyclic
regimen; rather, they transition from continuous feeding. Formula volume and
osmolality can limit tolerance to cyclic feedings, especially jejunal feedings, and
transition from continuous to cyclic infusion may require several days to weeks
depending on patient tolerance. For gastric feeding, the transition usually takes only a
Intermittent and Bolus Feedings
Formula is provided in three to eight gastric feedings daily for intermittent and bolus
administration. Intermittent infusion occurs for 30 to 60 minutes using a feeding
container or bag, with or without an enteral pump, and bolus feedings are for about
15 minutes using gravity administration via a syringe.
capacity allows administration of relatively large volumes on an intermittent or bolus
schedule. This is more physiologic than continuous feeding and more convenient for
patients in nursing facilities and ambulatory patients at home on EN.
The regimen for initiating EN primarily depends on the site of feeding and condition
of the patient’s GI tract. Use of full-strength (i.e., undiluted) formula is recommended
34–37 Dilution delays delivery of adequate nutrients without
significantly affecting the incidence of GI intolerance. Hypertonic formulas are
diluted rapidly in the GI tract, reaching isotonicity before or shortly beyond the
ligament of Treitz (distal end of duodenum). Continuous feedings are commonly
initiated at a rate of 10 to 50 mL/hour with advancement by 10 to 25 mL/hour every 4
to 24 hours as tolerated, although stable patients may tolerate initiation of EN at goal
3,34,35 For critically ill patients, those with abnormal GI function, patients without
use of the GI tract for a prolonged time, those at risk of refeeding syndrome, and
when calorically dense or high-osmolality formulas are used, starting at the lower
rate and advancing slowly (i.e., start at 10–20 mL/hour and advance by 10–15
mL/hour every 12 or 24 hours) may be preferable, although this is based on
consensus rather than evidence from well-designed studies.
Patients are typically started on continuous infusion feedings, then transition to
intermittent infusions, and eventually to bolus feedings, if desired. Bolus feedings are
administered for about 15 minutes to avoid bloating, cramping, nausea, and diarrhea.
A rate of less than 60 mL/minute is suggested to minimize GI intolerance with bolus
36,37 For intermittent feeding, rates of 200 to 300 mL every 4 to 6 hours are
generally tolerated; volumes up to 750 mL may be tolerated.
feedings at goal rate may be tolerated by some patients, although starting slower is
appropriate for most patients.
D.S. receives gastric feeds; therefore, continuous infusion, intermittent infusion, or
bolus feedings could all be used. Continuous infusion most commonly is used for
hospitalized patients despite no clearly established difference in tolerance compared
with intermittent infusion. Full-strength formula should be used to initiate feedings.
The goal volume of enteral nutrition for D.S. is 1,440 mL/day of a standard caloric
density formula (1.06 kcal/mL,
0.44 g protein/mL, 83.5% free water), or 60 mL/hour continuous infusion. The
infusion could be started at 30 mL/hour (half goal rate); however, given D.S.’s risk
for refeeding syndrome, it is preferable to start slower. Starting at 15 mL/hour for 12
hours, then increasing by 15 mL/hour every 12 hours would achieve the goal rate of
60 mL/hour within 48 hours. If D.S. experiences diarrhea or abdominal distension,
the feeding may be held at 15 mL/hour for 24 hours, then increased by only 10
mL/hour every 12 to 24 hour as tolerated. Extra care is required to ensure he
receives an adequate fluid intake until the formula is at goal rate.
Continuous infusion enteral feeding can be administered by gravity drip or by
enteral pump. With gravity drip, the infusion rate must be adjusted frequently to
maintain a consistent flow rate, and formula flow must be checked regularly to ensure
that the flow has not stopped. Gravity infusion has no alarms to alert nurses to kinked
tubing or empty delivery containers. Enteral pumps provide a consistent flow rate
and alarms for problems with the infusion, but they are more expensive than gravity
drips. Pumps often are used for hospitalized patients to help maintain delivery of the
prescribed volume of enteral formula. Either gravity drip or an enteral pump could
be used for D.S., depending on the hospital’s protocol for enteral feeding.
To prevent potentially fatal inadvertent IV infusion of non-IV products, new non-
Luer compatible global design standards for small-bore liquid and gas medical
device tubing connectors, including enteral feeding connectors, are being introduced
under the “Stay Connected” initiative.
38 The connection between the enteral formula
bag and the tubing going into the bag changed in 2012. Transition to the new ENFit
connector between the administration tubing and feeding tube itself is expected to be
completed by 2016. Oral syringes will not fit the new ENFit connectors; therefore,
ENFit compatible syringes are required for medication administration, tube flushes,
and bolus feeding via syringe.
feeding regimen before transfer to the SNF. How should D.S. be changed from continuous infusion to
intermittent or bolus feeding?
Many nursing facilities do not routinely use enteral pumps because of increased
cost. Without a pump, delivery of the prescribed volume of formula at a consistent
rate may not be reliable and increased nursing time may be required to prevent tube
occlusion and ensure adequate volume of formula is delivered. D.S. is currently
receiving continuous infusion feedings. The transition to intermittent delivery of
formula can be accomplished by various methods. An overlapping regimen of
gradually decreasing the continuous infusion rate and increasing the intermittent
volume appears to be an economical and efficient method of changing the feeding
33 For D.S., decrease the continuous rate from 60 mL/hour down to 40
mL/hour and add four intermittent feedings of 120 mL over 60 minutes every 6 hours
initially. If tolerated, decrease continuous infusion to 20 mL/hour and increase
intermittent feeding to 240 mL. Finally, stop the continuous feeding and increase
intermittent feedings to 360 mL, or add a fifth feeding to keep the intermittent volume
at 285 to 300 mL. To keep the feeding volume in a more convenient increment of 120
mL (half of an 8-ounce can), D.S. could receive two feedings of 360 mL and three
feedings of 240 mL if five daily feedings are needed.
Another transition method is to stop continuous feedings and restart feedings with a
regimen for initiating intermittent feedings. Starting volume is typically 60 to 120 mL
for the first two or three feedings, and feeding intervals are often every 4 hours.
Volume is increased by 60 to 120 mL every 8 to 12 hours, as tolerated, until goal is
35 Feeding intervals can be increased once goal volume is reached. D.S.
could start with 120 mL over 60 minutes every 4 hours for two feedings, then
advance to 240 mLper feeding. If tolerated, the volume per feeding could increase to
360 mL to allow feedings every 6 hours. Once at the desired number of feedings per
day, the infusion time could be decreased based on tolerance. If feeding for 30
minutes is well tolerated, D.S. could be changed to bolus administration for 15 to 20
The discharge EN prescription should state clearly the desired caloric density,
protein content, fiber content per 1,000 kcal, and formula volume, or the daily
calories, protein, fiber, and fluid goals. The brand name may be included, but the
SNF may not carry the same brand of formula. Any special considerations for the
feeding schedule also should be communicated (e.g., D.S. does not tolerate feeding
after 9 PM; raise the head of the bed to 45 degrees for 3 hours after the last daily
feeding to avoid regurgitation).
CASE 37-2, QUESTION 8: How much additional fluid must be included in the feeding regimen to meet
D.S.’s estimated daily fluid requirements?
The free-water content of EN must be calculated to determine the volume of
additional fluid that must be provided. As noted previously, standard caloric density
formulas generally contain 80% to 85% free water. The formula selected for D.S.
contains 83.5% free water; therefore, at his goal volume of 1,440 mL/day (six cans),
the formula provides approximately 1,200 mL of free water daily. Using 1,860 mL
daily (30 mL/kg/day × 62 kg) as D.S.’s fluid requirement (see Case 37-2, Question
5), he will need 660 mL/day in addition to the enteral formula. If D.S. had additional
losses from vomiting, diarrhea, or other sources, this volume would be added to the
660 mL to determine total volume in addition to enteral formula. The additional fluid
is typically provided with medications and tube irrigation (flushes). Feeding tubes
should be irrigated with 30 mL of fluid every 4 hours during continuous feeding, or
before and after each intermittent or bolus feeding.
34,35 The tube should be flushed
with a minimum of 15 mL of water before and after medication administration
through the tube, as well as with 15 mL between each medication.
required for diluting medications before administration through the tube. The flush
volume and/or number of flushes will need to be increased to provide D.S. with
adequate fluid because 30 mL every 4 hours plus fluid for medication administration
will not provide the 660 mL of fluid needed in addition to his EN. Because D.S. is
receiving gastric feedings, hypotonic fluid is of less concern than in the jejunum.
Increasing flush volumes to between 100 and 150 mL should meet D.S.’s daily fluid
requirement, depending on the amount needed for medication administration. Diluting
the formula itself to increase fluid provision is not recommended because this
increases the risk of error and contamination.
Nutrition support is an important component of care in critical illness where patients
are typically in a catabolic stress state and
metabolism may be altered. Multiorgan dysfunction, as well as fluid and electrolyte
imbalances, adds to the complexity of this population and confounds attempts to
provide proper nutrition. The preferred route for nutrition support is generally EN,
although the ideal formula composition remains unresolved. Guidelines are
periodically updated. The most recently published guidelines should be consulted to
determine current recommendations, especially regarding specialized components
height of 70 inches and an admission weight of 75 kg.
Laboratory evaluation today includes the following:
Aspartate aminotransferase, 32 international units/L
Alanine aminotransferase, 37 international units/L
Alkaline phosphatase, 64 international units/L
Should a specialized critical care formula be used for initiation of EN in J.B.?
J.B. is critically ill and several types of EN formulas have been developed for
critically ill patients. However, the role of specialized EN formulas, and certain
components in particular, remains controversial in critical illness. Table 37-4 shows
a few formulas marketed for critical illness and lists the components which are
altered compared to standard polymeric formulas. Due to the catabolic nature of
critical illness, formulas are generally high protein, many with an NPC:N ratio less
than 100:1 (i.e., high or very high protein content). Other formulas containing slightly
lower-protein content (i.e., NPC:N ratio between 100:1 and 125:1) target the
inflammatory element of critical illness with addition of components designed to
mitigate the inflammatory response. Formulas designed for critical illness are
typically fiber-free, although a few formulas include small amounts of soluble fiber.
Supplementation of specific amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids
(BCAAs), glutamine, and arginine, in EN for critical illness remains an unsettled
Enhanced Branched-Chain Amino Acid Content
Standard EN formulas contain 15% to 20% of protein as BCAAs; enhanced BCAA
formulas for critical care contain over 35%, and hepatic failure formulas contain
45% to 50%. High-BCAA stress/critical care formulas are not therapeutically
interchangeable with hepatic formulas due to the lower-than-normal concentrations of
aromatic amino acids (AAAs), especially phenylalanine, in hepatic formulas.
Guidelines from SCCM–ASPEN recommend a standard enteral formula for
patients with acute or chronic liver disease in the ICU.
currently emphasized over BCAA content for critically ill patients.
The proposed role of glutamine in critical illness is enhanced neutrophil function and
maintenance of intestinal barrier function, thereby preventing translocation of
bacteria and endotoxins from the GI tract into systemic circulation and reducing
40 Glutamine is considered a nonessential amino acid, as it is synthesized
in sufficient quantities for its roles in transamination, as an intermediate in numerous
metabolic pathways, such as gluconeogenesis and renal ammoniagenesis, as a fuel
source for rapidly dividing lymphocytes and enterocytes, and in the synthesis of
glutathione. However, during periods of metabolic stress, endogenous synthesis may
Study results are conflicting regarding effects of glutamine supplementation in the
critically ill population. Past studies have indicated numerous clinical benefits from
glutamine supplementation; however, two recent studies (REDOXs, METAPLEX)
suggest increased mortality in critically ill patients receiving parenteral and/or
41–44 The CCP guidelines now recommend against the use of enteral
glutamine in critically ill patients.
19 Glutamine supplementation should also be
avoided in patients with total bilirubin greater than 10 mg/dL or creatinine clearance
less than 30 mL/minute because ammonia excretion could be impared.
for potential complications is essential when glutamine supplementation is used.
Protein-bound glutamine is present in all enteral formulas. Free glutamine is
unstable in ready-to-use formulas and, due to poor stability, is not commercially
available in an intravenous form. However, glutamine is available as a modular
supplement, which can be administered separately from the EN formula. Glutamate is
stable in water and functions in many roles attributed to glutamine. Additional
research is needed to determine whether physiologic effects are equivalent for
glutamate, protein-bound glutamine, and free glutamine.
Arginine is a nonessential amino acid synthesized by the urea cycle during
detoxification of ammonia and is normally available in sufficient quantities for
growth and tissue repair. In times of metabolic stress, however, endogenous synthesis
may become inadequate, making arginine conditionally essential. The postulated
benefit of arginine in critical illness is related to enhanced protein synthesis, cellular
growth, and immune system support. In contrast, several mechanisms have been
proposed that suggest potential adverse effects with arginine supplementation,
including one in which arginine is used as a substrate in the synthesis of nitric oxide
(NO), a potent vasodilating agent, which may also have implications in mitochondria
damage, organ dysfunction, and increased gut barrier permeability.
synthesis of NO increases during sepsis (thereby creating a negative arginine
balance), the exact role of this effector molecule remains controversial. Many
believe that excess NO is part of an adaptive response directed toward limiting
infection, ischemia, coagulation, inflammation, and tissue injury.
Conflicting study results leave considerable uncertainty regarding use of arginine
supplemented EN in critically ill patients.
47 Guidelines, consensus statements,
Use of arginine-containing, immune-enhancing diets is not recommended for
critically ill patients in the CCP guidelines because higher-quality studies indicated
no effect on mortality with these formulas and increased mortality was reported for
septic patients in some studies.
Selected High-Protein Enteral Formulas with Altered Protein or Fat Sources
c 1.5 (490) 77 94 (25) 67:1 Hydrolyzed
c 1.0 (850) 85 50 (20) 100:1 Crystalline
1.0 (375) 87 56 (22) 71:1 Sodium and
c 1.5 (550) 78 84 (22) 71:1 Sodium and
1.3 (630) 81 78 (24) 62:1 Whey
dNone or unknown indicated by “–.”
AF, advanced formula; ARG, arginine; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; FOS,
ω-3FA, ω-3 fatty acids; ω-6FA, ω-6 fatty acids.
Formulas included in Table 37-4 have an NPC:N ratio less than or equal to 125:1
and also contain supplemental arginine, glutamine, or nucleic acids, or a modified fat
component. Such formulas are often referred to as “immune-modulating” formulas
based on their proposed beneficial modulation of biologic responses to stress. Study
component. The subset of immune-modulating formulas intended for patients with
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and acute lung injury (ALI) is distinct
from other formulas and is discussed in more detail under pulmonary disease.
The results of clinical trials examining the effects of immune-modulating enteral
formulations on mortality, hospital length of stay (LOS), ICU days, incidence of
nosocomial infection, duration of mechanical ventilation, and GI complications are
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