79–81 The patient can experience symptoms of reflux similar to a Zollinger–
Ellison syndrome with epigastric pain and burning. Medications that decrease GI
tract motility (antidiarrheals) and secretions (H2 blockers and proton pump
inhibitors) are frequently necessary to reduce the volume of gastric secretions and
minimize the damaging effects of hypersecretion of gastric acid. These agents are
also important in the management of fluid and electrolyte imbalances because of
excessive GI fluid losses. Patients with extensive small bowel resection and an intact
colon, such as D.D., may experience diarrhea as a result of bile salt depletion.
Octreotide may help in decreasing diarrhea in patients with SBS. Octreotide
reduces a variety of GI secretions and slows jejunal transit, but the effects are often
short-lasting and have not shown improved nutrient absorption.
mindful that most oral medications are absorbed within the first 50 cm of the jejunum.
Delayed-release medications should be avoided.
Patients with SBS are at risk for having vitamin and mineral deficiencies,
especially folate, vitamin B12
, vitamin D, selenium, and zinc. These patients should
receive supplemental vitamin B12 and IV parenteral or oral liquid multivitamin
supplements. GI losses of trace minerals, particularly zinc and selenium, are
increased in SBS, and these minerals should be supplemented.
D.D. should be continued on PN support and will most likely need PN therapy at
home to sustain his nutrient and fluid requirements. Since oral ranitidine in not an
orders ranitidine 150 mg to be added to D.D.’s PN formula to manage
hypersecretion of gastric fluids and diarrhea. D.D.’s fluid status must be monitored
and evaluated daily for clinical signs of dehydration or fluid overload. Electrolyte
abnormalities, including hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia,
hypocalcemia, and metabolic acidosis, should be anticipated.
fistula is about 600 mL/day. How will losses from D.D.’s fistula affect his PN?
Enterocutaneous (EC) fistulas are an abnormal communication between the
intestine and the skin. Most EC fistulas occur 7 to 10 days following surgery and are
classified by site of origin, output volume, etiology, and number of fistulas. Fluid,
electrolyte, and trace element losses from the EC fistula will vary depending on the
origin of the fistula. Losses must be accounted for and incorporated into the PN
formulation or replaced through a separate IV fluid infusion.
Design an appropriate PN therapy for home infusion.
Home TPN has allowed patients, such as D.D., to be discharged from the hospital
sooner. Candidates for home therapy must be physically and medically stable, have a
strong support network in the home setting to assist with care, and have an
appropriate home environment. They must be educated regarding the prescribed
The first step in designing a PN regimen is to estimate energy and protein needs
(see Chapter 35, Basics of Nutrition and Patient Assessment). D.D. is 10 days out
from surgery, and his estimated requirements are 25 to 30 kcal/kg/day or
approximately 1,600 to 1,920 kcal/day. Protein goals must include adequate nitrogen
(protein) for wound healing and replacement for losses from the enterocutaneous
fistula. A goal of 1.5 to 1.8 g/kg/day (96–115 g) is reasonable. Long-term systemic
corticosteroid therapy is commonly seen in Crohn’s patients and may cause muscle
wasting. Losses of lean body mass from corticosteroids may increase amino acid
To simplify his nutrition and fluid regimen, all of D.D.’s fluids, including
parenteral nutrients, electrolytes, vitamins, trace minerals, and water, should be
provided in one TNA container per day. D.D.’s home PN formulation can be
provided in 3,000 mL/day to meet maintenance requirements (see Case 38-1,
Question 5) and to replace losses from his enterocutaneous fistula (600 mL/day).
Nutrients provided include 100 g of amino acids (400 kcal); 264 g of dextrose (884
kcal); 50 g of lipid (500 kcal); and electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to maintain
normal serum chemistries. Initially, daily intake and output must be monitored;
therapy should be adjusted based on this information and D.D.’s clinical status.
Adjustments in fluids and electrolytes may be needed. The fluids secreted by the
GI tract are rich in electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, chloride, and
bicarbonate. Measurement of the electrolyte content of the fistula fluid will determine
those that must be replaced, and in what quantities. Both fluid and electrolytes should
be replaced to prevent dehydration and electrolyte and acid–base imbalances.
In addition to losses of fluids and electrolytes, the trace element zinc is lost in
fluid from the small intestine. Approximately 12 mg of zinc is lost in each liter of
small bowel fluid, and should be replaced to prevent zinc deficiency. Furthermore,
zinc may play a role in wound healing.
76 Management of enterocutaneous fistulas may
include octreotide 50 to 100 mg given subcutaneously 2 or 3 times daily or added to
the parenteral nutrient formulation to decrease fistula output.
A home infusion pharmacy will be responsible for preparing D.D.’s PN
formulations. Typically, a seven day supply of PN therapy (7 bags) is prepared and
delivered to the patient’s home. These formulations must be refrigerated until
administration; however, formulations should be warmed to room temperature and
visually inspected for particulate matter before being administered. Because some
additives such as multivitamins are not stable for long periods, the patient or
caregiver must add these to the PN formulation just before administration.
Patients and caregivers preparing for home PN therapy must be taught how to
manage home therapy. This includes assessment of fluid status, care of a CVC,
infection, and the technical aspects of administering parenteral feeding
75 Preparation for home PN includes placement of a central venous
access device for long-term TPN therapy.
CASE 38-4, QUESTION 6: What other measures can be used to simplify D.D.’s parenteral feeding regimen
Transitioning D.D. from a 24-hour continuous PN infusion to a cyclic infusion must
be considered. After D.D.’s PN regimen is formulated to meet his entire daily
nutrient and fluid needs and he is stable on that regimen, his PN regimen can then be
cycled. Cycling means that the PN formulation is infused for less than 24 hours per
day, so that there is time free from PN therapy each day. Cycling is usually done
gradually, prior to hospital discharge, and depends on the patient’s ability to tolerate
the changes in fluid and dextrose intake that occur when the TPN is started and
stopped each day. For example, the 24-hour PN infusion is decreased to a 20-hour
infusion (e.g., 8:00 PM to 4:00 PM) on cyclic PN day 1 and then the next day is
decreased to a 16-hour infusion (e.g., 8:00 PM to 12:00 noon), and the next day a 12-
hour infusion (e.g., 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM). With each incremental decrease in time, the
infusion rate should be increased such that the total PN volume is infused each day.
The infusion rate of the PN regimen is generally tapered up over 1 to 2 hours upon
PN initiation to avoid hyperglycemia and tapered down over 1 to 2 hours upon PN
discontinuation each day to avoid hypoglycemia. For example, a 16-hour cyclic PN
infusion with a 1-hour taper up and down can be calculated by taking the total TNA
volume divided by the infusion time minus 1 hour, to estimate the goal infusion rate.
The goal infusion rate is then divided by 2 to get the 1 hour taper up and taper down
rate. For D.D.’s 3,000 mL TNA, the regimen would start at 8:00 PM at 100 mL/hour
for 1 hour, then at 9:00 PM the rate would increase 200 mL/hour for 14 hours. At
11:00 AM the following day the TNA rate would taper back down to 100 mL/hour
and then at noon it would stop. Most infusion pumps used at home can automatically
make these adjustments in the infusion rate. Eventually, the nutrient formulation can
be infused for 10 to 12 hours during the night, leaving D.D. free from his PN infusion
Vital signs, fluid intake and output, serum electrolytes, and glucose concentrations
should continue to be monitored. The serum glucose concentration should be
evaluated 30 minutes to 1 hour after the PN infusion is completed to be sure that
CASE 38-4, QUESTION 7: In addition to his PN formula and ranitidine 150 mg IV, D.D. is receiving
hydrocortisone 100 mg IV every 8 hours, and he now needs insulin. Can these medications or any other
medications be mixed with his PN formula to simplify his medication regimen?
Patients receiving PN therapy often require concomitant drug therapy. Most
patients have adequate venous access or have multiple-lumen CVCs, so that mixing
medications with the parenteral nutrient formulation is not an issue. However, for
some patients with limited venous access, directly added medications or
piggybacking medications via a secondary infusion may be considered.
Although regular insulin, histamine type 2 (H2
)-receptor antagonists, and heparin
can be added to PN formulations in some circumstances, the routine addition of
medications to parenteral nutrient formulations is discouraged. Often times there are
requests to add other medications to a PN admixture. Specific criteria for drug
admixture with PN are listed below.
Stability and compatibility of the drug with the specific parenteral admixture over a
24-hour period must be determined before adding the medication.
The medication must have appropriate pharmacokinetics and proven efficacy for
The medication dose must have remained constant throughout the previous 24-hour
period before admixture in PN.
There should be a stable PN infusion rate for at least 24 hours before the
PN should include appropriate labeling to avoid pharmacotherapeutic problems
associated with abrupt discontinuation of PN.
CASE 38-4, QUESTION 8: After receiving home PN for 3 weeks, D.D.’s liver function tests are found to
be elevated. Current values are as follows:
Aspartate aminotransferase, 70 units/L
Alanine aminotransferase, 90 units/L
Alkaline phosphatase, 100 units/L
Could his PN be contributing to these abnormalities?
Elevations in liver function tests are common in adults receiving long-term PN
therapy and may be noted as early as 2 to 3 weeks after beginning therapy. The
abnormalities are usually mild and transient and do not progress to significant liver
dysfunction in adults. The predominant type of hepatobiliary dysfunction is steatosis
(fatty liver), whereas other patients develop cholestasis or cholelithiasis (biliary
obstruction). Liver-associated enzyme elevations usually resolve when PN therapy is
discontinued. Rarely does this dysfunction proceed to hepatic failure.
Other than avoiding overfeeding with carbohydrate and lipid, there are few
options to prevent or manage PN-associated liver abnormalities. Potential
management options include metronidazole and supplements of ursodeoxycholic acid,
choline, and carnitine. Transitioning to a lipid emulsion containing n-3 fatty acids
should also be considered. Patients with progressive liver disease may be candidates
for liver and small bowel transplantation.
The elevations in D.D.’s liver enzymes are not of concern at this time because they
are less than 3 times normal. However, since D.D. has been on home PN for 3 weks
and his wounds have healed, it is time to decrease his energy and protein intake to
maintenance requirements (20-25 kcal/kg/day and 0.8-1.0 g/kg/day of protein). Liver
enzymes should be monitored weekly. Because he may not need lifelong PN therapy,
the mild elevations are likely to resolve.
It is important to keep in mind that the liver is the primary organ involved with
digestion, metabolism, and storage of nutrients. When the functional capacity of the
liver is compromised (e.g., cirrhosis), macronutrient intolerance and imbalances may
occur. The patient may experience hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, variations in blood
lipid levels, and accumulation of amino acid metabolites (ammonia).
CASE 38-4, QUESTION 9: After 10 months of receiving home TPN, D.D. suffers a fall and fractures his
reveals a bone density T-Score of –3.1. Can these results be caused by long-term PN? What are other
complications of long-term parenteral therapy?
Long-term complications of PN are adverse effects associated with PN lasting
greater than 3 months. The most common complications include central catheter
complications (infection or occlusion), metabolic bone disease, and hepatobiliary
The exact cause of metabolic bone disease in long-term PN is unknown; however,
its origins appear to be multifactorial. The predominant risks factors for metabolic
bone disease in D.D. include Crohn’s disease, the medications used to manage it
(e.g., corticosteroids) coupled with the use of long-term PN therapy.
osteoporosis and osteomalacia have been associated with long-term PN use.
Osteoporosis is the most common form of metabolic bone disease and is because of
loss of bone mass. Osteomalacia is the softening of bones and generally occurs as the
result of vitamin D deficiency. A combination of both osteoporosis and osteomalacia
may occur. Deficiencies in micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and vitamin
D are risk factors. Historically, bone abnormalities were thought to be caused by
aluminum toxicity. However, as aluminum has been nearly eliminated from TPNs,
metabolic bone disease remains an issue. High amino acid concentrations and TPN
cycling cause increased renal calcium excretion. Other factors include abnormalities
in the handling of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins D and K.
Central catheter–related complications can vary from occlusion to central
catheter–related sepsis. Both of these complications are related to CVC care and are
a surrogate measure of overall catheter care.
86 Occlusion develops from fibrin and/or
lipid deposits. The consequences of catheter occlusion range from diminished flow
to complete occlusion necessitating removal of the catheter. Central catheter
infections are associated with the amount of times the catheter is accessed for PN
administration and blood sample removal. Patients with CVC infections usually
present with symptoms and signs such as pyrexia and tachycardia during PN infusion.
The causes of central catheter infections are bacterial and are usually because of skin
flora, Staphylococcus epidermis and Staphylococcus aureus. If CVC-related sepsis is
suspected, then the CVC being used should be discontinued and peripheral and
central cultures taken, while antimicrobial therapy is started pending culture results.
The incidence of hepatobiliary complications associated with long-term PN ranges
from 19% to 75%. These complications are variable, with patients experiencing
chronic elevations in liver enzymes to advanced liver disease (fibrosis and
cirrhosis). Liver disease associated with PN is termed intestinal failure–associated
liver disease (IFALD). IFALD is divided into nonnutrient and nutrient-related
causes. Nonnutrient causes of IFALD can include medications, biliary obstruction,
bacterial overgrowth, and intrinsic liver disease. Nutrient-related IFALD can be
caused by overfeeding, nutrient toxicities, and deficiencies. Nutrient toxicities
associated with IFALD include manganese, aluminum, and soybean oil. Some
nutrient deficiencies associated with IFALD are taurine, choline, carnitine, and
essential fatty acids. The most common histological finding in IFALD is steatosis
followed by cholestatic stasis, fibrosis, and finally cirrhosis. Hepatic steatosis is
associated with both under and overfeeding, so the importance of ensuring the correct
amount of calories is of utmost importance.
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