The radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU), a measure of iodine utilization by the gland, is
an indirect measure of hormone synthesis. It is elevated in hyperthyroidism and in
early hypothyroidism when the failing gland is trying to increase hormone synthesis.
A low or undetectable RAIU occurs in hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis factitia, and
subacute thyroiditis. Typically, RAIU is used to calculate the dose of RAI therapy for
treatment of Graves’ disease and to determine the activity of one or several nodules
in a gland. The RAIU is not necessary to diagnose classic Graves’ disease or
I) is administered, and the radioactivity of the
gland is measured at 5 and 24 hours after ingestion. It is necessary to measure both
the 5- and 24-hour RAIU, so that patients with rapid turnover of iodine will not be
missed. In some hyperthyroid patients, the 5-hour uptake is elevated, but the 24-hour
uptake can fall to normal or subnormal levels. The normal range of the RAIU (Table
52-7) is affected by any condition that alters iodine intake. Iodine depletion caused
by rigorous diuretic therapy or an iodine-deficient diet increases uptake because of
replenishment of depleted total iodide pools. Conversely, dilution of
exogenous iodide sources (e.g., contrast dyes) decreases RAIU.
A scan of the gland is performed simultaneously with the RAIU or after ingestion of
99mTc) pertechnetate. The scan provides information concerning gland
size and shape, and identifies hypermetabolic (“hot”) and hypometabolic (“cold”)
areas. The possibility of carcinoma must be considered if cold areas are present. A
scan is often obtained in the evaluation of a patient with nodular thyroid disease.
A thyroid ultrasound can provide information about gland size and number of
clinically palpable or non-palpable nodules or cysts in the thyroid gland.
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin autoantibodies (TgAb) to
the thyroid gland indicate an autoimmune process.
31,33 About 60% to 70% of patients
with Graves’ disease and 95% of patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis have positive
antibodies to both thyroid antigens. Positive antibodies alone do not indicate thyroid
disease because 5% to 10% of asymptomatic patients, as well as patients with other
non-thyroidal autoimmune disorders, have positive antibodies.
Clinically, the TPOAb is more specific than TgAb in assessing disease activity.
Although both antibodies are elevated during acute flares of the disease, lower titers
of TPOAb remain positive during quiescent periods of the disease, while TgAb
Thyroid receptor–stimulating antibodies (TRAb) or thyroid-stimulating
immunoglobulin (TSI) are IgG immunoglobulins that are present in virtually all
patients with Graves’ disease.
31,33 Like TSH, these immunoglobulins can stimulate the
thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. High titers of TSI are useful in
diagnosing otherwise asymptomatic Graves’ disease (i.e., ophthalmopathy), in
predicting the risk of relapse of Graves’ disease after discontinuing medication, and
in predicting the risk of neonatal hyperthyroidism in utero through transplacental
passage of TSI from the pregnant mother. Otherwise, TSI measurement is expensive
and offers no additional information in the patient with a typical Graves’ disease
Clinical Application and Interpretation
glipizide 10 mg every day and an iodine-containing herbalsupplement 3 times a day (TID).
secondary to hypothyroidism is suspected based on the following laboratory findings:
RAIU at 24 hours, 13% (normal, 5%–35%1
Scan, normal-size gland with homogenous uptake
, 1.4 mcg/dL (normal, 4.8–10.4 mcg/dL)
, 22 ng/dL (normal, 58–201 ng/dL)
TSH, 4 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1 microunits/mL)
, 1.0 ng/dL (normal, 0.8–1.4 ng/dL)
TPOAb, 30 WHO units (normal, <100 WHO units)
TgAb, 0.3 IU/mL (normal, <2 IU/mL)
Evaluate and explain R.K.’s thyroid status based on her clinical and laboratory findings.
Although low-output failure can be a presenting sign of hypothyroidism, the normal
TSH and FT4 definitely indicates that R.K. is euthyroid, despite the confusing results
of her other thyroid function tests. The depressed RAIU is consistent with her history
of iodide ingestion and dilution of the
I. The low TT4 and TT3 may be explained by
her cirrhosis and non-thyroidal illness syndrome (see Question 2). The negative
thyroid antibodies, the normal scan, and normal DTRs further substantiate the
diagnosis of euthyroidism. In hypothyroidism, a lower rate of cholesterol degradation
can produce an elevated serum cholesterol level. However, because many
extrathyroidal factors influence the serum concentration of cholesterol, this test is an
imprecise reflection of thyroid status. In this case, the elevated cholesterol level is
not related to hypothyroidism.
CASE 52-1, QUESTION 2: Assess the results and explain the significance of R.K.’s TT4
R.K.’s thyroid function test results are consistent with the non-thyroidal illness
syndrome. Abnormal thyroid function tests are commonly found in euthyroid patients
with various serious systemic diseases, including starvation, infections, sepsis, acute
psychiatric disorders, HIV infection, myocardial infarction (MI), bone marrow
transplantation, and severe chronic cardiac, pulmonary, renal, hepatic, and neoplastic
This “euthyroid sick” syndrome occurs in 37% to 70% of chronically ill or
hospitalized patients and must be recognized. In general, the sicker the patient, the
greater the degree of abnormal thyroid function findings, even though the patient has
The most common finding is a low TT3
(e.g., 15–20 ng/dL) and high inactive
). Other typical changes include a normal or low TT4
suppressed or normal TSH levels. A borderline-high compensatory TSH occurs as
patients recover from illness. In more serious illness, the TT4
often low. Free hormone levels (e.g., FT4
) are often normal or slightly low.
However, these inconsistent findings fuel the controversy over whether thyroid
hormone therapy is beneficial or detrimental. These findings are believed to be
explained by a central hypothyroidism caused by reduction in hypothalamic TRH
because of increased hypothalamic T3
, increased peripheral metabolism of T3
a reduction in serum thyroid hormone–binding proteins.
the concomitant increase in the free hormone concentrations would maintain a
euthyroid state. Furthermore, circulating substances that inhibit the binding of T4 and
to the serum-binding proteins might also be present.
Less common changes include a modestly elevated TT4 and FT4
acute viral hepatitis, psychiatric disorders, renal failure, and advanced HIV
is usually normal but can be low in critically ill patients. Modest
elevations in hormonal binding affinity and increased synthesis of TBG explain these
Several studies have shown a strong inverse correlation between mortality and
39–41 Of the 86 hospitalized, intensive care patients,
84% of those with a serum T4 of <3 mcg/dL died, whereas 85% of those with a
serum T4 of >5 mcg/dL survived.
In 331 patients with acute MI, rT3
nmol/L were significantly associated with a greater risk of death at 1 year.
recovery, TSH levels increase and hormone levels start to normalize. Therefore, a
favorable outcome is associated with reversal of the hormone indices.
Thyroid experts are divided about whether non-thyroidal illness should be treated,
and few randomized studies are available to guide therapeutic decisions.
available studies found no survival benefits or favorable clinical outcomes from
hormone therapy, although cardiac hemodynamics improved. The benefits of hormone
replacement are unproven and might be detrimental. In one trial, the mortality of
patients with acute renal failure treated with T4 was 43% versus 13% in the control
42 Other small trials have shown thyroid hormones to be well tolerated and
therapy, by inhibiting TSH, may interfere with normal
thyroid recovery and is preferentially converted to inactive rT3.
proponents argue that there may be cardiovascular benefits and there is no clear
evidence that therapy is toxic.
In summary, T4 and T3 measurements are not helpful in the diagnosis of thyroid
illness. The available data are not supportive of starting thyroid hormone treatment
repeated once R.K.’s medical condition improves.
Drug Interference with Thyroid Function Tests
(Dilantin) 300 mg/day and phenobarbital 90 mg
at night, and rheumatoid arthritis for which he takes aspirin 325 mg, 12 tablets/day.
The results of his thyroid function tests are as follows:
, 4.2 mcg/dL (normal, 4.8–10.4)
TSH, 2.5 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1)
How should these laboratory findings be interpreted? What factors are responsible for the observed
Despite complaints that could be consistent with hypothyroidism (e.g., fatigue, dry
skin, constipation) and findings of low serum hormone values, J.R. is euthyroid, as
evidenced by the normal TSH level. Secondary hypothyroidism is unlikely at this age
21 Antiinflammatory doses of salicylates >2 g/day and salicylate derivatives (i.e., Disalcid,
from both TBG and TBPA, causing these abnormal
levels and suppression of TSH below normal
occur transiently (i.e., no longer than first 3 weeks of administration) but normalize
with chronic administration. Cirrhosis, stress, severe infections, and hereditary
factors can also decrease TBG and TBPA synthesis to produce similar TT4
A medication history for drugs such as androgens or glucocorticoids that can lower
levels, should be elicited (Table 52-1).
Enzyme inducers, such as rifampin and anticonvulsants (phenytoin, phenobarbital,
valproic acid, carbamazepine), can alter serum thyroid hormone levels.
to 60% reduction in total T4 serum concentrations results from an increase in the
metabolism (non-deiodination) of T4 and from hormone displacement in patients
receiving chronic anticonvulsant therapy. Serum T3
decreased. In addition, therapeutic levels of phenytoin and carbamazepine interfere
with the FT4 assay, causing a 20% to 40% lower FT4
48 TSH levels remain normal and patients are euthyroid; however,
those who previously required T4
therapy may need a dosage increase to maintain
51,52 Valproic acid is reported to have similar but less potent effects on
47,49 Phenobarbital can increase T4 uptake by the liver and increase
. Serum binding of thyroid hormones is unaffected by
In summary, J.R. is taking several drugs that can further compromise the already
levels resulting from his liver disease. FT4
euthyroid persons receiving phenytoin. For J.R, the normal TSH confirms
euthyroidism, and no thyroid replacement is warranted.
, 16 mcg/dL (normal, 4.8–10.4)
TSH, 1.2 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1)
Based on this information, what would be a reasonable assessment of S.T.’s thyroid status?
The normal FT4 and TSH confirm that S.T. is not hyperthyroid. The elevated TT4
is consistent with increased TBG levels observed in patients with acute hepatitis; in
pregnancy; and in persons taking estrogens, estrogen-containing contraceptives,
tamoxifen, raloxifene, heroin, or methadone.
1,2,21,53–55 Because TBG and therefore
levels are increased by estrogens in S.T., total serum T4 measurements are
because the increased pituitary secretion of TSH cannot increase thyroid production
needed to offset the increased binding of T4
1 Thyroid function tests should return to
normal within 4 weeks after estrogen-containing contraceptives are discontinued. A
change to progesterone-only contraceptives that do not affect protein binding, do not
alter thyroid function tests, and do not increase thyroid requirements can be
QUESTION 1: J.P., a 55-year-old woman, complains of 3 months of progressive tremors, dizziness, and
, 14.5 mcg/dL (normal, 4.8–10.4)
TSH, 3.8 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1)
TPOAb, 40 WHO units (normal, <100)
How should J.P.’s laboratory values be interpreted?
Although the symptoms of tremors, dizziness, and weight loss are suggestive of
, negative antibodies, normal TSH, and normal thyroid
examination make this diagnosis unlikely. Side effects of amiodarone could be
responsible for J.P.’s symptoms. Her drug therapy could also explain her laboratory
Amiodarone produces complex changes in thyroid function tests that are confusing
3,12,56,57 Because amiodarone inhibits both the peripheral
and pituitary conversion of T4
subnormal in euthyroid patients. Transient elevations in TSH levels occur (usually
<20 microunits/mL) during the first few weeks of therapy but return to normal in
approximately 3 months. If TSH levels do not normalize, then amiodarone-induced
thyroid disease should be considered. Amiodarone can cause either hypothyroidism
or hyperthyroidism in susceptible patients.
The other drugs J.P. is taking—pramipexole, levodopa, metformin, and
metoclopramide—also add to the diagnostic confusion. Although these drugs do not
affect the actual circulating hormone levels, they affect the dopaminergic system that
controls both TSH and TRH secretion.
Infusions of dopamine and dobutamine
can decrease both TSH secretion and the TSH response to TRH in euthyroid and
21,32,33,59 Therefore, dopamine agonists such as pramipexole,
cabergoline, and levodopa can blunt the normal TSH response.
metformin after 1 year of therapy can cause significant TSH suppression without
changes in free thyroxine levels by as yet an unknown mechanism of action.
Conversely, dopamine antagonists such as metoclopramide or domperidone can
21,32 Fortunately, the alterations in TSH caused by these agents are
usually not substantial enough to completely obscure the true thyroid abnormality.
See Table 52-2 and Cases 52-23 and 52-24 for more information about drug effects
J.P.’s thyroid tests present a confusing picture; however, the presence of a TSH
within the normal range indicates euthyroidism. J.P. should be continued on her
current regimen with follow-up monitoring of thyroid tests.
thyroid gland. Laboratory data include the following results:
TSH, 60 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1)
TPOAb, 136 WHO units (normal, <100)
Assess M.W.’s thyroid status based on her clinical and laboratory findings.
M.W. presents with many of the clinical features of hypothyroidism as presented in
Table 52-3. These include weight gain, mental sluggishness, easy fatigability,
lowering of the voice pitch, puffy facies, yellowish tint of the skin, delayed DTRs,
62 The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is confirmed by her
laboratory findings of a low FT4
, an elevated TSH value, and positive TPOAb.
A firm goiter, thyroid antibodies, and clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism
strongly suggest Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. She has no history of prior antithyroid drug
use, surgery, or RAI treatment, which are common causes of iatrogenic
hypothyroidism. She is also not taking any goitrogens or drugs known to cause
Treatment with Thyroid Hormones
CASE 52-5, QUESTION 2: What thyroid preparation should be used to treat M.W.’s hypothyroidism? Are
The principal goals of thyroid hormone therapy are to attain and maintain a
euthyroid state. Thyroid preparations (Table 52-8
Desiccated thyroid is derived from pork thyroid glands, although beef and sheep are
also used. Today, starting patients on desiccated thyroid is not justified. The USP
requires only that desiccated thyroid contain 0.17% to 0.23% organic iodine by
weight. These requirements do not seem stringent enough because potency may vary
with changes in the proportion of the two active hormones (T3 and T4
changes in the amount of organic iodine present.
67,68 This variable potency seems to
be particularly true of generic formulations compared with the biologically
standardized Armour brand of desiccated thyroid. Inactive desiccated thyroid
preparations that contain negligible amounts of T3 and T4 or even iodinated casein
instead of active hormone have been identified in various brands sold in retail
pharmacies and in over-the-counter products found in health food stores.
Likewise, preparations with greater-than-expected activity caused by an abnormally
high T3 content have resulted in thyrotoxicosis.
supraphysiologic elevations in T3
levels might produce toxic symptoms;
a Stable, predictable potency; well
desiccated thyroid. When changing
from >2 gr desiccated thyroid to
, a lower dosage of L-T4 might
be needed to avoid toxicity. Weight
should be considered in dosing (1.6–
be impaired by iron, aluminumcontaining products (e.g., antacids,
sucralfate), Kayexalate, calcium
preparations, proton pump inhibitors,
cholesterol resin and phosphate
binders, raloxifene, soy, bran, coffee,
anticonvulsants, rifampin, imatinib,
25–37.5 mcg Complete absorption; requires multiple
daily dosing; toxicity similar to all T3
containing products; see desiccated
Thyrolar-1 No need for liotrix because T4
expensive, stable, and predictable
aHistorically, 60 mg (1 gr) of desiccated thyroid = 60 mcg of T4
66 This conversion was determined with older
TSH assays, without direct measurement of FT4
and has been challenged. The conversion is now typically
per 60 mg of desiccated thyroid. The T3
gr, grain; Inj, injection; L-T4
, thyroxine; Tab, tablet; USP, United States
Allergic reactions to the animal protein are another concern. In addition,
desiccated thyroid suffers from two problems inherent to all T3
is absorbed more rapidly than T4
levels occur after oral ingestion, which can produce mild
thyrotoxic symptoms in some patients. FT4
levels are low during T3 administration
and, if misinterpreted, can result in the erroneous administration of more hormone.
These problems with T3 are easily missed unless T3
levels are routinely monitored.
Because significant amounts of T4 are converted to T3 peripherally, oral
administration of T3 offers no advantage and is not usually needed (see
Loss of tablet potency can occur from prolonged storage of desiccated thyroid
preparations, but this instability is not as important as once believed. Because the
only apparent advantage of desiccated thyroid is its low cost, it should not be
considered the drug of choice for replacement therapy. Patients maintained on
desiccated thyroid should be encouraged to change to L-thyroxine (T4
mg (1 g) of desiccated thyroid is theoretically equal in potency to 75 to 100 mcg of
this equivalency may not hold true if the desiccated thyroid preparation is less
active than its labeled content. The patient’s weight should also be considered when
switching therapy (see Case 52-5, Question 3).
The synthetic thyroid preparations differ from one another in their relative potency,
onset of action, and biological half-life.
L-Thyroxine is the thyroid replacement of choice.
stability, uniform potency, relatively low cost, and lack of allergenic foreign protein
content. The long half-life of 7 days permits once-a-day dosing and, if necessary, the
creation of special convenience schedules, such as the omission of medication on
weekends. The mean absorption of a commonly used branded preparation is 81%.
Absorption is optimal on an empty stomach.
73 Current guidelines recommend taking
L-thyroxine either 60 minutes before breakfast or 3 to 4 hours after the evening meal
35,65 Several medications can also impair L-thyroxine
absorption (see Case 52-9, Question 1).
Concerns about generic and branded L-thyroxine tablet stability and potency,
bioavailability, and product interchangeability existed because L-thyroxine
preparations were grandfathered in by the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. To
address these concerns, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required that
all manufacturers of L-thyroxine products submit a New Drug Application (NDA) by
August 2001 or cease production by 2003 if the NDA was not filed.
74 Several FDAapproved brand and generic (formulations approved under the NDA received AB or
BX ratings, indicating interchangeability for some generic and brand preparations.
Raising concerns about the methodology the FDA used to determine bioequivalence,
the American Thyroid Association, The Endocrine Society, and the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists issued joint position statements expressing
their displeasure with the FDA’s conclusions of interchangeability.
Laboratories, the manufacturer of Synthroid, and others also disagreed with the
76 Although this issue remains controversial, the preponderance of the
evidence supports the FDA ratings and suggests that these preparations are likely to
be interchangeable in the majority of patients.
(Cytomel) is not recommended for routine thyroid hormone replacement because
of the problems identified earlier with T3 administration (see Desiccated Thyroid
71 Numerous randomized studies now conclude that replacement with
combination T4 and small dosages of T3 offer no advantage to T4 alone, despite an
initial study showing improved cognitive performance and mood changes
Furthermore, a prospective study found that T3
levels post-thyroidectomy in 50
patients receiving only levothyroxine were similar to T3
patients before surgery confirming that levothyroxine alone is sufficient for
Its use to enhance contractility in coronary bypass surgery is
is well absorbed, it has a relatively short half-life (1.5 days),
necessitating multiple daily dosing to ensure a uniform response. Other disadvantages
include higher expense and a greater potential for cardiotoxicity. Its primary use is
for patients who require short-term hormone replacement therapy and rarely in those
in whom T4 conversion to T3 might be impaired. Proponents favoring thyroid
treatment of the “euthyroid sick” syndrome identify T3 as the hormone replacement of
therapy should be monitored using the TSH and TT3 or FT3
Liotrix is a combination of synthetic T4 and T3
in a physiologic ratio of 4:1. This
preparation is subject to the same disadvantages common to all T3
preparations. It is also stable and potent, but it is more expensive than other thyroid
preparations. Because oral administration of T3
therapy, this expensive preparation is not
81,82 Patients should be changed to an equivalent dosage of L-thyroxine.
CASE 52-5, QUESTION 3: What would you recommend as appropriate starting and maintenance dosages of
The maintenance dosage for M.W. can be estimated from her weight. Average
replacement doses of 1.6 to 1.7 mcg/kg/day (e.g., 100–125 mcg) are sufficient in
most patients to normalize the TSH.
62,71 L-Thyroxine dosages that suppress TSH
levels to below normal or undetectable levels (subclinical hyperthyroidism) should
be avoided to prevent osteoporosis and cardiac toxicity.
71,85–89 Excessive L-thyroxine
can cause tachycardia, atrial arrhythmias, impaired ventricular relaxation, reduced
exercise performance, and increased risk of cardiac mortality.
are especially important in older patients, who might require less T4
younger counterparts and who are particularly sensitive to minute changes in T4
doses (see Case 52-6). As patients age, the dosage should be evaluated yearly and
decreased if necessary to maintain a normal TSH level.
replacement can proceed depends on the likelihood of invoking
cardiac toxicity in susceptible patients. Minute doses of T4
increase heart rate, stroke volume, oxygen consumption, and cardiac workload before
euthyroidism occurs. One double-blind study compared the clinical outcome between
starting full replacement doses versus gradual 25-mcg incremental doses in relatively
young hypothyroid subjects with asymptomatic cardiac disease and concluded that
those receiving full doses normalized thyroid function tests more rapidly (4 weeks)
90 Because M.W. has no identifiable risk factors (see Case
52-11, Question 3) for cardiotoxicity that require careful dosage titration (e.g., old
age, cardiac disease, long duration of hypothyroidism), she can be started on an
replacement dose of 125 mcg daily of L-thyroxine (70 kg × 1.7 mcg/kg/day = 120
35 An alternative conservative approach would be to start with 100 or 112
I and TSH tests after 6 to 8 weeks of therapy, and if
the TSH is still elevated without any symptoms of toxicity, increase the dosage to
125 mcg/day. The appropriate replacement dose will produce a TSH of 1 to 2
microunits/mL, normalize FT4 or FT4
I levels, and reverse clinical symptoms of
hypothyroidism. Generally, dosing adjustments should not exceed monthly increments
of 12.5 to 25 mcg/day. Even in the absence of overt coronary disease, patients over
age 50 to 60 should be started on a lower dose of L-thyroxine (50 mcg/day) and
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