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 10,11 The three

macronutrients used in PN formulations are available in various concentrations from

manufacturers. Sterile water for injection is used to dilute the macronutrients to

achieve the prescribed final concentrations of dextrose, amino acids, and lipids, as

well as the final volume of the PN formulation.

PN formulations may be prepared in one of two ways, a dextrose–amino acid (2-

in-1) mixture in which IV fat emulsion (IVFE) is administered separately as a

piggybacked infusion or a total nutrient admixture (TNA or 3-in-1) in which the

dextrose, amino acids, and IVFE are combined in solution in the same bag. Premixed

PN solutions are also available commercially in different percentages of dextrose

and amino acid preparations. Premixed PN solutions are sterile products that have a

longer shelf life; however, these formulations limit the ability to customize the final

product to meet individual patient needs.

Errors have occurred in preparing and managing this complex therapy, resulting in

patient harm and death. A responsibility of the pharmacist is to ensure safe, accurate,

and sterile preparation of the PN formulation. Guidelines for safe practices have

been developed for situations in which inconsistent practices have the potential to

cause harm. Pharmaceutical problem areas that are addressed in the Safe Practices

for Parenteral Nutrition Formulations are compounding, formulas, labeling, stability,

and filtering of PN formulations.


PN is a costly therapy. Costs associated with PN therapy include not only the

admixture but also the expense of obtaining venous access, laboratory monitoring,

and treatment of complications of therapy. Because of the cost and complexity of PN

therapy, its use should be scrutinized and reserved for patients who will benefit from



Dextrose in water is the most common carbohydrate for IV use. It is available

commercially in concentrations ranging from 2.5% to 70%. Dextrose solutions are

mixed with other components of the PN formulation and diluted to various final

concentrations with sterile water for injection. Dextrose in its hydrated form

provides 3.4 kcal/g, compared with dietary carbohydrate which provides 4 kcal/g.

Another carbohydrate energy substrate is glycerol, a sugar alcohol with a caloric

density of 4.3 kcal/g. It is available as a premixed PN formulation (3% glycerol with

3% AAs) for administration as PPN. Because of the dilute concentrations of this

premixed formulation, large volumes are generally necessary to meet caloric



Lipid or intravenous fat emulsion (IVFE) is the most calorically dense macronutrient

for infusion and a source of essential fatty acids (FA). The optimal composition of

IVFE has been a focus of clinical debate because of the potential to influence immune

function, inflammatory response, and liver function. This has prompted research into

the development of new lipid formulations (structured lipids) in which part of the n-6

polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) has been replaced by less bioactive FAs, such

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as coconut oil (rich in medium chain saturated FA), olive oil (rich in n-9

monounsaturated FA oleic acid), or fish oil (rich in n-3 polyunsaturated FA)—

challenging the traditional soybean oil and soybean/safflower oil emulsions (n-6


13 While structured IVFEs have been used for years outside of the United States,

the US Food and Drug Administration has recently approved an IVFE formulated

with a 4:1 combination of olive oil and soybean oil

14 and another IVFE formulation

containing soybean oil, medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), olive oil and fish oil.


The traditional IVFEs are available commercially as 10% (1.1 kcal/mL), 20%

(2.0 kcal/mL), and 30% (3.0 kcal/mL) concentrations. While each gram of fat

provides 9 kcal, the caloric density of the IVFE is increased slightly because of the

glycerol within the IVFE such that each milliliter of 10% IVFE provides 1.1 kcals,

and each milliliter of 20% and 30% IVFE provides 2.0 kcal/mL and 3.0 kcal/mL

respectively. Other components of the IVFE include glycerol to make the formulation

isotonic, egg phospholipid as an emulsifier, vitamin K, and sodium hydroxide to

adjust the final pH. The 10% and 20% IVFEs may be administered concurrently (IV

piggyback) with dextrose/amino acid solutions or mixed with dextrose and amino

acids within the PN formulation. The 30% IVFE is used exclusively for compounding

formulations that combine dextrose, amino acids, and lipid in the same container.


Amino Acids

Synthetic crystalline amino acids serve as the source of protein and nitrogen (6.25 g

protein = 1 g nitrogen). Nitrogen is the building block of cell structure and is used to

produce enzymes, peptide hormones, as well as structural and serum proteins. When

oxidized for energy protein yields 4 kcal/g. Protein calories have not always been

included in the calculation of energy needs for patients receiving PN formulations.

Ideally, amino acids are used to stimulate protein synthesis and tissue repair and are

not oxidized for energy; however, the human body cannot compartmentalize energy

metabolism in such a manner. Today, conventional wisdom is to include protein

calories in the total calorie calculations. Table 38-1 summarizes available nutrients

and their caloric density.

Amino acid concentrations of 3.5% to 20% are available commercially and vary

slightly from one product to another in specific amounts of each amino acid,

electrolyte content, and pH. Generally, amino acid (AA) products are characterized

as standard mixtures or specialty mixtures. Standard AA products provide a balanced

mix of essential, nonessential, and semi-essential amino acids, whereas specialty AA

products are modified for specific disease states.

Table 38-1

Caloric Density of Intravenous Nutrients

Nutrient kcal/g kcal/mL

Amino acids 4

Amino acids 5% 0.2

Amino acids 10% 0.4

Dextrose 3.4

Dextrose 10% 0.34

Dextrose 50% 1.7

Dextrose 70% 2.38

Fat 10

Fat emulsion 10% 1.1

Fat emulsion 20% 2

Fat emulsion 30% 3

Glycerol 4.3

Glycerol 3% 0.129

Medium-Chain Triglycerides 8.3

Specialty AA mixtures are available for neonatal patients and for adult patients

with hepatic encephalopathy, renal failure, or critical illness. Specialty AA

formulations designed for patients with hepatic failure contain increased amounts of

branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and decreased amounts of aromatic amino

acids (AAA) compared to standard AA products. These formulations are thought to

counter the imbalance between AAA and BCAA that can occur in hepatic failure.

Elevations in AAA may lead to altered mental status. There is no evidence to suggest

that formulations enriched with BCAA improve patient outcomes compared with

standard formulas.

16–18 Formulas enriched with BCAA should be reserved for

patients with hepatic encephalopathy refractory to standard treatment with luminal

acting antibiotics and lactulose.

16 Specialty amino acid products used in renal failure

are predominantly comprised of essential amino acids.

19 Their use is based upon the

theory that nonessential amino acids can be recycled from urea and essential amino

acids. Indications for renal amino acid formulations are limited.

20 Standard amino

acids should be used in acute kidney injury.

Modified amino acid formulations are also available for critically ill patients with

hypercatabolic conditions such as trauma or thermal injury. These formulations

contain increased amounts of the BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) to address

the increased skeletal muscle catabolism that can be seen in severe metabolic stress.

While these BCAA enriched products may slightly improve nitrogen balance,

improved patient outcomes have not been demonstrated.

21,22 For a summary of the

various amino acid formulas, see Table 38-2.


Micronutrients are electrolytes, vitamins, and trace minerals needed for metabolism.

These nutrients are available from various manufacturers as either single entities or

in combinations. For example, the trace element zinc is available commercially as a

single trace element product or as a combination product with copper, chromium,

manganese, and selenium. Likewise, electrolytes are available as individual salts or

as a combination product to facilitate admixing. Commercially available vitamins for

PN formulations are generally prescribed as a combination multivitamin regimen,

although some vitamins are available as single additives. It is important to be aware

of the specific products available in each institution to avoid providing inadequate or

excessive amounts of various micronutrients.


Patient Assessment: Population-Based Formulation

CASE 38-1

QUESTION 1: A.A. is an 70 year-old man brought to the emergency department who is unable to speak, has

a left-sided facial palsy, and left-sided muscle weakness in his upper and lower extremities. He is admitted to

the hospital with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke. Evaluation of swallowing with modified barium swallow shows

A.A. is at increased risk of aspiration. Enteral tube feedings are started to prevent aspiration. A.A. develops

abdominal pain and bloating while receiving enteral feedings. Other enteral formulas

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and regimens are tried with the same results. Enteral feedings are stopped at this time and a short-term

peripheral PN formulation is to be started. His weight today is 186 lbs; his height is 70 inches.

Nutrition laboratory panel values are as follows:

Sodium (Na), 142 mEq/L

Potassium (K), 4.1 mEq/L

Chloride (Cl), 100 mEq/L

Bicarbonate (HCO3

), 25 mEq/L

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 10 mg/dL

Creatinine, 1.0 mg/dL

Glucose, 91 mg/dL

Calcium (Ca), 9.4 mg/dL

Magnesium (Mg), 2.1 mg/dL

Phosphorus (P), 3.4 mg/dL

Total protein, 6.0 g/dL

Albumin, 3.6 g/dL

Prealbumin, 18 mg/dL

White blood cell (WBC) count, 8,800/μL

Assess his nutrition status.

A.A. is a well-developed, well-nourished man prior to admission. However,

A.A.’s visceral proteins are in low-normal range, indicating he may be at increased

risk for malnutrition. See Chapter 35, Basics of Nutrition and Patient Assessment, for

a more detailed description of evaluation of patients with nutritional deficiencies.

The principles from Chapter 35 will be applied to this and all others cases

throughout this chapter. He has a minimal stress level and his baseline electrolytes

are within normal limits.

CASE 38-1, QUESTION 2: Calculate calorie and protein goals for A.A. using population estimations.

A.A.’s initial calorie goals are to meet his current energy expenditure needed for

basal metabolism and account for mild stress associated with stroke recovery. A.A.

would fall into the category of “hospitalized patient, mild stress” requiring 20 to 25

kcal/kg/day (see Table 35-3 in Chapter 35, Basics of Nutrition and Patient

Assessment). For this calculation, A.A.’s actual weight of 186 lbs (84.5 kg) should

be used because his metabolism and current energy expenditure have caused a

decrease in body mass. Using usual weight or ideal body weight in patients who have

severe weight loss may result in overfeeding. For A.A., the caloric goal should be

1,690 to 2,113 kcal/day.

Protein goals are estimated based on weight, degree of stress, and disease state.

Because A.A. has had a stroke and his metabolic stress is mild his protein goal

should be based on the desire to maintain his current protein status. Using the

guidelines provided in Table 35-4 (Chapter 35, Basics of Nutrition and Patient

Assessment), A.A.’s protein dose is 1.0 g/kg/day (range 1.0–1.2), or 85 g/day. As

with energy expenditure, calculations of protein needs are only estimates; the

patient’s clinical course should be monitored and the protein dose adjusted

accordingly. The protein source for PN is synthetic amino acids. Generally, 1 g of

protein is equivalent to 1 g of amino acids. A.A. will need 85 to 101 g/day of amino


In patients with chronic kidney disease, protein intake should be adjusted

according to catabolic rate, renal function, and possible protein losses from


23–25 Patients with compromised renal function may require protein

restriction to delay the progression of renal disease. Protein intake for patients

receiving continuous renal replacement therapy should range between 1.8 and 2.5


23–25 Patients with acute kidney injury who receive hemodialysis may

demonstrate positive nitrogen balance with protein dose of 1.5 g/kg/day.

26 The

recommended protein intake for patients who receive maintenance hemodialysis is

1.2 g/kg/day,

27,28 while patients who receive chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

should receive 1.3 g/kg/day.


Table 38-2

Amino Acid Product Comparison

Description Product Name Available Concentrations (%)

Standard Formulations

Contain essential

a and nonessential

b amino

acids, some available with electrolytes



Aminosyn II

FreAmine III





c 5, 7,

c 8.5,

c 10,

c 15

3, 8.5, 10




c 5.5,

c 8.5,

c 10

Hepatic Failure Formulations

Contain essential and nonessential amino

acids with a proportion of branched-chain

amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine)





Renal Failure Formulations

Contain primarily essential amino acids;

RenAmin also contains a complement of

nonessential amino acids









Stress Formulations

Contain percentages of leucine, isoleucine,

and valine, as well as all essential and

nonessential amino acids

Aminosyn HBC

FreAmine HBC




Contain only branched-chain amino acids

(isoleucine, leucine, valine); must be used

with a general formulation

BranchAmin 4

aEssential amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, histidine.

bNonessential amino acids: cysteine, arginine, alanine, proline, glycine, glutamine, aspartate, serine, tyrosine.

c These concentrations are available with or without electrolytes.

Source: Zerr KJ et al. Glucose control lowers the risk of wound infection in diabetics after open heart operations.

Ann Thorac Surg. 1997;63:356; Rose BD. Clinical Physiology of Acid–Base and Electrolyte Disorders. 4th ed.

New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1994:891.

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CASE 38-1, QUESTION 3: A.A. has a peripheral IV catheter, and his peripheral access appears to be

adequate. Is he a candidate for using a peripheral PPN formulation?

With good peripheral access, A.A. meets one of the criteria for PPN. Furthermore,

he should be able to tolerate the volume of a PPN formulation necessary to meet his

goals. A common complication (up to 70%) of PPN is thrombophlebitis, which

generally occurs within 72 hours.

5,30 Phlebitis is usually attributed to the acidic pH or

hyperosmolarity of the PN formulation. The osmolarity of typical peripheral

parenteral feedings ranges from 600 to 900 mOsm/L compared with an osmolarity of

280 to 300 mOsm/L of plasma. Osmolarity of a dextrose–amino acid formulation can

be approximated quickly by multiplying the percent dextrose concentration by 50 and

the percent amino acid concentration by 100. Approximately 150 to 200 mOsm/L

should be added to account for the contribution of electrolytes, vitamins, and trace

elements. Although the concurrent administration of fat emulsions decreases

osmolarity, buffers the pH, and improves peripheral vein tolerance, it does not

eliminate the risk of thrombophlebitis.


If PN is anticipated to be a long-term therapy

for A.A., central venous access should be obtained.

CASE 38-1, QUESTION 4: Design a parenteral nutrient base formulation and determine the amounts of

each macronutrient stock solution needed to compound the PN formula for A.A. based on the caloric and

protein goals determined previously.

A.A.’s caloric and protein goals are determined to be approximately 1,900

kcal/day and 85 g protein/day. Giving 85 g of protein per day will provide 340

kcal/day (1 g protein = 4 kcal). Subtracting these protein calories from total desired

calories results in the amount of nonprotein calories needed (to be provided by

carbohydrates and fat). For A.A., this would be 1,900 total calories minus 340

protein calories, or 1,560 nonprotein calories needed. Typically, dextrose should

account for 60% to 70% of nonprotein calories, and lipids would account for the

remaining 30% to 40% of nonprotein calories. Providing A.A. with 1,092 kcal of

dextrose (approximately 321 g of dextrose; 1 g dextrose = 3.4 kcal) will supply 70%

of nonprotein calories as dextrose. The remaining 30% of nonprotein calories will be

provided by lipids at 468 kcal (46.8 g of lipids; 1 g of IV lipids = 10 kcal).

For dextrose, a 70% stock solution provides 70 g of dextrose/100 mL. To obtain

321 g of dextrose, 459 mL of the stock solution is needed:

Similarly, the volume necessary to provide 85 g of amino acids with a 10% stock

AA solution is 850 mL. IV lipids at 20% provide 2 kcal/mL or 20 g/100 mL. Using

this stock solution, 234 mL would provide 46.8 g of lipids. The total volume of the

dextrose, AA, and fat solution would be 1,543 mL/day. Additional volume will be

required as electrolytes, vitamins, trace elements, and water are included in the final


CASE 38-1, QUESTION 5: The institution administers PPN using a 3-in-1 system at 100 mL/hr (2,400

mL/day). This PPN regimen will meet the majority of nutrient goals. Will this meet A.A.’s maintenance fluid


Maintenance fluid needs can be estimated using several methods. The simplest

method uses 30 to 35 mL/kg/day as the basis. Another method is to provide 1,500 mL

for the first 20 kg body weight plus an additional 20 mL/kg for actual weight beyond

the initial 20 kg. Both methods provide estimates of fluid needs for basic

maintenance, and additional fluid must be provided for increased losses such as

vomiting, nasogastric (NG) tube output, diarrhea, or large open wounds. A.A.’s fluid

needs are estimated as follows:

The PPN formulation is slightly less than A.A.’s needs of 2,590 mL/day. The PPN

can be increased to 2,600 mL/day to better meet fluid needs. This will also slightly

increase his calorie and protein intake bringing him closer to his goal requirements.

Another option would be to provide any additional fluids via a separate IV line. It is

important to not supply fluids in excess. The extra fluid intake may put patients at risk

for becoming fluid overloaded. Therefore, A.A. should be monitored for signs of

fluid overload, including peripheral edema, shortness of breath, daily intake

exceeding daily output, hyponatremia, and rapidly increasing weight.

CASE 38-1, QUESTION 6: What are the benefits of using a mixed-fuel system, combining dextrose and fat

to meet energy needs?

Providing a portion of calories as fat may reduce the metabolic consequences of

excessive dextrose administration. The maximal rate of dextrose metabolism in

adults is 5 to 7 mg/kg/minute, or approximately 7 g/kg/day. In doses greater than 7

g/kg/day, dextrose is used inefficiently and converted to fat.

32 The conversion to fat

may be associated with respiratory compromise and hepatic dysfunction.


Hyperglycemia, another complication of excessive dextrose infusion, is associated

with electrolyte and acid–base disturbances, osmotic diuresis, increased risk of

infections, and altered phagocyte and complement function. Furthermore, using a

mixed-fuel system allows the administration of a small amount of IVFE daily and

avoids the need for larger boluses of lipid twice weekly to prevent essential fatty

acid deficiency (EFAD). Rapid administration of IVFE has been associated with

alterations in the reticuloendothelial system that are not observed with continuous

administration of small doses.


IVFE should be infused at a rate of less than 0.11

g/kg/hour to prevent adverse effects, which include impaired hepatic, pulmonary,

immune, and platelet function.

11 Administration of essential fatty acids as 1% to 4%

of total caloric intake (e.g., 250 mL of 20% lipid twice a week) is necessary to

prevent EFAD.

The essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid, are those that cannot

be synthesized by humans. Of these, linoleic acid appears to be the only one required

by adults. Clinical symptoms of EFAD are dry, thickened, scaly skin, hair loss, poor

wound healing, and thrombocytopenia, which may be observed after a few weeks to

months of lipid-free parenteral feedings.

29 Biochemical evidence of EFAD,

determined by a triene to tetraene ratio of greater than 0.4, may be seen after 1 week

of lipid-free parenteral feedings. The continuous infusion of hypertonic dextrose from

the PN is associated with high circulating concentrations of insulin. Because insulin

promotes lipogenesis rather than lipolysis, linoleic acid cannot be released from

adipose tissue.


Patient Assessment: Moderate Stress

CASE 38-2

QUESTION 1: B.B. is a 64-year-old woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 4 years ago. The

cancer was treated with a combination of chemotherapy and external beam radiation

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therapy. B.B. subsequently developed chronic radiation enteritis. She is admitted to the hospital for a complaint

of increasing abdominal pain with eating for 7 days, and no stool output for 5 days. Questioning reveals that

over the past week she has been drinking only liquids secondary to nausea and vomiting, and her weight has

decreased 6 lbs during that time. Review of systems is positive for abdominal pain. On physical examination,

B.B. appears thin, and her abdomen is distended. Vital signs are notable for a temperature of 38.5°C, heart rate

of 88 beats/minute, and a blood pressure of 102/68 mm/Hg. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 110 lbs (50

kg). Her medical record indicates that 1 month ago she weighed 116 lbs (52.7 kg), and 6 months ago her weight

was 122 lbs (55.4 kg).

Admission laboratory values are as follows:

Na, 133 mEq/L

K, 4.5 mEq/L

Cl, 100 mEq/L


, 25 mEq/L

BUN, 15 mg/dL

Creatinine, 0.7 mg/dL

Glucose, 103 mg/dL

Ca, 9.3 mg/dL

Mg, 2.2 mg/dL

P, 4.5 mg/dL

Albumin, 3.1 g/dL

WBC count, 11,800/μL

Hematocrit, 46%

Alanine aminotransferase, 31 units/L

Aspartate aminotransferase, 27 units/L

Alkaline phosphatase, 65 units/L

Total bilirubin, 0.6 mg/dL

Evaluation of B.B. with an abdominal CT scan shows bowel obstruction with a stricture distal to the

obstruction and signs of chronic inflammation. B.B. is admitted with complications from chronic radiation

enteritis. Why is B.B. a candidate for PN?

PN should be considered when the patient’s nutrient intake has been inadequate for

7 days or longer and the GI tract is not functioning. B.B. has eaten little in the past

week, and her 5% decrease in weight is a concern. Furthermore, her weight has

decreased by more than 10% during the past 6 months, which is considered a severe

weight loss. B.B. is not expected to resume oral intake because her radiation enteritis

is being managed conservatively with bowel rest.

Assessment of weight loss should include evaluation of hydration status,

especially because B.B.’s vomiting and minimal oral intake for the past week place

her at risk of dehydration. Loss of lean body mass is probably less than that reflected

by the decrease in weight. In addition, B.B.’s admission serum albumin concentration

is low at 3.1 g/dL. Her hydration status should be considered when evaluating this

visceral protein, since B.B.’s serum albumin concentration will probably decrease

further after she is rehydrated. Because B.B.’s GI tract is not functioning, PN is

indicated. For a list of the most common primary diagnoses for the use of PN in

hospitalized patients, see Table 38-3.

CASE 38-2, QUESTION 2: What type of malnutrition does B.B. have?

B.B. exhibits some loss of fat and muscle, as well as depletion of visceral

proteins. She has components of both marasmus and kwashiorkor malnutrition;

therefore, she would be considered to have mixed protein-calorie malnutrition (see

Chapter 35, Basics of Nutrition and Patient Assessment).

Table 38-3

Most Common Primary Diagnoses for TPN in Adult Hospitalized Patients

Top 10 Primary Diagnoses TPN

Intestinal or peritoneal adhesions with obstruction

Acute pancreatitis



Acute respiratory failure

Intestinal obstruction

Aspiration pneumonitis

Gastrointestinal complication

Coronary atherosclerosis


Source: Wischmeyer PE et al. Characteristics and current practice of parenteral nutrition in hospitalized patients.

JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2013;37:56–67.

CASE 38-2, QUESTION 3: Members of the medical team are anxious to have B.B. gain weight and are

concerned by her malnourished appearance. What potential complications could result from aggressively

feeding B.B.?

B.B. may be at risk of refeeding syndrome. Chronic malnutrition may lead to

intracellular depletion of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium that may not be

evident when measuring serum electrolyte concentrations. Refeeding syndrome may

occur as phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium shift from the extracellular space

into the cells upon consumption of concentrated sources of calories. Carbohydrate

calories are converted to glucose which triggers the secretion of insulin, which in

turn, facilitates the uptake of glucose, water, phosphorus, and other intracellular

electrolytes. This phenomenon was first reported in World War II when chronically

malnourished survivors were given normal food and liquid diets. Complications

coinciding with refeeding these individuals included hypertension, cardiac

insufficiency, seizures, coma, and death. These complications were reported later in

the 1970s and 1980s, with the introduction of PN in chronically ill, essentially

starved hospitalized patients. Knowing a patient’s history of weight loss and diet

will help to assess the risk of refeeding syndrome. Specialized nutrition support

should be initiated and advanced slowly for “at risk” patients, along with close

monitoring to avoid serious electrolyte abnormalities and the cardiovascular

consequences thereof.

To minimize the risk of refeeding syndrome in B.B., all electrolyte abnormalities

must be corrected before nutrition support is initiated. Because B.B.’s electrolytes

are within normal range, no baseline adjustments are necessary. Nutrition should then

be implemented slowly and vitamins administered routinely. Laboratory values

including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and glucose should be monitored at

least daily for the first week.


Overfeeding should be avoided in all patients, especially those with respiratory

concerns (i.e., mechanically ventilated, chronic obstructive airway disease).

Overfeeding with carbohydrates is particularly detrimental because of the amount of

carbon dioxide produced relative to the amount of oxygen consumed. This results in

carbon dioxide retention that may lead to alterations in acid–base balance. Complete

oxidation of carbohydrate is demonstrated at dextrose infusions of 4 to 5

mg/kg/minute (20–25 kcal/kg/day). Infusions exceeding this rate increase carbon

dioxide production


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