Chapter 1 ■ Educational Principles of Simulation-Based Procedural Training 3
Philadelphia: JB Lippincott;1994, p. 37.)
perspectives. The educators can facilitate the process
by providing an objective view of the learner’s performance.
same. This results in a new mental model and understanding.
4. Active experimentation (doing): This new mental
model and understanding, developed by the learner,
requires immediate testing by active experimentation,
4 Section I ■ Preparation and Support
Table 1.1 Teaching Models Used to Teach Procedures
Manikin (Small Dolls with Soft Vinyl Skin)
Create a hole in the doll’s neck with a sharp instrument—a corkscrew works well.
Insert a size 1 or size 0 tracheotomy tube.
Tie the ties, and use as a model to teach proper suctioning and skin care techniques.
To teach umbilical catheter managements:
Puncture the doll’s anterior abdomen using a 16-gauge Medicut needle.
Insert needle through the doll’s front and back, then remove.
Thread an umbilical catheter through from front to back.
To teach technique for drawing samples for blood gases:
Insert a three-way stopcock into the umbilical catheter anteriorly and attach IV bag and tubing.
This system also can be used to teach arterial and venous blood pressure monitoring by transducer.
For a venous line, inflate to 5–10 torr.
To teach placement of chest tube:
Restrain the rabbit’s fore- and hindpaws securely.
To teach endotracheal intubation:
Use kittens weighing 1–1.5 kg.
Withhold food 8 h before intubation; however, allow water intake.
Give ketamine HCI 20 mg/kg IM.
Wait 10 min for full effect of ketamine HCI.
To teach endotracheal intubation
Withhold food 8 h before intubation; however, allow water intake.
Give ketamine HCI, 5 mg/kg IM, and acepromazine maleate, 0.55 mg/kg IM, and allow to take effect.
Apply bland ophthalmic ointment to eyes to prevent desiccation.
To teach insertion of IV infusion lines and umbilical vessel catheters:b
Preserve placenta and cord by freezing in individual containers.
Allow 3–4 h for thawing before use.
Use of this model is not recommended unless HIV and hepatitis B virus status of source is known.
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