1. Homeostasis: Fundamental mechanism whereby living
maintaining a stable, constant condition. From the
Greek homeo (same, like) and stasis (stable state) (1).
2. Normal body temperature: The core body temperature
is maintained by the term infant within the range of
36.5°C to 37.5°C, and the skin temperature, from
3. Neutral thermal environment: The range of ambient
4. Thermoregulation: Mechanisms by which the infant
tries to balance heat production and heat loss to accommodate the thermal environment (5–7).
5. Cold stress: The infant senses heat loss as a stress and
in an effort to maintain the core temperature (8).
6. Hypothermia: Heat losses exceed heat production,
dropping the infant’s temperature below the normal
range of 36.5°C to 37.5°C (97.7°F to 99.5°F) (9).
a. Mild hypothermia (cold stress): 36°C to 36.4°C
b. Moderate hypothermia: 32°C to 35.9°C (89.6°F to
c. Severe hypothermia: Below 32°C (89.6°F)
7. Hyperthermia: An increase in the infant’s temperature
to above 37.5°C (99.5°F), due to a warm environment.
Hyperthermia is less common than hypothermia but is
therefore, always consider both causes in any increase
a. Hypothermia may have severe consequences in
newborn infants and may even lead to arrhythmias
b. Peripheral vasoconstriction: Acrocyanosis, paleness,
c. Respiratory distress, apnea, and bradycardia (12,13)
d. Depletion of caloric reserves and hypoglycemia,
causing a shift to anaerobic metabolism and lactic
e. Increased oxygen consumption and metabolic
demands result in metabolic acidosis—a strong pulmonary vasoconstrictor inducing hypoxemia and
f. Mobilization of norepinephrine, TSH, T4 and free
fatty acids: Norepinephrine release promotes pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary ventilation–
h. Decreased number, activation, and aggregation of
i. Impaired neutrophil release and function (11)
j. Risk of kernicterus at low levels of serum bilirubin
k. Poor weight gain with chronic hypothermia (21)
2. Effects of hyperthermia or overheating (9)
c. Tachycardia and hypotension
d. The infant assumes a spread-eagle posture.
e. Hyperactivity and irritability: The infant becomes
restless and cries, then feeds poorly, with lethargy
f. If hyperthermia is severe, shock, seizures, and coma
g. If the increase in temperature is due to hypermetabolism (infection), paleness, vasoconstriction,
cool extremities, and a core temperature higher
than skin temperature may be noted.
24 Section I ■ Preparation and Support
3. Factors affecting heat loss
(1) Large surface area relative to body mass
(2) Relatively large head with highly vascular fontanelle
water loss may be 10 to 15 times greater in preterm
infants of 25 weeks’ gestation (2).
(4) Decreased stores of subcutaneous fat and brown
adipose tissue in more premature infants (7)
(5) Inability to signal discomfort or trigger heat production (shivering) (7)
(1) Physical contact with cold or warm objects
(2) Radiant heat loss or gain from proximity to hot
(3) Wet or exposed body surfaces (evaporation)
(4) Air currents in nursery or in incubator fan (convection)
(5) Excessive or insufficient coverings or clothing
(1) Metabolic demands of disease: Asphyxia, respiratory distress, sepsis (11)
(2) Pharmacologic agents (e.g., vasodilating drugs,
maternal analgesics, and unwarmed IV infusions, including blood products) (11)
(3) Medical stability of infant prior to procedure
(4) Thermogenic response matures with increase in
1. Maintenance of thermal homeostasis is necessary at all
2. Avoids increase in insensible water loss (IWL) and
1. Prevention of heat loss in the delivery room
a. Warm environment (Table 3.1), room temperature
>25°C; place infant on a radiant warmer, dry the
skin with a prewarmed towel, and then remove any
wet towels immediately (9,14,24).
b. Use occlusive plastic blankets/bags (2,10,25) (Fig. 3.1).
(1) Polyethylene bags (20 cm × 50 cm) prevent
evaporative heat loss in infants <29 weeks’ gestation. Their diathermancy allows transmission of
radiant heat to the infant. Immediately after
delivery, open the bag under the radiant warmer;
wrap the wet infant’s body from the shoulders
down, and dry only the head. Place hat on head.
Remove the wrap after the infant has been stable in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),
in a humidified environment, for 1 hour.
(2) Environment: Maintains temperature and
(3) Access: Allows neonatal resuscitation (secure airway, intubation, and chest compressions), but
(4) Asepsis: Limited by access
(5) Precautions: Record core temperature every 5 to
10 minutes until infant is stable.
(6) Complications: Hyperthermia, skin maceration,
(1) Stockinette caps are not effective in reducing
heat loss in term infants in the delivery room;
there is insufficient evidence in preterm
(2) Woolen hats may reduce or prevent heat loss in
term infants in the delivery room.
2. Prevention of heat loss in the NICU
a. Rigid plastic heat shields (heat shielding)
(1) Environment: Reduces IWL by 25% (27)
(3) Asepsis: Limited by access
(4) Precautions: Avoid direct skin contact.
(5) Complications: Hyperthermia, skin maceration,
b. Heat lamp: As an extra heat source (28)
(1) Environment: Increased IWL
(2) Access: Limited by other equipment used (open
(3) Asepsis: May be affected by limited access
(4) Precautions: Record temperature every 5 to
10 minutes or use a continuous monitor. To avoid
Table 3.1 Room Temperatures and Humidity by Gestational Age
Gestational Age (wks) Birthweight (g) Delivery/Stabilization Room Humidity
≤26 ≤750 26–27°C (78–80°F) 50%
29–32 1,001–1,500 ≥22°C (≥72°F)
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