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Alemtuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against CD52 proteins on the

surface of T cells and B cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, and granulocytes.

Binding of CD52 elicits antibody-dependent lysis of these cells. It is approved for

use in certain types of leukemias, but not in organ transplant. Because it causes a

profound reduction or depletion in lymphocytes, especially TH lymphocytes, a

number of studies have evaluated its effect as induction therapy to prevent acute

rejection after kidney transplant. Several studies have investigated its use in low and

high immunologic risk transplants and in steroid avoidance or withdrawal regimens

and CNI avoidance or withdrawal regimens. Short-term studies have indicated a role

for this agent in these situations. It is rarely used in liver transplantation. Most

protocols with this agent give a single IV or subcutaneous (SC) dose in the operating

room. With this dose, significant neutropenia and lymphopenia can occur, lasting for

months to years in some patients. This single-dose regimen has been successful in

reducing the incidence of fungal and viral infections as compared with multiple-dose

regimens although infection is still a concern with single dose.

20,21 See Case 34-1,

Question 4.


These agents, although not indicated for kidney transplantation, are being used and

studied primarily in kidney transplantation. Intravenous immunoglobulin and

rituximab, an anti-B-cell CD20 monoclonal antibody, are being used pre- and posttransplant in order to transplant patients with ABO incompatibility or who are highly

sensitized. Eculizumab, a C5 complement inhibitor, and bortezomib, a proteasome

inhibitor, are also being used and studied in these situations, as well as for the

treatment of antibody-mediated acute cellular rejection.



Indications and Evaluation

All patients with ESRD are potential candidates for kidney transplantation unless

contraindicated. The contraindications (absolute or relative) are determined by the

individual transplant center. Absolute contraindications include current malignancy,

active infection, active liver disease, HbsAg-positive, severe or symptomatic

cardiac or pulmonary disease, specific renal diseases with an accelerated recurrence

rate, substance abuse, and abnormal psychosocial and noncompliant behavior.

Relative contraindications for the recipient of a kidney transplant include chronic

liver disease, active infection, positive for hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV) positive, morbid obesity, current positive cross-match, and age greater

than 70 years. The relative contraindication for the elderly with ESRD is

controversial because approximately 40% of the ESRD population is older than 65

years and an increasing number of these patients are undergoing kidney

transplantation. Patients with ESRD need not wait until they are receiving dialysis

before being considered for a kidney transplant because early transplantation is

associated with lower cost, better quality of life, and longer survival than patients on

dialysis awaiting transplantation. The primary diseases leading to ESRD and

transplant are diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, and polycystic kidney


Diabetes and hypertension are the most likely causes of ESRD. A kidney transplant

should return renal function to near normal (i.e., a glomerular filtration rate between

50 and 80 mL/minute), improve quality of life, and correct the complications of

ESRD such as anemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia, but not diabetes,

hypertension, or hyperlipidemia.

The risk–benefit ratio must be considered when evaluating a patient for any organ

transplantation. In general, kidney transplants are performed to improve the quality of

life and avoid the complications and outcomes associated with dialysis and renal

failure. It is also more cost effective than dialysis. On the other hand, patients who

are candidates for liver transplantation will die if the transplanted liver fails.

Therefore, the criteria established for organ transplantation must be evaluated

carefully before it is offered to any patient.

Donor and Recipient Matching

HLA matching of donor and recipient at the HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-DR loci is

associated with better graft survival and longer half-lives for both living-related and

deceased donor kidney transplants. A six-antigen match is ideal, whereas a zero

antigen match is less favorable. The half-life refers to the time it takes for half of the

grafts that survive the first year to fail. Organ half-lives are longer with living donors

(average 15.9 years) compared with deceased donors (average 11.9 years).

24 For

kidney recipients, the 1- and 3-year graft survival for a first deceased donor

transplant is greater than 90% and greater than 80%, respectively. These

p. 723

p. 724

positive factors may be offset, however, by ethnicity. Patient and graft survival after

kidney transplantation is reduced in the African-American population compared with

others because of immunologic, medical, pharmacologic, pharmacokinetic,

pharmacogenomic, and socioeconomic reasons. Along with African-American race,

other risk factors associated with decreased survival include advanced donor age,

recipient age less than 15 years and greater than 50 years, retransplantation, a high

PRA (>20%–50%), and delayed graft function. Recipients who fall into these

categories are referred to as high-risk patients.

Because of a limited number of donors, the organ transplant community has

devised methods to increase the donor pool by attempting to safely utilize marginal

donors. In its most current form, this allocation system has incorporated the use of a

predictive tool that determines the degree of marginality, termed the Kidney Donor

Profile Index (KDPI). The KDPI uses donor information, including age, height,

weight, ethnicity, hypertension, diabetes, cause of death, serum creatinine, hepatitis C

status, and circulatory death status to rate kidneys from 0% to 100%. Those in the

higher percentile are more likely to fail, as compared to kidneys with lower KDPIs.

In the current allocation system, donors with a high KDPI (85% or higher) are

reserved for older recipients.


Immunosuppressive Therapy

CASE 34-1

QUESTION 1: G.P. is a 52-year-old, 72-kg African-American man with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

secondary to type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. He has been undergoing hemodialysis 3

times a week for 4 years. Other medical problems include anemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia.

G.P.’s medications include amlodipine 10 mg daily, ramipril 10 mg twice daily (BID), Lipitor 20 mg daily,

calcium carbonate two tablets with meals and at bedtime, sevelamer 800 mg with meals, glargine insulin 30 units

daily, Novolog 8 units with meals, and erythropoietin 8,000 IU IV 3 times weekly. He has been on the kidney

transplant waiting list for 2 years. He is called by the transplant coordinator and admitted for a possible

deceased donor (formerly called cadaveric) kidney transplant. G.P. has the same blood type as the donor. His

most recent cPRA is 10%. Cross-match is negative, and HLA typing reveals a three-antigen match (A1, A2,

and B35) between donor and recipient. On admission to the hospital, his laboratory values are as follows:

Na, 141 mEq/L

Potassium (K), 4.7 mEq/L

Cl, 102 mEq/L

Bicarbonate (Hco3

), 23 mEq/L

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 44 mg/dL

Serum creatinine (SCr), 13.9 mg/dL

Calcium (Ca), 7.8 mEq/L

Phosphorus, 6.2 mg/dL

Glucose, 225 mg/dL

Albumin 3.5 g/dl

WBC count, 8.4 cells/mL

Hemoglobin (Hgb), 10.8 g/dL

Hematocrit (Hct), 32%

His serology is negative for HIV, hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg), hepatitis C, and cytomegalovirus

(CMV), and is positive for antibody to the surface antigen of hepatitis B (anti-Hbs), positive for Epstein–Barr

virus (EBV) antibody

Before the transplant procedure, G.P. receives MMF 1 g orally (PO) and cefazolin 1 g IV. During surgery,

just before reperfusion of his new kidney, he received methylprednisolone 500 mg IV and rabbit antithymocyte

globulin 100 mg IV. He is also given furosemide 100 mg IV after the kidney has been transplanted.

Methylprednisolone 250 mg IV is to be given on the day after surgery. The methylprednisolone dose is to be

decreased to 100 mg IV on the second postoperative day for one dose. Prednisone 60 mg (1 mg/kg/day) PO is

to be given on the subsequent day for one dose and tapered by 0.3 mg/kg/day to 20 mg daily by day 7 after

surgery and further tapered to 5 mg daily within a month. Tacrolimus nasogastric (NG) or PO 0.1 mg/kg/day or

3 mg every 12 hours will be started within 12 hours after surgery if renal function improves. The dosage will be

adjusted according to tacrolimus whole blood trough concentrations. MMF will be continued at 1 g PO BID. He

will also continue with antibody induction with rabbit antithymocyte globulin 100 mg IV on days 1, 2, 3 after

surgery. Why is G.P. being treated with this immunosuppressive regimen?

The major goal of immunosuppressive therapy is to prevent rejection and infection

with minimal adverse effects and to ensure long-term patient and graft survival as

well as improved quality of life. Overall acute rejection rates are <15% during the

first year after kidney transplantation. Most of these episodes respond to acute

antirejection therapy.

No consensus exists on the best induction and maintenance immunosuppressive

regimen, and selection primarily depends on the program and the specific organ to be

transplanted. Although studies have evaluated the various regimens, comparisons are

influenced by differences in donor selection and condition, organ preservation and

procurement, organ ischemic (cold and warm) time, recipient’s pretransplant

conditions, comorbid and high-risk or low-risk immunologic factors, surgical

procedures, postoperative management and monitoring, and length of follow-up.

Another important consideration is that many of the these agents show significant

effects during the first year, but fail to show a significant impact on long-term effects

such as chronic rejection and graft survival

3 The choice of a particular regimen

generally depends on the risk factors present at the time of transplantation. During

this early time period, because the risk of acute rejection is highest in the first few

weeks to months, the number of agents, doses, and target drug concentrations are

higher than later on after transplantation.

Most initial combination immunosuppressive drug regimens rely on two to three

maintenance agents, although in some cases monotherapy has been used, depending

on organ type and risk factors. Common combination regimens include a CNI

(tacrolimus and cyclosporine) with MPA or sirolimus/everolimus, and prednisone.

The most common regimen is tacrolimus, mycophenolate, and prednisone along with

short-term administration of a monoclonal antibody (alemtuzumab, basiliximab) or a

polyclonal antibody (rabbit antithymocyte globulin). Regimens that avoid steroids

and CNIs, or use a short course, in the early transplantation period, or are withdrawn

some time (usually several months) after transplantation in an attempt to avoid the

long-term side effects of these agents, are another option. In HLA-identical, livingrelated kidney transplants, dual therapy (e.g., tacrolimus or mycophenolate and

prednisone) gives excellent results; however, acute rejection may still occur, as well

as with other regimens. Combination therapy is used to take advantage of different

mechanisms of action and to reduce drug toxicity by using sequential therapy and

smaller doses of multiple agents rather than larger doses of any agent used alone.

These multidrug combinations can lead, however, to increased drug costs,

compliance issues, a higher incidence of infection and malignancy, and difficulty in

assessing and managing adverse effects.


Because G.P. is receiving a deceased donor transplant and is considered an

immunologically high-risk recipient (he is African-American),

p. 724

p. 725

an antibody plus several maintenance agents would be appropriate. He is started

on tacrolimus, mycophenolate, and prednisone. This combination based on the

literature is the most effective.


After the first 6 months, drug dosages are reduced over time and maintained at a

stable dose for 6 months to 1 year. In G.P., tacrolimus cyclosporine, sirolimus, and

everolimus doses are adjusted based on target trough concentration ranges, which are

reduced over time as well. MMF may be discontinued later. Although the

discontinuation of a drug may reduce adverse effects, it must be counterbalanced

against the risk of rejection and potential graft loss. Monotherapy, generally with

tacrolimus or cyclosporine, may be achieved in low-risk kidney, liver, transplant

recipients at some time after transplantation. Most patients require lifetime


CASE 34-1, QUESTION 2: What is induction therapy and which is the preferred agent for G.P?

Induction therapy after transplantation refers to the use of an antibody, typically at

time of transplant and during the first few days after transplant. rATG, alemtuzumab,

and basiliximab are induction agents. Acute rejection and delayed graft function

(need for dialysis during first 7 days after transplant) can occur in the early transplant

period. Both of these have a negative impact on graft survival. Antibody induction

reduces the incidence of early acute rejection, delayed graft function, and has

typically been used in immunologically high-risk patients. They allow the use of

lower doses, or slower introduction or sequential use of maintenance

immunosuppression. They are a major component of early therapy in high-risk

patients. Their use in patients at low-to-moderate risk has increased, often as a means

of reducing or avoiding the use of CNI and steroids. Currently, approximately 80% of

all kidney transplants receive induction therapy, with rabbit antithymocyte globulin

making up about 60%.


rATG was chosen as induction because G.P. is African-American and is at higher

risk for acute rejection. In general, rATG appears to be more effective than ATGAM

(horse ATG) and is the antibody of choice. rATG, when used for induction, results in

reduced acute rejection, improved survival, and manageable side effect profile. In

kidney transplants, this agent is effective in reducing acute rejection and improving

short- and long-term graft survival compared to horse ATG and especially in highrisk patients.

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