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analysis. It is defined as the minimum concentration of analyte that is statistically unlikely to form part of the range of signals seen in absence of analyte. Usually, the detection


Quality Control

The tendency of most immunological reagents to produce

changes in reactivity over time requires the application

of quality control procedures to ensure the satisfactory

analytical performance of immunometric assays on a

day-to-day basis. Similarly, in the case of turbidimetric

immunoassays reagent stability within a defined usable

time span is a prime requirement of the reagent systems,

so is the need for accurate and stable controls to validate

reagent functioning, precision and accuracy.

Reading Principles in Turbidimetry

For turbidimetric measurements, both end point and rate

measurements are applicable. However, the factor method

for calculating the concentration of the unknown is not

preferred in the kinetic methods by turbidimetry due to

the nonlinear nature of relationship between absorbance

and analyte concentrations.

Once the assay system has been designed, the analyzers

used for reading must be able to operate according to the

principles mentioned below with respect to the addition of

reagents and reading of signals (absorbance).

Real Sample Blanking

In this system first the activation buffer (R1) is added to the

sample cuvette (S). Then the sample is added, mixed and

allowed to stabilize (preincubation period). The first reading

(A1) is then taken at the end of preincubation period.

The antibody reagent (R2) is subsequently added, to the

above mixture and mixed gently. Turbidity develops due

to the reaction between the antigen and the antibody over

a short period of time. A second reading is taken at the

defined time interval (usually 2–10 minutes).

The difference ∆AS (Table 23.1) between the two

readings represents the absorbance generated as a result

of Ag-Ab reaction.

If required, the absorbance due to the reagent ∆AB

can be measured by running in parallel a reagent blank

in a separate cuvette (R) using saline in place of sample

(Table 23.2).

∆AR thus obtained of the reagent blank can be subtracted

from ∆AS of the sample to calculate the absorbance

generated due to the Ag-Ab reaction in the sample.

The reagent blank facility may not be available in many

semiautomated analyzers. However, the reagent assay

system can be optimized to provide a very low reagent

blank in order to obviate the need for correcting the

reagent blank signals which can contribute to the complete

reaction absorbance.

The principle of taking a reading just before the addition

of antibody solution (R2) is referred to as ‘true sample

blanking’ or ‘real sample blanking’.

lmmediate Mixed Blanking

In this system initially the activation buffer, sample and the

antibody reagent solution are all mixed simultaneously. Then

as fast as possible usually 10 to 20 seconds after mixing, the

first reading A1 is taken. This 10 to 20 seconds delay time

in taking a reading is referred to as lag phase. The reaction

is allowed to proceed further and the second reading A2

is measured at the preselected time interval. The increase

in absorbance ∆A (A2-A1) represents the signal generated

due to the Ag-Ab reaction (Table 23.3).

This method eliminates the need for determination of

reagent blank as it measures the increase in absorbance

after equilibration of all the reagents and sample. Hence,

absorbance generated both due to interfering substances

in the sample and the reagent would be blanked during

the first reading.

710 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations In all Ag-Ab reactions in the initial contact phase the

reaction kinetics do not follow a systematic pattern. As this

initial chaotic phase settles, the reaction pattern and the

absorbances move proportionately. This pattern depends

upon the intrinsic nature of the antibody, such as affinity,

avidity, etc. and also the concentration of the analyte being


Depending on the assay system requirements, it is

desirable that the initial chaotic phase is not included in

the measurement of absorbance. Typically, a lag phase

would vary from ten to thirty seconds from analyte to

analyte. It is, therefore, imperative to follow diligently the

recommended time assigned for the lag phase for precise

blanking in the “immediate mixed blanking” method.

Reaction Kinetics and its Effect on Blanking

The reaction kinetics of an antigen-antibody also guides

as to the appropriateness of the blanking system. As the

reaction kinetics is not the same for all Ag-Ab systems, for

a system with slow reaction kinetics, e.g. IgA, a first reading

10–20 seconds after mixing with the antibody is not very

critical (Fig. 23.10).

However, for a system with fast reaction kinetics, e.g.

IgG (Fig. 23.11), half of the reaction would have taken place

within 10 to 20 seconds when the first reading is taken.

Here, a poorly defined point for the first reading would be


The implications of ‘immediate mixed blanking’ can be

demonstrated by comparing the standard curves obtained

for the six calibrators of latex enhanced reagent system for

measurement of IgA (Fig. 23.12A) and IgG (Fig. 23.12B) at

zero seconds and ten seconds, respectively.

The standard curve obtained for IgA (Fig. 23.12A) is

practically not affected by the difference between the two

ways of blanking indicating that a delay of ten seconds is

not very significant.

Whereas for a non-enhanced system with fast reaction

kinetics for measurement of analytes such as IgG

(Fig. 23.12B), a delay of 10 seconds becomes very critical.

There is considerable signal development during the

first ten seconds. This results in decreased difference

between A1 and A2 (Fig. 23.11). The loss of signal increases

with increasing concentration of IgG in the calibrators.

It can be observed from Fig. 23.12B that the curve for

“immediate mixed blanking” tends to get flatter with the

increasing concentration of IgG, resulting in a decrease in

the precision of the analysis.

It would be desirable to optimize both slow reacting systems

and assay systems based on particle enhanced turbidimetry

(latex-based assays) where the reagent absorbance is very

high, based on “immediate mixed blanking”.

Whereas for systems with fast reaction kinetics such as

IgG, the assays should be optimized using the “real sample

blanking” principle as the sample blanking and the immunochemical reaction can be optimized separately.

Concepts of Assay Optimization

While optimizing reagent system for immunoturbidimetric

assays, it is important to optimize the dose-response

curve by titerating the amount of sample (antigen) and

the antibody concentration in the reagent until a doseresponse curve as shown in Figure 23.13, is obtained.



reading (A1)


reading (A2)




due to:


due to:


due to:


cuvette (S)

• Sample

• Buffer

• Sample

• Buffer

• Reagent

•  Immune


• Reagent

•  Immune




reading (A1)


reading (A2)




due to:


due to:


due to:



• Reagent

• Sample

• Buffer

• Reagent

• Buffer

• Sample

•  Ag-Ab


•  Ag-Ab


TABLE 23.1: Real sample blanking system: using sample cuvette TABLE 23.3: Immediate mixed blanking system



reading (A1)


reading (A2)




due to:


due to:


due to:


cuvette (R)

• Buffer

•  Blank



• Buffer

•  Blank


• Reagent

• Reagent

TABLE 23.2: Real sample blanking system: using reagent cuvette

Diagnostic Immunology 711

A portion of the antibody excess zone of dose-response

curve is then selected as the “range for the standard curve”.

Detection Limit

The lowest concentration of an antigen, which gives a

detectable signal compared to the background noise, is

defined as the detection limit or analytical sensitivity of the

analysis. It is defined as the minimum concentration of

analyte that is statistically unlikely to form part of the range

of signals seen in absence of analyte. Usually, the detection

limit is set as the lowest signal where the standard deviation

around that signal is less than one third of the signal itself.

The lowest concentration selected for the calibration of the

assay is usually above the detection limit.

Measuring Range

As long as the analyte signal is higher than the signal of the

lowest calibrator and lower than the signal of the highest


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