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¾ Provides efficient utilization of bench space—easy to clean work surfaces all on one level ¾ Incorporates processed tissue storage, cassette opening and base ¾ Wax temperature can be preset and monitored continually on digital display—can also be switched to



Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) Reaction

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Cut paraffin sections at 6 microns.


Coleman’s Feulgen Reagent

Dissolve 1 g of basic fuchsin in 200 cc hot distilled water.

Bring to boiling point. Cool and add 2 g potassium

metabisulfite, and 10 cc normal hydrochloric acid. Let

bleach for 24 hours, then add 0.5 g activated carbon.

Shake 1 minute and filter through coarse filter paper.

Repeat filtration until solution is colorless. Store in a



Schiff’s Leuko-Fuchsin Solution

Dissolve 1 g basic fuchsin in 200 cc hot distilled water. Bring

to boiling point. Cool to 50oC. Filter and add 20 cc normal

hydrochloric acid. Cool further and add 1 g anhydrous

sodium bisulfite, or sodium metabisulphite. Keep in the

dark for 48 hours until solution becomes straw colored.

Store in refrigerator.

Test for Schiff’s Leuko-Fuchsin Solution

Pour a few drops of Schiff’s solution into 10 cc of 37–40%

formaldehyde in a watch glass. If the solution turns

reddish purple rapidly, it is good. If the reaction is delayed

and the resultant color deep blue-purple, the solution is

breaking down.

Normal Hydrochloric Acid Solution

Hydrochloric acid, Concentrated specific gravity

1.19 83.5 cc

Distilled water 916.5 cc

0.2% Light Green counterstain (Stock)

Light green crystals 0.2 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Glacial acetic acid 0.2 cc

Working Light Green Solution

Light green, stock solution 10 cc

Distilled water 50 cc

Diastase Solution

Diastase 0.5 g

Distilled water, sterile 100 cc

Store in refrigerator. Good for 1 week.

(Instead of diastase solution, one can use one’s own saliva).

Staining Procedure

1. Xylene.

2. Absolute alcohol.

3. Alcohol 95%.

4. Rinse in distilled water.

 (If PAS reaction with digestion is needed, place

sections in 0.5% diastase for 20 minutes. Saliva can

also be used. Rinse in running tap water 10 minutes,

and wash in distilled water).

5. Periodic acid solution for 5 minutes (oxidizer).

6. Rinse in distilled water.

7. Place in Coleman’s Feulgen or Schiff’s leuko-fuchsin

for 15 minutes.

8. Place in running tap water for 10 minutes for pink

color to develop.

9. Stain in Harris’s hematoxylin for 6 minutes or light

green counterstain for a few seconds. Light green is

recommended for counterstaining sections in which

fungi are to be demonstrated. Omit steps 10 through

14 if light green is used.

10. Rinse in tap water.

11. Differentiate in acid alcohol—3 to 10 quick dips.

12. Wash in tap water.

13. Dip in ammonia water to blue sections.

14. Wash in running tap water for 10 minutes.

15. Alcohol, 95%.

16. Absolute alcohol—2 changes.

17. Xylene—2 changes.

18. Mount in DPX.


Glycogen, mucin, hyaluronic acid, reticulin, fibrin or

thrombi, colloid droplets, hyaline of arteriosclerosis,

804 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations hyaline deposits in glomeruli, cells in renal arterioles where

preserved, most basement membranes, colloid of pituitary

stalks and thyroid, amyloid infiltration and other elements

may show a positive reaction—rose to purplish red.



Background—pale green (with light green counterstain).

Mayer’s Mucicarmine Stain

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Cut paraffin section at 6 microns.


Weigert’s Iron Hematoxylin

Solution A

Hematoxylin 1 g

Alcohol, 95% 100 cc

Solution B

Ferric chloride 29% aqueous

solution 4 cc

Distilled water 95 cc

Hydrochloric acid, concentrated 1 cc

Working Solution

Equal parts of solutions A and B. Prepare fresh.

Metanil Yellow Solution

Metanil yellow 0.25 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Glacial acetic acid 0.25 g

Mucicarmine Stain

Carmine 1 g

Aluminum chloride, anhydrous 0.5 g

Distilled water 2 cc

Mix stain in small test tube. Heat over small flame for 2

minutes. Liquid becomes almost black and syrupy. Dilute

with 100 cc of 50 % alcohol and let stand for 25 hours. Filter.

Dilute 1 to 4 with tap water for use.

Staining Procedure

1. Deparaffinize sections through 2 changes of xylene,

absolute and 95% alcohol to distilled water as usual.

Remove mercury precipitates through iodine and

hyposolutions if necessary.

2. Stain for 7 minutes in working solution of Weigert’s


3. Wash in tap water for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Place in diluted mucicarmine solution for 30 to 60

minutes or longer.

 Check control slide with microscope after 30 minutes.

5. Rinse quickly in distilled water.

6. Stain in metanil yellow solution for 1 minute.

7. Rinse quickly in distilled water.

8. Rinse quickly in 95% alcohol.

9. Dehydrate in 2 changes of absolute alcohol, clear with

2 to 3 changes of xylene, and mount in DPX.


Mucin—deep rose to red


Other tissue elements—yellow.

Crystal Violet Amyloid Stain

Fixation: Formalin

Technique: Cut paraffin sections at 6 microns.


Stock Crystal Violet Solution

Crystal violet-to saturateapproximately 14 g

Alcohol, 95% 100 cc

Working Crystal Violet Solution

Crystal violet, stock solution 10 cc

Distilled water 300 cc

Hydrochloric acid, concentrated 1 cc

Abopon Mounting Medium

Abopon 50 g

Distilled water 25 cc

Dissolve with the aid of heat.

If this medium cannot be obtained, then put a drop of water

on the section to be seen and examine under microscope.

Staining Procedure

1. Deparaffinize sections through 2 changes of xylene,

absolute and 95% alcohol to distilled water as usual.

2. Stain in working crystal violet solution for 1 to 2

minutes. Use control slide. Check with microscope.

3. Rinse well in tap water.

4. Mount in Abopon.

5. Seal edges of coverslip with nail polish.


Amyloid—purplish violet

Other tissue elements—blue.

Von Kossa’s Method for Demonstrating Calcium

Fixation: Alcohol or 10% formalin. Alcohols are preferred.

Technique: Cut paraffin sections at 6 microns.

Histopathology 805


5% Silver Nitrate Solution

Silver nitrate 5 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Solution stable only for 2 weeks.

5% Sodium Thiosulfate Solution

Sodium thiosulfate 5 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) Stain

Dissolve 0.1 g nuclear fast red powder in 100 cc of a 5%

aqueous aluminum sulfate solution with the aid of heat.

Cool and filter. Add a crystal of thymol as preservative.

Keeps well at room temperature. Can be reused.

Staining Procedure

1. Deparaffinize sections through 2 changes of xylene,

absolute and 95% alcohols to distilled water.

2. Place in 5% silver nitrate solution for 30 to 60 minutes

exposed to direct sunlight, ultraviolet lamp, or a 100

watt desk lamp light. Use chemically clean container.

3. Rinse in distilled water.

4. Place in 5% solution thiosulfate for 2 to 3 minutes.

5. Wash well in distilled water.

6. Counterstain in nuclear fast red for 5 minutes.

7. Wash in distilled water.

8. Dehydrate with 2 changes of 95% alcohol, absolute

alcohol, clear with 2 changes of xylene and mount in



Calcium salts—black


Cytoplasm—pink to rose.

Ziehl-Neelsen Stain for Acid-Fast Bacteria

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Paraffin sections at 4 to 6 microns.


Carbol Fuchsin solution

Acid carbolic, white fused

crystals, melted 2.5 cc

Alcohol, absolute 5 cc

Basic fuchsin 0.5 g

Distilled water 50 cc

Store at room temperature. Filter before use.

1% Acid Alcohol

Hydrochloric acid, concentrated 1 cc

Alcohol, 70% 99 cc


1% Sulfuric Acid Water

Sulfuric acid concentrated 1 cc

Distilled water 99 cc

Working Methylene Blue Solution

Methylene blue 0.5 g

Glacial acetic acid, concentrated 0.5 cc

Tap water 100 cc

Staining Procedure

1. Deparaffinize sections through 2 changes of xylene,

and run through absolute and 95% alcohols to distilled

water as usual. Remove mercury precipitates through

iodine and hyposolutions, if necessary.

2. Stain sections with carbol fuchsin solution for 10

minutes. Filter solution before use.

3. Rinse well in tap water.

4. Decolorize with 1% acid alcohol or 1% sulfuric acid

water, until sections are pale pink.

5. Wash thoroughly with running water for 8 minutes.

6. Counterstain by dipping one slide at a time in working

methylene blue solution. Sections should be pale blue.

Overstaining will mask bacilli.

7. Wash with tap water and distilled water.

8. Dehydrate with 2 changes of 95% alcohol and absolute

alcohol, clear with 2 changes of xylene, and mount in



Acid-fast bacilli—bright red.


Other tissue elements—pale blue.


Hypercenter (Shandon)

Modular enclosed tissue processing system:

¾ A unique, safe, totally enclosed system that will not

release vapors into the laboratory during processing

¾ Keyboard programing and memory with video display

and simple touch button controls accept ordinary


¾ Separate command, reaction and storage modules

offer flexible choice of layouts

¾ One command module can control up to 5 reaction and

storage modules independently and simultaneously

¾ Nine programs per reaction module—total capacity 45

programs, each of which can be recalled instantly

¾ Programs can be monitored at every stage.

806 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Histocenter (Shandon)

Integrated tissue embedding center:

¾ Provides efficient utilization of bench space—easy to

clean work surfaces all on one level

¾ Incorporates processed tissue storage, cassette opening

and base

¾ Wax temperature can be preset and monitored

continually on digital display—can also be switched to

monitor hotplate temperature

¾ Wax dispenser can be foot operated leaving both hands


¾ Wax flow rate easily adjusted with nozzle heated to

prevent wax solidifying

¾ Illuminated work area and integral magnifier.

2 LE (Shandon)

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