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dark because ammonia decolorizes them slightly. 6. Place in working solution of carmine for 20 to 30 minutes. Carry a control slide for checking. 7. Place for a few seconds in the differentiating solution.


Verhoff’s Elastic Stain

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Paraffin, sections to be cut at 6 microns.


Elastic Tissue Stain

Dissolve 1 g of hematoxylin in 22 cc of absolute alcohol in

an open dish on a hot plate. Cool, filter and add 8 cc of a

10% aqueous solution of ferric chloride and 8 cc of iodine

solution (2 g iodine, 4 g potassium iodide dissolved in

100 cc of distilled water). Always use freshly made

solutions for better results.

Ferric Chloride Solution

Ferric chloride 2 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Van Gieson’s Stain

Acid fuchsin, aqueous solution 1% 5 cc

Saturated aqueous solution picric acid 100 cc

Sodium Thiosulfate (Hypo) Solution

Sodium thiosulfate 5 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Staining Procedure

1. As usual deparaffinize and take to water.

2. Verhoff’s elastic tissue stain for 15 minutes.

3. Wash in distilled water.

Histopathology 801

4. Differentiate in 2% ferric chloride__only a few minutes.

Check under microscope and if differentiated too far,


5. Place in 5% sodium thiosulfate for 1 minute.

6. Wash in tap water 5 minutes.

7. Counterstain in van Gieson’s stain for 1 minute.

8. Absolute alcohol—2 changes.

9. Xylene—2 changes.

10. Mount in DPX.


Elastic fibers—blue-black to black

Nuclei—blue to black


Other tissue elements—yellow.

Wilder’s Reticulin Stain

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Paraffin. Sections cut at 6 to 10 microns.


Phosphomolybdic Acid Solution

Phosphomolybdic acid 10 mg

Distilled water 100 cc.

Uranium Nitrate Solution

Uranium nitrate 1 g

Distilled water 100 cc.

Ammoniacal Silver Solution

To 5 cc of 10.2% aqueous solution of silver nitrate, add

28% ammonia water, drop by drop, until the precipitate

which forms is almost dissolved. Add 5 cc of 3.1% sodium

hydroxide and barely dissolve the resulting precipitate with

a few drops of ammonia water. Make the solution up to 50 cc

with distilled water. Use at once. Glassware must be clean.

Reducing Solution

Distilled water 50 cc

Neutral formaldehyde, 40% 0.5 cc

Uranium nitrate 1% aqueous solution

(Make fresh just before use) 1.5 cc.

Gold Chloride Solution

 Gold chloride solution, 1%

 [Break glass vial (15 grains) in graduated cylinder with

100 cc distilled water for 10% solution]

 Distilled water 40 cc.

Sodium Thiosulfate (Hypo) Solution

Sodium thiosulfate 5 g

Distilled water 100 cc.

Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) Stain

Dissolve 0.1 g nuclear fast red in 100 cc of a 5% solution of

aluminum sulfate with aid of heat. Cool, filter, add grain of

thymol as a preservative.

Staining Procedure

1. Xylene, absolute alcohol, 95% alcohol, distilled water.

2. Remove mercury precipitates if Zenker-fixed.

3. Wash well in distilled water.

4. Phosphomolybdic acid solution for 1 minute (oxidizer).

5. Rinse well in running water or cells will hold the


6. Dip in 1% aqueous uranium nitrate for 5 seconds or

less (sensitizer).

7. Wash in distilled water for 10 to 20 minutes.

8. Place in ammoniacal silver solution for 1 minute.

9. Dip very quickly in 95% alcohol and go immediately


10. Reducing solution for 1 minute.

11. Rinse well in distilled water.

12. Tone in gold chloride solution for 1 minute or until

sections lose their yellow color and turn lavender.

Too much toning will make sections red. Check

individually under microscope.

13. Rinse in distilled water.

14. Place in 5% sodium thiosulfate for 1 to 5 minutes.

15. Wash well in tap water.

16. Counterstain, if desired, with alum hematoxylin

and eosin, or nuclear fast red. Rinse well in distilled


17. Alcohol, 95%.

18. Absolute alcohol—2 changes.

19. Xylene—2 changes.

20. Mount in DPX.


Reticulin fibers—black

Collagen—Rose color

Other tissue elements__depending on counter-stain used.

Fontana-Masson Stain for Argentaffin Granules

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Paraffin. Cut sections at 6 microns.


Silver Nitrate Solution (Fontana)

Dissolve 10 g of silver nitrate in 100 cc of distilled water.

To 65 cc of this solution, add ammonium hydroxide until

a clear solution with no precipitate is obtained. Add, drop

802 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations by drop, enough of the remaining 5 cc of silver nitrate

solution to cause the above solution to become slightly

cloudy. Let stand overnight before using. When ready

to use, dilute each 25 cc of silver solution with 75 cc of

distilled water and filter.

Gold Chloride Solution

Gold chloride solution 10 cc

Distilled water 40 cc

Sodium Thiosulfate Solution

Sodium thiosulfate 5 g

Distilled water 100 cc

Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) Solution

Dissolve 0.1 g of nuclear fast red in a 5% solution of

aluminum sulfate with the aid of heat. Cool, filter add a

grain of thymol as a preservative.

Staining Procedure

1. Deparaffinize and hydrate to water.

2. Immerse slides in silver nitrate solution for 1 hour at


3. Rinse in distilled water.

4. Immerse in gold chloride solution for 10 minutes.

5. Rinse in distilled water.

6. Place in sodium thiosulfate for 5 minutes.

7. Rinse in distilled water.

8. Counterstain with eosin or nuclear fast red, if desired.

Rinse in distilled water.

9. Alcohol, 95%.

10. Absolute alcohol.

11. Xylene.

12. Mount in DPX.


Argentaffin granules and melanin—black.


Oil Red O Fat Stain

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Cut frozen sections at 10 to 15 microns.

Collect in distilled water.


Oil Red O solution

Oil Red O 1 to 2 g

Alcohol, 70% 50 cc

Acetone 50 cc

Glycerin Jelly

Gelatin 10 g

Distilled water 60 cc

Heat until gelatin is dissolved. Add:

Glycerin 70 cc

Phenol 1 cc

Harris’s Hematoxylin for counterstain

Staining Procedure

1. Carry sections through on an angled glass rod.

2. Dip sections in 70% alcohol for only a second.

3. Place in oil red O in a tightly closed container for 5


4. Wash quickly in 70% alcohol-avoid folds in sections.

5. Wash in water.

6. Counterstain in Harris’s hematoxylin for a few


7. Wash in water.

8. Blue in ammonia water. If sections are too dark

when removed from the hematoxylin, they may be

differentiated in 1% acetic water for a few seconds,

then blued in ammonia water.

9. Wash in water.

10. Mount in glycerin jelly.


Fat—orange to bright red


Best’s Carmine Stain for Glycogen

Fixation: Tissue must be fixed in absolute alcohol or

Carnoy’s fluid. Since glycogen is soluble in water go directly

from fixative to the clearing agent and then to paraffin.

Technique: Paraffin. Cut sections at 6 microns.


Carmine Stock Solution

Carmine 2 g

Potassium carbonate 1 g

Potassium chloride 5 g

Distilled water 60 cc

Boil gently and cautiously for several minutes. Cook in

open dish (evaporating dish). When cool, add 20 cc of

strong ammonia water. Keep in icebox.

Working Solution of Carmine

Stock carmine solution 10 cc

Ammonia water, 28% 15 cc

Methanol 15 cc

Differentiating Solution

Absolute alcohol 20 cc

Methanol 10 cc

Distilled water 25 cc

Histopathology 803

Staining Procedure

1. Xylene, absolute alcohol.

2. Dip slides in very thin solution of celloidin—dry for a

few seconds.

3. Place in water to harden for a few seconds.

4. Stain in Harris’s hematoxylin solution for 15 minutes.

5. Differentiate in acid alcohol. Leave nuclei a little

dark because ammonia decolorizes them slightly.

6. Place in working solution of carmine for 20 to 30

minutes. Carry a control slide for checking.

7. Place for a few seconds in the differentiating solution.

8. Wash quickly in 80% alcohol.

9. Alcohol 95%.

10. Absolute alcohol—2 changes.

11. Xylene—2 changes.

12. Mount in DPX.


Glycogen—pink to red.

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