The essential reagents required for an immunoenzymometric
assay include high affinity and specificity antibodies (enzyme
conjugated and immobilized), with different and distinct
epitope recognition, in excess, and native antigen. In this
procedure, the immobilization takes place during the assay
at the surface of a microplate well through the interaction
of streptavidin-coated on the well and exogenously added
biotinylated monoclonal anti-insulin antibody.
Upon mixing monoclonal biotinylated antibody,
the enzyme-labeled antibody and a serum containing
the native antigen, reaction results between the native
antigen and the antibodies, without competition or steric
hindrance, to form a soluble sandwich complex. The
interaction is illustrated by the following equation:
BtnAb(m) = Biotinylated Monoclonal Antibody (Excess
AgINS. = Native Antigen (Variable Quantity)
EnzAb(p) = Enzyme labeled Monoclonal Antibody (Excess
EnzAb(p)-AgINS.-BtnAb(m) = Antigen Antibodies Sandwich
Ka = Rate Constant of Association
K-a = Rate Constant of Dissociation
Simultaneously, the complex is deposited to the well
through the high affinity reaction of streptavidin and
biotinylated antibody. This interaction is illustrated below:
EnzAb(p)-AgINS.-BtnAb(m) + StreptavidinC.W. ⇒
StreptavidinC.W. = Streptavidin immobilized on well
Immobilized complex = Sandwich complex bound to the
After equilibrium is attained, the antibody bound
fraction is separated from unbound antigen by decantation
or aspiration. The enzyme activity in the antibodybound
fraction is directly proportional to the native antigen
concentration. By utilizing several different serum
references of known antigen values, a dose response curve
can be generated from which the antigen concentration of
an unknown can be ascertained.
Insulin values are consistently higher in plasma than in
serum; thus, serum is preferred. Compared with fasting
values in non-obese non-diabetic individuals, insulin
levels are higher in obese non-diabetic subjects and lower
in trained athletes. Although proinsulin cross reacts with
most competitive insulin assays, there is virtually less
than 0.01% cross reaction found with proinsulin using
Monobind Insulin Microwell CIA.
Each laboratory is advised to establish its own ranges
for normal and abnormal populations. These ranges are
always dependent upon locale, population, laboratory,
technique and specificity of the method.
Based on the clinical data gathered by Monobind in
concordance with the published literature the following
ranges have been assigned. These ranges should be used
Children < 12 years < 10 µIU/mL
Adult (Normal) 0.7 – 9.0 µU/mL
Diabetic (Type II) 0.7 – 25 µIU/mL
C-peptide values are consistently higher in plasma than
in serum; thus, serum is preferred. Compared with fasting
values in non-obese non-diabetic individuals, C-peptide
levels are higher in obese nondiabetic subjects and lower
Type 1 Diabetes is mainly characterized by limited or fully
missing secretion of the hormone insulin. Morphological
studies demonstrated a destruction of the beta cells of
the so-called Langerhans’ Islet Cells in Type 1 diabetics.
Numerous researchers described the appearance of
antibodies directed against the islet cells and insulin as the
causal reason for the onset of the disease.
Anti-insulin antibodies are found in 37% of patients
with newly detected Type I Diabetes, in 4% of their
relatives of the first degree and in up to 1-5% of healthy
controls. A positive correlation between the appearance
of anti-insulin and anti-islet cell antibodies has been
Anti-insulin autoantibodies may be detected several
months and in some cases years before the onset of the
fully clinical manifestation of the diseases. Occasionally
also autoantibodies to pro-insulin may appear.
These “true” anti-insulin autoantibodies directed against
endogenous insulin have to be distinguished from those
autoantibodies which are developed in insulin-dependent
diabetics undergoing therapy with insulin preparations of
animal origin. In fact, the latter have to be referred to side
effects. These side effects may occur as local reactions of
the skin by development of insulin-specific autoantibodies.
These autoantibodies are causing the formation of an
insulin depot and they may simulate a resistance against
the hormonal treatment with animal insulin.
Anti-islet cell antibodies 32 1
Anti-insulin antibodies up to 70 0
Additionally, other immunological phenomena
have been reported for Type I diabetics. A lot of other
autoantibody specificities have been d etected in those
patients too, but these antibodies must not cause
additional autoimmune phenomenon.
¾ Anti-insulin antibodies in Type I diabetics
¾ Development of anti-insulin antibodies under insulin
In a normal range study with serum samples from healthy
blood donors, the following ranges have been established
Positive results should be verified concerning the
entire clinical status of the patient. Also, every decision for
therapy should be taken individually.
This is the process of killing and hardening. The first
phase of fixation is the rapid killing; the second phase, the
hardening of tissue. After removal, the tissue should be
put in the fixative immediately. The choice of a fixing agent
should be determined by the purpose of which the tissue
is to be stained or preserved. If several special stains may
be required, small blocks of the tissue should be fixed in
each of the following: 10% neutral formalin, Zenker’s fluid,
Bouin’s fluid and absolute alcohol or Carnoy’s fluid.
Blocks should be cut thin enough so that the fixing fluid
will penetrate the tissue in a reasonably short time. To do
this blocks should not be more than 0.5 cm thick and should
be immersed in at least 20 times their volumes of fixative.
Ten percent formalin is the most widely used fixative
because it is compatible with most stains. Length of
fixation depends on the size of blocks.
II. Buffered neutral formalin solution
Sodium phosphate monobasic 4 g
Sodium phosphate dibasic 6.5 g
Add 5 cc of glacial acetic acid to 95 cc of Zenker’s fluid
IV. Lugol’s solution (Weigert’s Modification)
Picric acid, saturated aqueous
VII. Absolute alcohol and acetone are also used as fixatives
for bacteria, glycogen, and some of the enzymes.
Bone and calcified tissue should be cut into small pieces
with a saw before fixation. After they are thoroughly fixed,
they are placed in a gauze bag tied with a string, which has
been dipped in melted paraffin. The bag is suspended in
a large quantity of decalcifying solution, at least a quart
for blocks of the average size. Stirring or agitation of the
fluid hastens decalcification. Every trace of decalcifying
solution must be removed by washing the pieces in
running water for several hours before dehydration and
1. Decalcify sections in large quantities of 5% aqueous
solution of nitric acid for 1 to 4 days. Change the
solution daily. Sections of bone may be tested by
bending, piercing with a sharp needle or X-ray.
792 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations
2. Wash in running water for 24 hours.
3. Neutralize in 10% formalin to which an excess of
calcium or magnesium carbonate has been added.
4. Wash in running water for 24 to 48 hours.
5. Dehydrate, clear and embed in either paraffin or
The method is used only for small pieces of bone, which
must be processed rapidly. Exposure of unduly long length
to nitric acid impairs or destroys nuclear staining.
Formic Acid Sodium Citrate Method
1. Decalcify for 5–14 days in formic acid-sodium citrate
solution. Change solution daily for best results.
2. Wash in running water for 4 to 8 hours.
3. Dehydrate, clear and embed.
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