On the other hand, when the size of the immune
complex to be measured is more than 1/10th the size the
wavelength of the incident light of there is concentration
of scattered light in forward direction at an angle of 45°
or less, away from the axis of the incident light beam
(Fig. 23.7). This type of scattering is referred as RayleighDebye scattering.
Careful examination of both the figures (Figs 23.6 and
23.7) show that the intensity of scattered light for forward
and back scatter (0° and 180°) from small particles is equal
but less at 90° (Rayleigh scattering). As the size of the
FIG. 23.3: Behavior of light in solution containing antigens where Io is
the intensity of incident light, lt is the intensity of transmitted light
and ‘b’ is the cuvette containing antigens in the reaction solution
particle becomes larger, the angular dependence of light
scattering becomes dissymmetrical, increasing in forward
scattering and decreasing in backward scattering.
The Rayleigh and Rayleigh-Debye expressions provide
useful information about scattering of light by small and
intermediate size particles and are important for the
optimization of analytical instrumentation for measuring
light using turbidimetric and nephelometric assays.
The upper limit on size of immune complexes exhibiting
Rayleigh scattering is about 40 nm when a visible light
at 400 nm is used. Many of the plasma proteins such as
immunoglobulins, albumin, etc. fall below this limit. As
the immune complexes, become larger in size from 40 to
400 nm, the angular dependence of scattered light at 400
nm looses the symmetry around the 90° axis, and shows
an increase in forward scattering. Some plasma proteins
of the IgM class, aggregating immunoglobulin/antigen
FIG. 23.4: Behavior of light in solution containing immune-complexes
(Ag-Ab), where lo is the intensity of incident light, lt
of transmitted light, ls is the intensity of scattered light and ‘b’ is the
cuvette containing immune-♥complexes in the reaction solution
FIG. 23.6: Illustrating Rayleigh scattering for a immune complex
with particle size < λ10 of the wavelength of incident light
FIG. 23.5: Detection principles in turbidimetry and nephelometry
where Io is the intensity of incident light, ‘b’ is the reaction cuvette, lt
is the intensity of transmitted light measured by detector at 180°, ls is
the intensity of scattered light measured by detectors placed at 90°
FIG. 23.7: Illustrating Rayleigh-Debye scattering for a immune
complex with particle size > λ10 of the wavelength of incident light
complexes a bigger wavelength of light depending on the
size of the immune complexes formed, should be used. For
latex based assays using a latex particle of approximately
200–300 nm, light of wavelength between 500–600 nm
would be ideal for measuring the immune complexes
Selection of Selection of Selection of
The choice between turbidimetry and nephelometry will
depend on application and the available instrumentation.
Until recently, it was assumed that for relatively clear
solutions in which the transmission of light in the forward
direction is greater than 95% small changes in absorption
due to turbidity were difficult to measure with precision.
The stability and resolution of modern microprocessor
driven spectrophotometers and automated clinical
chemistry analyzers have greatly improved their ability
to measure turbidity with dependable accuracy and
precision. Turbidimetric methods have today become
competitive in sensitivity with nephelometric methods for
immunological quantitation of such solutions.
For some analytes, the signal amplification and assay
sensitivity requires the usage of conjugation chemistry
to attach antibodies to inert and uniform latex particles.
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